I Am Hellscream

Chapter 474 Rayleigh: He is Newgate's son!

The next day, the sun had just risen, and when it was getting bright, the Elune of Gromash had already sailed out of the Naval Headquarters, the military port of Malinford.

In the cabin, Gromash is having breakfast with Monet and Robin.

"It turns out that the Marines have really started to prepare for war. This can be guessed by the captain. It's really amazing." Monet poured a glass of juice for Gromash very intimately, and then said with a smile.

"Small point, it's not just a day or two for my uncle Yingming Shenwu, is it??" Gromash said with a terrible ass.

"Praise you, you are about to go to heaven," Robin also laughed and said teasingly.

After a little bit of fun, Robin asked, "So, when is this war set? Does the Marshal Sengoku have an answer??"

"No, even if they really have set the time, do you think they dare to tell us in advance?? Wait, when they have everything ready, they will naturally send us allies to participate in this event. The "invitation letter" of the war," Gromash said with a smile.

Then he picked up the juice that Monet had just poured him, took a sip, and said again: "And I can see that the cunning old fox Sengoku has begun to beware of me, and he is afraid that I will turn back at this critical moment. Right?? After all, if the rest of the Seven Warlords of the Sea teamed up with Newgate, it would not be a big "threat", but in case it was me

Our Frostwolf Pirates are fighting against the water in the war, and if they stand with Newgate and do the right thing with their Marine, Sengoku is not sure that he will be able to beat the two of us. At that time, whether it is for Marine or for the world. In other words, it will be an unprecedented disaster."

After Monet heard Gromash's words, his eyes lit up and he said: "Then Captain, don't you really think about joining forces with Newgate?? This is a good opportunity."

Gromash flipped over Byakugan and said: "What do these things do, just as the real enemy of the World government is not us pirates, the real 240 enemy of us pirates is not the World government, and I always do it right with them before. , It’s because I can’t breathe in my heart and I’m not happy, now that the breath has been out a long time ago, so it will not affect us

In the case of interest, there is no need to rush to bully them. After all, there is only one goal, and that is One Piece, and this World government will not come to me to grab the position of One Piece, so our real enemies are actually those of us. Pirates. As for the World government, let Dorag and them take care of it. We only need to push it at certain moments.

So one hand is enough. "

After hearing Gromash's words, Monet nodded and said, "Yes, with Dorrag's progress and the degree of corruption of the World government, I think they may not have been a few years away."

"Jiehahahahahaha, that's the truth. Even without us, the giant ship of World government will gradually sink in the ocean. Then we shouldn't waste our power to do unnecessary things..." Gromash Da Said with a smile.

Robin wiped his mouth, and then asked softly: "That is to say, Captain, you have agreed to Marshal Sengoku's war plan, are you ready to join forces with them Marine against Whitebeard??"

"Isn't that of course?? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Whitebeard. We immediately turned our faces with Marine and the World government and entered the New World directly!!" Gromash said very firmly.

Then he smiled again and said: "But I am afraid there is another careerist who has the same plans as us. The Marine Marshal Blackbeard- Marshall-D- Teach, Sengoku may pay attention to his information, but he will definitely not know him too much. It’s human, just like us, the location of Seven Warlords of the Sea just won’t satisfy his appetite.

The war that has not yet started is really interesting."

"Is the purpose the same?? In other words, in this war, they are also our enemies??" Robin asked softly.

"That's right, so we have to break their illusions in this war and let them know that the fisherman in "Snipe and clam fight for fisherman's profit" is not so good. He's angry," Gromash said with a grin on his mouth, with a cruel smile on his face.

All of them feel that they have mastered the three people who have the initiative in the war, who is the final winner?

The Allenen slowly left the vicinity of Malinford waters, but did not move towards the City of Seven Waters, but drove towards the Sabaody Archipelago, which was not very far away.

If nothing else, the Straw Hat Pirates should return to the City of Seven Waters. This group of people are troublemakers. Gromash is unwilling to contact them when there is no need, so they save them from making some more. The mess, if it affects his plan at that time, it won't be good.

Compared with this, I'd better go to the long-lost Sabaody Archipelago to find Rayleigh, who is always old, have a little wine, and have a chat.

At the same time, because of the friendship of friends for so many years, Gromash is also going to tell Rayleigh about his old club-Roger's son was arrested, to see if Rayleigh is interested in saving Ace.

Not surprisingly, Newgate will definitely be on stage in this big show for the last performance of his life, and the guy Golden Lion-Shiki is currently locked in Impel down-Impelton, once Impel down-Imperton caused a great chaos, and he was able to leave the hell with Shiki in all likelihood.

Once Shiki leaves the hell, he will definitely learn about the battle between Newgate and Marine in Malinford, and at the same time let him know that Gromash, the enemy of life and death, is also in Malinford. Character, he will go to Marine and Gromash for revenge 100%.

Two heroes from the old era will appear there. If Rayleigh is also fooled away, it will be a big show.

However, Gromash always feels that this kind of thing is very unlikely. With Rayleigh's character, he may not necessarily save Ace, but I have to try it out. What if?

At that time, you will be able to see the spectacular scenery of the three legendary pirate groups besieging Malinford.

"Roger Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Golden Lion Pirates??? Jiehahahaha, it's really funny," Gromash smiled and said to himself.

Unlike when they went to Malinford, there was no delay on the Elune when they left, and the Sabaody Archipelago was very close, so in a short while, Gromash and the others came to this island.

The whole illegal zone is basically his uncle Gromash's territory, so here he didn't meet any (abdi) non-long-eyed guys to provoke him recklessly.

Soon, Gromash and his party came to Xia Qi's rip-off tavern with ease.

As soon as I opened the door, Gromash was still a little disappointed.

There are still few customers in the tavern. Gromash guessed that if it weren't for the people of the Frostwolf Pirates group to party here every other day, I'm afraid Mrs. Xia Qi would have already gone bankrupt?

Rayleigh, who was wiping the glass, heard the sound of pushing the door and turned his head and saw Gromash's grinning expression. Then Rayleigh also followed with a smile and said, "It's been a while, why? Your grandpa Gromash is busy. Finished all the messy things at hand??"

Gromash smiled and said, "I'm just taking time out of my busy schedule. I don't have anything to do, so I'll stay here for a while."

After speaking, Gromash turned his head to look at Mrs. Xia Qi, and said with a smile: "Old rules, have a glass of the strongest wine!"

"The old rule is to keep accounts??" Xia Qi also said with a smile.

"Keep the bill, someone will check out with you anyway??" Gromash nodded and said.

After sitting down, Rayleigh also put his hands alive, washed his hands and sat beside Gromash, and said with some confusion, "What does it mean to live for a while?? What are you going to do at Sabaody Archipelago?? "

It is normal to say that Gromash has nothing to do to come to him for a drink, but suddenly he will be here for a while, then Rayleigh must feel a little strange.

Just when Gromash wanted to speak, Shaqi had already put a glass of spirits by Gromash's hand, and then Gromash picked up the glass and touched the small bottle that Rayleigh had brought, and after a sip, he said, "Yes. Something has happened"

As Gromash, what can now be called a big event by him, in Rayleigh's view, it must be a very big event, so he also asked a little curiously: "What's the matter??"

Gromash didn't sell anything, and said directly: "The war is about to break out, the top one."

"The top class???" Rayleigh said in a daze.

"Yes, Naval Headquarters is going to fight to the death with Whitebeard's hometown..." Gromash threw the confidential information directly to Rayleigh, never remembering that before leaving Malinford, Marshal Sengoku told them these Seven Warlords of the Seven Warlords of the Sea wants to keep it secret.

Rayleigh, who had just drunk the wine into his mouth, almost didn't spit out the wine after hearing the news, but he still choked his throat.

"Cough, cough, cough"" Rayleigh coughed a few times, and then said with a flushed face: "Don't you be making fun of me?? Why suddenly Naval Headquarters is about to fight the Whitebeard Pirates?? Sengoku that Did the guy take the wrong medicine??"

"Am I that free??" Gromash first gave Rayleigh a white look, then shook his head and said, "It's not a sudden, they have been preparing for a long time, but the preparation is very secretive and no one has noticed it."

Before Rayleigh could speak again, Gromash turned his head and looked into his eyes, and then said softly, "And the fuse of this war is the guy Ace who will be sent to Malinford soon. A pirate who called himself "Blackbeard" used him as a bargaining chip to trade with the World government and Marine, and he would become

The new Seven Warlords of the Sea "

After hearing the news that Ace had been arrested, Rayleigh's pupils shrank suddenly, which happened to be seen by Gromash who had been staring at him.

Then Gromash opened his mouth and said again: "Do you have nothing to say about this??? You should be very clear about Ace's true identity??"

Rayleigh was silent for a while, he picked up his small bottle and took another sip, with a hint of alcohol, he said, "What do you want me to say??? Do you want me to save him??"

"Well, let me tell you, I do have this kind of thought, it's interesting, isn't it??" Gromash shrugged and said casually.

"Why, I am going to save him??" Rayleigh asked suddenly.

Gromash also took it for granted: "Isn't he your captain Roger's son?? You save it."

Just before Gromash's words were finished, Rayleigh suddenly said in a very serious voice, "No, Gromash, make no mistake, he is Whitebeard and Newgate's son!!!"

After Gromash heard Rayleigh's powerful words, he looked at Rayleigh silently. After a long time, Gromash sighed and said, "Maybe."

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