I Am Hellscream

Chapter 550 Laozi is going to break your leg today!

After hearing what Katakuri said, Gromash laughed and said, "Jiehahahaha, haven't I already left the tomahawk aside??? Come on!!!"

While talking, Gromash also placed his empty hands. At this time, Gromash's purpose is also very simple, to attract the attention of all the masters here, and then just let Robin run away.

As for himself, he has never worried about his safety. Even if Charlotte- Linlin brought a group of masters and wanted to contain himself here, but she thought too simple, or it was not as simple as she thought, just herself The time left for her was too hasty, so she couldn't prepare more, after all, from Gromash on the back of the elephant,

At this point in time, it’s not even a day. It’s really hard for her. Charlotte- Linlin has brought a bunch of masters from Totto Land's Cake Island to here in a short time.

This is what Gromash has done. If they come later, they can only "eat farts". Therefore, even though Gromash is blocked here at this time, the preparations of Charlotte- Linlin and others are not very good. Sufficient, what related plans, the blockade of the sea area, and if there is any accidental backup second or even third plan, etc.

I don’t have all of them. It’s not bad to catch up with Zhao'er. There is no spare time to study those things.

Therefore, the bigmom pirate group's idea is also quite simple and rude, that is, relying on the number of masters, in conjunction with Charlotte- Linlin himself, to crush a wave of Gromash here with the advantage of strength.

But now it seems that something is wrong, where is the strength of Gromash so easy to crush???

As for the idea that Gromash's chance of escape will be reduced because it is on the back of the elephant, it is actually mostly unrealistic. If Gromash wants to run with Robin, it may be a little troublesome. After all, Robin It can't be hidden from the water all the time, and if it shows up, the tsunami of Charlotte Linlin is also a trouble, not to mention

There was also the guy Owen, and he cooked the sea in one go. Gromash might be able to hold it, but Robin certainly couldn't hold it.

Therefore, Gromash will stay here to deal with them, but if Robin walks away, if Gromash runs alone, let alone on the back of the Lord, even if it is trapped on Sky Island, Gromash can also learn Kaido has a free fall running high in the sky.

As for asking for help or anything, Gromash didn't think about it. Today, I wrote it down on my notebook first. When Grandpa Gromash returns, it will be war...

Just when Gromash was ridiculing Kata Kuri very easily, a wind pressure hits instantly, Gromash's heart alarm bells, and the whole person quickly turned into a dark appearance under the blessing of Haki. The defensive posture, as expected, the next second, a powerful shock wave hit him, lifting everything around him

After flying out, Owen, who had been shocked by Gromash, was also directly knocked out by the shock wave, looking-even more miserable.

And unlike the shock waves seen in ordinary days, the shock this time seemed unusually "sharp," and everything it went through seemed to have been cut-cut apart.

After the impact passed, Gromashオ slowly lowered the arms that crossed his chest, reached out to wipe the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, moved the shoulders that kept coming from the pain, and then said, "Elbaf's gun is super It hurts"

As soon as Gromash's voice fell, another strong wind came from the sky. This time Gromash reacted extremely fast. He stretched out his hand and made a move. The Hell Destroyer returned to his hand in an instant, and Gromash quickly took the Hell Destroyer. Blocked his head.

In the next second, Charlotte- Linlin's huge body has fallen from the sky, and an Emperor's sword is also slashed on Gromash's battle axe. This inertia from the sky plus the inherent power of Charlotte- Linlin itself, even if it is. Gromash almost failed to stand under this blow, and his feet plunged into the skin of the Lord Elephant.

Then Charlotte- Linlin, who seized the advantage of this attack, did not talk nonsense at all, raised his free left arm, wrapped the powerful Armament Haki, and brought out a powerful wave from the Thundercloud Zeus who followed her. The power of thunder slammed into Gromash's figure with unrivaled power.

The huge fist slammed into Gromash's battle axe, and the strong thunder also swept Gromash's body in an instant, and then the punch directly sent Gromash flying out.

As soon as Gromash flew upside down, the fellow Cracker emerged from nowhere. He squeezed his hands and said, "Biscuit cage!!"

It seems that there has been a tacit understanding of this for a long time. At the same time that the biscuits that appeared out of thin air trapped Gromash, Kata Kuri shot, and a large amount of glutinous cake emerged from the surrounding soil and would disappear in the air. The biscuit cage that can fall into the ground is directly wrapped in it, and it seems that I want to fill the entire cage with sticky glutinous cake and drown Gromash.

In this glutinous cake.

Smoky is also cruel, and after Katakuri shot, she also pierced into the glutinous cake with a sword.

But at this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out of the glutinous cake, and he violently grasped Smoky's long sword, and then the hot flames burst out suddenly, smashing the Kataku chestnut. Both the glutinous cake and Cracker's biscuits were burnt to dregs.

This cool way of "getting out of prison" hasn't ended yet, Charlotte-Linlin has already taken off and flew over Gromash with the momentum of the Mount Tarzan.

Smoky was shocked when he watched this scene.He ignored the long sword held by Gromash in his hand, and did not hesitate to let go of the long sword. Get out of place quickly.

In the next second, Gromash was directly hit on the ground by Charlotte- Linlin's huge body.

At this moment, Gromash's heart was extremely humiliated. It was not that he had not fallen into the hands of the enemy. At the beginning, he was almost exiled by the combination of Shiki and Newgate and he was not irritated. It was not that he had not been knocked to the ground by the enemy. , But he has never been pressed to the ground with his body before, and this one is pressing on Gromash at this time.

It is Gromash who has always been disgusted, and feels disgusting Charlotte- Linlin, this dead old lady, this dead pervert who I don't know how many people have had an unclear relationship with!!

Therefore, in this instant, Gromash was really humiliated and wanted to swallow his dung to commit suicide.The extremely strong anger broke his reason in an instant, and the original idea of ​​wanting to fight for a while was gone.He was going to be here today. Interrupt her Charlotte- Linlin's leg here!!!

The reason was broken, and Gromash's body quickly changed. The whole person swelled up sharply. In the blink of an eye, he became a little giant and directly pushed Charlotte- Linlin up. Of course, don't get me wrong. Not with some messy things, but with hands.

After throwing Charlotte-Linlin away, Gromash gasped and said angrily: "You damn old woman!!! Laozi, I have to break your leg today, and Jesus can't save you. I said!!!"

Charlotte- Linlin herself is a religious believer. Because of her young nun, she happened to believe in God. At this time, Gromash said that she was also angry, and the emperor's sword that was burning with flames and staggered with thunder was also waving. He hacked at Gromash again.

Gromash roared, his aura rose sharply, and the battle axe in his hand unceremoniously swung out to face Charlotte-Linlin's slash, and at this moment, the elephant master was stricken by Owen's heat. The rain and dew that came from'Wai Jiu' has also arrived.

This thing may be flood level to Cracker and others, but for Gromash, who had already transformed at this time, and Charlotte-Linlin, who was already huge, it was just a small river level, and it didn't affect anything.

On the contrary, Gromash is very powerful in an environment with abundant water resources. At the moment when this "torrential rain" fell, Gromash had reached out to grab something from the rain, and then slammed it, and the water column instantly condensed. It became a shark with a mouth wide open and bit towards Charlotte-Linlin.

0-seeking flowers...

"Biscuit-Noah's Ark!" The Cracker on the other side quickly activated his abilities, and in a short while, he built a big ship on the ground. Caught it, and before the flood arrived, he quickly boarded Cracker's ship with Kata Kuri and the others.

Cracker has long been familiar with making ships. Many of their Totto Land-IWC battleships are made of Cracker's biscuits, and they have strong resistance to ordinary sea water and rain.

"What's the matter with Gromash??? Why did I suddenly go crazy???" Cracker said in a puzzled way.

Kata Kuri was also very sorry at this time. He shook his head and said: "I don't know, but this person, there are always so many days in a month."

Smoky's face suddenly blushed when he heard Kata Kuri's words, and then he said, "Brother Kata Kuri, pay attention to your words."

At the same time, Gromash was hacking and killing each other frantically with Charlotte- Linlin, while behind him also gradually condensed a huge ghost shadow, and countless depressive and cursed auras began to mix in, giving Gromash's aura. Also more violent.

Watching this scene, Kata Kuri's face changed, and he quickly said: ``You can't let that damn Gromash enter the state of the war on the top, otherwise except mother can hold it, no one of us can hold it! !!"

And at this moment, Charlotte- Linlin looked at the demon phantom entangled and condensed by countless wraith spirits behind Gromash, a light flashed in her eyes, and then she said, "Gromash, you dare to manipulate your soul in front of me. , I really don't know how high the sky is!!!"

After speaking, Charlotte- Linlin roared and blocked Gromash's battle axe with the Emperor's sword, and then shouted: "Soul spell-sorrow!!!"

Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable ability fluctuation spread from Charlotte- Linlin's body. Then, for an instant, Gromash noticed something was wrong. It seemed that the countless souls on his body seemed to be lost by Charlotte- Linlin. Under control.

Then, before Gromash could speak, he noticed that the grieving souls were forcibly invaded into his body under the control of Charlotte-Linlin.

At this time, Gromash was broken. Originally, he was going to absorb those guys into his body, and then enter a blood-burning state surrounded by ghosts. The pre-steps to turn on this state are very troublesome, and Gromash is needed. He incorporated all the messy breaths in his body into his body, but he himself was not a master at playing with them.

It has always been done by relying on the skill of water milling. Over the years, some of the skills of the Master have been slow to achieve this, and the speed is naturally not much faster.

But Charlotte Linlin is a soul-soul-fruit-powered person. She herself is a master of playing with the soul. The entire Totto Land-IWC is basically a derivative and product of this ability. From this we can see how high her attainments in this area are.

This'soul spell-grievance' is also a few "status' skills commonly used by Charlotte- Linlin. Generally speaking, big pirates like them are carrying a lot of blood debts, and naturally they also have some souls. Charlotte -Linlin can manipulate this evil spirit to force it into the enemy's body.

In layman's terms, it is a ghost possession. Most people eat this suddenly, and they have to be weak. Charlotte- Linlin sees so many grievances behind Gromash, but he doesn't think too much. I am also very happy in my heart, this one has so many wronged souls, even if his Gromash is strong, no matter how strong he is.

Are you lying on the ground due to the weakness of Ultimate?

Generally speaking, it is true, but Gromash is all immune to this kind of'curse system' moves. Not only is there no possibility of weakening, but with the hands of Charlotte- Linlin, the first step to open the madness is completed. .

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