I Am Hellscream

Chapter 392 Son of One Piece!

Newgate's physical condition is getting worse, which is both good and bad for Gromash. The good news is that Newgate, the mountain that symbolizes the peak of the pirates, is about to be hollowed out by the Luoyang shovel of "time". , His age is not young, decades of pirate career has allowed him to experience countless battles, large and small, and he has countless injuries.

The pain was in the body, even if someone with the ability of Marko's'healing system' followed him to heal, it couldn't change the fact that there were too many hidden injuries in his body.

The name of this "world's strongest man" is not what everyone brags about, but he really punched and punched it with one knife. As a price for the handsome and handsome name of Haki, his body The situation is naturally not very good.

When Newgate falls, this old era is over, and a new era will come, which is a good thing for Gromash.

Of course, the fall of this mountain will also have an adverse effect on Gromash, that is, his time has become more compact. Newgate is a benchmark of the era, and his fall naturally represents the old era. The demise of the world, and want to "shine and shine in the surging new era, Gromash, of course, has to put its self before Newgate falls."

Armed yourself well and become a protagonist who can really sing on the stage and lead the times. Otherwise, everything is useless. It is better to let Newgate continue to stand there.

"The most unacceptable thing in this world is probably this. "The hero is late, the beauty is white." Even if it is my enemy and opponent, I am a bit surprised at the lateness of a hero like Newgate, but this belongs to The era of'Whitebeard' is coming to an end after all." Gromash murmured slightly with emotion.

Even Hancock, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but whispered: "Even if we are far away from the Amazon-Lily, the source of the dispute, the Grand Line, we can still feel that the pace of the times is getting closer."

However, Newgate is just starting to hang the bottle. It is still a while before he completely lie down. Therefore, it is still a bit premature to think about this. After everything was cleared out of his mind, Gromash spoke again, "Is there anything else happening??"

After hearing Gromash's question, Robin's expression straightened up, and then he said: "Captain, you asked us to observe the situation in the hometown of Garp Vice Admiral's "Windmill Village" in East Blue. Now this Windmill Village is really true. Some changes have occurred"

Gromash's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and counting the time, it's time for the'child of the age' to appear, so Gromash was very interested and asked, "What happened?~?"

"The righteous grandson of Garp Vice Admiral, the blood relative of One Piece King Gore-D. Roger, the kid aliased as "Portkas-D-Ace", flying his own Pirate Flag, left Windmill Village and walked towards The pirate’s path is now..." Robin said softly, after having been with Gromash for so many years, Robin naturally knew some of the secrets of the world, such as Roger's blood still circulating.

What's the matter

As a turning point of the times, Portgas-D-Ace is of course the object of Gromash's focus. For Gromash, Ace's every move is very meaningful, even more than the "protagonist of the era" Monkey-D. Luffy has significance.

After all, Ace is the fuse of the future Naval Headquarters-Malinford's "war on top", and is also a key figure in the replacement of the old and the new era. It can be called the "son of the age".

So after Crowe led the intelligence department of the Frostwolf Pirates, Gromash also gave him a task, that is to stare at East Blue's Windmill Village and see what Garp's two incongruous grandsons tossed out. matter.

Now the world is still spinning according to the gears of fate. After all, the Marine hero Garp Vice Admiral has not been able to reverse the fate of Ace, who is the "son of the one piece". He has become a small pirate.

In this world, the pirate who has not received any attention

Gromash picked up a cigar from the table beside him, lit it and let out a sigh of smoke, and then he said, "Gol-D-Roger, your child has inherited your blood as a pirate after all. Ah, or do you say that the people of'D' are so irony??"

When Ace became a pirate, it was just a turning of the gears of fate. What he thought in his heart should be to surpass his father's name, which he "unwilling to" recognize.

However, it is obvious that Roger has reached the top on the road of Pirates. He has become the first Pirate King in history. It is obviously not that simple for Ace to surpass his father. Even if Ace really sits on the throne of "One Piece" On the other hand, he is still only the "second term", and it is not comparable to Roger's "first one".

Ace is obviously not a stupid person, he is just a little impulsive, but for someone his age to become a pirate again, it is natural to have that momentum.

Ace should know that he has seized the position of One Piece, and he is not as good as his father Roger, so if he wants to surpass his father, he must not only get the throne of One Piece, but also do things that Roger, the father, has not done. Defeat Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate!!

And as long as he has this idea, then all the destinies will be linked together, all the gears will be stuck together, and his "son of the age" will introduce the wave of the new era into this world!

"Captain, even if he is Roger's son, but you still pay too much attention to this kid?? He is just going out to sea, no matter how you look at your expression, you get a little excited???" Robin felt a little bit Doubt, so he asked.

Gromash laughed and spit out a puff of smoke, and then said: "Jie ha ha ha ha ha, it's not the same, this Portgas-D-Ace is the most hopeful player of his generation of Pirates. Of course it’s different from those trash fish!!"

After hearing what Gromash said, not only Robin's eyes widened, but even Hancock stopped the movement in his hand, looked at Gromash's eyes, and wanted to hear his reason. After all, it can be called by Gromash. People who are "players" are undoubtedly all great people, such as Kaido, Charlotte- Linlin, etc.

Yes, now a Portgas-D-Ace popped out suddenly, and of course they were curious about the reason Gromash gave.

Unfortunately, Gromash didn't say anything explicitly, but waved his hand and said, "The kid called Kroe tightened this little guy called Ace. In my opinion, this year's strongest newcomer should be this kid who hasn't run. Jiehahahaha.

It is not only because he inherited Roger's bloodline that Ace has the qualifications to be the one-piece king, but the bigger reason is that if there is no such thing as Marshall-D-Teach, Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate will definitely be able to do more. Live for several years, and these several years are enough time for Newgate to train Ace as a young and energetic successor.

At that time, Newgate will be able to smoothly hand over the captain of the giant ship'Whitebeard Pirates' to Ace, a talented Penultimate guy, with the legacy of Newgate left to him, plus Roger's. With the face placed there, Ace was able to play the position of Four Emperors the last time, even saying that he is the most likely person to reach the top of One Piece.

This possibility is one of the main reasons why Marines want to start the "War on Top" of Marineford. When the Marine General Marshal Sengoku ascertained the true identity of Ace, he, who was named The Resourceful General, already thought about it in an instant. Understand what will happen in the future.

If Ace is allowed to develop like this, it will not be'Whitebeard' but'Roger' in the end!!

0-seeking flowers............

The Marines don’t want to see a Pirate King appear again in this world, so they tried their best to kill Ace and the Whitebeard Pirates, not for the purpose of killing Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate, who is already in twilight. "The strongest man in the world' is to eliminate the'Second One Piece'!!

The Whitebeard Pirate Group, known as the strongest Pirate Group, and there will be a Roger's son in this Pirate Group at that time. The young Ace is talented, and he became the second part of the Whitebeard Pirate Group before he was twenty. Team captain, not to mention how strong the team is, but at least the potential is very strong. If you don't kill them all, the Marines of course feel very powerful.

Threatening, this is the fundamental purpose of "War on the Top", not to kill "Portkas-D-Ace" nor to deal with "Edward Newgate, but to eliminate the possibility of the appearance of One Piece."

At the same time, in Naval Headquarters. Malinford, Marshal Sengoku is watching some documents in hand.

"This guy Gromash disappeared from the City of Seven Waters again. The spies of CP-9 have entered their shipbuilding company under the Frostwolf Pirates. We have a deeper understanding of the Frostwolf Pirates' intelligence master. Some, but from the current point of view, the entire transformation plan of the City of Seven Waters has been almost completed by them.

Some merman and murloc have already begun to move in," Grand Marshal Sengoku said while looking at the information in his hand.


And Garp Vice Admiral, who was sitting on the sofa directly opposite him, had a teacup in his hand, holding a senbei, and muttered, "This Gromash has been quiet for so long. You always stare at him and don't let anything. ?? If you want me to see, it's better to see what the bastard Doflamingo is doing, the whole Dressrosa is a shady intelligence, everything

I can’t see it. I always feel something is wrong.”

Marshal Sengoku snorted coldly and said, "Huh, Doflamingo is just a disease of ringworm. His temperament and pattern are too small. Only by conspiracy and those little tricks who are not on the stage can't do big things, if it weren't for his identity. It's special, he's already finished, and his Gromash is different, the more he doesn't move, the more I think there is a problem.

And this hunch has made me anxious recently."

"Ahahahahaha, I think you are idle. When Gromash is moving, you have a sad face all day long, praying for him to be quiet. After he has quieted down, do you think there is something wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable for yourself??" Garp said with a big smile.

Marshal Sengoku looked at his appearance and said with a bit of annoyance: "Don't talk about this, Garp, what your grandson Portcas-D-Ace did in East Blue, what are you doing? I don't even know???"

Marshal Sengoku and Garp have a long relationship. Of course, he knows very well that this guy Garp has a grandson and a righteous grandson. When Garp adopted Ace, he also knew very well Sengoku.

But who would have thought that this Ace turned out to be a pirate at this time, and also sunk several branch warships in East Blue. Now he is ready to start offering him a reward.

After hearing Marshal Sengoku's mention of Ace, Garp's face became ugly and gloomy. After a long time, Garp sighed and said, "You don't need to give face to the old man. The bastard made his own choice. After bearing the burden of this choice"

"Hmph, if you don't say it, I won't give you face!" Marshal Sengoku snorted coldly, but even though he said so, his subordinates still told about the message that came a few days earlier about'" Ace 'The files are only now being taken out to start processing. Small,

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