I Am Hellscream

Chapter 502 Golden Lion and sand crocodile get out of trouble!

Hearing the familiar laughter, Luffy followed the sound and saw Crocodile's figure.

It seems that time has passed very quickly, and the Alabasta incident seems to have not been too long, but when you think about it carefully, Luffy ran from the initial location in the first half of the Grand Line to the Sabaody Archipelago.

The time span of this is almost a year, Crocodile this guy has also been in this sixth floor-Eternal Hell for more than half a year of rehabilitation training, I don't know if it is really like what Gromash said. , He was also washed away by the boiling "soup" in this hell, and this fellow Crocodile was only

He was standing there with shackles in his hands, but his attitude was different. If he had a tricky conspiracy aura and a "little trick" feeling on Alabasta before, then he is really right now. It gives people a kind of heroic and heroic momentum, and Luffy feels that he is stronger, even stronger than in Alabasta.


Looking at Crocodile, Luffy's expression also fell down, but before he could speak, Crocodile said again: "If you want to save that Ace, you will be too late, if it's not unexpected. , He should have been escorted to Naval Headquarters-Marinford by now.

Hearing Crocodile's words, Luffy said directly: "If this is the case, I will go to Malinford. Anyway, I will rescue Ace!!!"

"Hey, Straw Hat Boy, do you know where Malinford is? There is Naval Headquarters, the headquarters of justice. Based on the analysis of existing intelligence, it is about to start a top-notch war in the world. Many of the most powerful and terrifying group of people will gather there. With your strength, going there is really moving towards

It's hell," Ivankov said nervously for a moment.

"Ace, he, Ace, is my brother!!! There is no brother who can't save his brother???!! No matter whether it is hell or something, I will rescue him!!" Luffy spoke very firmly. Said.

And his words directly left Ivankov speechless, and the scene suddenly fell silent for a while.

At this moment, Crocodile smiled and said, "I heard that the two guys, Whitebeard and Gromash, will appear there, is it true??~?"

Regarding this, Luffy did not hide anything, but directly said: "The newspaper said that Whitebeard would definitely go there to rescue Ace, and Uncle Gromash did say before that he would go there to participate in this war, but If I did not rescue Ace here, he would become my enemy there-"

Speaking of this, Luffy paused, and then said very firmly: "Although I have endured a lot of his kindness, but in order to save Ace, even if I am an enemy of him, I won't have the slightest-flinch!!! "

"Hmm ha ha ha ha ha, only with the strength of your kid, if there is no one to help in that battlefield, there will be no hope of saving the guy named Ace, and even you will not be able to escape the hell of this Impel down and come here. Bargain, let me out of the straw hat, I will help you escape here, and then go to Malinford to kill Gromash and

Whitebeard those two bastards!!!" Crocodile said with a chuckle with anger in his eyes.

For Newgate, Crocodile does not actually hate him too much. Some are just unwilling. It is a fact that he is his defeat, but Crocodile has never given up to challenge Newgate.

I'm afraid this is the last chance. If I don't catch up with Zhao now, I'm afraid I can only go to the grave for Newgate in the future.

As for Gromash, it was a bloody feud with his Crocodile. His Crocodile didn't recruit him and didn't mess with him. This bastard guy ran to Alabasta and wiped out his plan to usurp the country that was about to succeed. I sent it to Impel down-Imperton here, this time I went out in Malinford just to follow this

Asshole, forget the old and new hatred together!

After Crocodile finished speaking, the corners of his mouth were slightly tender, and he looked at Luffy with his yin-guard eyes, and did not continue to speak.

At this moment, the ascending elevator on the sixth floor was suddenly locked, and then the elevator directly blew up, blocking the road going out from the sixth floor.

Seeing this scene, Ivankov was also taken aback, and then quickly said: "Damn Magellan wants to suppress us layer by layer."

Before coming to the sixth floor, Luffy and the others released a lot of prisoners along the way. This is why Magellan did not catch up for a while, but Magellan was very confident in himself. He immediately trapped Luffy and them in the first place. Sixth floor, I want to start from the first floor and clean up level by level.

As for whether there will be powerful prisoners released on the sixth floor?? He has confirmed just now that all the keys to the shackles of the sixth floor prisoners are still kept in the director's office on the fourth floor, even if the cage is broken, It's just a bunch of'lambs' waiting to be slaughtered.

But this fate will always be unexpected. Just when Luffy and Ivankov discussed and prepared to release Crocodile, they also realized that they only have the keys of the first five layers of prisoners, and there is no such thing as the Eternal Hell. key.

"Even if you are released, we will not be able to unlock the mirrorcuffs for you, unless you hit the fourth floor, and take the key in Magellan's hand, but you are facing death by confronting Magellan in Impelton." Ivankov somewhat. Said helplessly.

At this moment, M..3- Mr.3 who was following Buggy cringed and said, "Maybe I can help a little bit in this matter."

"Ah, Mr.3, I didn't expect to see you this trash here. With your ability, it can really play a big role in unlocking the shackles in my hands." Crocodile said very arrogantly, and also got his hands out of the prison. Stretched out.

Mr.3 has a deep psychological shadow on Crocodile. After hearing what Crocodile said, he didn't dare to oppose anything. He trembled and said, "Okay, big boss."

Seastone can indeed contain the ability of the capable person, but as long as it does not touch the body, the seastone cannot contain the ability of the capable person. It is like Kuzan freezing the sea. It is impossible to throw a seastone on the ice and the glacier will disappear. NS.

The same is true of Mr. 3's ability, as long as he doesn't directly touch the shackles of the seastone, he will soon be able to unlock Crocodile's mirrorcuffs.

Sure enough, after a few random fiddles, the heavy shackles in Crocodile's hands fell to the ground with a single sound.

Then Crocodile grabbed the cage that stood in front of him, and then the entire cage began to decay and eroded rapidly. Accompanied by Crocodile's laughter, his tall figure walked out of the cage.

"Huh ha ha ha ha ha, although we two had some grievances before, but these grievances will be settled on the ocean in the future. The immediate thing is to cooperate and escape from here, and then go to Gromash and Newgate for trouble!!" Crocodile laughed and said.

And at this moment, another laughter that was more arrogant, domineering, and rebellious than Crocodile came out.

"Jiehahahahahaha, it seems that there is really hope to get out of this damn hell again, kid, come and unchain Laozi, is that Newgate bastard going to Malinford to make a big fuss? ? And that damn Gromash is also there??? Our goal is the same, I will help you get rid of those disgusting Marines, by the way

Kill the bastard Gromash, what kind of brother are you going to rescue, isn't it a good suggestion???" Golden Lion. Shiki lay in the prison and laughed and said.

Luffy, the adorable new person, doesn’t know Shiki, so he scratched his head with some doubts and asked, "Who is that guy??? Can you let him out???"

0-seeking flowers

The expressions of Crocodile and Ivankov were very serious. Crocodile said softly: "The legendary pirate of Golden Lion- Shiki, a fellow with the same fame as Whitebeard. He is one of the few top players in the world, but let him come out. No problem, indeed, he and Marine and Gromash have deep hatreds and will stand on our side

of "

"Hmph, kid, I remember you, you bastard was also in the sequence to attack me at the time, didn't you?? What?? Listen to what you mean, are you abandoned by the World government??" Golden Lion. Shiki coldly snorted With a cry, he said to Crocodile.

"Have you beaten him?? What do you mean??" Luffy asked in surprise.

"In order to defeat him, the World government assembled a large number of masters, including Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gromash and Crocodile are naturally there, and even your grandfather Garp is there," Ivankov said softly.

"If it wasn't for the damn Gromash, you would have all died in my hands," Shiki said unconvincedly.

At this time, Luffy no longer cares whether the other party is a heinous person. Just kidding, the most important thing is to rescue Ace, otherwise he will not be able to release Crocodile.

After confirming that Golden Lion Shiki was in line with his own position, and that he was planning to go to Malinford to have a fight with Marine, Luffy quickly released Shiki as well.

At this point, Impel down has completed the formation of the Pelton Prison Break Team. Buggy and his brainwashed brothers didn't want to go to Malinford to join in the fun, but they had no choice. After all, only their strength, yes It is impossible to escape from Magellan, only holding the big thick legs of Golden Lion-Shiki and Crocodile.

But Buggy changed his mind. His good friends Mihawk and Gromash should be in Malinford at this time. As long as they get there, he is not related to both sides?? If Marine can win, he will quickly change his legs. Hug, hold the thighs of Gromash and Mihawk, if Marine is over, he will follow Crocodile and the others.

That's it. There is no loss in both aspects, maybe I can find a chance to pull Gromash and the others???

"Ahahahahaha, in that case, let this uncle help you too, Malinford?? It's a good place, the first level of Newgate, I will accept it." Buggy suddenly understood. Said with a big laugh.

Crocodile looked at this big red-nosed clown with some doubts. He just felt familiar, but couldn't remember seeing him there for a while. After hearing what he said, he became even more confused. Why?? Listening to your tone, you are still a big man. You can't make it??

Seeing Crocodile's doubts, Luffy said, "His name is Buggy, and he is my friend."

Fortunately, he still has some brains, knowing that these two people are guys who have blood feuds with Gromash, and they didn't shake the bottom of Buggy to him.

And Shiki thought about it after seeing Buggy, and suddenly laughed and said, "Jiehahahaha, it's you, the little one on Roger's boat back then."

Just at Impel down, the prison escape team was assembled in the sixth floor Eternal Hell. While discussing the plan, the warships captured by Blackbeard and Marshall-D-Teach also came to Impel down-Imperton’s. Port up

"Thief hahahahahaha, everything is the same as our plan," Teach laughed and walked off the boat and said.

The jailers guarding this port looked at these guys a little awkwardly, and then a captain-level guy said: "We have not received the news that Seven Warlords of the Sea is coming to help. Please stop here. Step down."

"Thief hahahaha, don't tell me this, we are close allies, aren't we???" Teach said with a big smile, and then a burst of darkness burst out from his body, and the ground under his feet began to spread. This darkness, in a moment, swallowed all the jailers guarding the harbor.

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