I Am Hellscream

Chapter 462 The sea that is no longer stable.

When the smoke dissipated, Gromash was still standing there, but Crocodile was already sinking into the crystallized ground.

Compared with Polusalino, the strength gap between Crocodile and Gromash at this time is not a little bit big, and it can't be made up with luck, miracles, and the like.

Gromash didn't even give his full strength, he had already pressed Crocodile to the ground.

Seeing Crocodile lying dying in the pit, Gromash's mouth curled slightly, and then he said, "It's a pity, Crocodile, your ambition seems to end here, whether it's Alabasta or not. The title of Seven Warlords of the Sea and the rest are going to leave you.."

Crocodile reluctantly opened his eyes, spit out a mouthful of bruises in his mouth, then took a couple of breaths, then laughed and said, "Hahahahaha, Gromash, don't be too smug, you are just a follower after all. I’m a guy who doesn’t have the guts to enter the New World.

So that it gives you a psychological shadow???"

After taking a sigh of relief, Crocodile smiled again and said, "Even if you beat me, what can you do?? Do you want Alabasta?? Give it to you, you are in the first half of the Grand Line. Be a tortoise, Rufu!!"

Hearing these mocking words of Crocodile, Gromash didn't care. Instead, he smiled and said, "Crocodile, if you talk about these mocking words before the fight, I might still be able to irritate me and want to watch. See if I can find any flaws from me and take a high look at you but"

Speaking of this, Gromash had a touch of contempt and disdain in his eyes, and then continued: "But now lying on the ground, lying under my feet, speaking these useless words as a loser, you only Let me underestimate you Crocodile, it looks like you have stayed in Alabasta for too long, not only

Is the strength degraded to the point where it is now, and even your strength is also degraded?? What?? Say a few words such a defeated dog's speech will make you feel more comfortable now?? Then you can say a few more words Sentence, as a winner, I still have this kind of tolerance. Bi... Apart from doing this, you have nothing to vent, right??"

After Crocodile heard what Gromash said, he seemed to have really listened to it, and he was not struggling anymore, and also did not make any more words of defeat.

He closed his eyes slightly, and then said softly: "Do it..."

Gromash looked at Crocodile's posture of facing death calmly, and couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, there is still some tolerance. Perhaps this time entering Impel down-Imperton, it is also a good thing for Crocodile this guy. It would be quite good to be able to use the "boiled soup of hell" to wash away the "stains on his body that have been contaminated over the years, so that he can'behave' again."

Not bad, isn't it??

Gromash and Crocodile did not have any grudges, and this time to clean up him was only because Crocodile "blocked' his way. Gromash needs to correct some things to conform to his plan.

Not to mention Crocodile, even if Gromash's good friend Doflamingo is in the position of Crocodile, Gromash will be ruthless and punish him.

When he enters the New World in the future, just like her bigmom needs his Gromash to disturb the water in the New World, he also needs to have a few "thorns" in New World to create some opportunities for him when Gromash reaches that level.

The Straw Hat Pirates are like this, so is Crocodile this guy, so Gromash didn't plan to kill him, but moved his wrist a bit, lifted his semi-beastification state, and restored it to its original appearance.

Then he said: "It's not the time for you to die, Crocodile, savor this defeat, maybe that hatred will become your motivation, and your next journey will be Impel down, Impelton. Now, let’s have a good experience of the fun I used to be there. To be honest, everyone in it is talented, and speaking again

It sounds good, I believe you will feel the same after you go in. "

After hearing that Gromash didn't mean to kill him, Crocodile opened his eyes and said, "Gromash, a bastard like you, should be clear about the consequences of cutting the grass without removing the roots???"

Gromash heard a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at Crocodile's embarrassed appearance, and then licked his lips and said, "Of course, Crocodile welcomes you to come and take revenge on me, but the premise is that you have to take revenge on me. Escape from that hell. Fortunately, I have a hunch that you will have that day. Jiehahahahahaha.'

Three days later, in Alabasta's palace, Gromash was waving some bait into the pond in a small courtyard.

I have to say that the Nafirutali royal family is still very rich. The accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years is very rich, even if it has been dragged down by the civil war for several years, but it is still rich.

At the same time, this palace is also very luxurious. The outside world is short of water and rain. There is even a large pond and a super-wide hot spring bathing pool in the Tanafirutali palace.

For this thing, if Gromash is a rebel, knowing the existence of these things, it will also be desperate with his Nafirutari royal family.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of king, after all, the'king' is still very different from those ordinary civilians.

"The above is the wealth in the Alabasta treasury that I personally inspected. As for the arms business, I have to wait for Robin to talk about it by herself." Monet smiled and said while standing behind Gromash, who was full of leisurely sentiment.

"These are trivial things, don't need to tell me one by one, how about the guy Crocodile, the things about Crocodile and the news about the woman Stussy??? Did Polusalino catch her?? Gromash asked softly.

Compared with the trivial things, these things are of interest to him.

Monet smiled, and then he said: "Crocodile has been taken away by Polusalino Admiral, and Crocodile is taking over the remaining Baroque workshops. In the rain, His Majesty Cobra found out. Many of Crocodile’s crimes in Alabasta, with these crimes, the World government had to convict him, presumably

He will be imprisoned in Impel down soon, right? In his capacity, the sixth floor can't run away. As for his title of Seven Warlords of the Sea, of course he will be stripped of it, at the latest I should see the newspaper tomorrow. "

"The first Seven Warlords of the Sea has been "fallen". Next, this organization will vacate more positions one after another. I don’t know when we leave this position, this Seven Warlords of the Sea I still can't afford the title of'Three Powers' ah Jiehahahaha." Gromash laughed and said.

He was not surprised by Crocodile's fate. If Cobra couldn't handle this thing, he really wouldn't continue to be king, and it was precisely because Crocodile's evidence was too complete, Gromash Fighting with him here also put on a layer of justice of "saving the country", even if the relationship between Alabasta and the World government

The relationship is very bad. Crocodile can be unscrupulous here because the world government is indulging, but these are impossible to say on the table.

So on the surface, Gromash's behavior is as a Seven Warlords of the Sea, and is stopping another Seven Warlords of the Sea's evil plan, thus saving a member country under the World government, and this member country is still very The special one is one of the descendants of the twenty kings back then..

With such a reason, the world government can no longer continue to'compete' with Gromash, let alone warn Gromash, his uncle Gromash didn't ask them for a "enthusiastic citizen" pennant, but he was kind and didn't give it to them. Add blockage.

All in all, even if the world government is angry, it has to be suffocated and unable to speak out!

"Captain, even without us, Mr. Mihawk and the others are still in Seven Warlords of the Sea. Although the overall strength should decline, it won't cause a fall out of the'three major forces' situation, right?? These are'seven'" Monet said with a smile.

0-Seeking flowers...

"Well, who knows???" Gromash smiled, and then asked again: "So, what about Stussy??"

Hearing Gromash mentioning the woman again, Monet shook his head slightly, and then said with some regret: "When Crowe was recruiting the Baroque work agency, she found her in a secret stronghold, but it was a pity. Crowe still has the strength of his subordinates..."

"Jiehahahahaha, that is to say, let the'picture run' run again??" Gromash smiled and said.

Speaking of it, he originally didn't plan to take care of Crocodile here personally, but he should focus more on finding Stussy. As a result, after coming to Alabasta, the situation changed, and he found the traces of the revolutionary army, Polusali. Nuo also ran here, so that Gromash's plan was completely changed.

First, there was a battle with Polusalino, and then Crocodile was crushed again.. In the end, the original goal, Stussy, didn't even see each other. It was really fateful.

"Yes, Stussy quickly fled after fighting with the intelligence department. I don't know if she is still in Alabasta. We can't continue to find her. After all, the reconstruction work in Alabasta is also It’s about to begin. The populations of various places are very complicated, and the rebels’ incorporation and so on will also affect these.” Monet

Some helplessly said.


"It's okay, it's not to blame Crowe, I should have done the thing that was looking for Stussy. Crowe only needs to incorporate the Baroque work agency. Now he is already completing his task, isn't it? ?? So let me carry this pot." Gromash smiled and said, not to blame because Stussy ran away from Crowe

"Captain, do you know what I like best about you???" Monet said suddenly.

What is the sin.

Gromash also froze for a while, then smiled and said, "What? Is this a confession?? I am also very curious about your answer."

"What I like most about you, Captain, is that you never justify your mistakes too much. A big man like you can still face your own failures and bear this "humiliation". Very attractive," Monet said with a smile.

"Jiehahahahahaha, if you don't even dare to admit your own failures and mistakes, how can you walk on this vast sea with such a small measure???" Gromash said with a laugh.

At the same time, at Naval Headquarters. Malinford, Marshal Sengoku looked at a document in his hand and felt helpless.

"I heard that Polusalino played against Gromash in Alabasta and was completely suppressed??? Even in a short time I was in a state of defeat???" The guy Garp was biting the senbei, and he was curious. Asked.

"Hmph, I said it a long time ago, he puts too much emphasis on fruit ability, maybe this defeat can also remind him of my teacher's confession!" Zephyr said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

Although his relationship with Polusalino was not very good, Marine Admiral lost to Seven Warlords of the Sea dignifiedly, which also made his face dull, so he still hopes that Polusalino will be able to win the battle in the future. Shameful.

"Yes, that Gromash has become even more tricky. I am afraid that if he is really going to be an enemy in the future, he can't be helped without two Admiral-level combat power," Marshal Sengoku said weakly.

Then he paused and continued: "But it's not the time to discuss his Gromash, but this Crocodile is the blessing of the two of them. This is the first time that Seven Warlords of the Sea has vacated a place. It has been decided to deprive Crocodile of the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea, that is to say"

Chief Staff Officer Tsuru opened his half-closed eyes at this time, and then Marshal Sengoku whispered softly: "The balance maintained by the three major forces on the sea is no longer stable." Xiao,

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