I Am Hellscream

Chapter 524 Proudmoore- Gromash betrayed!

While Marshal Sengoku was still thinking about whether Gromash was in a weakened position, whether it was a conspiracy against Marine, a huge cloud floated over the broken island of Malinford at some point.

This cloud layer seemed to cover the entire sky and all the sunlight shining on Malinford, and everything was shrouded in this shadow.

At this time, a cloud of this size suddenly appeared and enveloped the entire Marineford. It would feel a little weird no matter how you think about it. After the guys looked at the seemingly unusual clouds, their expressions changed abruptly.

"This is" Teacher Zephyr looked at the sky in surprise, and murmured involuntarily.

"City of Seven Waters Damn!!!" Marshal Sengoku also said in shock and shock.

"What the hell does that guy want???" Garp Vice Admiral also said with a gloomy expression.

Since the City of Seven Waters was equipped with an island engine and gained the ability to ascend to heaven, many people have imagined that one day when they got up and opened their eyes, they found that Gromash took his base and ran in front of him, and then put it in front of him. The scene where I was destroyed by myself.

But everyone did not expect that the first time the city of the seven waters would "set out", the target turned out to be Naval Headquarters-Marinford.

There was a sudden explosion of thunder in the sky, and then, a figure suddenly appeared beside Gromash, who was wearing a decent black suit, holding a milk bottle in his hand, wearing a small top hat, and leaving two wipes at the corner of his mouth. Rob Lucci with Peugeot's mustache.

Before he could speak, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground, slamming the ground straight out of a huge pit, and then a thick palm stretched out from the pit. He grabbed the edge of the ground, and then Diamond Joz's tall body crawled out of it and patted the dust on his body.

It seems that his high-altitude free fall movement still leaves him unscathed.

It was followed by a pair of wings spread out, and a gliding from the sky fell on the gem hunter Cromwell beside Gromash.

"Ahahahahaha, boss, we watched all of the live broadcast just now, especially your wailing voice that was heard for the first time. We recorded it for you. Go back and enjoy it." Cranway After he landed, he laughed and said, without giving Gromash any face.

However, Gromash never cared about these messy things, smiled and looked at Cromwell and others, then said softly, "What about the rest??"

"I'm commanding from above, I can't all come down?? What if Porussalino sends an eight-foot Qiong Gouyu up??" Cromwell said with a smile.

Gromash thought that this was right, so he didn't ask much. He stood up and kicked Teach who was sitting under his ass just now, and then he said, "Hey, this bastard is for you. , Try to see if you can get the power of Dark Fruit"

Cromwell said embarrassingly: "Ahem, Boss Gromash, let me play the role of "Cannibalism" here, right???"

Gromash didn't care at all and said, "Don't talk nonsense, there are many dreams in the night, let's control it first, and it's not the first time you have done this, you still care about this???"

After being stunned by his own captain, Cromwell was also able to shook his head with some regret, and then activated his own Munch-Munch Fruit ability, opened his blood basin, and was in Teach's horrified expression. , Swallowed Teach in one bite.

Then Cromwell involuntarily burped. In this contest between the two predators that had been eyeing each other for a long time, under the plan of Gromash, after all, Cromwell had the last laugh and swallowed it. Teach this guy.

After getting used to it a little, Cromwell stretched out his arm, and then a touch of dark power and aura radiated from his arm, and then he aimed his arm at Joz, Joz His face changed, before he had time to speak, a huge gravitational force broke out from Cromwell's arm, directly sucking Joz

After passing, Joz then felt that his proud fruit ability seemed to be useless.

"Ahahahahaha, is this the ability of Dark Fruit?? It's really amazing. In the future, those of you who are capable will not be able to play any tricks in front of this uncle. I am invincible in the world, ahhahahahaha." Cromwell laughed and said.

But before he could finish loading this comparison, Gromash punched him in the head, and then said, "Don't play."

At the same time, Joz, who had regained his abilities, was also a little surprised and said: "I heard Lu Qi mentioned this feeling before, but I didn't expect it to be so terrible, Cromwell, you kid will be amazing in the future. what"

Lu Qi also bit the straw of the milk and said, "The nemesis of the capable."

"It looks like you guys have gathered all kinds of guys on the boat, meow ha ha ha ha, I'm really looking forward to it," Pizarro looked at the three Cromwells and said with a smile.

"I have long heard that the gem hunter Cromwell's ability is very strange, and he can use the plural Devil Fruit ability. This is really the case at this time," Shiryu said with some emotion.

Then, before they waited for a few words to praise each other, Sengoku, the Marine's General Marshal, had brought Garp Vice Admiral, Zephyr Teacher, Polusalino, and Tsuru General Staff to Gromash not far from them.

"Gromash, what do you want to do????" Marshal Sengoku looked at Gromash and asked in a deep voice.

"Fufurfurfurfur, it looks like nothing is for us anymore." Doflamingo watched Gromash gathered around a strong backup force, he also said with a smile, and backed away some distance with Mihawk and the others. , Separated from Gromash, seemed to indicate that they are not a group with the Frostwolf Pirates.

And Gromash faced Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, Polusalino, Tsuru General Staff, and other Marines. Basically, they have not taken a shot in this war. The big guys who are at the peak of the state are not at all false. Meaning, I saw Gromash spit out a smoke, then smiled evilly and said: "Sorry, Marshal Sengoku,

Isn’t the war agreement between us that we have an appointment to kill Newgate?? Now he is dead. This agreement between us has also been completed, and then there is a new story..."

Hearing what Gromash said, Marshal Sengoku and the Marine bosses all had very serious expressions. As expected, Gromash spoke again and continued: "Seven Warlords of the Sea, I don't want to be anymore, so I just put this name on. Give it back to you, I hope you can find a suitable successor, Jiehahahaha."

Speaking of this, a wicked light flashed in Gromash's eyes, and then he paused before continuing: "So from now on, we will return to a hostile position again, Marshal Sengoku."

"Is all this your conspiracy???" Marshal Sengoku said with a gloomy expression.

Gromash also looked at him and said, "Just take advantage of the trend, but haven't you already expected all of this???"

Marshal Sengoku had indeed expected it. Once Newgate died, Gromash would definitely not continue to be Seven Warlords of the Sea, and because of this, he did everything possible to conceal the breath of war, just to delay Gromash's footsteps, don't Let him start preparing so early, after all, it will take some time for Gromash to leave Seven Warlords of the Sea.

At least he has to get his finishing touches in the first half of the great voyage.

But he still underestimated Gromash's speed of action. He never expected that Gromash would have turned his face as soon as Newgate died, and now this Naval Headquarters. Malinford is extremely chaotic at this time, the war is not over yet, Shuang The appearance of the Wolf Pirate Group also brought great pressure to this war.

0-seeking flowers

But fortunately, most of Marine's losses in this war were grass-roots combat power. The true top combat power did not really appear to be lost, and the Frostwolf Pirates seemed to have only come to some high-end combat power this time. There is no pirate army like Newgate did, so it seems that there is still a battle???

At this moment, the live phone worm was finally turned off, and the entire screen went dark. At this moment, the people on Marshal Sengoku seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they shot at the same time.

I saw Polusarino a flash of laser shot out, and the shock wave in Marshal Sengoku's hand also smashed out mercilessly, and the chief staff Garp, Zephyr, and Tsuru also moved.

However, the reaction speed of Gromash and the others is also extremely fast.As soon as Porusalino took the shot, Joz had already turned one of his arms into diamonds, and suddenly blocked the laser laser, then his arm gently turned and said: "reflection"

Then a surprising scene appeared, Joz actually bounced Polusalino's laser back, and before everyone was surprised, Cromwell burst into a dark power in his hands, directly After absorbing the shock wave from Marshal Sengoku, the speed seemed to be faster than when Teach absorbed Newgate's ability just now.

But I think it's true that Cromwell was originally a Munch-Munch Fruit capable person. Combining these two, he should be no one else in devouring this aspect.

The speed of this guy Lu Qi is also extremely fast, that powerful thunder force has spurted out of his body, the dazzling thunder light flickers, and in the next second, a huge thunder shield will block everyone in front of them.

But before the shield lasted for two seconds, Garp Vice Admiral's fist had broken the shield, and he still rushed out of it with unmatched aura, and Gromash also grinned at the corner of his mouth, without fear. He hit Garp Vice Admiral with a punch.

Pizarro smiled at the corner of his mouth, watching Zephyr's eyes flashing a fierce breath, and then he punched Zephyr, the former Marine Admiral.

The cold light in Shiryu's hand also unsheathed, with no intention of respecting the old and loving the young at all, and slashed towards Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer.

This contest between the top masters instantly made the surrounding area smoky, smoke all around, a powerful wave of air erupted from the smoke, swept out, and attracted more people's attention.

When the smoke and dust dispersed a little, the two sides were still facing each other, and no one had any problems. It seemed that the first match was a draw.

"Pizarro, do you want to go in again???" Teacher Zephyr moved his wrist, and a dark Haki began to spread, looking at Pizarro and speaking.

And Pizarro said with a grinning smile: "Meow hahaha, Zephyr, do you know how much I miss you in it?

Hearing this, Gromash also said in surprise, "Why?? Did you get caught by Zephyr??"

Pizarro was also a little surprised and asked: "Could it be that you don't know??? Didn't I mention it???"

At the same time, Shiryu also looked at Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer, frowned and said, "Will the evil thoughts be washed away??? Even my murderous intentions have been reduced a lot, but the shots are not so sharp."

"Shiryu, you really disappointed us," Tsuru Chief Staff Officer also said in a deep voice.

When the two sides confronted each other, Marshal Sengoku took out the phone worm and said in a deep voice to the phone worm: "All Marine orders, Hellscream-Proudmoore. Gromash has been rebellious, he is no longer Seven Warlords of the Sea. No, the war soldiers are divided into two groups, all the way to cooperate with the PX-pacifists to continue to hunt down the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, all the way to face the incoming Frost

The Wolf Pirate Group!!!"

"Jiehahahahahaha, don't say it so ugly, Marshal Sengoku, what kind of betrayal is not a betrayal, can't we use the explanation of "resolved the contract"???" Gromash laughed and said. Little.

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