I Am Hellscream

Chapter 488 One supernova with one foot.

Buggy Hawkins, the mysterious guy in the supernova, likes to use tarot cards like a fortune-teller to do some divination like a fortuneteller, and guess the fate of himself and others.

At this time, there is already chaos on the island where he is located. "The mafia pirates of the gang's Capone-Bege are fighting fiercely with the Marine garrison here in Sabaody Archipelago. Thanks to him, the whole town is The chaos became a mess, with gunshots and explosions everywhere.

However, none of this seems to affect Hawkins. This mysterious guy still sits in front of a Little Garden without delay while placing his own tarot cards, while still calculating his own destiny. .

"There is a catastrophe today, but I have nothing to die, don't panic, everything is the choice of fate" Hawkins said softly.

However, after he finished speaking, his little brothers did not respond to his words. Instead, they were very nervous one by one and did not dare to speak.

Zhijinsi seemed to have noticed something too. A tall figure obscured the sunlight and shrouded the shadow on his body.

Hawkins raised his head and took a look, only to see a guy wearing a Marine justice cloak, a suit decorated with yellow stripes, and a little orange sunglasses, his expression was a bit wretched, and his face was full of wrinkles, standing beside him. before.

Although he stood there and didn't make any movements, a great pressure was enveloped on Hawkins. Hawkins recognized him, known as the Admiral of Headquarters-Kizaru-Porusa, the world government's highest combat force. Lino

"This little brother, this island is so chaotic now. I can't find any subordinates who should be waiting for me here. His name is Zhan Taomaru. I wonder if you have met him yet?? If yes, please show me a clear way." Polusalino said slowly while rubbing his chin with his fingers.

The tone is unspeakable and easy-going, it seems that 01 is really just the same as looking for people and asking for directions.

Dianjinsi looked at Polusalino, still sorting out his tarot cards in his hand, and then he said: "I don't know him, you can ask someone else."

Porusalino sighed and said, "That's really a shame. If I can't find him, I will have nothing to do... Anyway, I'm idle, I can't let you go for nothing. Offer a reward??? Buggy Hawkins"

After hearing Polusalino's words, Hawkins also raised his head again and looked at Polusalino, but before he could speak, Polusalino said his signature words.

"Speed ​​is power, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light??" Polusalino said softly.

As his voice fell, Hawkins didn't even have the time to see and react. He only had time to roll his eyes a little and saw that a kick with golden light had reached the side of his head.

"Bang!" With a sound of "bang!" Polusalino had already turned around. With the soles of his feet stepping on the ground again, Hawkins had already been kicked out of the garden and hit directly. Entered a big house and knocked all the houses on the ground.

Afterwards, Polusalino did not give up, but raised one of his index fingers and pointed to the ruins where Hawkins was, and then a laser beam burst out from his fingertips, directly giving the ruins to the ruins again. It's bursting.

On the roof in the distance, DJ-Skurachman-Ap also saw Polusalino's light-hearted kick power, and he was also very interested in Polusalino.

At this moment, Hawkins walked out of the smoke and dust of the ruins unscathed, and with his steps, some straw dolls began to fall down from his body.

Then he looked at the doll that fell to the ground, frowned and said, "We are fighting with Marine Admiral, but only prepared ten substitutes for the dead, which seems not enough."

At this moment, a small figure fell from the sky and fell directly to the ground. Then the figure jumped up on the spot at a very fast speed and said, "Seven Warlords of the Sea is really unlucky.. eh???"

This figure is Capone who has the name of the'Godfather'. Bege, originally he was still feeling a headache because he had met'Seven Warlords of the Sea', but he did not expect to find a more terrifying existence after landing. So unlucky to bump into the front of Marine Admiral-Porusalino??

"Damn the Straw Hat Pirates, when I meet in the future, I must teach you a lesson," Bege said helplessly.

Accompanied by Bege was a PX-pacifist. He was holding a man in a black suit in his hand. There is no doubt that the guy caught by him should be Bege's little brother.

After seeing Bege, the golden light flashed in the hands of the pacifist, and he directly shot the clutching little brother with a laser laser.

Bege watched his little brother being killed, and didn't show any expression, he still looked very calm.

"The appearance of the devil!!!" Seeing that Polusalino seemed to be attracted by the new Capone-Bege, Hawkins also did it without saying a word. I saw that his ability moved, and the whole person was huge. The scarecrow then covered Polusalino's body with a paw.

The sharp claws directly tore Polusalino to pieces, but Hawkins felt that the "feel" seemed a bit wrong.

Before he could even think about it, a sound wave came from the roof, directly exploding Polusalino's body that had fallen to the ground. Pu Ze stood on the roof and sang and jumped: "Oh, fighting music is my best, Marine's Admiral is the one that I will kill, oh yeah~Chek chao~~"

After singing, Arp said, "Hawkins, the last blow was me, huh??"

Before Apu finished installing this poppy, he saw a bunch of golden light particles condensing from the black smoke of the explosion. Then before he could think about it, he heard Polusalino's voice.

"Yata Mirror: Refraction!"

When the words arrived, Apu hadn't realized what was going on. A golden light had been shot out from the smoke and dust. When the golden light brushed his head, a shoe sole was also printed in Apu's field of vision.

"Eye, we got into trouble," Apu whispered softly.

In the next second, there was a loud'bang!' bang, and even the house with Apu was directly kicked by Polusalino. Then he fell on the ground and said, "It's terrible. You guys with more than 100 million rewards, one or two are like monsters

As the saying goes, one is terrible, one supernova with one foot. ', when Polusalino finished saying this, the whole person had appeared behind Hawkins again, and then the golden light of his fingertips scattered, and several laser beams all hit Hawkins' body, watching from Hawking The straw doll that fell from Si, Polusalino vomited and said, "Although not

I know why your ability is immune to my attack, but it doesn't seem to be Logia now, oh yeah? Is it getting hurt?? It seems that this ability also has the limit of carrying it. ""

The explosion came from the town. Not long after, at the entrance of the town, Polusalino walked out while talking to the black phone worm on his wrist.

Behind him lay three disciples-Skulachman Arp, Magician-Buggy Hawkins, and Capone-Bege, godfather of the gang.

"On this island, there are a total of eight bounty of over 100 million yuan, and now there are five left," Polusalino murmured, counting his hands.

And at this moment, the phone worm on his body rang. He first said a few words to the black phone worm and found that it was useless, then he patted his head and said, "It's really old, it's almost time to retire??"

After speaking, Polusalino reached out and took out a contact phone bug from his pocket, and slowly picked it up.

"Father, why haven't you arrived yet?? There is something wrong with me. The original Marine Rear Admiral-Trafalgar-Luo and Captain-Eustass-base have teamed up to kill the two pacifists of mine, and the Kid still It's easy to say, but that Trafalgar-Ro is very difficult to deal with. If you don't come again, I won't be able to catch them." Zhan Tao

Maru said quickly.

"Sorry, Zhan Momomaru, I met three pirates here, and they have all been dealt with. If you add the two from you, are there three more?? The main target is not with you." Nuo still spoke slowly and leisurely.

"Master, if you talk about supernova, I have three here. Killing warrior Kira is also with me," Zhan Momomaru said again.

But before Zhan Momomaru could finish speaking this time, Polusarino heard a noise for a while. It seemed that something had happened over there, and Zhan Momomaru couldn't get in touch either.

On the other side, Trafalgar-Luo's Demon Sword. Gui Cry pierced and provoked a phone worm, and then he smiled and said, "Can't you let you call Polusalino Admiral, Zhan Momomaru."

"Trafalgar. Luo!!" With a violent swipe of the big axe in Zhan Momomaru's hand, it entangled Haki's power and snatched Trafalgar fiercely. On Luo's demon sword, and the powerful force brought by the heavy weapon caused Luo's arm to sink suddenly, and the whole person was smashed and flew out.

As soon as Zhan Taomaru was about to pursue the victory, another figure of'Bartholemew-bear' flew over from the other side of the hill, then fell to the ground in black smoke, and then exploded 257 by himself.

Looking at this scene, Zhan Taomaru's heart sank. Counting this one, he has already lost three pacifists. This is a bit beyond his estimation. Could it be that the Pirates' supernovae are so strong? ??

Before he could think about it, he saw a group of people appearing on the hills over there. There was no need to wait for the pacifists to confirm. Zhan Momomaru directly recognized them all. The Straw Hat Pirates who made a big fuss at Enies Lobby

"Thanks to your presence this time, Stussy. Otherwise, I don't know how much work it takes to get rid of this guy. Is he what you call Seven Warlords of the Sea??" Luffy moved his straw hat to He pressed his head and asked.

"It's not the same, there is no unmatched pressure..." Zoro touched his waist and said something wrong.

"Hey, look, why is there a Bartholemew-bear lying on the ground there???" Usopp pointed to the pacifist who had just been killed by Luo and Kid on the other side and said.

The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates also looked over there in surprise. Until then, Stussy spoke softly and said, "Sure enough, this is not the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but the secret war weapon of the World government-PX. -pacifist!!!"

"Oh, there is another person who knows the goods, this is not Queen of the Pleasure District. Isn't your Highness Stussy??" Trafalgar, Luo, looked at the straw hat pirates over there, and said with a smile.

Stussy also saw him, then frowned and said, "Degenerate Marine Rear Admiral- Trafalgar, Luo..."

At this time, the battle Momomaru also stopped, he took the PX-Pacifist and Trafalgar alone. Luo and Eustass-Kid and the killing warrior. It is already very difficult for Kira to fight against the three supernovas, especially when facing the power of Haki, who has already been Master, and also uses the very skillful Trafalgar-Ro, he is a little weak.


And now, there are two more supernovas, and there is a former CP-0 top spy who is more difficult than a supernova-Stussy. He can't beat a Stussy alone, let alone cooperate with this group of pirates. .

"Father, why are you guys always late?" Zhan Momomaru thought helplessly, and then tightened the battle axe in his hand, ready to fight to the death!

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