I Am Hellscream

Chapter 510 Buggy that was sold by Gromash??

In the swirling nest current formed by the three gates of justice, a warship is now here quickly advancing toward the gate of justice in the direction of Malinford.

However, the people on this ship are not wearing blue and white military uniforms.

The leading cadre of the Revolutionary Army-Ivankov still looked at the wide sea in disbelief, and said softly: "I can't believe it, we just escaped so easily?? From the deep sea prison-Impel down -Among Impelton???"

"Easy??? Where did you relax?? My uncle almost died several times!!!" Buggy said angrily.

"It's easy enough. Otherwise, you should be dead. Big red nose." Crocodile said coldly, biting a cigar.

Buggy looked angrily at Crocodile and said, "You bastard, who do you say has a red nose?? Do you know who this uncle is??"

At this moment, Shiki laughed and said, "Jiehahahahaha, it's really easy. After all, I got out of there for the second time.. This fresh air is really a long time missing. Damn Marine and That bastard Gromash, wait and see, Laozi is here to find your revenge!!!"

Just when Shiki, Crocodile, and Buggy were arguing with each other, the phone bug on the warship suddenly rang, and everyone was attracted by the sudden ringing phone bug, but it was Luffy that was a little bit melancholy. Going forward, he picked it up without hesitation "Twenty-Five-Seven".

"Hello??? Who are you looking for???" Luffy asked straightforwardly.

At this time, Buggy, Ivankov and others also reacted and immediately said, "Hey!!! Straw hat!! How did you pick it up???"

"The phone worm rings and picks it up. Isn't it common sense?? Don't you have common sense???" Luffy asked in surprise.

Buggy is about to cry at this time. Who is this without common sense?? Are you afraid that there is a pit in your mind??

And Ivankov quickly said: "Straw hat boy, we have hijacked the warship, the phone worm on this warship."

But before Ivankov could finish speaking, there was already a serious voice on the other side of the phone worm.

"There is news about you hijacking the warship and escaping Impel down-Imperton. We at Naval Headquarters already know it. Based on the intelligence of the frigate chasing behind you, there are three main criminals in this escape. People, straw hat Luffy, Golden Lion-Shiki and clown-Buggy." The voice from the phone bug said.

The people on the entire warship fell silent for a while, and Buggy’s expression was also very inexplicable, damn it, what's the matter with me?? I just follow and mix, basically there is no sense of participation, I am already keeping a low profile!!!

At the same time, the prisoners who ran out with Buggy were also stunned. They were surprised and said: "The Buggy boss's name actually overshadows the Crocodile?? Over Seven Warlords of the Sea? What is his identity???"

Before Buggy could talk about his fate, the phone bug continued to talk.

"Joker-Buggy, we originally thought you were just an unknown person, but through this escape, we also valued you again. Sure enough, your identity is extraordinary. I didn't expect you to be the One Piece for more than 20 years. One of Roger’s crew, this time he escaped from prison, I’m afraid he was also here to save your captain’s son???"

The man spoke quickly.

And his remarks shocked everyone on the warship. Buggy was also very surprised and said: "I hid so well, how do you know??"

"Thanks to Seven Warlords of the Sea- Proudmoore, Gromash's notification, we noticed you. According to that Highness, you and the current Four Emperors. Redhead-Shanks are also brothers!!!" The insect said.

After Buggy heard the news, his whole body exploded. He unceremoniously yelled at the phone worm: ``Damn Gromash, he really shakes everything out, tell him don't think that's it! !!! I will definitely settle accounts with him!!!"

The rest of the people were shocked when they heard the legendary experience of Buggy, and the anger of a big man like Gromash, and even said that they would settle accounts with him.

Even Crocodile looked at Buggy with a little surprise, thinking in his heart: "Could it be that I really missed it?? This guy is really a big man who has been hiding himself???"

Shiki burst into laughter too, and said, "I said I saw you very familiar. It turned out to be you, that bastard kid on Roger's boat! !! I haven't seen each other for many years. The last time I met was in Ed- During the Battle of Wall???"

People like Shiki suddenly gave Buggy out of the'platform', which completely confirmed Buggy's legendary identity. Those little brothers who were originally determined to follow Buggy all their lives began touting Buggy one by one.

"That's it, Captain Buggy, you really are a great man. We have seen that you are unusual before. Please let us follow you for life and seize the hegemony of this sea!!!"

"Long live Captain Buggy!!!"

"The crew of One Piece, can't you find such a big secret treasure casually?? Long live!!!"

The guy Buggy can't be touted the most. After all, this guy's problem is to give him some color, so he dared to open a dyeing workshop, pretending to be fearless than before, and completely brainless.

Therefore, after hearing this long-lost "flattering", Buggy also put his hands on his hips, and said with a terrible fart, "Ahahahahaha, I didn't expect to hide it for so long, but it was still discovered by you, then let me Let's have a good fight, wait for this uncle at Malinford!!!"

"Sure enough, are you coming to Malinford to make a big fuss?? It seems that you really want to rescue your captain's son-Ace, but I will give you a piece of advice in the end. The door of justice will never open. , The front is a dead end for you, all of this" but it hasn't waited for Marine in the phone worm to finish speaking.

Golden Lion Shiki laughed and said, "Jiehahahahahaha, the gate of justice??? Isn’t your Marine brains broken?? or is it because you are fighting with that bastard Newgate, so Those of you who have brains are already on the battlefield??? Laozi is a Golden Lion, Shiki, a flying pirate, never needed

What justice door to go!!!"

Shiki looked up to the sky and laughed for a while, and then lightly stamped his foot. The platform on which the phone worm was placed on the warship was instantly distorted, and the phone worm was directly hanged inside.

Then Shiki snapped his fingers, and Haki said, "Let's give Malinford a long-lost air raid, Jiehahahahahaha!!"

Accompanied by Shiki's wild laughter, the entire warship gradually rose from the surface of the sea, and then began to fly towards Malinford at a very fast speed, the gate of justice?? Just kidding, in Golden Lion In front of Shiki, there is no point at all.

At the same time, in Malinford, the Marine who was hung up on the phone worm also spoke with a very serious face and said: ``It has been confirmed that these prisoners will definitely come to Malinford, and report to the Marshal, Golden Lion- Shiki’s arrival is no less threatening than Whitebeard’s threat."

Yes, these Marines are not stupid. On the surface, they are talking nonsense, but there is a certain deep meaning behind this. Shiki and the others have escaped from prison. This problem is very serious, but the more serious thing is to make sure that they are after escape. What is his goal? If they clapped their hands and broke up, and each ran to the sea to wander around, that would be fine, only

If a straw hat Luffy comes here, it is not a matter of top priority, and there is time and space for follow-up processing.

But if these powerful prisoners are here for the Malinford war, especially when Golden Lion.Shiki is also the case, then you must quickly report to the marshal boss, so that you can be psychologically prepared here, at least not to be Suddenly caught off guard 0.

Soon, Marshal Sengoku, who was standing on the execution platform, received news of this, and his expression became very gloomy.

"Did Magellan miss it??? Damn it, but at this time, the bastard Shiki ran out again. The World government really made a stupid decision at the time, and should let Gromash kill him there directly." Sengoku The marshal said with a very cynical expression.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to delay any more time. He picked up a secret contact in his hand and spoke with a phone worm: "Prepare to start the second phase of the operation, block the battlefield, and annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates, Impel down-Imper. There is a big problem over there, Golden Lion, Shiki have escaped from prison, and some unidentified prisoners are also rushing towards us.Come!!!"

As the phone worm in Marshal Sengoku's hand was hung up, the voice of the phone worm rang throughout the Marlinford battlefield. Many generals received instructions. Then the situation on the battlefield began to change, and it was still on the glacier. The Marines who were fighting began to cover each other and retreated.

In fact, at the beginning, this was a trap.Regardless of whether Newgate will set off a tsunami, Kuzan will freeze the port, creating a battlefield that is enough for the two sides to fight, attracting all the pirates to this glacier, and then Crescent Bay. A protective wall will be raised to trap all the pirates inside, and then Sakazuki will open up to destroy and melt the glacier,

Wipe out all the pirates' footholds, and then use full firepower to wipe out the Whitebeard pirates in one fell swoop.

This plan is very good. The only mistake that occurred was that Newgate appeared directly in the port and was not covered by a wave of firepower on the outer defense line by Marine, which consumed some of their strength.

However, these are minor problems, and they can be corrected. The impact is not great. Although we have not been able to bring all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates into this bay, for Marshal Sengoku, it is already Time doesn't wait for me. If you wait for Shiki to join in, this plan is basically nonsense, so let's count as much as we can destroy.

Seeing that the situation on the battlefield began to change, Gromash also showed a smile and said, "Jiehahahaha, it seems that our marshal boss seems to have a new plan. This is really getting more and more interesting."

Newgate looked at this scene at this time with a serious expression. Sengoku's wisdom is still terrifying. I wonder how Golden Lion- Shiki was planted for the first time in the past?? Is it because he was crippled by Sengoku?? A group of Marines Under the banner of catching Gromash, the top master of the game went straight into the battle of Ed Wall, smashed Shiki, and sent it to Impelton.


Therefore, Newgate never underestimated the wisdom of Marine Marshal Sengoku at 3.8. Although he did not know what was going on at this time and what changes had taken place in the battlefield, he was very clear, and as long as he was clear, that was nothing. It's that simple for Marine to succeed.

I saw Newgate swiped a big knife in his hand and said loudly: "The Marines are going to retreat, don't give them a chance, follow them to the square!!!!"

That's right, Newgate's idea is very simple. You Marine wants to run. Although I don't know why, we can follow along. Anyway, we ran to the square, but it was closer to Ace.

Seeing that Newgate gave an order, a large number of unknown pirates also began to no longer doubt whether Marine's intentions were traps. The expression is also ugly.

There is no way. The so-called chaotic punching of the master is the reason. Many plans seem perfect, but as long as you don't get confused and hit the key, it is still very easy to crack. Now, this Newgate obviously understands this truth. I care about you so much and use my strength to break the clever.

Looking at the chaotic situation, Marshal Sengoku said: "Notify Gromash these bastards who are watching the theater, it's time to do it, don't let the elite of Newgate enter the square!!!"

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!!" Marine, who had come up to report Shiki's news to Newgate, immediately responded, and then turned and left the execution platform. .

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