I Am Hellscream

Chapter 412 East Blue breeze.

East Blue, known as the "weakest sea" among the four sea areas, is also a sea area regarded as a "symbol of peace" by the World government and Marine.

In East Blue’s Cocoa West Village, where the Straw Hat Pirates will live here, the navigator cat-Nami and her sister Nuoqi Gao, due to the intrusion of Gromash, his stupid brother Arlong does not mention this Cocoa West Village Here is the king and dominates, Arlong hasn't even been to East Blue, so Bell-mère, the adoptive mother of the two sisters Nami, has not encountered anything.

What a scourge of killing, a family of three can live in this peaceful small village.

It's just that this Cocoa West Village is under the jurisdiction of the 16th Branch of East Blue Marine. Even without the "scourge" of Arlong, there is still a sordid fellow like Colonel Mouse.

Therefore, the Cocoyashi Village is still being exploited, but it is not as miserably exploited by Arlong.

Colonel Mouse is an out-and-out bastard, but how can I say he wears a righteous skin, and he can't do too much in many things, plus Bell-mère was once a glorious Marine. The character is also very strong, and Colonel Mouse has nothing to do with her. It's not that he is incapable of killing Bell-mère, but the risk of this matter is right.

It's great for him.

After all, he is not a pirate, but a Marine's branch colonel. He killed Marine's retired soldier for his own selfish desire. What would his subordinates think?? At the same time, if he is found out in the future, he will definitely die. It's miserable.

Cocoa, no matter how exploited Yaxi Village is, it will only be a little bit of Bailey.After all, it is a poor village. Colonel Mouse is not a courageous guy himself, so he did not dare to do anything to Bell-mère in the end, in his words. Saying that is'cannot be committed'.

Because of this, with the existence of Bell-mère, the situation in Kokoyashi Village is better than the other villages that were also exploited by Colonel Rats.

Bell-mère has also become a hero in the village because of these relationships.

Nami's personality has been very skinny since she was a child. Without that tragic childhood, Nami has become more cheerful and sunny, but this'greed for money' character seems to be the same as she was born, even without those stories, she is still Looks like a little money fan.

"Nokigao, as long as we send these oranges to other islands by a boat, we will be able to make a fortune!" Nami picked the oranges in the orchard and told her sister No-chigo. Opened his mouth and said.

And Nuoqigao said helplessly: "Nami, ladies don't talk about Bailey all day."

"I'm not going to be a lady. It's better that Bailey is here. With Bailey, Bell-mère can be made easier. Even if the damn Colonel Marine collects the'protection fee', we can also I have money to give him." Nami didn't care whether he was a lady or a lady. Instead, he squeezed his fist and said annoyedly.

After hearing Nami's words, Nuoqigao's expression was also a little gloomy, but soon, she said: "Bell-mère was also Marine before, so don't say that Marine is not good every time, she will be angry."

"Slightly, I don't care about this. Although Bell-mère always said that Marine represents justice, I have never seen this so-called "just" Marine. They are simply badass. Good pirate, I have decided that if I have the opportunity, I will go out to sea to be a pirate, a free pirate, and before leaving, I will

I'll take care of that Colonel Mouse!" Nami stuck out his tongue, said very mischievously and rebelliously.

Since I was young, I knew that my sister, Nami, was not a fuel-efficient lamp. She often did some spooky things, and her personality was a little rebellious.

But she also knew very well that her sister was not a bad person by nature, so she had never really taken her "dream" of being a pirate.

Looking at the disdainful expression of her sister Nozigao, Nami said very dissatisfied: "I'm serious, I still have a dream."

"What dream???" Nuoqigao asked with some doubts.

"I want to travel all over the world and record the world," Nami said excitedly, raising the orange in his hand.

"Nami, where do you want to record this world??" Just after Nami finished talking about her dream, she and Nuoqigao's adoptive mother Bell-mère appeared at the door of the orchard, carrying a Fruit basket looked at Nami with a smile and said.

Nami's "Declaration of Pirates and Dreams" was caught by the former Marine female warrior Bell-mère. She also stuck her tongue out a little embarrassed, and then quickly said: "Of course it was recorded on my chart. , I am a woman who aspires to be a sea navigator!!"

"Hahahaha, Nami, in a short while, you have already set up many'wills', is it really okay??" Nuoqi Gao laughed and joked.

"It's a good thing to be shivering and ambitious, it means that there are many routes to choose!" Nami said a little angrily and brutally.

At this moment, the village guard Ajian also appeared at the gate of the orchard. Then he wiped his sweat and said: "The ship is here, the purchase ship of the Frostwolf Pirates has arrived."

"Yeah!!! I like selling oranges to them the most. They are generous and never disappoint us. That's why I like these free pirates!!" Nami heard the news After that, he opened his mouth and jumped and said very happily.

There are many caravans in the Frostwolf Pirates. The Four Great Seas and New World have their traces, but most of the caravans are not really formed by the Frostwolf Pirates.

Basically, these caravans flying the Frostwolf Pirates flag are all the flags their boss bought from the Frostwolf Pirates for a large price. After this level of'deck tax', they can be eligible to use it. The banner of the Frostwolf Pirates can also be protected by the Frostwolf Pirates when trading in various sea areas.

Thanks to Gromash's strategy, the Frostwolf Pirates really doesn't have any real "hostile forces", so that his banner is particularly easy to use, even more expensive than the banner of the Four Emperors, after all, among the Four Emperors They are also hostile to each other. For example, the caravan of Charlotte-Linlin is often robbed by Kaido.

But today's caravan is not a "deck" but a caravan of the serious Frostwolf Pirates.

Among them, the leader is Monet's baby sister, who has become a big girl's sugar'little Loli'. Without the scourge of childlike fruits, the growth of sugar is also very smooth, and she really did not have a beauty. Live up to everyone's expectations and grow up to be a beautiful little beauty.

Wearing a red jumpsuit with a bear ear cap pullover, wearing a pair of cute flat glasses, holding a pot of purple grapes in his hands, it is sugar that is eating these grapes happily.

"That swordsman, I think you have some potential. It's no good to hang around in East Blue. Have you heard a term called "Sit into Guantian"?? Why don't you leave this dry well and come back with me? Grand Line??" Sugar said to a man who was lying on the deck and sleeping by the side of the boat while eating oranges.

At the same time, this large merchant ship was slowly docking on the pier in Cocoyashi Village. After hearing the voice of sugar, the man who leaned on the side of the ship to sleep did not open his eyes, but spoke softly: " Is the frog in the well?? How big is the world??"

"Ahahahaha, it is at least a hundred times bigger than what you can see! Luoluo, what is it??" Granulated sugar held the grape basin with one hand, and said with an imageless smile on the waist.

0-Look for flowers...After the man heard what Sugar said, he frowned very uncomfortably. Then he lowered his fierce beast-like eyes to clear, and said softly: "Take it to me, stupid woman, Roronoa Zoro!

"Ah, I'm sorry, I usually rarely remember the names of you salted fish. This is an exception, Roronoa-Zoro, I heard that you are the strongest pirate hunter in East Blue?? Shi?? I went to sea for more than three months and broke these titles. Although it is in the weakest sea, there are still some famous ones. How about??

Follow my previous suggestion and follow me on the Grand Line?? By the way, I will tell you that our Frostwolf Pirate Group is one of the top Pirate Groups in the world. Most people who want to join have no chance to join, as long as If you are willing to become my little brother, I can use my privileges to absorb your potential "miaozi"..." Granulated Sugar said with a terrible ass.

And Zoro scratched his green algae head, and said a little uncomfortable: "Since you said that your Frostwolf Pirates are the top Pirates, how much is your bounty?? Don't forget, I But Pirate Hunter, if you were not willing to drop by me this time, I would have used you to exchange travel expenses with Marine."

After hearing Zoro's words, Susu said with some confusion: "You haven't really heard of our Frostwolf Pirates, right? Then do you know what Seven Warlords of the Sea is called? Finally, this lady though. There is no bounty, but I think no matter how strong it is, there must be tens of millions of Baileys, right?? Ah I said that the standard of New World is in the east

Hai, it doesn't matter if I have a value of 300 or 200 million."

Sugar has grown up next to Gromash since she was a child. The people around her are basically masters in the sea, such as Lucky, Joz, Cromwell and other big cadres, so from the beginning, she was in The "starting point" in terms of strength is very high, and the environment in which a person lives can have a great impact on him. If you let people like Zoro grow up

Living in New World, he can't be just a salted fish now, he must have become a resounding great swordsman.

So what Granu said at this time is not really bragging, at least she is a Haki Master, although she is not very skilled, but she can also be a little in New World, and she is now in East Blue, apart from those reclusive masters, no one really can beat her

But Zoro doesn't believe this, sugar is just a girl movie in his eyes, although this girl movie seems to be one year older than himself

"Three hundred or two hundred million? I'm really not afraid of talking and flashing my tongue, and what is Seven Warlords of the Sea??? It seems a bit of an impression, the world's largest swordsman-Dracule- Mihawk seems to have this name. What does it mean? ??" Zoro said disdainfully.

"It turned out to be a'hillie" who doesn't know anything. Forget it, this lady's interest in you has plummeted. As for what this means, you will naturally understand what level of invitation you have missed in the future. When you regret it, Sugar didn't explain anything to Zoro.

And Zoro himself is not a very curious guy. After seeing sugar shut up, he thought it was the reason why he "dismanded sugar". Of course, for a woman who was dismantled by himself, he also There is no need to chase and fight, right?? So Zoro missed the opportunity to join the Frostwolf Pirates by mistake.

But even so, when he knew in the future, he didn't regret it. small,

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