I Am Hellscream

Chapter 377 Father and son of the Monkey family.

On the sea train "Harmony" that was rushing towards Gaya Island, Gromash was listening to the phone worm in the hands of the little secretary Monet. He didn't evade anything, because the people on the sea train at this time They are all his true self and family.

"Onii-san, why haven't you arrived yet?? I just found a brand new coffee bean from the Shandia tribe, and I will make you a delicious cup of coffee when you come!" Gromash Shyarly's baby sister's voice came in from the other side of the phone worm.

And there is also the voice of Arlong, the'stupid brother', who seems to be complaining about Shyarly not making him coffee...

Gromash was a little helpless after hearing these voices. He himself didn't like coffee very much. The guy Arlong often wanted to drink Shyarly's coffee, but he just couldn't drink it. Sometimes Gromash really wanted to change with Arlong. identity.

After chatting for a few words, Shyarly said again: "By the way, onii-san, Brother Joz told me to report to you. Just now, Mr. Vice Admiral- Monkey-D- Garp, the hero of Naval Headquarters, almost followed him in the villa area. Brother Shanks started fighting. Thanks to the appearance of Uncle Rayleigh, the storm was stopped, but between our Frostwolf Pirates and Uncle Rayleigh

The relationship has also been exposed."

After Gromash heard these words, he first touched his chin, then thought for a while and said: "It's okay, Rayleigh is now a'harmless' person to the World government, and he can come this time. Participating in the opening ceremony of the Golden City itself is very likely to be exposed. Since Mr. Rayleigh doesn't care about him, we have no need to cover up.

Yes, the World government knows that we have connections with some members of the Roger Pirates. For example, Shanks now has a Rayleigh and it’s no big deal. They won’t bother us because of this. "

After talking about this, Gromash thought for a while, paused and said again: "But I still try to keep Shanks and Garp Vice Admiral together as little as possible. Garp Vice Admiral is not stingy, he is in Naval Headquarters. Malinford is domineering, don't say I can't cure him

Even Sengoku's Marine's general can't control him. If he has a hob meat like him, it's better not to provoke him."

To say that this guy Garp, relying on his behavior and the "cheating son of Dorag", replaced by a general Marine general, has long been rubbed on the ground by the World government, killing him several times.

I think that at the beginning, the One Piece King Roger was dead, and the World government had to spend a lot of money to destroy his family. Nowadays, Dorag is a more hateful person to the World government than Roger. After all, he is classified by the World government as " The most murderous criminal in the world', but Dorag's bloodline can be preserved, and Laozi Garp can still be the Marine boss.

See how special this fellow Garp is in the world government.

The world government can't help him, Uncle Garp, and Gromash is not ready to provoke this troublesome character, so he can only arrange for him to contact Shanks as little as possible, otherwise it will cause an accident, and his Uncle Gromash can only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach. Now.. I really feel wronged-.

After hearing Gromash's words, Shyarly quickly said, "I know, onii-san, I will tell them to Brother Joz."

After hanging up the phone worm, Princess Otohime looked at Gromash with some emotion and said, "Back then, you were a little guy who couldn't eat enough to eat in Murloc Street. In a blink of an eye, you have become It’s a top-notch big man, and between words and words, the characters mentioned are those that it is difficult for ordinary people to meet."

"Jiehahahaha, Your Highness is talking and laughing again, no matter how you change, am I still your junior??" Gromash said with a smile.

After Gromash said these words, his expression changed slightly, frowning and looking in the direction of the sea. Seeing the changes in Gromash, the rest of the people were also vigilant. After waiting for a while, Gromash opened his mouth and said: " Monet, go and notify the guards to temporarily lift the alert, open the skylight on the top of the car, and we have a guest."

Although Monet didn't know who the "guest" Gromash was talking about, she nodded quickly, and then left the carriage to follow Gromash's orders.

Until then, Princess Otohime asked, "Gromash, who is here??"

"Well, I was talking about his father just now. It's a coincidence that the son is here in a blink of an eye." Gromash smiled and said.

Princess Otohime was taken aback for a moment, and then she was a little surprised and said, "Is it the leader of the revolutionary army-Monkey-D-Dorag??"

On the other side, Monet also opened the skylight on the carriage and walked up from the elevator to the small bunker on the top of the carriage. She looked around the sea with some doubts, but did not see any ships or the like. Shadow, just when she felt that her captain made a mistake, a sea breeze blew across the roof of the car, and then

Monet seemed to have a gap. He quickly pulled out the seven poems from his waist in his hand, and the ability of the illusion fruit was also activated. The surrounding scene changed instantly. The seven buckets in his hand turned in the same direction.

At this moment, the empty place suddenly revealed a man wearing a dark green trench coat and a Kabuto hat, covering most of his face.

This man was the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, and saw that he stretched out his hand from the five phantoms, and found Monet's true body, and grasped the sharp dagger very accurately. Then Dorag smiled and said, "Miss Monet, I always thought you were just a civilian by Gromash.

Also so powerful"

"Mr. Dorag, why do you have to be so mysterious every time you show up??" Monet frowned with dissatisfaction, and then activated his power again, only to see that she was originally by Dorag. The dagger he was holding turned into a phantom, and after being free from Dorag's grip, it turned into a'real' dagger again.

With Monet's calm hand, even Dorag was a little surprised. Then he looked at Monet and said with some emotion: "Sure enough, no one around that guy can underestimate your ability. Can the real thing be transformed into reality?

"It's just a little trick, Mr. Dorag, please come with me, the captain is already waiting for you..." After showing his hand, Monet also said with a little proud smile.

Then she led the fellow Dorag to the carriage where they were in Gromash.

After hearing the door opening of the carriage, Gromash said without turning his head: "Just now you said that your father Garp Vice Admiral almost had a fight with Shanks on Gaya Island, and your fellow appeared. , Are you two father and son here specifically to trouble me??"

"Oh?? I don't remember when I caused you trouble, Gromash" Dorag smiled and took off his Kabuto hat, revealing his face.

Before Gromash could speak, Dorag said very politely: "When we first met, Princess Otohime and Princess Shirahoshi, the leader of the revolutionary army, Monkey-D-Dorag, our revolution The army also appreciates the support of the comrades of the merman and mermaid tribe. I would like to express my gratitude to The fish men island."

The news of Tiger Boss before joining the Revolutionary Army, Gromash did not tell the people in Dragon Palace. After all, Tiger Boss himself was not prepared to tell anyone at the time, Gromash would naturally not talk too much, but after he joined the Revolutionary Army , He didn't hide anything from the Neptune royal family anymore. After all, his relationship with Dragon Palace is also very good.

I have become a revolutionary army, and maybe it will cause some trouble to Dragon Palace in the future. If you don't say hello first, it will be more regrettable.

0-seeking flowers...

Therefore, Princess Otohime is also very clear about what Dorag is talking about, so she smiled decently, and said, "Tiger and Haku, and the rest of our compatriots in The fish men island, also thank you so much. Mr. Lager, you took care of it..."

After Dorag and Princess Otohime both greeted each other, Gromash slowly picked up his teacup and said softly: "When I saw Boss Tiger a few days ago, he also said that your revolutionary army is now I'm so busy, why didn't you see me in the past few days, you, the leading boss, ran out of New World??"

"Hahahaha, thanks to you, due to the opening of your Golden City, the chaos in New World has gradually subsided, and the Stussy World government's Happy Street forces in New World have been almost wiped out by us, so I can be regarded as Let's relax a little bit." Dorag said in a very good mood.

However, it is not without reason that he is in such a good mood. New World is the place where the revolutionary army focuses on "revolution." After all, the control of the World government there is much more declining than the rest of the sea, and the more chaotic it is. In places, the easier it is to spread the ideas of their revolutionary army. If everyone is living well, prosperous and stable,

Who is so idle and okay to make revolution with them??


Now, thanks to Gromash's "blessing", they changed from passive to active in this event in New World, and even teamed up with the Four Emperors-level bigmom pirates to bring the joy of World government in New World for many years. The ins and outs of the street forces can be regarded as opening up a wider space for their revolutionary army in New World. He can not be high.


"I heard that Stussy ran away??" Gromash asked with some confusion.

After hearing Gromash's question, Dorag nodded and said, "Well, yes, although we fought a raid and destroyed most of their forces in Happy Street without preparation, but Stussy is also A powerful guy, she escaped from New World, and now it is estimated that she has returned to the World government..."

"That's really a pity," * Gromash said with a smile.

I don't know if it was because Gromash" helped Dorrag this time. Dorrag seemed to have adjusted Gromash's positioning again. At this time, his tone and attitude were obviously closer than before.

Although Gromash felt this, he was not overly positive, but in general, this is also a good thing.

After taking a sip of tea, Gromash said to Dorag, "So, are you here to attend the opening ceremony of my Golden City this time???"

Dorag smiled and said, "Of course it is, otherwise what am I doing?? Didn't you ask Mr. Tiger to send me the invitation letter???"

"Jiehahahaha, I just give it away. You guys really dare to come, aren't you afraid that the World government will catch you??" Gromash said with a laugh.

And Dorage also smiled, and then continued: "This is also a temptation to see if the'neutral zone' of your Golden City is enough. If my "world's most murderous criminal" appears at the opening ceremony, If the World government has not done anything, it means that it is indeed safe here.. In the future, our revolutionary army will be considered as one more.

The upright "stationary point" isn't it???"

"Hey, Dorag, I said it all, you guy, don't think about pulling me into the water all day? The Golden City won't be your revolutionary army station," Gromash said immediately.

"Then it is always okay for our people to be guests there??" Dorag said with a smile.

"Then it depends on your consumption level. Jiehahahahaha." Gromash said with a big smile. small.

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