I Am Hellscream

Chapter 526 The new era is here!

Hearing what Shanks said, Gromash almost didn't laugh out loud. What is he most looking forward to in this top battle?? Not to challenge Whitebeard, nor to send Buggy to the gods, what he most looks forward to is to see Shanks come Pretend here.

And what he is more looking forward to is to see if anyone does not give him the face of this'face fruit ability' this time, in case this guy Sakazuki can't help but say, "Your face is worthless." It's a shit." It would be better if Shanks was angered by things like that.

Obviously, Sakazuki was furious, but he didn't really lose his mind. Facing Shanks's face power, he didn't say anything out of place.

But even if Shanks spoke like this, the scene was still silent. It seemed that no one was going to take the lead in showing him the face of Uncle Shanks.

Gromash looked at this scene and shook his head with a smile.He has achieved the goal of this war, and he has completed it a little too much. Goodbye was announced, Teach was eaten directly by Cromwell, and the Blackbeard Pirates followed suit and dispersed. Now

I don’t know where I went. Maybe a few fateful escaped, but there must be some who were caught. Kuzan froze as soon as he was chasing Buggy.

Once these two problems are solved, it is logical for them to enter the New World of the Frostwolf Pirates. At most, they have to fight with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates again, but that is not a problem, and even Gromash does not need to be. Take it personally.

Therefore, it doesn't make much sense for him to continue to work hard with the Marines here. If Shanks does not come, Gromash is only going to brighten the muscles here, and then leave, and now their Red Hair Pirates are here, Gromash was about to go down the stairs.

That's right, Gromash didn't intend to continue smashing with Marine here from the beginning. After all, it was too much effort to do so. It was Gromash's obsession to challenge Newgate dignifiedly. This time he not only completed this obsession. , And also killed Golden Lion. Shiki in a series of two.

But because of this, Marine's advanced combat powers were not 273 caused by Newgate and Shiki. If he hadn't taken the shot, the half-dead Sakazuki who should have been beaten by Newgate was still alive. Damn it, Marshal Sengoku, Garp Vice Admiral, and the top Marine masters like Zephyr are in good condition. This Marine is not just their cream.

The enemies of the Wolf Pirate Group are also the beasts. Kaido, bigmom. Charlotte-Linlin and other people's enemies.

After Gromash was ill, he completed his purpose and brought his little friends here to die with the big guys in Marine. In case, if you smash any of them to Joz, Isn't he a big loss??

At the same time, Shanks, as a good friend of his own, has already taken out his own face and talked about it. Gromash can't go up and give his face up. That would be too much.And at this moment, the guy Mizhike sighed, then turned the black knife-night back behind him, and said calmly: "The agreement between Marine and I is only with the Whitebeard Pirates. It's just a battle. Whether it's Gromash or Shanks, it's not within the agreement. If you want to fight, you just continue to fight."

"Furafurfurfur, you are right, I have something to deal with Moria on my side, so don't let it go." Doflamingo gave an evil smile and left here after speaking.

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Marshal Sengoku didn't stop him, but he was relieved. To be honest, he really doubted where Mihawk and Doflamingo would stand if they really started fighting?? Don't look at them. It's Seven Warlords of the Sea, but Marshal Sengoku absolutely doesn't believe that they will really fight Grommash. The best situation is them.

Pretending to have two tricks with the members of the Frostwolf Pirates, it is considered to be a bit of face, at this time they quit, at least there is no need to worry that they and Gromash are in the same foul, in case this war passes, Seven Warlords of The Sea collectively disbanded, and the World government's face was completely lost, and its face was lost.

In the same way, when Doflamingo said that he was going to settle something with Moria, Gromash didn't care too much, that matter had already been agreed (abdi), presumably Doflamingo had just gone through a cutscene in the past to deal with the World government.

Seeing that both Mihawk and Doflamingo have taken the lead in expressing their opinions, Gromash also showed a smile, and said with a smile: "Jie ha ha ha ha ha, okay, your uncle Shanks is open, how can I give you this face? I’m afraid I won’t be able to get on your boat if I want to drink with you in the future."

When Mihawk and Doflamingo expressed their opinions, Shanks did not show a relaxed expression. After all, the two of them are not'protagonists'. If they are unpleasant, they are irrelevant people. Only the Frostwolf Pirates and Naval Headquarters are his targets for mediation. .

At this time, the protagonist Gromash spoke and gave him Shanks a face with sincerity. He was also relieved, thinking of coming to Marshal Sengoku at this time, he should not continue to think about it.

"Whoever hasn't played enough, let us be opponents??" Shanks looked at the Marine bosses who still didn't say anything, and said in a deep voice.

Sakazuki was a little angry when he heard this, why? Do you still want to threaten us Marine??

However, Chief Staff Officer Tsuru reached out and patted his arm, soothed Sakazuki, then looked at Marshal Sengoku, and nodded helplessly.

Shanks, this guy is talking about it. If they don't give face, then maybe they really have to do it with Red Hair Pirates on this Malinford, once they do it with Red Hair Pirates. No, the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru didn't believe that Gromash would let go of this good opportunity. They would definitely cheat them on Marine.

At that time, facing the masters of Red Hair Pirates and the Frostwolf Pirates at the same time, we must be vigilant from time to time to see if the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates will take this opportunity to counterattack or something, their Marine is really somewhat It's stretched out. Once the situation can't be controlled by the time, it is not a failure now, and it even feels a little triumphant.

If it is possible to lose directly, then it will be a big loss.

After Marshal Sengoku saw Tsuru nodding at him, he also followed with a sigh.How could he not think of things that Chief Tsuru could think of??? I can’t care about it, but no matter how you look at it, as long as Gromash wants to go to New World to take the Whitebeard Pirates and replace it, it will definitely return.

If you have to fight with the remnants of Marco and the others, maybe they won’t need to continue their shots at that time, and Ace and Marco will be killed.

At this time, how can Marshal Sengoku think that Newgate wants to lay down his dignity and ask Gromash once before he is dying? How can he think of Gromash also being Newgate, who would rather stain himself before death, and save himself His "family" behavior was moved, and before he could speak, he promised himself that he would let Marco and the others go.

What about the matter??

"The war is over..." Marshal Sengoku said unwillingly.

The war was indeed as he expected at the beginning, but the final result did not make him happy at all.Looking at Gromash's evil smile, Marshal Sengoku knew very well that perhaps an opponent who was more troublesome than Newgate would have to Appeared again

"Thank you, the bodies of Whitebeard and Golden Lion, please also let me take them away and arrange their funerals. This war has been broadcast live, please don't make extra articles on this." Shanks laughed Then, he said.

"That was Marine's victory. Only the first level of the two of them was taken down and used to warn those who were ready to move." As soon as Sakazuki was about to refute, Gromash interrupted and taunted him.

The two have long since disliked each other, so Gromash won't save him Sakazuki's face, opening his mouth is just a violent squirting.

"Jiehahahahahaha, Sakazuki, are you blind??? Your Marine's victory? Did you give the Niguai a candle?? Or give Shiki hot water?? Go and show Laozi Look, which wound on the two of them is caused by your Marine???

What does the family dog ​​matter???" Gromash laughed and mocked.

Then, before Sakazuki, who was almost vomiting blood, was angry and started to speak, Gromash looked at Shanks and said, "Newgate and Shiki are both respectable opponents. Who dares to take both of them? The body is a fuss, I Gromash is the first to not agree, I agree to this matter, and the funeral of the two of them will be arranged by you

Now, Shanks ”

In fact, Gromash can catch Shiki and Newgate like Teach. If it is handed over to Cromwell, it can be regarded as having two powerful fruit abilities, and once Cromwell is really allowed If you have cracked Dark Fruit's weird ability and can seize the ability of the capable person, then you can directly take away Shock Fruit and Lion Fruit

What a bargain thing.

However, out of respect for Shiki and Newgate, Gromash did not do such an unscrupulous thing in the end, but gave them a decent death.Gromash did not make a fuss about this kind of thing. Who dares to take it? This matter is a fuss, he will definitely not agree, so even if Shanks did not say this, Newgate and Shiki's

The corpse, Gromash will also be taken back to be buried well, and will never be handed over to Marine.

At this moment, Marshal Sengoku also said with a heavy face: "Yes, I'll leave it to you to arrange it. Redhead."

For the older Marines like Marshal Sengoku, Garp Vice Admiral, Teacher Zephyr, and Tsuru General Staff, Newgate and Shiki are enemies, but they are indeed enemies worthy of respect. If you leave their bodies behind , Due to their position, even if they don't want to do something on this, they have to do it, so they can give it to Shank at this time

Si, just avoided this embarrassing situation.

However, this time the war became such a ghost, Marshal Sengoku also understood that his situation was not so good anymore, and the Marshal was afraid that he could not continue to do it.

Fortunately, before the start of the war, he had already thought about these issues, and he had already planned to retire, so he continued to speak: "I will bear all the responsibilities of this."

Soon, in live broadcasts all over the world, although there were no rebroadcasts, Naval Headquarters announced the end of the war, the deaths of Newgate and Shiki, and the collapse of the Whitebeard Pirates.

As for Gromash's Frostwolf Pirates, they just pretended that there was no such thing at all. "Arrangement" for the world with the "answer" it should have.

On Sabaody Archipelago, the supernovas have all come back to enter The fish men island at this time. In this war, they all watched the live broadcast square of Sabaody Archipelago.

"There is no word about the final situation of the Frostwolf Pirates???" Killing Warrior-Kira murmured a little strangely.

"Heh, it must be that the Marines failed to win that king's Seven Warlords... No, he is no longer Seven Warlords of the Sea, otherwise, the Marines would not mention it a word." Eustass- Kid After taking a sip of the drink, he said with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, this war is over, and we should enter the New World." Kira didn't refute Kid's words, but said softly.

"Huh ha ha ha ha ha, it’s right to enter the New World, but the war is over??? Kira, you are wrong, the real war is about to begin, New World is the sea area ruled by the Four Emperors, now in In the hands of Hellscream, a pirate group called the'strongest' was lost. Now the balance of this New World has been broken. At the same time, Frost

The Wolf Pirates will also enter the New World strongly. The cruelest kingship battle in the history of the sea is about to begin, and the new era is coming!!!" Eustass- Kid took all the drinks in his hands. After drinking it, he laughed and said.

And just as he said, a new era is here!

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