I Am Hellscream

Chapter 540 The historical text of Zou is written on the town.

After the war on the top, the entire sea seemed to calm down temporarily.Only the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates were fighting with the Frostwolf Pirates, but the war was kept within a certain range of New World. The real impact is actually not very big.

Marine and the World government are busy dealing with the follow-up of the war. A series of changes to meet the new era require a lot of effort to deal with, and they are unable to stir up the wind and rain for a while and take care of so many nosy matters.

Large forces like the bigmom pirate group are also looking for opportunities, wanting to see if there is a chance to start, but the timing is not so easy to discover, so there is no action for a while.

Therefore, the sea was strangely'calmed down', and just as the Marines were busy sorting out internal conflicts, the two Admiral were about to start a battle between the marshals in Punk Hazard.

Gromash was also in the City of Seven Waters at this time and was discussing with some cadres such as Cromwell and Joz who had just returned from the front line.

I saw this guy Cromwell holding a wanted order in his hand, smacking his lips a little enviously, and then shook his head and said: "3.3 billion Baileys, Boss Gromash, you have directly crossed more than twenty. The dimension of 100 million is amazing."

"Jiehahahahaha, it's just a matter of accumulation, thinking about it, it's actually expected, isn't it??" Gromash said with a bit of a cock.

"That being said, why are you the only one who has been promoted to offer a reward?? Why are we still dangling on the'third-rate' level???" Cromwell said in a puzzled manner.

That's right, in addition to Gromash's bounty soaring to 3.3 billion this time, the bounty of Cromwell, Joz, and Luchi are still in the same way as the three to five billion. There is a little sign of movement. Not at all~Yes.

Gromash touched his chin and said, "Maybe it is because Marine is currently undergoing changes, and he is so busy to die, there is no time to respond to you. On the other hand, it may also be a threat to you. Make an assessment. After all, you haven’t shown your true strength for many years. Marines need some time to come.

Observe you-it should be.

At this time, Joz looked at the cadres present, and then said with some confusion: "Did they not come back, Lu Qi and Urouge? -??"

"Those are addicted to fighting, but it is impossible for the frontline cadres to summon all of them back, right???" Robin smiled and said.

"Well, there are so many people, let's get started, there are some things I need to arrange..." Gromash said, opening the projection behind him.

Then a map of New World appeared on the projection, and then Gromash took a teaching stick in his hand, pointed to some places on it, and then said: "Now these places are fighting, but these It's all small problems. This is just a training ground. As long as Marco and the others can continue to fight, we will follow along.

We really lack the experience of type naval warfare, and for the other opponents in New World, their experience is very rich, so we need to quickly accumulate this experience from Marco and them, as for how to fight the war. , I have not received systematic training. After all, everyone knows that this uncle was born in Murloc Street.

It’s normal if you don’t know how to play this. So I never give you a blind command here. You can try your own way. Okay, that’s all for this matter. Let’s take a look at what I’m going to say today.”

The rest of the people laughed after hearing what Gromash said. Gromash this guy never shy away from his shortcomings. This makes them admire, and it also proves that Gromash's heart and tolerance are very broad. The atmosphere within the Frostwolf Pirates is very harmonious, mocking each other, frolicking, sarcastic but united.

Just like a real group of like-minded partners, a large part of this is because Gromash himself is also leading by example, as he promised to pull people on the boat, as long as he doesn't betray, he can say anything.

Take the screams of the Battle on the top when they recorded Gromash. In the bigmom pirate group, anyone who dared to tease Charlotte-Linlin like this would have already been broken down by Charlotte-Linlin's stomach acid.

At this time, I saw Gromash said that he would not fight a large-scale naval battle. The battle turned the two major forces of Marine Pirates around.

But no one is perfect, there are definitely things that don't. His uncle Gromash has never received any military theory and training. I haven't participated in a large-scale naval battle very much, and it is normal not to play, I am afraid that I don't know how to pretend to understand.

After laughing, the projection behind Gromash is also divided into two parts, one is still showing the map of New World, and the other is a red historical text. Seeing this, the expressions of the rest of the people have also converged. Take it seriously.

"Everyone should know what this thing is, the historical text, we have several pieces of this historical text, we brought it down on Sky Island, found it in the sea forest, and got some other places. But these things are not understood by us except those of Robin University who are interested, but this red historical text can be

It's different, I won't say, everyone here should also know that this red historical text is the historical text of the road sign where Raftel is on the final island. There are four pieces of this stuff, and we have one piece in our hands. , This is what we were kidnapped from the dead old woman in Charlotte- Linlin back then. After so many years, that old woman too

I don’t know who stole her baby, Jiehahahahahaha. "Speaking of which, Gromash laughed.

After laughing, Gromash cleared his throat, and then said again: "Since we have entered the New World, it means that we have officially participated in this new round of "royal hegemony". This "hegemony" is very simple. What I am fighting for is the position of the overlord. I am very confident about this. We have many masters in the Frostwolf Pirates and have a rich family background.

For mentally retarded things, as long as you don’t make too many mistakes on your side, the position of the sea overlord must have our place. If anyone is not convinced, we will hit whoever, and hit him until he can’t speak or is convinced.”

"Ahahahahaha, yes, whoever is not convinced, we will fight until he can't speak, or until he is convinced!!!" Cromwell laughed and said.

"This is what we are doing right now???" Joz smiled and said.

Then Gromash continued: "But this'royal' is not easy to make. This is also a pit made by the fellow Roger. In the past, there is no "One Piece" in the sea?? Isn't it all the Pirate Overlord? ?? Whoever is powerful enough to "convince" the rest, who is the pirate overlord of that generation, what a simple matter, the result is Luo

Jie has found a One Piece, and now it is clear in the sea that only those who find Raftel are eligible to be recognized as One Piece by everyone. These twenty years have passed, and it seems that it has become a'unspoken rule'. It seems that as long as anyone really finds Raftel, no matter what kind of bird he was before, everyone must recognize him as the king. Although this is the rule

It's a bit strange, but it is indeed a good challenge. What is Raftel, what it looks like, and what secrets are inside. I believe everyone should be very curious, and if we do a line, we must love the line. Since we are all Choosing to be a pirate, we must be Ultimate, Raftel is our pirate’s romance, so we want

Find it!!!"

"But it seems very difficult to gather the four pieces of road sign history text and find Raftel. We only have one piece in front of us. It is said that Kaido also has one piece in his hand? Boss Gromash, are you going to go to war with Kaido? ? Grab his historical text???" Joz said with some surprise.

0-Seeking flowers...

Gromash smiled and waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, we haven't completely consolidated the foundation in New World yet. Why do we need to trouble Kaido in such a hurry? Although the historical text of this road sign is not easy to find, but I still know that apart from the historical text in our hands with Kaido, one of the other two pieces..."

After Robin heard Gromash's words, his eyes lighted up, and he spoke very excitedly: "Captain, where is that piece of historical text??"

"Ahem, don't be so excited. When you talk about the text of history, you are too excited. The fur clan is in charge." Gromash said with a wicked smile.

"The fur clan?? Zou??? is that walking on the back of the rootless island of New World-Elephant Lord??" Cromwell said with some surprise.

"That's right, the elephant has a piece of the historical text of the road sign we need, so we need to get it in our hands as soon as possible to avoid any changes." Gromash said in a deep voice.

From Gromash's point of view, he has already entered the New World. It is a huge "variable." It's very troublesome, so it's better to take away the text of the history as soon as possible.

I just came to New World before, and I have never been able to take it away. Now that many things have been arranged, I can start to deal with this matter, so Gromash will mention this thing.

"As long as we find the historical text on Zou, don't we have two pieces of historical text on the road signs in our hands??? occupying half of the advantage," Cromwell also said with some excitement in his eyes.

Then Joz asked strangely: "By the way, Boss Gromash, where did you get this news?? Is it accurate??"

Gromash was stunned for a moment, and then said with a foul, "Who do you think the uncle is? I thought I was an elite member of the CP-5."

"Okay, well, shut up, we probably know it, and your old things have been blowing for more than 20 years, please stop blowing." Joz quickly waved his hand and interrupted Gromash's bragging. .

The rest of the people also laughed. It is impossible to say that this CP-5 can know this kind of information. It is impossible for the World government to even know this kind of thing. And everyone knows what's going on with him.

"Well, Gromash's inexplicable source of intelligence is one of the most famous and unbelievable, but it happens to be accurate every time, so over time, everyone doesn't care about that much, as long as it is useful.

Gromash hasn't boasted about his past like this for a long time, but he was interrupted by Joz before he finished speaking.He was naturally very upset, but it was not the real time at this time, so he returned to the topic. , Continued to say: "Ahem, since everyone is paying attention to this matter now and don't want to hear my heroic deeds, then I

Let's talk about it later, returning to the topic, there is a piece of the historical text of the road sign that we need on Zuow, so I need two of you to bring me things back, no problem, right???"

When the others heard Gromash's words, they all smiled confidently and said, "There is no problem at all..."

"Well, let me implement this matter as soon as possible. Go down and discuss it. Whoever has less work in your hands will go and take a trip. Although Zuow sounds unfamiliar, there are still some masters in the fur clan. Be careful at the time, don't overturn the boat in the gutter." Gromash saw that everyone was so confident, and he didn't say anything more after he told him. small,

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