I Am Hellscream

Chapter 437 Take Pan Xia Doflamingo.

Sengoku, Marine’s general, of course knows what Tsuru’s chief adviser means. If this war is discovered in advance by the asshole, Gromash, he may jump upside-down. At that time, Naval Headquarters may not be able to deal with it all at once. Two beasts on the sea.

In this way, under the deliberate low-key of the Frostwolf Pirates and the deliberate concealment of Naval Headquarters, the shadow of war that has been shrouded in the sea has not been noticed by anyone, and the days are still that day.

Dressrosa, in the palace courtyard of the King's Heights, Doflamingo is holding a red wine glass, sitting in front of the swimming pool and enjoying the scene of a large group of bikini beauties playing in the swimming pool.

But there was a small phone worm hanging around his neck. The phone worm was being used. Gromash's big voice kept coming from inside.

"Furfurfurfurfur, it's just a mere Blackbeard incident", Grandpa Gromash, are you too excited?? This guy has already escaped from New World, and he hasn't seen him make any big mistakes. When the incident comes, the bounty is even more '0', shouldn't you bet the wrong treasure???" Doflamingo smiled, took a sip of the red wine glass, lightly

Said loudly.

Gromash's response came from the phone bug on his neck.

"If you look down on him, you will suffer a big loss if you are not careful. No matter how this guy does not offer a bounty of '0', there must be people from the World government and Marine behind who are manipulating something, as for his threat. Oh, tell you a little secret

Do you understand what .D-Teach did??" Gromash said in an evil voice.

After hearing these words, Doflamingo was also silent for a while, and then said: "He is really that strong??"

"Undoubtedly, when he didn't defect to Newgate, he was a top player who hid his strength, and now he must have got something from Newgate, and his strength should be even stronger." Gromash said with certainty. Said ~ Road.

Teach's strength has always been a very'fantasy' thing. From Gromash's point of view, it seems to be very unstable. In his early years, he was able to fight Shanks and retreat, leaving Shanks indelible. Imprint, this is enough to prove that his strength is already very strong.

But in the process of fleeing, he didn't seem too strong when he fought with Ace. I don't know if it was because he wanted to pull Ace into the group or what, maybe there was a reason for his mercy.

In Impel down-Imperton, he just took his friends and was wiped out by Magellan. If Shiryu didn't play fast enough, his'Blackbeard' path seemed to end here.

The same was true for the battle on the top. He was very cocky and arrogant. As a result, he was hung on the ground by the dying Newgate. I really couldn't see how he could give Shanks a lot of money.

However, since Malinford left, he has been firmly in the New World Four Emperors within two years and has fully taken over the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. There is no doubt that in this process, he will definitely experience many challenges, but Teach It was all dealt with, and once again proved his strength from the side.

So the strength of this guy Teach is really a mystery. Even Gromash is a little confused. Did this guy get through luck?

Only one thing can be determined, that is, Teach's character is very frivolous, conceited, and even a bit "arrogant" in it. He belongs to the kind of guy who "gets the power and becomes mad." This is also his biggest weakness. I know it very well, but it seems that he doesn't take these seriously.

"Even if he is very strong, but what does this have to do with us? Uncle Gromash wants to take me to clean him, right?? This is too much for me, right? You have so many masters, Can't you get rid of this guy?? Furfurfurfur..." Doflamingo said with a smile.

"No, I just want to use this to explain that the path of Firefist-Portgas-D-Ace's pursuit of this'Blackbeard' is probably a way of no return, Doflamingo, the new era is coming." Gromash grinned. , Said with a very evil smile.

Doflamingo also fell silent when he heard the words, he was thinking about the meaning of Gromash's words.

At this moment, there was a gunshot, and someone attacked the young master, but the young master just turned his head very casually and escaped the bullet, and then there was no much reaction, as if he was right. This kind of thing is no stranger to it.

In the next second, a maid with weapons all over her body broke into the courtyard with a burst musket. She said angrily, "Doflamingo!!! You killed him, right?? You killed mine The fiance was killed, right??? You bastard... Give me death!!"

After speaking, the maid shot Doflamingo without hesitation.

And Doflamingo didn't even look at her. With a slight movement of his feet, the ground quickly "assimilated", and then a line wall was raised to block him in front of him, blocking the bullets that hit him. .

"Jiehahahahahaha, Doflamingo, did you kill the baby-5 man again??? What a cruel guy, is he so possessive?? Not even his subordinates let go???" Gromash After hearing the voice over there from the phone bug, he couldn't help laughing and teasing.

After Doflamingo heard what Gromash said, he felt helpless. When it comes to taking action against his subordinates, you, Uncle Gromash, seems to have a bad ass on his body, right?? Where is the courage to tell me this?? It is really "shameless, but he also Instead of poking Gromash’s scars in person, he smiled and said, “baby-5 is mine.

Family, how could I casually watch her being cheated by the scum?? Let her vent her anger, and this matter will pass."

As soon as Doflamingo's voice fell, a bazooka shell had been shot out of baby-5's hands, directly blowing up black smoke where Doflamingo was.

At this time, there was a mess in the courtyard, and all the bikini beauties from all walks of life began to run away in shock.

The sofa Doflamingo was on was also upside down. At this time, the young master was lying on the upside down sofa, and the little maid, Baby-5, stepped on the sofa with one foot, and the gun in her hand was against Doflamingo's. With tears in his head and eyes, he said, "That person loves me so much and needs me so much, we all have to step into the hall of happiness for marriage together.

Yes, you sent someone to kill him... Doflamingo me..."

"Furafurfurfurfur, baby-5, I accidentally dropped my red wine, can you please bring me a new glass??" Doflamingo ignored the pistol that baby-5 was on his forehead. Did not answer baby-5, but casually talked about irrelevant things.

But after hearing Doflamingo's words, the battle maid, baby-5, had a dazed expression at first, and then the whole person seemed to be "showy". She was a little shy and said, "Do you need me??"

"No doubt," Doflamingo said with a smile.

Then baby-5, who was originally going to work hard with Doflamingo and settled the account with Doflamingo, soon went to pour Doflamingo...

Listening to all this on the phone worm, Gromash also felt very funny. He laughed and said, "Jiehahahahaha, Master Young Master, you little maid is really cute, why don't you let me Bar???"

0-seeking flowers...

"Furfurfurfurfur, don't be kidding, baby-5 is not a bargaining chip, it's my family," Doflamingo said with a smile.

After a little joke, Doflamingo lay on the sofa that turned over and asked again: "So what happened to the new era??"

"Jiehahahaha, let me give you a message in advance, Laozi is about to enter the New World, set a banquet for me, and prepare to pick up the dust," Gromash said with a laugh.

When Doflamingo heard this sentence, the pupils under the sunglasses instantly shrank, and then he suddenly stood up from the overturned sofa, and said in a deep voice, "Hey, this is not a casual take. What a joke, are you planning to start a war in New World???"

"Jiehahahahaha, war is inevitable, I want to enter the New World, how can I celebrate without firing two shots?? But this war is not to be fought in the New World," Gromash smiled and said.

If you want to pack and sell the pressed assets to the young master, the young master will definitely be very confused, so there are some things that can't be kept, but Gromash still trusts Doflamingo, between the two. There is also a binding of interest, so he feels that even if the matter is opened to Doflamingo to explain, there is nothing.

The big deal.

When Gromash finished all "what to say" to Doflamingo, Doflamingo, a smart man, was also shocked by the seemingly calm and rough sea situation behind him.

"That's the way...Is that so???" Doflamingo murmured a few words, and then he said again: "Then Uncle Gromash suddenly told me all these amazing secrets. Is there anything I can help with? ??"

"Jie ha ha ha ha, I am looking for you to take the order, I am ready to enter the New World. There must be some things that cannot be taken in the first half of the Grand Line. The intention of this is not to find a suitable friend to take over my business, and also to help us cover up the traces."

Marsh said with a smile.

Doflamingo laughed after hearing this. He reluctantly said, "So I wanted to find a fool to take the game. I, Doflamingo, is a "stupid representative" in your heart, Grandpa Gromash??"

"Hey, you guys don't get cheap and sell well. This thing is sold to others to find a'fool to take it'. That's right, but selling it to you is a high-quality industry with a steady profit. Do you want this guy?? Don't let me just give up at that time..." Gromash complained a little dissatisfied after hearing what Doflamingo said.

"Fufurfurfurfuru, yes, of course, I want everything that your uncle Gromash can't take with you. For your friend, even if I sell this palace, I will support you." Doflamingo Said with a smile.

After finalizing some matters, the two were a little bit nonsense for a while, and then they hung up the phone worm.

Looking at the messy courtyard tossed by baby-5, Doflamingo did not feel uncomfortable, but with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and whispered softly: "A new era?? Really exciting?"

Doflamingo knows very well that soon, the world will undergo earth-shaking changes, and all these patterns will be broken and reshaped. This is also a further opportunity for him! Little,

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