I Am Hellscream

Chapter 554 Gromash:??? What the hell are you doing??

A huge ghost of the soul gradually appeared behind Charlotte- Linlin. The phantom was her own infallibility. The lonely ghosts who had been taken from Gromash by Charlotte- Linlin had been floating around on this battlefield. At this time, we seem to have become the rations of this soul phantom.

I saw that the ghost of the soul grabbed a group of dark lonely ghosts, and then even a stream of saliva flowed from the corner of the mouth, and then he was able to speak: "The taste of soul desserts is really impressive. "

After speaking, Charlotte-Linlin's soul phantom ate the lonely wild ghost into his belly.

I have to say that the momentum of Charlotte-Linlin's move is very spectacular, and a huge soul once again appeared behind her who was already huge, and it was very shocking no matter how she looked.

After the phantom of the soul behind ate a lonely wild ghost, Charlotte- Linlin also released the dark green soul ability in her hand, and was quickly caught by her own soul phantom. Became a huge cross.

Looking at this scene, Gromash was also a little surprised, it was so spectacular, he wanted to give Charlotte-Linlin a rocket.

And Kata Kuri and Smoky, who was dizzy at this time, stood together and looked at the powerful figure of their mother. They were also very shocked. As for Cracker??? It turns out that Cracker does not have a Smoky head iron. , He was in a coma

"Is that mother's soul master?" Smoky rubbed his eyes and looked at Charlotte-Linlin in shock.

And Kata Kuri nodded quickly, and said, "Yes, I haven't seen this trick for many years. Devil Fruit's ability awakens."

Although Gromash wanted to see what Charlotte- Linlin was doing, he didn't plan to actually pick her up here, but for their level of masters, the moves at the bottom of the box are very scary. For example, the "full state" of Gromash, once it is turned on, the masters of the Four Emperors level will have to be crushed by him within a limited time, which can be called the heaven of battle.

It's slapped, and generally without two masters of the same level uniting, it is impossible to contend with him in that state.

Another example is the awakening of Newgate's abilities and Golden Lion. Shiki's awakening of abilities is also extremely terrifying.

However, like Garp, Sengoku, even Kaido, and Admiral's tricks to suppress the bottom of the box, Gromash has not tried it out. After all, it is not a battle that has a chance to start.

But at this time Charlotte- Linlin undoubtedly has come up with a trick to press the bottom of the box. Just take a look at this move. If you know what the prelude is, you can pay attention next time even like Charlotte- Linlin is blocking Gromash from expanding. Suppress her tricks, so that she can't use them in her stomach.

Anyway, there is no need to actually go up and take a bite and taste it yourself.

I think that Gromash doesn't care so much here. At this time, although the historical text of the road sign is not available, the coordinates are already available. At the same time, Robin also got a rubbing. This time the purpose is complete. Counting time, Robin should have already run. Far away, I have had enough of playing here, and the show is also showing, and this Liangzi from the bigmom pirate group can be regarded as

It's over, I was still thinking about who I want to fight first, and I officially established my position as Four Emperors through a head-to-head war. I wanted to clean up a wave of Kaido, maybe I could still grab him in the war. The historical text of the road sign in the hand, I didn't expect Charlotte- Linlin to take the initiative to find his fault, then go to war!

In short, Gromash's series of goals have been achieved, and now it is completely possible to run away. When he goes back and prepares, this New World will usher in a war again.

So Gromash smiled and moved his shoulders, as if he was preparing to break his wrist with Charlotte- Linlin. At the same time, he also turned on his own violent state. He had the same idea that he would fight for another three hundred rounds.

"Since your Charlotte-Linlin has released a craft of pressing the bottom of the box, then I have to perform Gromash again. I will show you my unique stunt, "Shadless".". "Gromash is very pretentious Opened his mouth and said.

And Charlotte- Linlin and Kata Kuri frowned, but despite this, the movements in Charlotte- Linlin's hands did not stop, and the coercion of the soul shadow behind her became stronger and stronger. The fluctuation could even start to blow up the dust near her feet.

Gromash stretched out his hand and once again grabbed the legendary Tomahawk-Hell Destroyer in his hand, and then said with a smile: "The so-called "Shadless" is "

The voice hasn't fallen yet, the Hell Destroyer in Gromash's hands has been slammed by him to Charlotte-Linlin with a roaring sound.

Kata Kuri and Smoky were also stunned, and it was not until this time that the second half of Gromash's words reached their ears.

"With an axe, I will be gone without a trace, Jiehahahahaha!!!"

After hearing this voice, when Charlotte- Linlin blocked Gromash's battle axe with a single blow, Kata Kuri and Smoggy looked back, where there is the shadow of Gromash, there are only a few left in the same place. The smoke is gone.

This scene also stunned both Kata Kuri and Smoky. Is this something that the top master has the shame to do? Your stunt called'Wuying' is really amazing. , It was the first time that Laozi saw someone say "run away" so tall.

At any rate, your uncle Gromash is also a person with a face in this world. The whole world will shake when you step on your feet. It is also the top master. Our bigmom pirates have to bring a large group of masters to catch you. You only dare to do it when you are alone. If you are so shameless, you are not afraid of spreading it and smashing your golden strokes.


However, at this time Gromash is not in the invincible state, it is just violent, although it is Wuying, but it is just a joke of ridicule and mocking Charlotte- Linlin and the others, and it can't do the real Wuyingwu. trace.

At least with Kata Kuri's strength, especially Kata Kuri's powerful Observation Haki, it is not so easy to capture the figure at the speed of Gromash, but it can still be done.

Therefore, even though he was "tooked" by Gromash, it was a bit awkward, but as a top master, he quickly recovered and found Gromash's figure.

At this moment, Gromash was appearing on the "biscuit-Noah's Ark" made by Cracker, and he picked up Owen, who was still in a coma, from the deck of the ship, and then lifted it up. After taking his hand, he turned his head and waved his hand to Kata Kuri, as if to say goodbye.

Kata Kuri also changed his expression and shouted angrily: "Let down Irving!!!"

"Jiehahahahahaha, the mountains and rivers have met, let's not live here. If you want your brother Owen, it's up to you to catch up with the uncle," Gromash said with a terrible ass.

Then he slammed his feet and smashed the biscuit boat directly, and he carried Owen and rushed out into the distance.

Kata Kuri's heart is also very angry. Owen and he are brothers, and the relationship should be deeper than ordinary brothers and sisters. At the same time, Owen is also very competitive and strong, and is very popular with Kata Kuri. Kata Kuli is very optimistic about the younger brother, after all, he is ready to let Owen accumulate a little more merit

Ling suggested that Owen should also become a star, which shows how much Kata Kuli values ​​Owen.

But that's it. Gromash wanted to take Owen away under his nose. How could he agree. Although he didn't know why Gromash did such a thing, how could he think that if the younger brother of Owen fell into Gromash's hands, he wouldn't What will end up well, so Kata Kuri is also very impatient in his heart, wanting to regain Europe

Wen, at this time, he couldn't care about the actual gap between himself and Gromash, and hurriedly chased Gromash's figure.

At the same time, Smoky was also stunned, and quickly looked at Charlotte-Linlin, wanting to see if his mother had any instructions.

And Charlotte- Linlin's eyes also emitted a faint green light full of soul at this time, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and said: "Don't worry, Smoggy, I have captured the soul of Gromash, he ran Incapable"

As Charlotte Linlin's voice fell, the huge soul phantom behind her seemed to have completed preparations, and the huge soul cross in her hand also dropped out, drifting out into the air slowly.

Then the huge phantom of the soul also showed a hideous smile, and then suddenly folded his hands together, and let out a roar from the soul: "Cross nails to the coffin. Soul Seal-Eternal Sleep Curse!!!"

Along with the roar of the soul phantom, the cross that was still swaying in the air seemed to have received some "instruction", and it quickly turned into a stream of light and chased it out in the direction where Gromash was.At this moment, the cross seemed to have surpassed the space, continuously accelerating with weird soul fluctuations, and it didn't take long to catch up with Gromash.

Of course, Gromash has discovered such a big change. Although I don't know what kind of ghost it is, it's better not to be contaminated. Although he still has a few hole cards in his hand, he doesn't want to be exposed here. .

Therefore, Gromash's feet also accelerated suddenly, and a snakeskin walked in, trying to avoid the cross of the soul.

But as Charlotte- Linlin said, at this time Gromash's soul breath has been locked by her. Everyone's soul breath is different and unique. Therefore, within this limited range, Gromash no matter what Dodging, the soul cross, like a tracker installed on him, began to move away in snakeskin.

And the speed was getting faster and faster, and it was about to catch up with Gromash.

Looking at this scene, Gromash was also cruel, but suddenly he seemed to feel something was wrong.If you want to say that top players like them, when facing those extremely threatening moves, they will definitely feel Yes, just like the situation in Gromash's "Hell stab-Yan kills a consistent hand" just now, Charlotte- Linlin is

Because she felt the threat of death, she made a change in time, and because of this, she didn't die by piercing the heart with a single blow by Gromash, but was scrapped by an arm...

But at this time Gromash was chased by the cross for such a long distance, but he didn't feel the slightest threat at all, and there was a feeling that made Gromash feel familiar. This familiar feeling was exactly when he faced the "Demon Blade Heart Crossing". That feeling is also the feeling when facing the Seven-Star Sacred Sword back then

(Qian Zhao)

Thinking of this, Gromash instantly figured out what it felt like at this moment. Isn't this the fucking breath of curse??

Gromash suddenly became happy, and suddenly stopped his footsteps.Then the soul cross hit his body at once, and then a huge cross coffin emerged from his body, suddenly. Closed, and fell silent again.

Watching this scene, Charlotte- Linlin showed a look of joy and laughed and said: ". Hahahahaha, caught it!!! This trick will trap your soul in the cross nailed coffin forever. Imprisoned, without my liberation, you can bear the curse from the deepest part of your soul in this nailed coffin!!! The sealed soul, even yours

It doesn’t matter how strong the body is, doesn’t it? I originally prepared this trick for the bastard Kaido, but I didn’t expect you to bear it first, hahahahaha, but it’s okay. Be a pilot, Gromash!!!""

But before Charlotte- Linlin finished loading this comparison, Gromash's stopped figure deliberately looked at her with a very confused expression, and Charlotte- Linlin was also surprised, what's the matter??? Why can I still move??

Then Gromash scratched his head very badly, put on a look of confusion, looked at the figure of Charlotte- Linlin in the distance and said, "??? What the hell are you??? Do you want to play a monkey game??? Frightened Laozi. For a long time, it was just a pretend trick. Isn't it lethal???"

Charlotte- Linlin was really sorry at this time. She looked at Gromash incredulously and said: "It's impossible, it shouldn't, it doesn't make sense...".

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