I Am Hellscream

Chapter 545 Come by the tsunami!

Gromash still admires the two guys, the cat viper and the Duke Inuran. Gromash is the leader of a group of forces. Naturally, it also has the stinky problem that those leaders have, that is, it is very tolerant to the loyal. The betrayer looks down on it very much.

Just like his attitude towards Teach, don't look at Teach, this guy is full of ambitions, he is a man of tyrannical temperament, it is not bad at all in terms of strength and means, but Gromash is not inferior to him at all, and only treats him from beginning to end. Being a'sordid villain, I didn't take care of him in the slightest when dealing with him.

It was turned into a stick.

However, Gromash is very patient with the cat viper and the Duke Inuran. Although the blow was very powerful, it was not really merciless. It only temporarily caused the cat viper to lose its ability to move, and its life was completely useless. Worry, this is precisely because Gromash appreciates his "loyalty". Although this loyalty looks a bit stupid, it is very cute.


Not long after Gromash and Robin continued to move forward, the cat Viper recovered a little bit, took out a phone bug from his body, and quickly dialed out.

Before long, a voice came from the phone worm.

"Boss Cat Viper, do you have any orders??" A leopard-like fur clan asked on the phone bug.

"Pedro, there is an amazing guy in the Whale Forest. We are not his opponent. The knights are on alert, and we have to wake up the old dog and ask him to help!!!" Mao Junshe Said with some pain.

Hearing the voice of the cat viper, Pedro was also a little surprised and said, "The cat viper boss, where are you?? Are you seriously injured??? Who is the intruder???"

"I don't know why, that guy is merciful to my subordinates, so I am not hurt, but I can't move for the time being. Leave me alone, the intruder is Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash, call the old dog to stop him, he I want to mark the text of the history with walking!!!" Cat Viper said in a deep voice~ said.

Hearing the name of Gromash, Pedro was even more surprised, but he knew that it was not a hypocritical time, so he also quickly said: "Yes, the cat viper boss, I will go to inform Duke Inuran-Lord Lord ."

Not long after, Lord Inulan, who had just fallen asleep, quickly put on his clothes, opened the door of the room with a saber, and said to the people outside: "All the firearms are in place, set off, target Whale Forest -!!"

On the way to the Whale Forest, Lion-Leon, a member of the Musketeer, asked with some curiosity: "The Lord Duke, the knights on the side of the cat viper boss will actually send out a signal for help like our Musketeer team. What happened? Is there a terrible crisis??"

While riding a running crocodile at full speed, Duke Inulan said with a very serious expression: "It is indeed a terrible crisis. I have asked the rest to evacuate the citizens. This time, we can't fix it. It's going to be over"

Hearing Duke Inulan's words, Leon was even more surprised. He quickly asked, "Who is the enemy???"

"Hellscream," Duke Inulan said with his eyelids drooping slightly.

And Lion-Leon was also stunned. After a long time, he said, "That's really a bad ending, we are all going to die. Damn, why did that hellscream come to us Zou???"

"Pedro said that according to the information sent by the cat viper, that guy came to the historical text of the road sign hidden in the whale forest. It is the treasure of His Royal Highness Oden. It must not be handed over to that Hellscream!!!!" Duke Lan said in a deep voice.

At the same time, in the sea area of ​​Totto Land, a huge tsunami is hitting the place where Elephant Lord is, and this tsunami is really unusual when you look closely. It has its own will and is still singing. Reminiscing that this is in the sea area of ​​Totto Land, you will understand what is going on in an instant, this tsunami is controlled by Charlotte- Linlin


At this time, at the top of the singing tsunami, a big sailing ship that also had a'soul' was rapidly advancing on the tsunami.

On this big sailing ship, the bigmom-Charlotte-Linlin, one of the Four Emperors, is leading a group of masters in their pirate group towards the place where the Lord Elephant is. At the speed of this tsunami, It won't be long before they will be able to reach the place where the Lord Elephant is.

When I want to come to Charlotte- Linlin, I am also a little anxious at this time. She has a fur clan under her, and Bokmus is still a big cadre. She also knows a little about the information in the furry Principality, although there are two strong men, one cat and one dog. , But it's just a strong one. It's no match for Gromash at all, so if Gromash is true

He was violent, and he was rampant throughout the furry Principality, so the things he wanted to do would definitely progress very quickly, so she had to act quickly, after all, if Gromash was to be completed first. His purpose, then it is not impossible for him to leave the furry principality quickly, this kind of god-given opportunity has slipped away.

, I want to stop Gromash who is alone in the future, but I don't know when to wait.

The name of this Charlotte-Linlin car is also very strange. It is called'Queen-Mother-Anthem'. It is really arrogant and arrogant. At this time, Charlotte- Linlin is also a little bit on this'Anthem'. Impatiently opened his mouth and urged: "Go faster, the big tsunami!!!"

With the fall of her words, the already extremely fast tsunami speeded up again.I don't know how many innocent ships were destroyed along the way, but all this doesn't matter to Charlotte- Linlin, even if most of those ships are hanging them. The banner of the bigmom pirates.

On the deck of the Anthem, Charlotte Owen, a hot fruit capable person, leaned next to his brother Kata Kuri and said, "Brother Kata Kuri, that Gromash is really on Zow Island. ???"

"It can't be wrong, there is no such coincidence in this world," Kata Kuri said softly.

Owen looked at the powerful brothers and sisters around him, and then said with a smile: "This time we have so many people, we will definitely be able to take that guy..."

Kata Kuri glanced at Owen, and then said: "Owen, your hot fruit is likely to restrain the flames of Gromash to a certain extent. This time, if you want to perform well, the guy Snug will lose. What kind of Capone- Bege is really embarrassing, my mother has decided to remove him from the position of star, and at the same time, my mother also thinks

We want that Capone- Bege to be our family, but in any case, the four stars will vacate a place. If your performance is good this time, I will like my mother's suggestion to let you replace Snug and become a new one. Will star!"

Owen, this guy was very happy when he heard that Brother Kata Kuri covered himself like this, he said, "I wanted to be a general star a long time ago. Snug's strength is really not very good, and he will lose to one. Newcomer, it's really shameful for us, don't worry, brother Kata Kuri, I will definitely perform well!!"

Seeing that Owen was so confident, Kata Kuri nodded with satisfaction, and then said again: "This raid is of great significance. Once we complete the plan, the situation in the entire sea may change drastically again. , Not inferior to the previous battle between Naval Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates, now the sea

Only the Frostwolf Pirates are qualified to sit on an equal footing with our Four Emperors, and now they have not truly become the'Four Emperors'. If this problem is solved, from now on, the era of the Four Emperors will no longer exist. , Neither Mom nor Kaido will allow another'emperor' to appear, nor will a new "Gromash" appear anymore, Xiang

The guy X has no intention of fighting for the position of One Piece, so as long as Gromash is eliminated this time, One Piece’s throne will no longer be a “fighting for supremacy”, but “choose one of two”, do you understand???”

0-seeking flowers...

"If you can catch Gromash alive, you may still have a chance to conquer the Frostwolf Pirates. That way, it will not be'choose one of two'. In this sea, mother will become the new Pirate King!!!" Mu Ji, the general star, didn't know when he appeared behind Kata Kuli, and said softly.

I don’t know if I think this raid should be “stable, this guy Kata Kuri also joked with Smoky, and said with a smile: “Smoky, mom introduced you so much later. You refused the marriage, are you still not giving up on Gromash??? If you can catch him alive this time, it depends on your ability, if it is true

Able to'surrender' him, let alone the One Piece, the whole world is ours!!!"

When Smoky heard what Katakuri said, his expression was a little helpless and said: "If I had the ability, we would have succeeded more than ten years ago.. As for the rejection of those marriages, it is only because of those people. It's not good enough for me, otherwise, Brother Kata Kuri, do you really think that my mother will indulge me???"

The fellow Cracker was not wrapped in his biscuit armor at this time. He punched his upper body naked and carried a long sword on his shoulders. He squatted aside with a smile, and said to Smuggy, "Smoky, don't Denied, you still feel unwilling because you have been rejected by the bastard Gromash? Don't worry, the brothers will help you this time

A fair person, you must let him be submissive under your feet."

Just as a large group of masters of the bigmom pirate group rushed towards the furry duchy with confidence, in the whale forest, Gromash also saw the members of the knight group and the musketeers guarding the roots of the huge tree, and Standing in the forefront, looking at Duke Inulan here with a very serious expression.

Looking at the scene where the other party was waiting solemnly, Gromash also showed a smile and said, "Is this a welcome in the middle of the road???"

Duke Inuran looked at Gromash and said softly: "His Royal Highness, the historical text of the road sign is the treasure of the Kozuki clan."

"Okay, okay, this time you finally did not admit that the thing is there. I know the Kozuki family's affairs very well, but as early as twenty years ago, the Wanokuni changed drastically, and the Kozuki family basically ceased to exist. , So this thing is already a'thing without a master', not to mention what's wrong with a master??? Kozuki Oden was a pirate, and you followed him to sea

Now, you should understand what the pirate means??" Gromash waved his hand and spoke very casually.

"The saying that Kozuki's family no longer exists, I'm sorry I can't agree with you," Duke Inulan said in a deep voice.

"I'm not interested in discussing this old thing with you, Inuarashi, you can get away now. Since everyone is a duke, I won't embarrass you," Gromash said with an evil smile on his mouth.

"This life, as early as 20 years ago, should have followed His Highness Oden. If Your Highness Gromash insists on taking the text of history, then stop blaming my old dog for offending it!" Duke Inuran said as he said. , While putting his paw on the saber around his waist, the knights and the Musketeers behind him also did it one by one.

Well prepared for battle.

Looking at this scene, Gromash also said with some emotion: "It seems that Kozuki Oden should be very charismatic. It is a pity to have such loyal subordinates as you, and I couldn't meet him."

After speaking, a flame ignited in Gromash's hand, and the atmosphere of the battle was silent. small,

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