I Am Hellscream

Chapter 468 Intimidate Lafitte.

After "playing with the Admiral candidate who arrived in the park, Gromash soon led the frightened little brother to the conference room Marine specially prepared for their seven big pirates.

The door of the meeting room was open at this time. Before Gromash could enter, he saw the arrogant figure of Doflamingo sitting on the round table of the meeting.

This young master still looks like "awe-inspiring", the pink flamingo feather coat is draped over his shoulders, he wears a white shirt with an open chest, and a pair of colorful tights on his legs. A pair of pointed-top peas are also worn on it.

His Gromash is often referred to as a "rogue", but compared with Doflamingo's equipment, he is more decent. Thinking that Doflamingo is also'degenerate', the dignified Celestial Dragons just dressed himself up like this, and What's even more incredible is that his evil temperament matches his outfit very much.

Ordinary people wearing this suit, Gromash might want to kick him up, but Doflamingo looked unusually handsome in it.

Gromash saw his good friend Young Master, and of course the Young Master also saw Gromash, his good friend, seeing that Doflamingo, who was still a bit boring, showed his bright smile in an instant.

"Fufurfurfurfuru, I thought it was boring just now, your grandpa Gromash came, it really rained in time," Doflamingo said while sitting on the round table, smiling.

Gromash walked in the door and glanced, and found that only the expressionless guy Bartholemew-bear was sitting on a chair with a Bible in his hand and was reading it carefully. Of course, this was just referring to the sea. In the thief camp, speaking of Marine, the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru is sitting at the round table with a few Vice Admiral from the headquarters at this moment.


However, she had no interest in talking to Doflamingo at this time, because she was closing her eyes slightly and seemed to be taking a nap.

The Tsuru General Staff Council is also normal. After all, she and Doflamingo can be said to be the relationship between Gromash and Marshal Sengoku. The two have fought with each other for many years. In the end, Doflamingo still became Seven Warlords of the Sea, which made her change too. There was no way to shoot against Doflamingo.

"It's boring that you came so early??? Why?? Are you okay??" Gromash said with a smile, and at the same time walked to the round table, and carried the legendary battle axe-Hell Destroyer on his back to the wall. When I leaned in, I sat down.

"Fufurfurfuru, come here with your axe, why?? Insecure??" Doflamingo first glanced at the tomahawk that Gromash put aside, and said with a smile.

Then, before Gromash could speak, he said again: "The recent business is really good, and the development is too smooth, so I really have nothing to do, otherwise, why would I come here to participate in these boring What about the meeting??"

"Jiehahahahaha, I am also very happy to hear you say that. It seems that I can make a lot of money again this year." Gromash laughed and said.

The current state between him and Doflamingo is completely'grasshopper on a rope'. Doflamingo's business is good, so his business is naturally good, Doflamingo's business is bad, and his uncle Gromash will also suffer losses. So after hearing what Doflamingo said, Gromash was still very happy.

At this moment, a voice that made Gromash feel familiar and familiar came from behind him.

"Hmph, if you pirates have a good business, it would be really difficult for us to do it..." Marshal Sengoku said as he walked in with a little goat.

Just when Gromash and Doflamingo and Bartholemew-bear all looked at Marshal Sengoku, he seemed to have just'understood' and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to say hello first, it's really rude. Garbage on the sea"

"Jie ha ha ha ha, look at what you said, Grand Marshal, your good brother, but I just saved a country that was almost usurped by the "garbage", why should I give me a medal? Right? , If you don’t believe me, Polusalino can testify to me, Jiehahahaha, what about others?? Is his injury better?? I heard that he followed

Crocodile fought a fierce battle and sent him to Impel down-Imperton. You Marine will really cause us trouble. If you hadn't captured Crocodile, we wouldn't use it to participate in this boring meeting. Isn't it??" Gromash laughed and said after hearing Marshal Sengoku's taunt.

After hearing his words, Doflamingo almost didn't laugh. Sure enough, the kung fu on the mouth of the uncle Gromash is more powerful than the kung fu on his hands. The white ones were turned into black ones. Look at this marshal Sengoku, his face turned blue.

"Huh, you haven't lost all your hard work, Gromash," Marshal Sengoku said with a cold snort.

If it weren't for his Gromash suddenly appeared in Alabasta and gave Crocodile to the ground, he would not have to be here to talk to them and the bastard pirates. Now this guy still bites back, it's really stinking. shameless.

"What is it? The General Marshal, although we are the'Brother Jinlan' who have worshipped together, but we are familiar with each other, if you say nonsense that I will go to Enies Lobby to sue you for slander, the world government is not all in the newspapers. Has a declaration been posted?? This Crocodile was indeed taken away by Polusalino, hasn’t it??" Gromash pretended to open


"Fufurfurfurfur, it's such a thing, I also saw Admiral of Headquarters in the newspaper-Polusalino became a hero in Alabasta." Doflamingo also laughed and followed Gromash upside down. Black and white.

At this moment, Tsuru Chief Staff Officer suddenly said: "Okay, don't worry about these things anymore. What should have happened has happened. It is useless to say anything more. Now that six people have come three, it is true. It was beyond our expectation. The rest of the people probably won't come. Let's start the meeting, right?"

Gromash spread his hands and said, "Don't worry, the bastard guy Mihawk contacted me. He said he will come, he should be there soon??"

As soon as Gromash's voice fell, he heard footsteps outside the door, and then the fellow Mihawk had already spoken.

"So you're saying bad things about me behind your back?? Bastard Gromash??" Mihawk said with a smile on his stern face.

"Yeah, I really mean who will come" Gromash said with a smile.

Mihawk casually placed his black knife-Ye Ye next to Gromash's battle axe, pulled the chair away and sat down, and then said, "After all, you bastard made so much right and wrong in Alabasta. It caused this meeting, so I wanted to come and listen. After you get Crocodile down, you are going to choose who to sit here.


"Jiehahahaha, I really just did a little thing casually. I don't have any suitable person for this position, do you have??" Gromash said with a smile.

"That's all, I'm here, huh?" Mihawk frowned suddenly when he said that.

And the rest of Gromash and the rest of the big guys have also sensed something.After all, this is Naval Headquarters-Malinford. It is naturally impossible for their group of pirates to sit here without defense, and for the same reason, sitting in Gromash and their group In front of the bastard, it is impossible for Marshal Sengoku and Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer to have no defense.

Beware of each other, after all, if someone suddenly becomes nervous, it will be a big trouble, so they also turned on Observation Haki at a minimum.

Because of this, they only realized what was wrong at this time.As expected, a figure with wings flew in from the open window. Like a gentleman.

Gromash recognized at a glance, this guy is Teach's "Lobbyist" Birdman. Lafitte.

"Since Mihawk-sama said that he was here to listen, why not let me come and listen. Of course, if you don't have a good candidate, I also really want to recommend an interesting pirate to you." After Lafitte landed While talking, he stretched out his hand and took off his hat, and bowed to everyone.

"Jiehahahahahaha, Grand Marshal Sengoku, it seems that your defenses at Malinford have been very lax recently. Why? Is it because no one dared to come to Malinford to make trouble?? ?? I bring people to attack Malinford, you bring people to defend, so that can also strengthen the discipline." Gromash and

Ignoring Lafitte, he mocked Sengoku, the Marine's general.

Sengoku, the Grand Marshal, was said by Gromash at this time, and his expression became gloomy, but the guy in front of him was able to break through Malinford's defense line and flew here, which also shows that Gromash is right. It is indeed slack. Ah, I will prepare it well when I look back.

However, Marshal Sengoku is still a very stable person. Since this guy with unknown origin can enter this conference room, it also shows that he still has two brushes. When the situation is not clear, first listen to his words and think about how to deal with it. It's okay for him.

But before that, we still have to figure out his identity.

"Who are you??" Marshal Sengoku asked in a deep voice.

240 "I'm just a small person in the next, I'm afraid you won't know you after I have reported your family." "Lafitte still wants to continue to dress up, but he hasn't finished his words, Tsuru's chief staff is already very calm. He interrupted his speech.

"Are you Lafitte?? The famous West Blue security officer who abuses violence and has the name "Devil Patrol"" Chief Staff Officer Tsuru said flatly, as if all this couldn't escape her eyes. generally.

Lafitte was suddenly smashed by the Tsuru Chief Staff Officer, and the rhythm was messed up. Fortunately, he is also a very capable person, so he quickly adjusted his mentality, smiled and said: "I can't think of it here. Someone else knows"

But Gromash didn't want to get used to him, let alone listen to his nonsense. Although he admired him very much before, but now he joined Teach's motorcycle, he will naturally become an enemy in the future, so there is no need to be polite with him.

Therefore, after Tsuru Chief Staff Officer interrupted Lafitte's outfit ratio, Gromash also directly interrupted his second outfit ratio.

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, just know your name is Lafitte, and give you three minutes to explain your intentions, otherwise, I will unscrew your wings and vent my Sengoku brothers. Let you swim back," Gromash said openly with a wave of his hand.

After Marshal Sengoku heard Gromash's words, he gave him an angry look. This bastard didn't forget to kick himself in any way. It was really annoying.

The same is true for Lafitte. He was interrupted by the pretend performance, and his heart was also very aggrieved.This is different from what he imagined. It shouldn't be his mysterious appearance, and then shocked these guys, and then very cool The explanation of the wine is here, do you use your smart brain and perfect logic to convince the Marine Marshal Sengoku?

Has the rhythm been disrupted?

But although he felt aggrieved in his heart, he didn't dare to show it.Who is Gromash, and Lafitte also knows a little bit.To put it simply, he is a very casual guy. He can kill Crocodile casually. At this time, he Intimidating yourself is not necessarily a joke, so Lafitte also gave a faint smile in his heart.

He said: "Hehe, since His Royal Highness Gromash is so interested in my ideas, let me state it."

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