I Am Hellscream

Chapter 431 Healing fangs!

The tracks of the sea train station are beginning to be'unloaded'. After all, you can't pull the tracks to the sky together?

Ships in the port have also begun to be evacuated in an orderly manner. The merman and merman people who originally lived in the Underwater City of Seven Waters have also begun to enter the sea and begin to move with a large number of municipal workers.

The entire Seven Waters City is operating in an orderly manner.Thanks to this order, everything seems to be in order. Although there have been some minor disturbances, overall it has not caused much trouble. The embarrassing incident happened, and the prelude to the first flight test of the entire Seven Waters City was still very qualified, and it could even be said to be very successful.

In a bar counter in a pub, a few mysterious guys are getting together to discuss something.

"Well, according to this so-called "process, I have closed the store, I just need to wait here quietly, no one will come now, just say anything", the owner of the tavern, Shen The voice said.

"Unexpectedly, the so-called "Phase 4 Project" of the Frostwolf Pirates Group really succeeded," a guy with a long nose said with some emotion.

"Kaku, it's just a test flight. I haven't seen the real result yet. If the capital of the seven waters falls from the sky, it will be a complete disaster. The face of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is also It's a thousand lost." A clear voice came, and I saw a beautiful woman with a very good figure and appearance pushed her glasses, which was a bit bad.

Said heartily.

"Kalifa, this has been here for so many years. Have you not figured out the behavior of the Frostwolf Pirates? When have you seen them do things that are uncertain? Even if the results of this test flight are not No matter how good it is, it is impossible to fall. After all, there are three islands above my head hanging in the air all the year round. Although this "fourth phase of the renovation project"

Of course, it should be finished, but the more ambitious "Sky City" plan is still under construction. They have already mastered the technology to make the island fly. This time I don't see any major problems." Long-nosed Kaku Opened his mouth and said.

That's right, this group of people is the CP-9 team that was sent in before Gromash took over the City of Seven Waters. Over the years, they have been lurking in the City of Seven Waters to collect information about the Frostwolf Pirates, by the way. Look for the "Ancient Weapon- Pluton. Pluton" design drawings.

In general, their work is not at all unprogressed. In terms of the intelligence of the Frostwolf Pirates, they have also obtained a lot of valuable things. Of course, these are what they think, but they are actually Gromash. They want to show them.

On the "Pluton-Pluto" design drawings, they are now finally a little progressed. According to years of investigation, they will eventually be able to hide the "Pluton-Pluto" design drawings. The goal is gradually shrinking. It narrowed down again, and finally pointed to Master Tom, the top boatman of the Frostwolf Pirates.

It's just that after this step, they are also a little embarrassed.If Master Tom is placed in the past, as long as there is such a possibility of being suspected, it must be unscrupulous to find the blueprint, but now Master Tom is The treasure of the City of Seven Waters is the confidant of Gromash. How dare they go up and do anything??

And they deduced that the Frostwolf Pirates should not be aware of Master Tom's "heavy treasure", but used him as a top technical expert.

In fact, their inference is correct. No one knows that Master Tom has the design drawings of Pluton Pluto, and Gromash does not need to tell them.

Therefore, if they really do something to Master Tom, in case something happens, it is very likely that the Frostwolf Pirates will detect something wrong. If the blueprint is not obtained by that time, they will let the Frost Wolf Pirates instead. I noticed'Pluton-Pluto, it's really like stealing chickens and losing rice. The Frostwolf Pirates might even send them a pennant.

"Anyway, after this "test flight" is over, the information must be submitted to those above. After all, if the seven waters are able to fly freely, it is really not a trivial matter...々''. "Kaku said with some emotion.

Over the years, they have been lurking in the City of Seven Waters, really watching how the City of Seven Waters has been developed from a desolate shipbuilding island to its present situation.

I have to say that even if their position should not make them admire Gromash, in their hearts, they still feel that Gromash is really an amazing person. This Frostwolf Pirates can be in these ten years. It is not unreasonable to develop from scratch into today's prehistoric behemoth.

Time passed quickly, and within just three hours, the entire Seven Waters City was fully ready for lift-off.

When the time arrived on time, the members of the CP-9 team sitting in the tavern all felt a tremor in the entire City of Seven Waters at the same moment.

Then the feeling of vibration quickly disappeared, and what followed was a feeling of'weightlessness', the City of Seven Waters... was activated!

The huge island engine began to roar in motion, and the powerful hybrid power lifted the entire Seven Waters City steadily.

The sea level of the entire Seven Waters City began to "decrease" continuously, and the underwater cities that were originally submerged under the islands began to gradually emerge from the sea again. When the entire underwater city was exposed to the air, the four fully enclosed The “island engine” also started to run, and the flame and wind pressure were parallel.

Outside so.

The hybrid power of this island engine is indeed very powerful, at least in terms of speed, much faster than the original technology that relied on the "heater" to take off.

It didn't take long for the height of the City of Seven Waters to rise to about 100 meters, and it was very stable at this stage.

At this point, the entire'Fourth Phase Reconstruction Project' of the City of Seven Waters has been fully accepted and can be declared complete!

Standing on the shore where there is no sea, Gromash smiled with satisfaction, and then laughed and said, "Jiehahahahahaha, well, now we only have to wait for the initial completion of the'Sky City' plan. Our five years The plan will be secure, and everything will be ready at that time, I only owe Dongfeng!"

Then Gromash turned his head to look at the heroes of Master Tom and Master Harded, and said very happily: "The City of Seven Waters can have its current glory, and it is inseparable from your credit. I approve your scientific research funding. A 10% increase, it is true that this science and technology is the primary productive force and cannot be ignored!!"

The so-called master craftsmen, scholars, and scientists, nothing else you give them is useless. In their eyes, nothing is funded. It is true, so Gromash can be regarded as scratching the itch of Master Harred. It's up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, we will definitely use better technology to continue to prove our strength!" Master Hardeda said very happily.

After encouraging him, Gromash turned his head to Master Tom and said: "Although it is not yet certain whether to take away such sites as "Gaya Island" and "Queen of Spring Island", it is true. The so-called "island engine" should also be installed on these islands. If it really needs to be packed and taken away, then we will

Transfer it all to New World."

At this time, Master Tom saw that the "fourth phase project" he designed by himself was perfectly realized, and he was in a very good mood. After hearing Gromash's explanation, he nodded quickly and said, "Leave it to me, Your Highness!! "

After allowing the people in the City of Seven Waters to truly experience the feeling of taking the island to the sky, in order not to affect the normal order, soon, the City of Seven Waters was safely landed on the original. On the sea surface, after a series of adjustments, it was restored to its original trajectory.

But on this day, the people in the entire Seven Waters City are very excited. For them, they don’t know what the Frostwolf Pirates are going to do, but it’s clear that they really don’t need to do anything with this technology. "The Gods of Water" and troubled.

In the future, this "God of Water" will no longer be a seasonal disaster, but a kind of "stimulating entertainment". Our people in the City of Seven Waters are in a good mood and play with you and make a viewing project. Come earn some Bailey or something.

If you are in a bad mood, you can fly directly to the sky, and ignore you, the so-called'water gods', unless you can follow the tsunami to the sky.

The time for "Going to Heaven" in the City of Seven Waters was not long, and the gathering of the Communist Party was only half a day, but the movement created by this incident on the sea was indeed very big.

Everyone knows that the Frostwolf Pirates has two "base camps". Among them, The fish men island is the basic board of the Frostwolf Pirates and their last escape route. Even if Gromash and the others are tossed on the sea, they can return. The fish men island continues to be a rich landlord, right?

The City of Seven Waters is the main base for the "outward expansion" of the Frostwolf Pirates. With the City of Seven Waters as the main body, the Frostwolf Pirates have already radiated a lot of territory in the first half of the Grand Line. .

In the previous life, the strategic significance of this thing is the same as Marine's aircraft carrier. In the past, the capital of the seven waters was also an "aircraft carrier island, which was only placed in the first half of the Grand Line, and the radiation was almost the same. Now, it feels as if the Frostwolf Pirates have also developed into a bottleneck.

In a blink of an eye, this "aircraft carrier" was really tossed by them to be able to fly. This is terrifying. After all, no one wants to find the main base of the Frostwolf Pirates. "It's at the door of my house

Therefore, many people and major forces are thinking about whether the Frostwolf Pirates, which has this kind of "airborne main base" ability, will start another big move?? Is it going to move towards them? ) New World, which hasn't been involved, has entered???

This worry lasted for a long time, but I never saw the City of Seven Waters move again. Therefore, after a long time, the worry that originally covered everyone's mind has also disappeared a lot. It seems that the Frostwolf Pirate Group has a short time. I still didn't mean to do something.

In Mariejois, the power and political center of the World government, known as the "Holy Land", at this time Five Elders and their five bad old men are getting together to discuss things about the City of Seven Waters.

Yesterday’s news has been received?? This Gromash actually "lifted the City of Seven Waters", the pudgy Five Elders said in a deep voice.

The bearded Five Elders said very calmly: "Isn't there already speculation about this matter? After all, the so-called "fourth phase project" is not a secret thing, you can inquire about it. "

"There is still a gap between the guess and the facts, Gromash. Alas, I have a hunch that his ambition will not be silent for too long." Five Elders holding a saber said helplessly.

"Even if it won't be too long, it can be considered as a buffer. Now I still think about how to cut off the Revolutionary Army and the son of Roger," Five Elders with a scar on his face said in a deep voice.

In the Naval Headquarters of Malinford, Marshal Sengoku looked at the photo of the City of Seven Waters flying in the sky and whispered softly: "Gromash, are you finally going to show your hideous fangs again??" only,

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