I Am Hellscream

Chapter 405 Uzumaki of fate.

Gromash's idea of ​​finding Queen Stussy was destined to be a waste. He thought that Stussy didn't know how he got to this point now, and he shouldn't be too hostile to him.

But I don’t know that Queen Stussy defends him. Gromash is still the same as defending against thieves. It does not have the attitude of trying to be "close" to Gromash when working under the World government.

With the passage of time, the sea seemed to stabilize again. Although you can still see all kinds of news about the pirates making trouble every day, there are not many news that can really raise Gromash's interest.

However, Gromash is still very clear that the last wave before this new era is about to start, the extremely evil generation, a gang composed of eleven supernovas and Blackbeard-Marshall-D-Teach should be regarded as a gang of evil forces. The last and most turbulent wave before the arrival of the new era.

It's just that from the current point of view, it seems that many of the members of the "Evil Generation", the first day group of One Piece, have been "scoured" by Gromash.

Among them, Chiqi-X-Drake, this guy who should have the name of "Fallen Marine", has already become a cadre of the Frostwolf Pirates, and is still stationed on Gaya Island.

And the strange monk-Urouge, who was supposed to be the bottom guy in the supernova, is now a big cadre of the Frostwolf Pirates. His strength is no longer the captain of the rookie guard team on Sky Island. "Anywhere can be regarded as a resounding tough guy.

As for this Trafalgar-D-Vatel, Luo, let alone, his life has been distorted by Gromash. First of all, his originally handsome Paramecia- Op-Op Fruit was fattened by Hokkubaque. I was fed up with the tired pervert and developed a very good look, but Trafalgar-Luo himself became an "incompetent".

But fortunately, this guy's talent is not bad, and he has worked very hard, so in these years, with his own hard work and aptitude, coupled with the "care of Rosinante and Sengoku, the generals, it can be considered smooth." It's a good mix in Marine.

Today Trafalgar-Luo has become a Rear Admiral of Naval Headquarters. Compared with him, Smoker, the'old predecessor', is so miserable that he can't look directly at him. He jumped out of the Naval Headquarters officer training camp and once graduated After becoming a colonel, for so many years, the position has not been moved, and now I have all gone to East Blue to fight, really human

It's more than popular.

Trafalgar-Luo itself has some evil temperament, but as the so-called temperament can be cultivated, he did not encounter those Trafalgar that he had experienced before. Luo has been in Marine for so long, and now it seems that there is less evil feeling. On the contrary, there are more appearances of'decent people'.

Marine Daqing with the word'justice' written on his shoulders, wearing a handsome Marine uniform, with the Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral epaulettes, and his handsome face, there is no doubt that Trafalgar-Luo is in Marine. China is also very popular.

At this time, in the Naval Headquarters.Marinford's military port, Trafalgar, Luo just completed a dispatch mission and walked off his warship. He held a handsome-looking Sabre in his hand. That Sabre was The gift Rosinante gave him when he was an adult was a demon knife, named'Ghost Cry, Trafalgar-

Luo has always carried this knife by his side, and there is a faint trend towards the road of swordsmanship.

After walking out of the military port, it didn't take long for Trafalgar-Luo to see his good friends in Marine. One of them was Smoker's "Happy Enemy", Paramecia-the fruit ability that has the name of "Black Threshold". The author, Colonel Naval Headquarters-Hina.

The other is the gangster in Marine, the Admiral candidate of Naval Headquarters-Momousagi-Gion.

Gion, as the "military flower" in Marine, has a good relationship with the female generals of various Marine officers. She herself is also a very approachable guy, and she is also a good friend with Hina.

When Trafalgar-Raw saw Hina and Gion, Gion and Hina also saw Trafalgar-Raw. They saw Hina biting a cigarette and beckoning to Luo with a smile. At the same time, he said, "Yo, Isn't this Trafalgar Rear Admiral?? I came back after completing the mission??"

Luo's expression was also a bit awkward after hearing Hina's words. It is necessary to say whether there will be related households in this Marine. Well, they will really appear. Otherwise, why is he Trafalgar- Luo, a latecomer, better than Hina's military academy. Are the orthodox talents who came out of the market still high?

After all, Hina is not like the Smoker guy. The reason why people didn't get promoted is very simple. It was too skinny. Marshal Sengoku would hold him down before he realized this and made changes.

After a awkward smile, Luo didn't really care about anything. After all, he knew Hina's character very well, and the relationship between the two parties was also good. This was just a joke.

So this guy Luo smiled and said, "Senior Hina, just call me Luo. The title "Trafalgar Rear Admiral" sounds very awkward."

After chatting with each other for a while, Gideon smiled and asked, "Luo, how about this mission?? Didn't you encounter any accidents?? ?"

Luo shook his head, but he said with some regret: "I didn't meet the accident, but I didn't find any clues through the investigation. The whole incident is confusing and confusing, just like the weirdness on the sea."

"Is it true?? I always thought that this so-called "Rommel's Scythe" was a story about being taken out to scare children," Hina breathed out a puff of smoke, and said in an unbelievable way.

"The incident is a real incident. Before me, many people in Marine who went to support were also killed. According to the investigation on the scene and the injuries of the victims, this is called "Rommel's sickle and ferret". Guy, it should be a master of swordsmanship, now that it is useless, the follow-up work has been taken over by the intelligence department.

I believe there will be a result of the investigation," Luo said with a grin.

And Hina asked curiously: "By the way, I heard that the prince Cavendish of the Kingdom of Rommel is a great handsome guy. Have you met him??"

"Why?? You Hina-senior will be a nympho?? Is it possible that Senior Smoker is gone, you are just about to move??" Luo Xiaohe joked.

And Hina's face blushed, and she said with some embarrassment: "Luo, let's fight!! I've long seen you not pleasing to your eyes!!'

Not to mention Hina's fight with Luo, "Rommel's sickle and ferret', this incident was eventually found out by Marine's intelligence department. It turned out that it was the handsome prince of the Rommel Kingdom-Cavendy. The case committed by Xu, this Cavendish has a patient with somnambulism, will wake up a second personality after falling asleep or even coma, incarnate as a pervert murderer,

Going out with swords and slashing blindly, they kill people when they see them.

After investigating this matter, Naval Headquarters is also very difficult to deal with this matter.First of all, this is not a subjective crime by Cavendish. In theory, he is also a'victim'. At the same time, this Cavendish is still the prince of the Rommel Kingdom, and the Rommel Kingdom is also a member of the World government, and wants to capture them.

The prince also seems to be having some political difficulties.

Fortunately, the Rommel Kingdom itself was fed up with Cavendish’s crimes. After all, they compromised with the Marines. In order to maintain the reputation of the Rommel royal family, Cavendish was not arrested.

However, the Kingdom of Rommel also exiled Cavendish.Of course, it was not the charge of murdering him, but a very strange charge.

'Because of being so handsome, domestic teenage girls are obsessed with beauty and unable to extricate themselves. The domestic marriage rate has dropped too sharply. A large number of single young men are full of anger and dissatisfaction with this matter. ', the prince Cavendish of the Kingdom of Rommel was sentenced to exile

I have to say that the experience of Cavendish is so sad and sad, and I fully use myself to prove the truth of the sentence "being handsome is also an unforgivable sin".

The dignified prince finally ended up in this way. Cavendish also walked the path of the pirate in this rebellion, and he was also considered to shine in his life after this.

After arguing with Hina, Marine Rear Admiral, Luo, was also about to leave. He opened his mouth and said with a smile, "Senior Gion, Senior Hina, I won't be here to delay things between you, for a long time. I haven't seen Mr. Corazon, I still miss him a little bit, I'm going to talk to him."

Hina was just about to nodded, but Gion opened his mouth and said, "Rosinante Vice Admiral is not in Malinford at this time. It is a bit strange to say that his condition was a bit wrong not long ago, so he should have found it. I got some important information, and then I really got busy. It seems that the sea has never been able to calm down. Maybe

It won’t take long before we get busy. "

Gionee’s remarks are not nonsense. As a Vice Admiral in Marine, Rosinante’s status is not low, and things that can keep him busy, theoretically speaking, should not be a trivial matter, and more importantly, Rosinante is the highest person in charge of the Intelligence Department, so things that can keep him busy will involve a lot of

Big event with big problem.

So only the garden can make inferences.

After hearing what Gion had said, Trafalgar-Luo was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Is Mr. Corazon not in Malinford?? This is really a rare thing, since it is so, then I will report the task. I'll go to rest after handing in"

It is true that Rosinante rarely leaves Naval Headquarters-Marinford, which is also a kind of protection for him by Marshal Sengoku. After all, Rosinante is a thorn in Doflamingo's eyes. Once the news of him leaving Marinford is known by Doflamingo, Rosinante is likely to meet. dangerous.

It's just that Doflamingo is too patient. It has been so many years since Vergo died 3.8. He still sinks his heart without any movement, and has never actively targeted Rosinante and Marine, so much so that Marshal Sengoku Some are "relaxed".

After bidding farewell to Gion and Hina, Trafalgar-Luo, who was walking with the ghost in her arms and crying while thinking about Rosinante's affairs, panicked in her heart, as if something important or someone was about to leave her. Now, this hunch came very abruptly, but it made his heart cramp inexplicably.

"Mr. Corazon," Luo muttered with a bit of pain, frowning while covering his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the fortress where the word "justice" was written, then gritted his teeth and strode towards Marshal Sengoku's office.

This time, Luo chose to believe in his own ominous premonition.

At the same time, in the palace of New World- Dressrosa, the corners of the evil man Doflamingo's mouth have slightly risen

"Fufurfurfurfur, so to speak, my dear brother Rosinante has left the shelter of his lair-Malinford at this time, and has gone to South Blue??" Doflamingo shook a goblet in his hand. The scarlet wine rotates rhythmically, as if it can swallow everything in...

Uzumaki of fate, surging again

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