I Am Hellscream

Chapter 508 Magellan: I don't have time to listen to your nonsense.

While the battlefield at Malinford was fierce, the battle at Impel down was also fierce.

With the addition of Golden Lion, Shiki and Crocodile, Luffy and the others escaped from the sixth floor smoothly. Magellan is a top-notch master. His "poison" is also extraordinary, especially here. In a closed environment, once you really get up with him, give him some time, he can use his own poison to destroy the entire Impelton

All the people here are killed.

Shiki didn't come to trouble Magellan, so he didn't have to run out of this deep sea prison. After being imprisoned for so long, Shiki's condition is not very good, he is still planning to keep his own. I went out from Impelton to Malinford to find trouble with Marine and Gromash, where would I catch up with Magellan?


Therefore, the group of them ran around Magellan like a peekaboo.

Not to mention, Shiki and Crocodile were there. Their mobility was indeed very strong. They really left Magellan behind, bypassed him, and ran to the fourth floor.

"Jiehahahahaha, look at this situation, it seems that Magellan really cleaned this big prison from above and below" Shiki had changed into his clothes at this time, biting a cigar, and his whole body Floating in the air, watching the fourth layer of venom and dead bodies all around, said.

There is no doubt that before they came here, the fourth floor should have gone violently, but it was quickly suppressed by Magellan using the simplest and most cruel method.

"So fighting Magellan in this environment is very unpleasant.. But it would be much easier if you understand the poison." Crocodile also turned into yellow sand, flying in the air, biting a cigar and said.

Of course, with Crocodile's face-saving character, he of course also changed back to his big boss's clothes as early as the first time, and his appearance at this time is very grand.

Compared with the two of them, Buggy and the rest of the prisoners 01 are still dressed in black and white stripes. Like Luffy, they chased Shiki and Crocodile behind Shiki and Crocodile and ran awkwardly on the ground. Avoid the venom on the ground.

At this moment, Crocodile's peripheral vision suddenly saw something, so he stopped his figure, walked to a cage, looked at the man who was being held inside, then grinned at the corner of his mouth, and opened his mouth with a smile. Said: "Mr.1, it seems you are not dead yet"

Daz Bonis, who was imprisoned in the cage and was not released, also raised his head and looked outside the cage. Then he said softly, "Big Boss, it's been a long time since I saw you, it looks like you are out again. Woolen cloth"

"Huh ha ha ha ha ha, something that interests me happened outside, so I wanted to go out and have a look, how about?? Do you want to come with me??" Crocodile said with a laugh.

There was a rare smile on Bowness’s cold face, and then he said softly: "It seems that I should have not been quit by the big boss, so should I work for the boss, isn’t it???"

After getting the replies from Daz and Bowness, Crocodile also showed a satisfied smile. The entire Baroque workshop is just a tool that Crocodile can throw away at any time, and only Bowness is a guy he admires very much. , For so many years, he is the only one who doesn't say it, but in the bottom of his heart, he has already recognized


Therefore, Crocodile reached out and grabbed onto the cage, and the ability in his hand suddenly activated, which directly corroded the prison, and then Bowness, wearing a seastone hand cast, also slowly walked out of it.

"Mr.3, do what you should do," Crocodile said softly.

Mr.3 was very afraid of Crocodile, so after hearing what Crocodile said, he did not dare to delay at all, and quickly untied the handcuffs of Daz and Bowness.

Until this time, Shiki smiled and said, "It seems that this kid is your subordinate?? Very good."

Just after this slight delay, in the passage leading to the third floor not far from them, a group of people also walked out, headed by the slightly bloated Blackbeard- Marshall-D- Teach .

Luffy and Shiki and Crocodile saw Teach, and Teach and his group naturally saw them, before Luffy could speak.

Teach laughed and said, "Thief hahahahahaha, I didn’t expect to see you big guys like Mr. Crocodile Golden Lion- Shiki here, and you, the straw hat boy, are you here to save Ace??? But it seems I’m late, Ace is in Malinford at this time"

"Who are you???" Luffy asked with some confusion.

Although he knew that Ace was miserable by Blackbeard, he really didn't know what Blackbeard looked like, so he was very confused when facing Teach.

At this moment, Buggy said, "He is the Blackbeard who sent Brother Ace into Marine's hands, Marshall-D-Teach."

Crocodile frowned slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Teach and said, "Is the unknown person who took over my position is you??? What? I finally got the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea. But appearing here again, are you not going to continue doing it??"

"Thief hahahahahaha, Seven Warlords of the Sea is just a tool, I have obtained the opportunity I want through this position, so it is not important anymore"" Teach said with a laugh.

On the contrary, Shiki frowned, looked at Teach and said, "You guys are so courageous, it can be so easy to provoke the guy Newgate..."

"Thief hahahaha, my father has been dead soon, there is nothing terrible." Teach was not at all false when facing a legendary figure like Shiki, and said with a smile.

But at this moment, Luffy, who couldn't hold back his anger, suddenly turned on the second gear mode, and an acceleration hit Teach's stomach with a punch, directly knocking Teach out.

Teach wailed when he was beaten by this punch. This guy has this problem, no matter how painful it is, he screamed a bit refreshingly.

Then he quickly got up, then held a dark grip in his hand, activated his power, sucked Luffy abruptly, and then punched Luffy in the stomach, directly spitting blood out of Luffy's mouth.

Looking at this scene, both Crocodile and Shiki frowned.They didn't know about Luffy's abilities on the road.I didn't see Teach using Haki's power just now, but this punch can actually damage Luffy's weirdness. The capable person surprised both of them.

"Why?" Crocodile whispered softly, but before he could figure it out, some prisoners ran from behind and said, "Magellan, the damn Magellan is here."

Upon hearing Magellan's news, Crocodile didn't want to stay here anymore. With a flash of yellow sand in his hand, he caught Luffy in the air, and then said, "This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's go."

Luffy still wants to struggle, and continue to fight to the death with Teach, but Shiki bit his cigar and said, "Hey, kid, is it important to save your brother or is it important to have a meaningless fight with him here?? To Laozi? Say, it’s the most important thing to go to Marlinford now. If you still want to mess around here, just go fight it yourself, we won’t wait.


Hearing this, Luffy also fell silent and stopped struggling. Crocodile also let him down when he saw it.

Then Luffy gritted his teeth and did not continue to trouble Teach, but turned around and prepared to enter the third floor.

When passing by Teach's side, Teach suddenly said: "It is not impossible for you to rescue Ace. After all, there is no impossible dream in this world, right? Isn't it? Human dreams will never end. .. Go and work hard, I have no hatred with Ace, everything is fate, even if you rescue him, yes

It’s not a big deal for me, thief hahahahahaha. "

Luffy stopped after hearing Teach's words, and then said very firmly: "I will definitely rescue Ace!!!"

"Good luck, then" Teach grinned and said softly.

Soon, Crocodile and Shiki took Luffy into the third floor with Luffy. Thanks to Teach, the guards of the first three floors were once again killed by them, and the front was unobstructed.

But why didn't Teach take advantage of Luffy and the others? It was also because of the rampage of this big prison that it was able to enter the fourth floor so easily.

After Luffy and the others left, Lafitte said, "Did you hear the news? That Magellan should be not far behind it at this time. Should we avoid the edge for now???"

"Thief hahahaha, it's okay, I just want to see what the ruler of this hell looks like," Teach said with a big laugh.

Then he just raised his footsteps, before he stepped out, Magellan's voice was already heard.

"Want to see what I look like?? The price will be paid with your life. You are the betrayed Seven Warlords of the Sea- Blackbeard- Marshall-D- Teach???" Magellan's tall figure A group of jailers appeared in the front of Teach's path.

Seeing Magellan's oppressive figure and the venom that dripped on the ground with his steps, Teach also showed a smile and said, "Thief hahahahaha, it seems you are this Ruler of Hell, Director of the Great Prison-Is Magellan right???"

Speaking of this, Teach did not stop. He still wanted to get the key of the sixth-tier prisoners from Magellan's hands. This key only has 257 in the hands of two people, one is Magellan and the other is Shiryu, although Teach just now I have already met that Shiryu, but this trust has not yet been constructed, so if given the opportunity, of course he wants himself more

Grab this key.

"Director Magellan, I don't know if you can," Teach looked at Magellan and said.

But his voice hadn't fallen yet, and the words hadn't been finished yet, Magellan this guy opened up directly, and saw a huge dragon formed by a huge venom suddenly erupted on the ground between the two groups. The venom dragon didn't give Teach and the members of the Blackbeard Pirate Group any time to react, and swallowed them all in one bite. It was extremely poisonous.

Venom covered them all in an instant.

At this time, Magellan also looked very cold and cool and brought his little brother past the painful and wailing Teach group. He said softly, "I am interested in your purpose and ideas for coming here. No, I have more important things to work on, so let’s go one step ahead.”

After speaking, Magellan quickened his pace and chased it towards the third floor.

Think about it, Teach has just become Seven Warlords of the Sea. Except for Ace, he doesn't have much reputation. The friends gathered around are also rotten sweet potatoes and stinky bird eggs. Neither one of them has made their mark yet.

Compared with them, the group in front is much more luxurious. The original Seven Warlords of the Sea, the legendary big pirate, and the 300 million Bailey bounty criminals of the Enies Lobby incident are more luxurious than Teach. a little.

It is understandable that Magellan will focus on Luffy and the others.

Generally, the two armies confront each other, and you have to beep a few words before you start, talk to each other, improve your own compulsion, but Magellan doesn't play cards according to the routine, this raises his hand and says nothing. It's big, so I caught Teach off guard, didn't do anything, and were killed by the group.

Magellan walked ahead and said to the jailer behind him: "Report to Malinford, and it says that the rebellious Blackbeard Pirates have been dealt with."

"Yes, Chief Magellan!" the jailer said immediately.

However, not long after he fiddled with the phone worm, he said with a slightly wrong expression: "Director Magellan, the phone worm has failed..."

Magellan's expression changed when he heard these words, and seemed to think of something bad.

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