I Am Hellscream

Chapter 533 The world conscription is coming!

At this time, Gromash didn't know that Charlotte-Linlin, the dead old woman, was ready to show her fangs under the frustration of Kata Kuri, biting him, Master Gromash, to see if she was chewing.

However, Gromash has never let down his vigilance about these things. New World is no better than the first half of the Grand Line, where he can do whatever the grandpa Gromash can wave. Anyway, Kabuto can live, but here he will capsize accidentally.

However, thanks to the "Three Realms of Sea, Land and Air" combat system developed by Gromash from the beginning, Gromash's strategy is very deep. Continue to play under the sea, in short, this strategic system allows him to declare goodbye directly without a defeat, and the three realms of sea, land and air are in linkage.

After coming, the advantages are also great. For example, the airborne city of the seven waters is the "air" advantage, and the seabed can also carry out a lot of logistical support, such as the deep sea broker organization in the dark world. Overall, the Frostwolf Pirates This strategic system is indispensable for achieving today's brilliance.

But even if he has the capital that can accept the'rout', Gromash definitely doesn't want to sink into the sand in New World. Just kidding, his uncle Gromash has prepared for so many years, what is it for? Isn't it for strong entry into New World, do you participate in this kingship? If this entrance is kicked out directly, he can take it

It's strange if you can bear it.

So after entering New World, although the Frostwolf Pirates are fighting the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, they have never let down their vigilance against the remaining potential enemies, "Two Seven Three", so this group of the bigmom Pirates It is still a bit difficult for people to find opportunities and gaps from him, anyway, it can't be that fast.

As time progresses, everyone can see that the Frostwolf Pirates group led by Hellscream has become a new force in the New World. According to this progress, as long as there is no bigmom Pirates group and Kaido’s Beasts Pirates came out to overthrow them the Frostwolf Pirates, then the Frostwolf Pirates will become new soon"

"Four Emperors Group".

In the course of this time, the aftermath of the war at Naval Headquarters and Malinford was slowly dissipating, and the world began to heal its wounds.

In the office of the City of Seven Waters, Gromash was chatting with a phone worm on the table.

"Jiehahahahaha, I heard, Buggy, you bastard swallowed the three islands that should have belonged to me while we were not paying attention, right??" Gromash smiled and said to the phone bug.

Uncle Buggy said over there, "Big red eyes, I haven't settled with you about the thing that you guy sold me to the World government. Are you embarrassed to ask me for these three islands??? These three islands are remote and useless, and they don’t have any resources. Let me use them."

That's right, after the war on the top, Buggy also brought his little friends and those pirate prisoners who escaped from Impel down-Imperton into the New World, and he was very rude. Swallowed the three islands of Newgate, turned it into its own territory, and began to develop.

After listening to Buggy, Gromash said helplessly, "Since you have said that the three islands are remote and have no resources, why are you Buggy running there??? This huge New World, find someone Is it hard to find the basic disk???"

After hearing Gromash's questioning, Uncle Buggy also showed a somewhat awkward smile on the phone worm, and then said: "This New World has not changed much than it did in the past. They say that there are only two ways to enter New World. Choose, one is to fight to the end with the Four Emperors, and the other is to join the Four Emperors Pirate Group. Other than that, there are very few

People can "survive" alone.

Gromash listened, and said, "What then?? Does this have anything to do with you grabbing my turf??"

"Ahahahahahaha, it is like this, I guess your Uncle Gromash is not going to be the Four Emperors?? I'll be a neighbor with you, isn't this much safer?? So I will find someone next to you first I can help each other in the future. Uncle Gromash won’t even come to trouble me???" Buggy is very cheeky

Said shamelessly.

"Your big red nose is really a chicken thief. It's just three islands. I don't care about it. If you want it, I will give it to you. I can just use you as a buffer. I’m not going to talk about this, Buggy, I heard that what company you started??? Looks like you are ready to reach out into the dark world??? What?

I don't need my veteran to take care of you???" Gromash smiled and said.

Just as he said, there are three islands, and his uncle Gromash doesn't look down on it. If he uses it for Buggy, it can also become a'buffer' zone. Combining it will benefit both, so Gromash has no plans. I care about this with Buggy, and instead talked about his uncle Buggy's company.

"Ahahahahahaha, yes, I think about it, I always feel that it would be too wasteful to find the treasure just to find the treasure, my uncle Buggy, the team with many strong men, so I decided to be like you and Doflamingo. , Stretch out your hand into the dark world, there is a good place to get gold, see you two turning there full of pots

Yes, of course my heart is touched." Buggy said with a big smile, the indescribable ass.

"Jiehahahahahaha, I heard that you have opened a "express" company, what do you do?? Are you ready to engage in business with us in the deep sea???" Gromash also laughed and said.

"It's not the same. It's impossible to grab business with you people in the deep sea in the ocean shipping business, right?? My uncle is in the pirate business, or to put it simply, the mercenary business. I'm currently dealing with the guy Doflamingo. Cooperation, he sells arms, I create chaos, it hits it off, and the future is bright," Buggy said happily.

The arms business and the mercenary business do have a lot of things that can be reconciled. Buggy is also unscrupulous. As long as Bailey earns him, he can do everything, create chaos, subvert the country, and so on. He doesn't care at all. inside.

However, Gromash is also not a good bird. Everyone is a pirate. Don't dislike anyone who is black. Therefore, I didn't want to blame the Virgin for Buggy's business.

After the two chatted for a while, Buggy said, "By the way, big red eyes, I have something to talk about when I contact you today."

"Oh??? What's the matter??" Gromash asked curiously.

"It's about the same as you predicted. The World government has invited me to participate in the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization. It seems that I'm going to take your class," Buggy said with a smile.

"Jiehahahahahaha, isn't this a good thing??? Seven Warlords of the Sea is a good thing, look at it, didn't I just come to where I am now because of the blessing of this system??? For you This kind of "businessman" Seven Warlords of the Sea is a very useful guise." Gromash said with a laugh.

"Well, that's the truth. I'm just here to inform you that in the future, my uncle will also want to be a face, a person of status and status," Buggy said with a bit of a cock.

Speaking of this, Buggy paused, and then said somewhat ostentatiously: "By the way, I accidentally learned a great news, let me tell you."

Gromash was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "What's the incredible news??? Your Buggy uncle is going to be the emperor??"

"Don't be kidding, it's like this. Not long ago, we caught a Marine spy in New World and intercepted a piece of information from him. It seems that the World government is going to do a big move on Marine, and it is worldwide I don't know the specifics of it, but let me tell you first, what if it is against our pirates?

?You are so mentally prepared," Buggy said in a serious tone that was rare.

After Gromash heard the information given by Buggy, he instantly thought of three major events about Marine. Those who leak the news are even less likely to be known by the Marine spies at the bottom of New World.

The second thing is that Naval Headquarters wants to migrate into the New World. Like the first thing, this kind of thing is definitely top secret, and it is impossible to leak the news before it starts.

Then there is only the third thing, it can be called a big move, and it is not top secret, it really involves the whole world, that is the world conscription!!!

The battle on the top Marine has played its own power. From the perspective of war, regardless of strategic objectives, etc., the entire war is in Marine's advantage. The momentum is magnificent, and the feeling that justice will win is really shocking, especially It was Marshal Sengoku's pre-war mobilization before the start of the war, and the aura of a hundred thousand flags was really fascinating.

At that moment, I don't know how many young people who were dazzled by "justice" wanted to sign up for the army, to contribute to justice, peace, and the world.

After the war, the 100,000 elite Marine generals at Naval Headquarters were not iron-fought. After this cruel war, the casualties and losses must have been great. "Thief group" is not muddled.

Therefore, taking advantage of the enthusiasm for joining the army in this world, the World government decided to launch a plan that is more ambitious than ordinary conscription, that is, to hold a'world conscription. The ability to "promote" you, avoiding the process of making your qualifications.

This plan can be used to supplement the dead Marine elite generals and officers, and at the same time expand the scale of Marine, prepare for Marine to enter the New World, and fill it up for Marine to advance bravely in this "new era". Oil".

Judging from the'plan' that the World government has made, there is no doubt that for this turbulent new era, the World government also attaches great importance to it. It does not hesitate to break the'tradition' of Marine for thousands of years, and it has been in vain for a lot of short-term viewing. The hidden dangers that are missing must also be forcibly improved Marine's combat effectiveness. The'murderousness' of Gromash seems to have been felt.

That's right, the plan of world conscription seems to be very big. If you use your strength to speak, you are strong enough, let alone being an elite general. Admiral has vacancies and you can be a vacancy. All the bad habits have been wiped out, giving everyone a fairer environment.

But think about it carefully, that's the army. Doing this is just drinking a dove to quench your thirst. It has improved Marine's combat effectiveness in a short time, but it also made this thinking impossible to be unified. Many people don't have the temperament of a soldier.

Take Admiral Fujitora of Dressrosa in the future, for Marine in the period of Marshal Sengoku and Marshal Kong, it is absolutely prohibited. Except for the hob meat of Garp, no big guy dares to fail with the command of the marshal.

And Fujitora, who had never participated in the baptism of the army’s will, smiled that the breath of'freedom' on her body was much stronger. She didn't put Sakazuki's order in her eyes at all, and casually let the Straw Hat Pirates go. It was during the period of Marshal Sengoku and Marshal Kong, it was impossible for this to happen.

The Green Bull Admiral was in the Holy Land-Mariejois, too. Sakazuki asked him to drive away Fujitora with a smile. He was like a bird, and he also invited a smile to eat, not paying attention to Sakazuki at all.

From these two points, we can see the huge ills in this. Marine Admiral is all the same. How can the elite generals who are also conscripts get better??

The Marine in the new era is powerful, but the iron-blooded military style has also been broken. Whether this is pros or cons, it really depends on the time to give the answer.

Thinking of this, Gromash whispered to the phone bug: "World Conscription"

"World Conscription?? What?" Buggy asked in surprise.

"Let's wait and see, Marine's unseen changes in eight hundred years are coming. The world is really turbulent, Jiehahahahaha." Gromash laughed and said, without explaining too much. .

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