I Am Hellscream

Chapter 470 Think of Naval Headquarters as a chess room?

Hearing Gromash's words, Marshal Sengoku almost didn't throw the teacup in his hand onto this bastard's face. Originally, his mood was already very upset, and he wanted to come and give you a response. It's really not a thing.

But fortunately, he still has the temperament of being a marshal. He didn't really use his anger, he just said angrily, "It won't be long before you get the news. Let's wait and see for the time being to see if we will let them run away." Bar!"

With the fall of Marshal Sengoku's words, it also announced that the Seven Warlords of the Sea meeting was temporarily suspended. Gromash and the others are nothing. Anyway, the Seven Warlords of the Sea who can gather here are the same as him and Doflamingo. For those who are idle for a while, it’s okay to delay so much time.

But Lafitte is very sitting on the wax. He was not invited, and his identity, status, and reputation are also inferior to Teach. In theory, he is also a "West Blue little security." Only, under this status, he doesn't even have the qualifications to talk to the big guys here.

Nowadays, so many big guys are sitting here, and they don’t want to surrender themselves to pay attention to small people like Lafitte. Therefore, for a while, Gromash and the others get together to talk and laugh, ridiculing this Buster Call big In the event, Marshal Sengoku and Tsuru's chief staff were also discussing something in a low voice, and no one wanted to talk to him.


For a time, "Two or Four Zero" Lafitte could only stand stiffly in front of the window, pretending to be nonchalant, looking around at the scenery outside the window, thinking about how to resolve this mystery. Embarrassing, after all, he hasn't done anything yet. If he leaves dingy at this time, how can he have the face to go back to see Teach, the captain who trusts him?

Gromash glanced at Laozi, who exuded the "fan fan" aura from his body, and smiled involuntarily in his heart, thinking: "Let you pretend to be like this, Laozi dare not sneak into Malinfu like this. De, you dare to fly in from the sky, stand there and reflect on it!"

In fact, Gromash really wants to go to Enies Lobby to join in the fun, to see if Robin is gone, and what kind of ghost will the big show staged by Stussy develop, but he also understands at the moment that before the Enies Lobby incident ends, he is absolutely There is no chance to leave Malinford, Marshal Sengoku probably can think of him with his feet if Gromash leaves at this time

Where will Malinford go to join in the fun.

With his dislike and precaution against him, the General Marshal, if he showed a little intention of wanting to leave here, it would be weird if he entangled himself without letting him leave.

Therefore, Gromash was too lazy to have trouble with Marshal Sengoku, so he should just wait to hear the news of Enies Lobby in Malinford.

It's already this moment, and Gromash's heart has become much more relaxed. Unlike in Alabasta, in Alabasta Luffy they played against a cruel guy like Crocodile. Losing is a dead word, so Gromash will protect them.

But in Enies Lobby and Marine, there are not so many worries. What's more, this Buster Call is still sent from the hand of Kuzan. With the friendship between Kuzan and Garp, the old guy, how can they not put Luffy on the spot? They were all beaten to death, and all the staff were sent to Impel down. Impelton had another education.

As long as you are not killed on the spot, there is still a chance to get out of the waves, even if there is no Luffy behind to brave Impel down-Imperton, Teach this guy will go to Impel down-Impel as long as he can accomplish the set goal. Suddenly, when the time comes, Gromash will arrange it casually, or you can let them go out to continue, wave"??

With the cards in his hand, he didn't panic in his heart. After Gromash figured it all out, he continued to laugh and chat with Doflamingo and Mihawk.

And when the atmosphere became more and more lively, Mihawk, a guy who looked extremely cold on the surface, but was actually extremely boring in his heart, took out a deck of cards from his pocket, and then he said with interest: " The left and right are also idle. The three of us haven't got together for a long time. Have you been here for two hands??"

Doflamingo saw that Mihawk was carrying a deck of cards with him. He felt sorry for him. He looked at Mihawk with incredible eyes and said, "You, the world's number one swordsman, throw away your sword when you enter the door. In the corner, on the contrary, I carry a deck of cards with me?? This is just a big laugh when it is passed out."

Mihawk pretended to say: "When I am in my state, does it matter whether I have a sword in my hand?? I am the sword, and the sword is me, not to mention, the little thing hanging around my neck is also a sword. Okay, don't talk about nonsense, are you coming??"

Seeing that Mihawk has become addicted to the cards, Doflamingo is not good at sweeping his face, anyway, this Seven Warlords of the Sea meeting is temporarily unable to go on, after all, the host and Marshal Sengoku are in no mood. It's okay to accompany him with Mihawk.

"Okay, since your first swordsman has spoken, how can I give you this face?" Doflamingo jumped off the table, pulled a chair away, and said after sitting down.

Seeing that Doflamingo had entered the pit, Mihawk looked at the guy Gromash. Gromash smiled and said, "Then pass two hands. I think your guy is here for us. The cards are coming?? No wonder that I came here as an observer. It turns out that the main purpose of this is to play cards with us. I really don’t know you.

How does this guy's brain circuit grow?"

"Just look it out, what do you have to say?? I really don't understand the style." Mihawk said disdainfully.

As he spoke, the movement in his hand did not drop at all, and the "Ah Lala" began to shuffle the cards, and then he was extremely proficient and launched cards for Gromash and Doflamingo at a very fast speed.

Looking at the appearance of Mihawk, a veteran casino player, Gromash and Doflamingo are a bit of a pity, and Gromash even said with some suspicion: "Mihawk, you guys are not teaching the monkeys to you on your monkey island. Have you played cards together??"

Mihawk looked at Gromash a little impatiently and said, "It seems that you guy really doesn't pay much attention to my whereabouts. After I came out of East Blue, I stayed in your golden city for a long time. I only came down a few days ago. Came here"

To Gromash's surprise, the guy Mihawk sorted out his cards while talking, then he even took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and took one out and bit it on his mouth.

That look, really want to be a gambler, what a gambler!! It doesn't match his temperament and dress at all, okay?

"Laozi has known you for so many years, knowing you love to drink, or seeing you smoking for the first time??? What happened???" Gromash said in surprise.

Even Doflamingo has a hell of a face, and he almost took off his sunglasses. Take a good look at whether this is Mihawk. Could it be that someone dropped it?

Mihawk looked at Gromash and Doflamingo's surprised faces and said impatiently, "Are you two sick? Can't you focus on it? You care whether I smoke or not? People are changing. How are you doing?? I have now entered the realm of returning to nature, and this is also a kind of grinding in the red dust."

Listening to Mihawk's nonsense, Gromash could only shook his head and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Fall, it's really depravity. Originally, only Young Master was falling. I didn't expect you to start to fall." , I am guilty, really guilty, I shouldn't have taught you how to play cards back then..."

"Hey, hey, let's talk about it, don't mess around, I'm not down to zero." Doflamingo waved his hand and said.

In this way, the three Seven Warlords of the Sea who wore a pair of trousers turned the Naval Headquarters into a "chess and card room" that was specially constructed for them to use for meetings of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

I was not at all polite with the master, General Marshal Sengoku, and started to fight the landlord in a miasma.

This magical operation of the three of them was also a glimpse of General Marshal Sengoku who was discussing something with the Tsuru chief staff. What the hell is this?? Seven Warlords of the Sea organization Is it so shameless?? Openly gathering crowds to gamble in the camp of justice??

Similarly, the guy Bartholemew-Bear was also short-circuited by the machine that was operated by the three gods of Gromash and the show. It seems that in order to avoid being'infected' by them, he deliberately moved far away. How disgusted.

And Lafitte, who was standing at the window at a loss, was also shocked, but thanks to the three shameless guys Gromash, the awkward atmosphere that originally surrounded him also disappeared a lot.

"I don't know if Captain Teach's idea of ​​joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea" organization is correct?? Will all the people who join the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization become such a ghost??? Why don't I go back and persuade Captain Teach to change the plan??" Lafitte looked at the misty meeting room, and even wanted to retreat in his heart.


If Gromash knew that Mihawk had brought their wave of "manipulations" to almost dissuade Lafitte, I don't know how he would think about it.

In this way, the three of Gromash gathered to gamble in the headquarters of justice, Naval Headquarters-Marinford, and the Enies Lobby was also fighting fiercely.

In the future, Marshal Sengoku recalled the situation of this day, and always felt very shameful. This day seemed to be a "failure of justice"...

The geography of Enies Lobby is very strange. It has another name called'Island that never sleeps.' That is to say, this island is always in the state of "eternal day", the sun in the sky will not go down, 24 hours a day. Bright.

Because of this 3.8, Luffy and the group of people make trouble in Enies Lobby in broad daylight.

But this is not the case for Malinford.After a long wait, the sky outside gradually darkened.Gromash, who also bit a smoking cigar, was also playing cards at this time and thinking about what was there. problem.

It's been too long. Although the battle of Enies Lobby is fierce, but in the final analysis, it should be that some vegetables are pecking each other. It is not like Gromash and other top masters. They will fight for three days. Night.

What's more, the strength of the guy Stussy in the Enies Lobby incident should be someone who is out of specification. Now, the most capable player in Enies Lobby has already been'abducted' by him, and there are many Straw Hat Pirates. I have a master like Stussy, and it should be finished sooner. Why hasn't there been any news until now?? Isn't it true?

Has it been killed??

On the other side, Marshal Sengoku is also a little anxious. It stands to reason that the Buster Call fleet has passed. The five elite Vice Admiral are there. Kuzan seems to be nearby. The group of people who clean up the straw hat pirates should be. It's right soon, why it's getting dark, and the news hasn't arrived yet?? Isn't it really the crow that made Gromash this guy?

You said it right??

In this way, under the consideration of Marshal Gromash and Sengoku, Naval Headquarters. Malinford entered the night.

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