I Am Hellscream

Chapter 446 Sanji, be careful not to catch a cold.

In the back kitchen, Sanji, who was cooking the food, seemed to be worried at this time, a little tangled.

The owner of Zefu, who was standing by his side and chopping vegetables, gave him a look, and then said: "You guy, you are useless, and always trouble me. Thanks to you, our Bharati restaurant has become an unknown. How many beauties like to come to the "free eating and drinking" place, this time is also the trouble you caused, if you didn't give the creek a bite of food, there would be trouble

There are so many things, so get out of here, isn’t someone waiting for you??"

After Sanji heard what the boss said, the movements in his hand became stiff.He knew very well that he was not actually bored by the boss. After all, I have been here for so many years. Experienced despair and famine without water and food on the desert island, Sanji’s behavior is actually very good.

Supportive and very understanding.

As a chef, my job is to satisfy the appetite of others, isn't it?

As for Sanji's love to provoke beauties, the boss Zheo never paid attention to it.Beauties themselves are the ones who can bring in turnover. How much can you really eat even if it's free??

So Sanji understands that all these are just excuses, and the boss of Zeo doesn't want to restrain himself anymore, and he is no longer a baby bird.

"You bastard old man, you wanted to drive me away a long time ago???" Sanji said softly.

"That's right, I regret it all the time, and I regret why I saved you this stinky kid that year," Boss Zhefu said with a smile on his mouth.

Sanji glanced at the boss's leg, and then said, "Yeah, without me, your leg must still be there. You can still be that famous red-footed philosopher, can't you??"

The boss of Tetsuo did not answer Sanji's words, but said: "The ALL-BLUE legend has a sea of ​​dream cooking with all the ingredients in the world. I went to sea to find it."

"Didn't your friends say that there is no such sea??" Sanji moved in his heart, and then said softly.

"Yes, they all say that, but I believe that ALL-BLUE is on the Grand Line. I am old and can't continue to look for it. Besides, I still want to run this restaurant, so I'll leave it to you. Find it for me" Boss Zhefu paused when he said, then he smiled and said: "Find our common dream for me ALL-B


"Hmph, you smelly old man, don't expect me to come back and tell you after I find ALL-BLUE," Sanji Tsundere snorted and said.

After speaking, Sanji put out the flame on the stove, then put the food in the pot on the plate, then frowned and said: "I refused his invitation so many times before, and now I want to serve it again. Is the boat too embarrassing?? It's better to wait for the next pirate to get along, and I will leave again???"

Just as Sanji was thinking about it, Paddy, the chef who looked like Popeye, walked in with a pile of plates and said, "Hey, something interesting happened to the handyman again, a very nice beauty. Joined their pirate group, want me to say that men are still more attractive like me, I guess that beauty is

It’s for that Roronoa-Zoro. Ahahahaha, I don’t know when a beautiful woman will come to see me? 々」?"

"Beauty???" Sanji was taken aback when he heard the words of Popeye Paddy, and then immediately said, "Well, to escape the shame of a man, you have to explain the situation well, and look at them. Would you like to let me join?"

After three days, Luffy was full of food and drink, and Zoro's body was able to support him barely moving. Nami joined the Straw Hat Pirates, as did Sanji, the cook.

"So, our next destination is'Cocoa West Village" right??" Usopp spread out a chart of East Blue and pointed to it.

"That's right, although I have joined you, there are still some things to deal with. First, I have to send Nuoqigao back, and then I have to say goodbye to Bell-mère. Finally, I have to visit the 16th branch of Marine. Nami nodded and said.

After these three days of getting along, the few people also got to know each other, so Luffy and the others also got a general idea about the things in Cocoyashi Village.

"Since we have to leave, of course we have to solve the worries of the family, not to mention that I absolutely cannot tolerate Ms. Nuoqigao being oppressed by the people of Marine after we leave!!! The mouse colonel, let us solve it! !" As Sanji said, he returned the loyalty to Nuoji Gao Watch.

After seeing the appearance of Sanji, Nuojigo thought about the little devilish character of his sister Nami, and seemed to have seen Sanji's journey of being'oppressed'.

"Well, but I have already thought of some ways to solve this problem, maybe we won't have to do anything by then??" Nami smiled and said.

"In that case, let's set sail!!!" Luffy raised his arm and shouted happily.

Of course, you have to pack your luggage before leaving. Although Luffy and the others have no luggage, this is a restaurant. Now they have hired a cook. Of course, they have to pack more ingredients.

On the deck of Bharati, Usopp was about to untie the twine that was tied to Going Merry, and said, "Sanji, will you leave like this?? Don't you need to say hello to them??"

Sanji bit a cigarette, looked at the sea, and then said, "I have nothing to say to the smelly old man."

After speaking, Sanji is ready to board Going Merry, and Luffy and the others have installed all the things that should be installed...

Just when Sanji was about to climb the steps, on the balcony on the second floor of the restaurant, boss Tetsuo looked at Sanji's back and called him in a rare gentle tone.

"Hey, Sanji, be careful not to catch a cold," Tetsuo said softly.

And Sanji, who could not see any parting sadness at all, heard this simple exhortation, and his whole body froze in place, and his eyes became wet involuntarily.

In my mind, I think back to myself and the boss of Zefu for so many years, bit by bit, the great kindness of this is really hard to repay forever!!

The next moment, Sanji turned around abruptly, knelt on the ground with a soft knee, and smashed his head severely at Boss Tetsuo, and then shouted in his crying voice: "Boss Tetsuo!!! For a long time, to You have added a lot of trouble, your great kindness, I will never forget it!!

Hot tears fell on the deck of Bharati restaurant, and the chefs who came to see him off couldn't help but shed tears.

The stubborn'smelly old man' Zhefu boss's eyes were moisturized, and he said with a smile on his face: "Sure enough, the parting between this man should be silent. It's really shameful. "

Perhaps it is not the big winds and waves that can move people's hearts in this world. Sometimes a simple word of exhortation at the time of parting will hit the softest part of people's hearts...

In this way, the boss of Zhefu sent away his beloved assistant, inherited the will of the boss of Zhefu, and led the two to find the dream of'ALL-BLUE' together. Sanji boarded Luffy's ship and set sail.

At the same time, on a circus-like pirate ship near a certain sea area in East Blue, Buggy and the others were moving towards the 16th branch of Marine in East Blue.

"Captain Buggy, there are rumors that the world's number one swordsman-Dracule-Mike is in East Blue at this time. Isn't it the one who came to see you???" Kabaki rode a bicycle around on the deck. Huan'er said as he spoke.

"Hmm?? Mihawk??? Has he come to East Blue??" Buggy stopped the action of preparing to pour the wine with some curiosity, and asked.

At this moment, Alvida who was sitting on the side gave Buggy and Kabaki a glance, and then said mockingly: "Are you two acting skits??? The world's largest swordsman-Hawkeye will come to East Blue to find it. You little pirate who offers 15 million Baileys as a bounty??? Are you daydreaming??"

Bastard, how do you know the greatness of Captain Buggy, he is" Kabaki cursed very dissatisfied after hearing Alvida's words.

As early as that year, he went to Logue town with this Buggy to meet Four Emperors- Shanks, now Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gromash and Mihawk. I'm sure no doubt.

In other words, he is now Buggy's stupid fan, who dares to say that Buggy is not, he will turn his face

But Buggy put on an expression of'adults don't remember the villains', and said with a terrible ass: "Well, Kabaki, Alvida has only joined us for a long time after all. Isn't it normal for her to think like this? Didn’t you think the same way before?? But don’t worry, sooner or later, she will understand the greatness of my uncle Buggy"

But despite Buggy's words, Alvida still thinks that Buggy is pretending to be coercive, and most likely he wants to'scare' her.

Just when Alvida was about to continue retorting and taunting Buggy, suddenly a cold voice came up from the sea around their ship.

"Ah Buggy, you really are still in East Blue. It was true that you left your life card at the beginning." Mihawk, who was sitting on the sampan, was holding a life card in his hands, smiling. Looking at Buggy, who was leaning on the guardrail and preparing to drink, said.

Buggy was also taken aback by Mihawk's mysterious behavior at this time, and the wine glass in his hand was almost knocked out.

Fortunately, he and Mihawk are very familiar, so after a little surprised, he immediately said: "Mihawk?? You are really in East Blue, what about you just now? Did you come to East Blue to find my uncle for a drink??"

"Ahahahaha, that's not the case. Because of some small accidents, I came to East Blue. Now I am ready to leave, but since they are all here, I decided to see you and drink two. Cup again," Mihawk said with a smile.

I saw my old friend Buggy, plus the things that made him interesting a few days ago, so Mihawk is still in a good mood at this time.

After speaking, Mihawk jumped onto Buggy’s boat, and Buggy said, "Really?? You are the only one here?? Didn’t you bring Shanks that bastard with Gromash?"

"One of those two guys can't be contacted, and the other is busy to death," Mihawk said with a smile taking the wine glass Buggy handed over.

Just when Buggy was chatting with Mihawk, Alvida was already confused at this time. Mihawk is the perfect idol in the hearts of thousands of girls. Therefore, his popularity is very high in the female community. Of course, Alvida also recognizes him.

However, talking and laughing with the guy Buggy, he looked very familiar, which made Alvida feel that something was wrong in the world.

Even she can't help but doubt the true identity of Buggy, this guy who looks like a clown is really a great man??.

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