I Am Hellscream

Chapter 477 Bellamy's Impel down trip.

Impel down-Imperton, after Magellan became the director of this deep sea prison, Impel down has never had any trouble again.Although some people still want to escape from prison occasionally, they will always be swiftly by Magellan. Calm down.

In Magellan's director's office, while holding his stomach, this guy asked with a somewhat unsmooth expression: "Has Portcas-D-Ace been sent to the sixth floor??'

Standing in front of his tall body is Impel down's deputy head guard-Domino, Domino is a beautiful woman with sunglasses, she frowned her brow, looked at Magellan's awkward expression, reached out and picked one from the table. The gas mask was put on his face.

Sure enough, as soon as she put on the mask, Magellan put a "poisonous fart, lavender poisonous smoke from his ass, making this scene very embarrassing."

Until then, Domino, wearing a gas mask, said: "Tell you not to eat those foods that contain toxins. This will affect the face of our Impel down."

"This is not something I can control. As soon as the food reaches my mouth, it will be contaminated with poisonous gas, and it will make my stomach upset when I eat it. It is also uncomfortable for me? Who wants to have diarrhea for ten hours a day? ???" After being reprimanded by his subordinates, Magellan said with an aggrieved expression.

"It's a sad man. Don't worry, the second division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates has been imprisoned in the Eternal Hell. There will be no surprises," Domino said helplessly, looking at her boss.

"That guy Shiryu hasn't caused any trouble lately?? I have warned him for the last time. If he is still messed up, don't blame me and put him in jail," Magellan said, rubbing his stomach. .

Domino nodded and said, "The Chief Warden Shiryu hasn't made trouble for a long time..~"

"That's good." Magellan nodded in satisfaction. It seems that Shiryu can still be saved.

Shiryu of the rain, now the head of the deep sea prison-Impel down-Impelton, this guy has a bad problem, that is, he likes to torture and kill the prisoners in Impel down. When Gromash was still locked here, he I already have this bad problem, but after listening to Magellan and their conversation, it seems that Shiryu has changed his evil?

On the first floor of Impelton’s sea, Shiryu is leaning against the wall of the entrance to Impel down. He has a cigar in his mouth and a saber slung around his waist. Thinking about something.

"The cadres of the Revolutionary Army-Ivankov, Jewelry-Boney, Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Enies Lobby Incident, huh, the sea is really getting more and more unstable." Shiryu smiled and said to himself. road.

At this moment, another huge prison ship slowly sailed into the vicinity of the gate of hell.

Since Pelton often has prisoners being sent in here, Shiryu has been here for so many years, and he has already been surprised about this, so he just asked some of the jailers around him casually: "again. Who was sent here??"

"Report to Chief Shiryu. This time it is just a small person. He is a traitor of the Frostwolf Pirates. It seems to be a guy called a'hyena'. What is Bellamy?" The jailer seemed to be very afraid of Shiryu. After Shiryu's inquiry, he quickly answered his doubts.

Shiryu, who hadn't been interested in this before, heard the words "Frostwolf Pirates", a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then he became interested in the traitor of the Frostwolf Pirates. He licked his lips with a smile, and then said, "I will deal with this guy."

Shiryu's reputation in Impelton is clear to everyone from the director to the prisoners. Seeing that after a period of time, the guardian who hasn't killed people is actually interested in the prisoners again. The jailer was also very embarrassed.

But he didn't dare to stop anything, also because Shiryu's reputation was too bloody and brutal. If he said something that made him unhappy, it would not be impossible to be killed by him.

To replace the prisoner's life with his own life, this jailer is definitely unwilling to do it. Therefore, under Shiryu's "prestige", he had to quickly say: "Then trouble the guardian, you, I will go He brings"

"No, send it to the search room, I'll wait for him there to monitor you know what to do??" Shiryu patted the jailer on the shoulder and said with a smile.

And the jailer seemed to feel the great pressure, and he said wittily, "I understand, I promise that I won't leave any traces that embarrass you, the elder guard."

Shiryu nodded with satisfaction when seeing the jailer so witty, then turned around and left the gate of hell.

Not long after he left, Bellamy was escorted off the huge prison ship in shackles.

He first looked up at the door of Impel down, and then he grinned, revealing a ferocious smile like a hyena.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Is this the place where His Royal Highness Gromash has done the first feat in history? If you come in with a'pilgrimage' mood, it won't be a hardship..."

That's right, Bellamy, as a loyal subordinate of Gromash, is simply a fan of Gromash. He is a good messenger on Gaya Island, and he will suddenly betray the Frostwolf Pirates when his brain is sick.

Everything is just an evil plan and arrangement. Gromash needs someone to enter Impel down to deliver some news for him, and this person cannot choose a guy who is too'dazzling', but he must be able to trust it.

Although the big cadres are people who are 100% trusted by Gromash, Marine and the World government will not easily believe that their members who have followed Gromash for so many years and have worked hard to develop the Frostwolf Pirates to the size of today's behemoths will suddenly Inexplicably betrayed the Frostwolf Pirates.

Therefore, at this time, it is trustworthy, but not well-known, and at the same time, it feels that Gromash has been crushed on the'Gaya Island'. The hyena Bellamy, who has never given people freedom and rights, has entered Gromash's plan. NS.

Bellamy’s crazy adoration of Gromash is a very trustworthy person. At the same time, he is not dazzling. He is a small person. Marine and World government basically don’t pay much attention to him. It is normal to betray the Frostwolf Pirates and then be caught by Marine.

Even this kind of thing will not attract the attention of the big guys such as Gromash and Marine. In fact, it is true.Marshal Sengoku has no idea about the arrest of this little man. Among them, can I live by paying attention to these trivial things all day? I'm tired and exhausted.

Therefore, without the knowledge of the gods and the ghosts, Gromash has already sent a person who is worthy of his trust and who will not be noticed into Impel down.

After entering the gate of Impelton and sinking into the gloomy environment, Bellamy licked his chapped lips, thinking in his heart: "The next step is to find a way to contact the guard here-Yu. It’s a bit troublesome for Shiryu. I heard His Highness Gromash say that Shiryu likes to torture and kill prisoners who are not pleasing to his eyes. If I’m in prison

If you want to insult him in prison, it should be possible to attract his attention??"

Bellamy was still thinking about how to get in touch with Shiryu. He didn't expect Shiryu, the guy who had always been obsessed with the Frostwolf Pirates, was already waiting for him in the search room at this time.

When Bellamy was brought to the search room by the jailer, the jailer next to him immediately said dogmatically, "Guardian Shiryu, I have asked someone to turn off the monitoring bug, and you will be here slowly. Enjoy"

Shiryu was sitting on the seat with her back facing them, and after hearing the jailer's words, she nodded casually without saying anything.After the jailer left, only him and Bella were left in the entire search room. Mi two.

0-seeking flowers............

"You are the traitor of the Frostwolf Pirates??" Shiryu turned to look at Bellamy, who was shackled in copper, and asked quietly.

Bellamy also recognized Shiryu at this time. He smiled evilly and said, "Imperton’s Murder-Chief Warden Shiryu??"

"It's been a long time since Pelton's Murderer has called me like that. Only those veteran prisoners will remember my name. You are really unusual." Shiryu heard Bellamy's name. Involuntarily, my heart beat a few times, as if thinking of something."My name is Bellamy, and I am a member of His Highness Gromash. I would like to greet you on behalf of His Highness, Chief Warden Shiryu," Bellamy said with a smile.

"Hmph, hehe, hehe, funny, did Gromash finally think of me?? How many years has passed since his brother Arlong left here?? Is he not afraid of me changing my mind?? The "little guy" he abandoned?? Even if I change my mind, there is nothing to lose??" Shiryu rubbed his hands.

Muramaru, the demon knife in his hand, looked into Bellamy's eyes and asked.

Bellamy said calmly, "His Royal Highness said that you are a very patient person, so whether it is five years, ten years or twenty years, before another person that interests you appears. , You will not change your mind, and, to me, I am really just an insignificant'little person' in the hands of His Royal Highness

I never deny this, so I will seize every opportunity to prove myself to His Royal Highness. This is also the reason why I am here. His Royal Highness trusts me, and I also trust His Highness. I believe that His Highness will not fail in his judgment. Yes, even if my mission failed, it would be because of my lack of ability to die here, and it would be regarded as apologizing to Your Highness..."


Listening to Bellamy’s crazy enough remarks, Shiryu also took a look at this little man. Although his strength may not be very good, his loyalty is indeed enough to make Gromash entrust him with a heavy responsibility. Maybe he will in the future. Become an important member of the Frostwolf Pirates, because whoever you are will like such a loyal subordinate.

Thinking of this, Shiryu did not continue to embarrass Bellamy, but said: "Then Gromash faithful subordinate Mr. Bellamy, what kind of greetings do you want to send to me for your Highness??"

"Invitation from Your Highness, Your Highness invites you to become a member of the Frostwolf Pirates and stand together at the apex of this era in this upcoming new era!!" A trace of excitement flashed in Bellamy's eyes, and he spoke quickly. .

The door of the search room was opened. Shiryu took Bellamy and walked out of it. Seeing that Bellamy, the "unlucky ghost," could come out of the room unscathed, the jailer was also very surprised. .

Shiryu patted him on the shoulder and said, "I like a winky guy like you very much. From today, you will follow me. It is not difficult for me to find some fun in this dark and boring prison, right?? '

After the jailer heard Shiryu's words, he was really surprised and happy. What was surprised was that he was caught by Shiryu, and what was happy was that he was caught by Shiryu.

Even if Shiryu's reputation is notorious, he is still the second-in-command in this deep sea prison. He still has a lot of power in his hands. In other words, a small person like him can hug Shiryu's thigh, and it will be just around the corner in the future.

Because of the expectation for the future and the fear of Shiryu, the jailer didn't dare to refuse anything. He nodded very quickly and said, "It's not difficult, it's not difficult at all. It's my honor to be able to serve you, the guardian."

"Very well, find a quieter place to lock him up. I am very interested in this guy. Maybe he will become my new toy. Don't break him for me." Shiryu licked his lips. Said cruelly. small,

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