I Am Hellscream

Chapter 364 Dorag asks for help off the court.

As time went by, the New World war was as expected by everyone, and there was no accident at all.

As long as the Beasts Pirates ship meets the bigmom pirates ship at sea, it will send two shells to the other party for fun, and then go on.

The same is true for the Bigmom Pirate Ship.

Although this war has been started, the level does not seem to be very high. The cadres on both sides are deliberately confining this kind of battle to their subordinates, and it is rare to see high-level cadres taking action.

Even Beasts Pirates’ three plagues, such as the iconic cadres and the generals of the Charlotte family, haven’t left their territory much.

Therefore, although the war was started, it was still in a state of restraint for a short time, and both sides seemed to be testing the strength of the opposing side.

At the same time, the bigm om pirates also issued a warning to the revolutionary army, warning them to immediately return the stolen road signs and historical texts, and to give a certain amount of compensation, otherwise, they will go to war with them in the New World.

I have to say that the people of the bigmom pirate group are also very confident. On the one hand, they have to fight for face with Kaido, and on the other hand, they unceremoniously threaten the revolutionary army.

This guy Dorag actually has a lot of activities in New World. After all, the control and influence of the World government in New World is much weaker than other sea areas, so their revolutionary army can also develop there. Space and resources, and it’s easy to stand up in the countries destroyed by pirates

Originally, all of this should be beautiful. Originally, this New World should be the "base" of their revolutionary army, but now it is inexplicably detained in a ``black pot'', so that bigmom, which originally had nothing to do with them The Pirate Group became its own enemy.

This made Dorag feel very annoying, and because the bigmom pirates didn't care about the loss of this kind of information leakage in the historical text of their road signs, they forcefully announced their declaration and asked their revolutionary army to return the things. Go to war.

So much so that the various 193 processes of their revolutionary army in New World have been hit by a lot. Some corner organizations are also happy to use each other with their revolutionary army. Now the revolutionary army has angered Four Emperors-Charlotte in New World.

Special-Linlin, before this matter is over, few people will bet on the revolutionary army

The Island of White Earth-Barudi, Dorag, who has not been able to alleviate the situation through various means, is really exhausted at this time, and at the same time hates the mysterious behind-the-scenes man who threw the "pot" to him. Teeth itchy.

Finally, this guy decided to contact Gromash, the'surface ally'. He wanted to see if he could get any useful information from Gromash, and then find out the black hand behind the scenes and return the'black pot' to them. .

Just as Charlotte-Linlin had never doubted Gromash, although Dorag thought that Gromash should know something, he didn't substitute him in the position of "behind the scenes" because he was really not suspected of Gromash.

At this time, Gromash had already returned to the City of Seven Waters.

Today’s City of Seven Waters is like a “City in the Clouds. At this time, if you look at the City of Seven Waters from the sea level, it really feels like a "Wonderland in the Clouds".

There are races from all over the world on the streets of the City of Seven Waters, and you can occasionally see the figure of the Giants, and because there are also many large people in the Murloc and Mermaid tribes, the transformation of the City of Seven Waters In the process, the architectural style of the City of Seven Waters is gradually developing in the direction of the'majestic' of The fish men island, no matter what you are.

What race does the house live in? In short, I will first build a beam of ten meters high for you, so that anyone can come in and sit.

So even the giants can live comfortably here.

The main reason why there are so many people of various ethnic groups in the city of seven waters is because the real practice here is egalitarianism. The islands or countries are different. This is an island dominated by the Frostwolf Pirates. Everything else is fine. If you commit a "race

"Discrimination" will not follow you too much legal process, saying that if you take your skin and hang you on the street, you will be hanged on the street, and you will not talk nonsense with you at all.

It is precisely because of this high-pressure policy, coupled with the large number of benefits and benefits brought by "egalitarianism", that the people in the Capital of Seven Waters subtly approve of this policy, and it is not only the people who are discriminated against in this world. Murlocs and mermaid tribes, like fur tribes, three-eyed tribes, and mixed races of various tribes are also in a state of discrimination, but

It's not as serious as the murlocs and merfolks.

Once the discriminated person finds an "equal place" like the Capital of Seven Waters, they will regard it as their paradise. That's why so many people of all ethnic groups gather here.

In the large design room of Master Tom, Gromash is looking at the design drawing on the projection, and is constantly thinking about something under his chin.

After a long time, he smiled and said, "I have to say, if you decide to do this, it must be an epic project..."

Gromash wanted to let Master Tom study something like "sky train" to truly connect the three realms of land, sea and air.

But this idea is still a bit'exaggerated.' Although the so-called'sky train' has certain feasibility, it is too dangerous.

So after these years of painstaking research, Master Tom finally designed a brand new plan.

In this construction, the City of Seven Waters still assumes the status of the'central', and in the sky of the City of Seven Waters, the artificial small Sky Island similar to the "Visalia Island" will be used for Build a "stairway" leading to the White Sea and even the "True Sky Island" on the White Sea.

That's right, it is to use a large number of "small Sky Island" to form a stepped appearance, gradually "accumulate" from the capital of the seven waters to the Sky Island.

And between these small Sky Island, things like the "cloud channel" used when the White Sea rises into the White Sea will be used to link each other.

And this kind of link is going to be completed with a spirally rising'sky train'

Letting the train run on the "cloud track" is also a challenge for Master Tom, but the danger in this design has indeed been reduced a lot. Even if something goes wrong, it is also a'stage problem' (abdi), such as There is something wrong with the link between a small Sky Island and another small Sky Island, without a point collapse, and the entire line is collapsed.


Therefore, Gromash still recognizes this design. Although it looks a bit simple and there are not so many new technologies born, it is practical. Sometimes advanced technologies are not necessarily better than old technologies, right?

After hearing Gromash's words, Master Tom was also a little embarrassed. Indeed, to build a project of this scale, the financial resources spent must be astronomical.

After all, this ten thousand meters high in the sky, less to say, you have to connect three or four islands, and this is only the sky above the City of Seven Waters.

Once the project is expanded, such as in Gaya Island, it is equivalent to Gromash to transform more than a dozen islands, and even the number will be expanded in the future.

After all, this island can’t just be put on the “original ecology”?? The last time it has to be transformed into a “transit station” scale, if you want to expand the future benefits, you have to work harder on the “features”, such as Create a signature island like "Sky Hot Spring Island"

The investment in this can be huge, otherwise it will not be evaluated by Gromash as an "epic project."

Therefore, Master Tom also embarrassedly said: "His Royal Highness, although the cost of this may be astronomical, the future benefits are also very ambitious. Similarly, once this project is completed, it will be completely penetrated. The "gulf" between the sky and the sea and even the deep sea, so as to complete your "strategic goal..."

Although Gromash has money, if he really wants to start this kind of project, his current financial resources will also hurt his bones, so he thought about it and said, "Monet, go get the phone worm, I want Ask this guy Tezolo, when will his golden city be opened???? I can’t wait for the landlord’s house to have no more food.


That's right, Gromash has decided to start this kind of "epic project", but before that, the Golden City must be put into operation first, otherwise, he really can't handle this kind of financial pressure. If the capital chain is broken, the consequences will be very terrifying.

After Monet heard Gromash's words, he quickly took out a phone bug from his backpack, but before she could call Tezolo, the phone bug suddenly screamed. , It frightened Monet a little.

Then Monet looked at the signal wave of the phone bug, looked at Gromash and said, "The captain... is a member of the revolutionary army, it should be Doragxian."

Gromash was stunned when he heard the words, and then he said, "Is this guy finally unable to withstand the pressure???

Gromash also thought that with the current situation, Dorag would contact him Gromash sooner or later. After all, he is Dorag's'surface ally', and he is also a witness to the'confusing' incident on Cake Island. If Rager doesn't know what's in his head, he might really come to him for a'consultation'.

So Gromash was not surprised at this time, and there was a very evil smile on his mouth.

Since it has been anticipated that the fellow Dorag might come to him for'consultation' questions, then with his uncle Gromash's character, how could he not prepare and speak accordingly?

Anyway, this "pot" is impossible for him to admit, so he has to find a "back pot" for Dorag

"Jiehahahahaha, bring it here, I've been waiting for him, this phone bug, too. Master Tom, we will talk about our problems later," Gromash said with a laugh.

And Master Tom also nodded very wisely and said: "Then don't disturb your business for now, just wait for you to greet me at any time after you are finished."

Under Gromash's nod, Master Tom quickly quit his design room, leaving time and space to Gromash.

Then Gromash picked up the phone bug from Dorag, smiled and said, "Jiehahahaha, Dorag, contact me at this time, is it because I want to borrow Robin from me to interpret your bigmom Has the historical text of the road signs stolen from the hands of the Pirates stolen??"

When Dorag heard what Gromash said, his expression turned dark, and then he said helplessly: "Did you also believe that I did this thing about Gromash??"

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