I Am Hellscream

Chapter 410 Trafalgar-Luo, retired honorably!

In the Frostwolf Pirate Regiment in the City of Seven Waters, Gromash was talking in the conference room.

"Ace Bagu, from now on, it’s up to you to be the president of the Seven Waters City Shipbuilding Company. At the same time, you will reduce the burden of Master Tom, so that he can concentrate all his attention on the "Sky of the Sky". "City Plan" and "The Fourth Phase Reconstruction Project". Gromash knocked on the table and said softly.

Ace Bagu, one of the two disciples of Master Tom, is also a good shipbuilder. Similarly, if there was no Gromash, Ace Bagu would become the leader of the Seven Waters City and began to work hard after the Enies Lobby incident. To transform the entire City of Seven Waters, he wanted to make the City of Seven Waters "float" and no longer be disturbed by the gods of the sea and water.

It can be seen that Ace Bagu is still a very capable person. Gromash promoted him to the president of the shipbuilding industry. The rest of the people also recognized it and did not object to it.

Ace Bagu is also very confident in himself. Of course, he also wants to be like his teacher, Master Tom, to become a resounding man who can stand alone.

Therefore, after receiving Gromash's appointment, he did not refuse anything, but confidently said: "Please rest assured, your highness, I will take the responsibility!"

"Jiehahahaha, okay, I trust you, yes, Ace Bagu, where is your junior?? Where is Katy Flam??" Gromash laughed "Two One Zero" and encouraged Ace. After Bagu asked again.

And Ace Bagu said in a bit embarrassingly: "Maybe it's a misconception? That guy always adds too many weapons and firepower on the boat. After a big fight with me, he ran away from home, even the teacher. Failing to persuade him, now he has gathered a group of'vagrants' on the island at the hulk dock to start a business of dismantling the hulk for a second sale.

It seems that to prove that he is a guy who can be alone, he has also changed his name to Franky..."

"Oh, is that the leader of the "Franky House"?? The "dark forces" that suddenly popped up not long ago, well, it's quite interesting. Although under the banner of the "Sopranos", we investigated it carefully. , I didn't find that they were doing anything messy, and it didn't affect our order, so I didn't care about them anymore, it turned out to be Frahm

Is that guy doing something?? Hahahaha. Urouge smiled and said after hearing what Ace Bagu said.

As the'Security Captain' of the City of Seven Waters, Urouge has a good understanding of the various forces in the City of Seven Waters. Of course, his main job is to stare at the spies of the "CP-9". Give them some wrong information.

What I have done over the years is not bad. The spies are not too far behind that there is nothing wrong with them. All of them have been rooted in the City of Seven Waters. I’m a boatman, and some want to interview a "secretary".

Just after Gromash finished talking about some business matters, he started to chat with some of the'veteran cadres' present. Robin knocked on the door of the meeting room, then walked in and said, "Captain, today is the event held at Marineford Marines. Rosinante’s memorial service..."

After hearing the news, Gromash was also silent for a while, although he had already expected Rosinante to die when Doflamingo was going to South Blue, but at this time, after hearing the news, he was also a little bit emotional.

Another person who was familiar with him and had been in contact with him many times completely died. Speaking of which he and Rosinante did not have any enmity, even if there was, Rosinante hated him. After all, Rosinante was kept in their boat for a long time.

But if there is anything that Gromash hates Rosinante, it is completely absent. On the contrary, Rosinante has been unknowingly used by him in many incidents, pitting countless people.

"Really?? It's a shame, I think Marshal Sengoku should be very sad?? Don't add to him recently, lest he really go crazy," Gromash said in the end.

At the same time, he estimated that since Rosinante is dead, the identity of Ace is probably known to the Marines, right??

What actions and plans will the next Marines have? But these have nothing to do with him. Gromash doesn't care much about these things. Just stare at Ace and don't let him do it before entering New World. Just be taken by Marine.

At the same time, in Naval Headquarters-Marlinford, Marshal Sengoku’s office, Trafalgar-Luo is questioning angrily.

"Marshal!!! Is Mr. Corazon making such an unexplained sacrifice??? Can't we ask him for an explanation?? This is obviously done by Doflamingo!! Are we just so indifferent???" Trafalgar-Luo roared.

That expression is really how angry and how angry.At this time, Luo has once again been disappointed in this world.The hand that pulled him out of the abyss of hatred and destruction is gone, his beloved Rosinante Vice Mr. Admiral Corazon is dead...

He died in the hands of Seven Warlords of the Sea-Donji River De-Doflamingo, but obviously he knew that all this was done by Doflamingo, and the marshal of Marine also knew that all this was done by Doflamingo, but they could not help it. Bring out any evidence.

Without evidence, you can't do it against Doflamingo, not only because he is Seven Warlords of the Sea, but also because he is the King of Dressrosa, a member of the World government!

As a veteran top master, and at the same time as Admiral and Marshal for many years, Sengoku's mentality adjustment is very rapid. He can't send any bad information to the outside world. Staring at.

Therefore, he also has to show a state of "bronze head and iron bones" without dead ends, and there can be no weakness to be caught.

So even if he was distraught in his heart, even if he wanted to kill Dressrosa alone to hammer the Doflamingo, but at this time he still had to show maturity.

Therefore, after hearing Trafalgar-Luo’s words, Marshal Sengoku sensibly said: "Luo, do you have evidence?? Prove Doflaming?"

"What evidence is needed?? Where is there evidence???" Trafalgar-Ruo said grumpily.

At this time, Luo is not yet twenty-two years old. He is at the most "turbulent" age in his life. All impulses and irrationality accompanied by Rosinante's death are stimulating every nerve in his body. Obviously he knows that Marshal Sengoku's pain is certainly not weaker than his. Obviously he knows that Marshal Sengoku must also have his own difficulties, but he

Even after seeing Rosinante, I can't bear it, Doflamingo can still get away with it!

After the quarrel, Luo finally calmed down a bit. Then he looked into Marshal Sengoku's eyes and asked in pain, "As long as we don't find the evidence that is impossible to find, can we impose sanctions on Doflamingo?? ?"

Marshal Sengoku looked at Luo Na's painful gaze, and a bad premonition flashed in his heart, but at this time, he really couldn't say anything against Trafalgar-Ruo to "trick" him.

So knowing that this answer might bring bad results, Marshal Sengoku couldn't help but nodded after thinking about it, "Yes."

After hearing the answer from Marine Marshal Sengoku, Trafalgar-Luo sighed in disappointment, and then opened Shikai without saying a word to remove the epaulettes on his body, and he took the great justice that had been with him for a long time from him. Take it down, fold it, and place it on Marshal Sengoku's table, and then press the epaulette that represents the rank of Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral.

Above the Greatcloak 0.

"Since Marine's justice cannot avenge Mr. Corazon, I will defeat Doflamingo personally and destroy the evil that Mr. Corazon has always wanted to destroy!!" Trafalgar-Luo said with firm eyes and very serious words.

Looking at the great cloak of justice and the rare epaulettes that Trafalgar Luo placed on the table, Marshal Sengoku sighed in his heart, sure enough, did he get to this step in the end??

However, he did not dissuade him. Luo is Rosinante's child. Marshal Sengoku is very familiar with him and treats him as his grandson. Like Rosinante, he is willing to believe that Luo is a kind child. An evil bastard, he also believes that Luo has justice in his heart, but this justice can't be helped by Marine now.

Satisfy him.

At the same time, being selfish, Marshal Sengoku couldn't help but look forward to Luo's deep heart after hearing Luo's loud words just now, hoping that Luo could revenge against Doflamingo, and hope that Luo could destroy Doflamingo's everything and ask Rosinante to ask Rosinante. Be fair!

Therefore, Marshal Sengoku just asked quietly: "Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral- Trafalgar- Luo, have you made your own decision???"

"Report to the Marshal, I have decided!" Trafalgar-Luo kicked his feet, stood at attention and saluted him, and said very seriously.

Marshal Sengoku nodded, did not say anything but stood up, walked to a file cabinet, found the line marked with the word'Rear Admiral', and quickly found Trafalgar Luo's file information from it.

Then Marshal Sengoku spread it on the table, silently picked up the pen and began to write on it.

And what he wrote at the end of that line is exactly the above, with the permission of Naval Headquarters Marshal Sengoku, to approve Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral-Trafalgar-Luo Guangrong to retire. ".

After finishing writing, Marshal Sengoku picked up the official seal from his desk and pressed the inkpad. Marshal Sengoku glanced at Trafalgar-Rona's determined gaze for the last time, sighed in his heart, and steadily stamped the seal on it. On this file.

At this point, Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral-Trafalgar-Luo Guang 3.8 has retired.

"Luo, from now on, you are no longer the Rear Admiral of Naval Headquarters, but you have to remember that no matter where you are and what position you hold, ask yourself before doing anything. Can you be worthy of the teachings of your Mr. Corazon Rosinante? That's all I want to tell you, go." Marshal Sengoku holds the file

The case was handed over to Trafalgar-Luo, who spoke softly.

After receiving the document, Luo looked a little bit more relaxed.He knew that if Marshal Sengoku had not taken special care of him, it would be really not that simple for him to leave Marine, and it would be a Rear Admiral. , How could it be so simple to be let go??

Then Luo also said softly: "Marshal, I will remember. Thank you for your teaching over the years. I can't say goodbye to your colleagues one by one. Please tell me on your behalf and say that over the years, thank you for taking care of me.

"Well, I see." Marshal Sengoku nodded and said.

Immediately afterwards, Luo left Marshal Sengoku's office. With this foot stepped out, I don't know what kind of waves will be set off in the future.

Unlike Rosinante, Luo is just a Marine Rear Admiral. At best, he is a handsome and promising Marine Rear Admiral, so his departure did not cause any waves, and he himself quickly disappeared into the sea. No trace

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