I Am Hellscream

Chapter 5 Life Gamble!

In Impel down Impelton, as long as you are not dead, the "torture" about you will exist forever.

When two days later, on the ninety-ninth day, Gromash still seemed to be "procedurally" when working in a public agency. Minotaurs, a bastard jailer with a serious tendency to violence, used its huge giant. , With a sharp barbed mace, he cleaned up severely, his skin was ripped open, and the blood flowed unstoppable.

And Gromash’s roommate, Abarro Pizarro, still sat aside and watched all this with cold eyes, and did not do anything about "helping" or "blocking". On the one hand, it was because there was nothing at all. Yes, on the other hand, after all, there is not much friendship between him and Gromash. The two have only known each other for more than three months, and they are just "roommates" they know. For Salo, the "little guy" such as Gromash is just a little "expectation" and "little fun" in his long sentence of invisible end in this Eternal Hell. Maybe someday Gromash will be beaten to death, and maybe one day he will die here silently. In that case, why spend any effort to study what kind of "short-term" friendship? ?

For Gromash, his view of Pizarro is also the same. He never expected Pizarro to regard him as a so-called "friend", not to mention that Gromash himself regarded Pizarro as a " Take advantage of him", using the blessing of his suffering god Irmat’s curse to trick Pizarro into deceiving prisoners with cigars, "betting on life", and passing the boring time, neither of them planned to do it with anyone. What friend.

When Gromash's thick blood slipped from his chin again, and the blood accumulated on the ground made a "tick, tick" sound, Pizarro asked the sentence again.

"Gromash, are you dead?" Pizarro sat in the corner, watching his eyes closed, nailed to the wall, Gromash asked softly as if he had stopped breathing.

After a short silence, Gromash said, "Pizarro, it looks like I've disappointed you again."

After hearing Gromash's response, Pizarro coldly snorted: "Huh, it really disappoints me. Your tenacious vitality seems to have become a "normal" phenomenon, and this lonely Eternal Hell Connected as a whole, people can’t find a hint of surprise and interest. Seriously, I really want to see what you look like when you die. That’s interesting and innovative. After all, your half-dead state, Laozi has been watching for more than three months...Why, let me kill you?"

Gromash was not at all afraid of Pizarro saying that he was going to kill him. Instead, he spit out a blood stain, smiled and said, "Jiehahahaha, Pizarro, I hope you lose, you shouldn't want to kill. Am I reckless? I didn't want anything precious from you, so let me talk about the power of Haki in more detail."

Although Pizarro said that he was going to try and kill Gromash to experience the feeling, but he just said it, his body still leaned against the wall honestly, not knowing where to go. After a prisoner's cigar was lit, he took a sigh of joy and exhaled a puff of smoke.

And Gromash, who was nailed to the wall, said helplessly: "Pizarro, didn't you bastard say that you don't have a cigar anymore? Are you smoking stinky shit now?"

Pizarro sneered and said, "Gromash, you can figure it out for me. Laozi is a pirate. Can the pirate believe what the pirate says?? Maybe Laozi will lie to you again this time?"

But Gromash doesn’t seem to be afraid of Pizarro doing things here. Perhaps Pizarro cheated himself on the “stock” of prisoner’s cigars in his hand, but Pizarro has never said “nothing” after losing the bet. "Inventory" is a reason to rely on the account, and in any case, Pizarro can tell him about Haki's power is already very good, and he has no choice, where is there any right to choose? ?

So Gromash smiled and said, "Jie ha ha ha ha, you say, Pizarro, I don't care how many falsehoods there are and how many truths there are. It's the same to listen to stories when you are bored, right? ?"

"Huh, maybe..." Pizarro said after a cold snort, then he took another deep breath, and then continued: "Haki...if you lived in The fish men island before, then Maybe even if you haven’t seen it, you’ll have heard of it? The so-called Haki is roughly divided into two types. Strong and weak, in fact in all human bodies..."

Having said this, Pizarro looked at Gromash, and then continued: "No, it should be said that this power exists in the bodies of all intelligent creatures. Humans can use them, giants can use them, fur tribes can use them, and murloc tribes. Or maybe you can also use the mixed blood... But most people will not be able to master this power called "Haki" throughout their lives. Don’t believe it very much, so-called Haki, only if you firmly believe that you own it can you truly own it!!!"

"Confirm that you own... can you really own it?" Gromash murmured softly.

Maybe it's the same as Rayleigh said when he taught Luffy? Undoubtedly, it is a kind of powerful in itself! The so-called Haki is something you can only have after implementing your beliefs.

Thinking of this, Gromash chuckled and said, "That's really a power that suits me. After all, I never doubt my abilities and beliefs...especially after receiving ninety-nine days of torture here. After that, my will has long been indestructible."

"Then you work hard, take a look, and see if you can use the so-called Haki power when you are restricted, imprisoned, and constantly tortured... Let me talk about the most rare third kind. Haki, unlike Haki, which exists in the human body of the first two types, this third power is..." Pizarro hadn't finished speaking, and Gromash had already connected it.

"Is Conqueror's Haki right??" Gromash said with a grin.Pizarro didn't care when Gromash interrupted his words, and continued: "Yes, Conqueror's Haki, that is a force with incomparable deterrence. Most of the heroes and heroes who dominate one side have this kind of power hidden in their bodies. Unlike the previous two Haki, the Haki powers called "Conqueror's" can only be controlled but cannot be exercised. Their enhancement can only be strengthened by their own growth, that is to say...the stronger the strength People, Conqueror's Haki in his body... Not surprisingly, it is of course stronger, and if the battle between the strong is slightly inferior in terms of momentum and deterrence, then it is inevitable that there will be some... forget it. , To you, a little guy who doesn’t even have a Master for ordinary Armament Haki and Observation Haki, these things are too boring. Maybe you will be able to experience that feeling after you are lucky enough to awaken "Conqueror's" in the future, but Speaking of...are you expecting to get out of here alive? Hahaha, this is something that no one has done for eight hundred years... Gromash."

Gromash also laughed and said, "Jie ha ha ha ha ha ha, Pizarro, don’t you always have to dream a bit? If you don’t even have your dreams, what’s the difference with salted fish? What’s more, you Isn’t the guy a pirate? When did... even the pirates began to abandon their dreams? It’s just that there hasn’t been any leaky cage for 800 years, and my Gromash won’t feel desperate because of this... how about it? Don't take a gamble with me??? Just bet tomorrow... Can I escape from prison?"

Pizarro seemed to be amused by Gromash's "ignorance" and "fearlessness". He rarely spoke kindly to persuade him and said: "Hahahaha, Gromash, you just take it as the reward that I have found so much fun from you. Well, this time I kindly advise you once, I have been detained here for three or five years, right? Well, I have roughly forgotten how long, but it shouldn’t be too long, but in just three or five years. Here, I have seen more than one guy who wants to escape from prison. This Impel down. Impelton is not that no one wants to escape from prison for eight hundred years... but countless people in these eight hundred years. ...Countless times I have tried to escape without success!! And those guys who have failed...hahahahaha, without exception, the end is very miserable, maybe you will be cooked by them and thrown into it It’s not impossible for those wild beasts’ mouths to be used as snacks...After hearing these, do you still want to escape from prison?"

After Pizarro said these words, Gromash laughed and said, "Jiehahahaha, Pizarro, your feedback is really stingy enough. I don't need you to say this kind of thing, I understand... However, Pizarro, although your situation and I are on the same sixth floor, in the end, they are very different. The guy who "committed" the so-called "feeling crime" like me, and the guy who attacked Celestial Dragons. , But I won’t receive the "preferential treatment" like you. What greets me daily is not only the "infinite loneliness" and "infinite darkness" in hell, but also the physical "pain" and "infinite darkness". Torture "Ah...if it’s you, don’t you think that instead of living like this...it’s better to die?"

Pizarro was silent for a while after seeing Gromash saying this, and then he said, "If you fail to succeed, will you become a benevolent? A good idea... I just like a crazy guy like you, in my opinion. Come, only those who like crazy, those who like challenges... can stand on top of the mountains and stand tall among the strong. It’s not bad. In this respect, your kid does have this kind of potential. Let’s take a gamble... gamble to see if you are alive... or die..."

"So what's the bet?" Gromash asked after revealing his white and neat teeth, licking the blood stain on his lips.

"Don't you want Haki? Today I will tell you the power of Haki, the original... how about it? I assume that I paid the bet in advance. If I am in this bet tomorrow In... you win, then naturally it belongs to you, and if you lose... then everything will come to nothing, how about it? Not bad, right?" Pizarro grinned and said with a smile.

Gromash was also very confident and said: "Then tell me well... The Evil King Abarro Pizarro."*

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