I Am Hellscream

Chapter 536 Moria joined.

Although the Golden City is a place controlled by Gromash, due to its neutral privileges, a large amount of tax is paid to the World government every year. This is a matter of mutual benefit.

Gromash is happy to pay taxes, and World government is also happy to collect taxes.

But this is in the case of Gromash or Seven Warlords of the Sea. At that time, the two sides were in an "ally" relationship, and they were both able to survive on the face, so there was nothing to discuss.

But now Gromash is still willing to pay this tax, but the World government needs to consider whether to collect this "tax". After all, they are already enemies now. If this attitude is not changed, it may cause some adverse effects. .

Five Elders and their bad old men did not take the lead in expressing their opinions, but this silence seems to have represented a certain attitude. If anyone really strongly opposes the continuation of the neutral zone system of the Golden City, they must have already spoken.

Now that everyone is silent, it must be because everyone is a little bit'reluctant' that this golden city brings them a lot of wealth to the World government every year, and at the same time they are a little embarrassed to say these things.

After all, whoever speaks first has a feeling of "greed for money". Everyone is the top power boss in the world. It seems a bit embarrassing to do so.

This silent atmosphere stalemate for a while, then the bearded Five Elders took a sip of the hot tea in his hand, then sighed helplessly, and said, "Okay, all five of us are partners. It's been so many years, can anyone not know who??? Since they don't speak, they all mean the same thing, right??

? "

After being directly told by this "upright" old guy, the other four people stopped pretending, and the pudgy old star 51 said directly: "There are no outsiders here, and there is no need for us people to hide anything. , Think about the large amount of arms we buy from the black market every year. Who are the two biggest sellers? Isn’t it Groma?

What is it with Kaido?? Gromash had a fig leaf at the beginning, which can be said to be purchased from an ally, but what about Kaido??? These are the last resorts. The same is true for the Golden City, isn’t it???"

"Pirates are just a disease of tinea. It is better to say that they are also an external means that we use to maintain the huge franchise and Marine. As long as Raftel is not found, the pirates are not real enemies, and Raftel is not so. It's easy to find, there has only been one person for 800 years, we only need to deal with this aspect,

The real enemy is the Revolutionary Army, and to deal with the Revolutionary Army, we need strong financial and material resources," the tall and thin Five Elders said softly.

There is a certain truth to what he said. If you want to talk about pirates, it is really just a'sickness of tinea'. As long as this world is still a world with the ocean as the main body, the pirates cannot be extinct and placed in Gromash. In his previous life, pirates are still rampant near the Somali waters???

And the pirate forces belong to the'chaotic camp' after all. There is no one in this camp that can be passed on for a long time. The new generation replaces the old, but it is the same. After all, the pirates are the most fierce camp in internal fighting, everyone thinks Stepping on the upper position of the boss, there will always be one or two lucky people who will succeed.

At the same time, the pirates are indeed an indispensable camp for the World government. Through the pirates, the world government can collect taxes from all participating countries to maintain the powerful organization of Marine, and Marine will be used to maintain the World. The government's rule is also a'tool' for "coercing" the major franchise countries to surround themselves with the world government.

If anyone is not obedient or pays, then we can't arrange any marine and protection for you, you just wait to be torn apart by the pirates.

On the other hand, the revolutionary army is really creating the ancestral grave of their World government. It is a real enemy, and just like what Five Elders said, to deal with the revolutionary army, it needs a lot of financial and material resources. As a support, Golden City is a special channel that can hand over a large amount of financial resources to the World government every year.

The old stars are very reluctant to do so.

Think of the more than 170 participating countries of their World government. Excluding the heavenly gold, according to the annual ordinary tax, the Golden City can top dozens of countries in one place, and this financial source accounts for a very heavy proportion.

When there was no Golden City in the past, the world government didn't think much about this thing, but they had already tasted the sweetness. If they want to let them vomit it out again, don't eat it anymore. It's strange that they can be cruel.

"Then pretend to be "forgotten". "Five Elders holding a saber thought for a while and said.

The best way to deal with this is this. Everyone keeps a cold treatment. Don't mention this topic. You don't have much trouble with Gromash. We don't ask too much. You hand in the Bailey that should be handed in on time every year. Still do things in accordance with the "contract", don't add to anyone, this is over.

At present, Gromash will definitely not come out to add to them. It seems that they also chose to'cold treatment', and for this reason, they also specially gave a portion of "taxes, which seems to be expressing their opinions."

Then there is no need for them in the World government to rectify the ones that are missing, just as there is no such place as the "Golden City" in this world.

As soon as the other four heard this, they all nodded and did not express any disagreement. In this way, the intricate and complicated place of Golden City, this place where all parties have some interests, is directly affected by this'world'. If it was forgotten, no one would mention it, and no one would say, so let it go on silently.

Meanwhile, in the City of Seven Waters in New World, Gromash is laughing and drinking with someone alone.

"Jiehahahaha, I know, you guy will definitely keep your credibility, sure enough, I'm still wondering if something happened to you, you came" Gromash laughed and raised his glass, and said .

The person sitting across from him was Moonlight-Moria. Looking at Gromash's bold appearance, the awkward feeling in Moria's heart also dissipated a lot. He's been stunned, and he was given a hand by the World government, which is considered a "fallen home".

On the other hand, his uncle Gromash, it is getting more and more popular. His Moria was'removed' from the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea, but the uncle Gromash directly didn't like this stuff, and he entered New in a blink of an eye. World, it is about to become the Four Emperors now, although the'Seven Warlords of the Sea' and the'Four Emperors' are equal in the so-called'Three Powers'.


But now that there is no Gromash this guy to support the field, everyone can see that Seven Warlords of the Sea as a whole has declined a lot, and it is still very vain to want to fight head-on with the Four Emperors-level pirate group.

Moria didn’t tell Gromash all those imaginary things, and he just said, “I’m here this time to join your Frostwolf Pirates. I don’t know how you want to arrange me???”

Gromash saw that Moria was so direct and didn't hide anything. He said directly: "There are two kinds of ideas. Look at the choice. The first one, you will directly become the officer on the Elune. The second, You are still the captain of your Moria Pirates, as an independent Pirates group attached to our Frostwolf Pirates, what do you think

?? "

Moria thought for a while, and finally said: "Let's be a cadre. If I say that my Pirate Group, now only one of my subordinates is still following me. Where can I feel like a group? When this happens, I am also a little frustrated about it."

This guy Moria is also miserable. Kaido killed all his friends in the past, and now only Absalom, a transparent dead pervert, is still with him. The doctor who came to replace Houbak is also cold. Throughout, the Mononoke Mononoke in Perona has disappeared immediately, and the rest of the members are all zombies, in the Devil's Triangle.

After being beaten back by Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates before liberation, I wanted to find enough'resources' in the battle for the top to turn over. The result was still betrayed by the World government, and now Moria has become a success again. It's'Zi Ran in one'.

Thinking about what happened to him, Gromash felt a little sad, so he just smiled and said, "That's it, but even though it is a cadre, just like Joz and others, his subordinates will have their own team."

"It's still not working for the time being. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I feel that my strength has regressed too severely. Even in this New World, I can't get a foothold. I will be defeated by newcomers like the Straw Hat Pirates. It is too embarrassing. , So give me some time and let me recover." Moria waved her hand and said.

In fact, even if Moria didn't say anything, Gromash would like to mention it, but seeing Moria knows so well, Gromash doesn't have any nonsense.

After the two chatted for a while, Moria said, "By the way, I want to ask you for something."

"Now you are already a partner on the ship, your business is our Frostwolf Pirates business, let's just say it!" Gromash spoke very boldly.

After Moria heard what Gromash said, he was also a little touched. After all, he had just arrived and his butt hadn't been hot yet. Gromash was able to say such things, no matter whether it was a lot of'performance' or sincere. But this attitude is really heartwarming.

I saw Moria smiled and said, "In fact, besides Absalom, 273 I have a subordinate. It is a little girl named Perona. She is also a capable person. She is a ghost fruit capable person. She disappeared on the Thriller barque, Lenovo. When the guy Bartholemew-Bear appeared there, I suspect it was shot by Bartholemew-Bear.

After flying, I wanted to ask him during the Battle of the Top, but the guy turned into a war weapon. This clue was also broken, so I wanted to use your power to find her."

"Jiehahahahaha, Perona??? Wait a moment," Gromash said with a big smile after listening.

Then, under Moria's gaze, he took out his own phone worm, and then called the guy Mihawk.

Soon, Mihawk picked up the phone worm, and said in a cold voice, "What's the matter??? Could it be that you have encountered an unsolvable problem in New World? I need me to help you?? ?"

"Stop kidding, I need you to help me??? That's it, let me ask you something, is there a cute little girl on your side??" Gromash grinned and smiled Asked.

Mihawk frowned and said, "There is no cute girl, but she is noisy all day long. There is one annoying ghost who keeps chatting. And, how did you know???,

"My uncle, I have a pair of eyes that are enough to see through any fog in the world..." Gromash fooled it casually, and then said, "It's called Perona, right??"

"What's wrong?? Ah, yes, is Moria looking for her? ?? Then quickly send someone to pick her up!!!" Mihawk seems to have been annoyed by Perona, and is hearing it. After Gromash's inquiry, he thought of the information Perona himself gave, and suddenly thought of Moria who was going to join the Frostwolf Pirates.

"Jiehahahahahahaha, you guy has no taste at all. You have to dislike Shui Lingling's sister. You deserve to be single for many years. Just know the news. If I have time, I will send someone to pick it up. "Gromash said with a smile.

Then the two did not talk nonsense, and soon hung up the phone worm.

Then Gromash looked at Moria with a smile and said, "Hey, have you seen?? Our Frostwolf Pirates are so efficient!!!"

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