I Am Hellscream

Chapter 561 A cross-generation performance!

After all, Kuzan left Marine without much momentum. Just like an ordinary Marine soldier retired, he received a "severance pay" and handed over his own epaulettes, without too much trivial matters, that's it. Quietly left Marine and disappeared.

Garp Vice Admiral was standing on the shore of Malinford at this time, looking at the disappearing figure in the distance and the trail of ice on the sea, and said softly: "It's really regrettable. "

Standing behind Garp Vice Admiral was Kerby, who had just become a major Naval Headquarters. He looked at Garp's somewhat reluctant back, and then asked in confusion, "Since Mr. Garp, if you feel sorry, why not keep Kuzan the big Kuzan. Where's sir???"

A smile hung up at the corner of Garp's mouth, and then he smiled and said, ``At this time, it's not the time to say those words. It should be goodbye to say goodbye. Besides, that's the life Kuzan wants, isn't it? ??"

After Garp finished speaking, he turned around, and then said, "Let's go, go back, Sakazuki will be a marshal soon. It's really unbelievable. The times have changed."

Kuzan's departure from Marine is low-key, but it is still big news. Once known as the "Three Marine Monsters", he will receive attention no matter what, and soon, the World News There was a positive report on this, and it did not explain too much why Kuzan, Marine Admiral, left Marine, but just regarded it as a'normal'.

Personnel turnover.

It was also because of the concealed attitude of the World News that Kuzan’s departure was put on a more mysterious coat. Kuzan.

Although this idea is not quite right, there is nothing wrong with it in essence. Although 01 Sakazuki did not actively force Kuzan to leave, it was because of him that Kuzan chose to leave.

At this point, marine internal contradictions began to spread on the sea. Many people seemed to have seen the contradictions of Marine’s internal factions vividly and vividly. A large number of stories and "biography" began to spread, what" Admiral Bolu Salino is a marginal man in Marine. Kuzan and Sakazuki are jealous for the same woman.

Sakazuki of the faction secretly bullied Marine colleagues who disagreed with his former Marine Admiral Zephyr publicly stated that the current Admiral: Polusalino is the worst student he has ever taken. 'What? Anyway, this kind of related gossip is flying all over the sky, and the people who eat melons from all walks of life are very happy to read it.

For example, in a courtyard of the City of Seven Waters, Monet and Robin are looking at the newspaper in their hands, frolicking and discussing the "contradictions" within Marine.

"Porussalino Admiral is the worst student ever taken by the predecessor Admiral Zephyr??? This news is really funny, isn't it? Obviously our captain said that Polusalino is three Marines, but now it is two. Admiral, anyway, he is better than Sakazuki and Kuzan, how could he still be the worst student??? Say Sakazuki is the most

It's almost the same," Monet said with a smile.

But before Robin could speak, a slightly rough voice came from the door of the courtyard, and then Jinbei, the fat blue man who was getting longer and more adorable, walked in at his own pace.

"In fact, the old man had also heard of such rumors a few years ago. Although this is now because of Kuzan's departure from Marine Admiral, Marine's various "trails" are flying all over the sky, but it seems that a few of them are true news. , Such as the one you two are discussing," Jinbei said with a smile.

"Boss Jinbei, you are here," Robin said with a smile.

"Well, the goods are safely transported to the hive. Although it is said that the war is about to start, I always feel that it seems a little bit difficult to use this weapon. So I am going to talk to the Gromash boss and see if I can persuade it. He changed his mind," Jinbei smiled and nodded and said.

As a major arms dealer in the dark world, the Frostwolf Pirates’ inventory of supplies, especially the reserves of munitions, is still very powerful. The batch of goods Jinbei just escorted to the hive is loaded with munitions, and it is very "horrible" arms.

Part of it is the high-explosive bombs that Guy Sa has researched. Before Gromash used the super bomb in the jade hand box to fry the cake island, Guy Sa was very interested in this kind of'mass explosion'. Although there has been no successful recovery for so many years. Engraved that Dragon Palace City does not know where to find the "super bomb" but it also significantly increased the power of the artillery fire.

The other part is the "gas bomb" that will inevitably be quickly bought at a high price once there is an outflow in the dark world. Of course, this thing is also something that Guy Sa has researched. It was because he gave the raw material of this thing back then. Only if it leaks, Punk Hazard will be destroyed, and he will become a prisoner from a great scientist, and later rescued by the Frostwolf Pirates


Although Punk Hazard has become an island of ice and fire, the research on this weapon of mass destruction has not fallen. Every year, it can rely on selling this weapon in the black market to earn a lot of wealth for the Frostwolf Pirates. .

The attack range of this "gas bomb" Guy Sa has explained long ago, and it cannot really destroy the island. At first, Punk Hazard was destroyed because of the leakage of raw materials, but if it is really used continuously, it can still be done. At this point.

After all, according to the progress of the story, the Zou-Furry Principality, which was originally full of warriors, was "washed" by Jack with this thing, and almost never destroyed the country.

At this time, Gromash still has a lot of these things in his hands. He asked Jinbei to escort a part to Beehive Island. If the battle goes smoothly and can reach the cake island, Gromash will also give Charlotte- Linlin without any psychological pressure. Lao Lao came to the baptism of "poisonous gas".

However, although Jinbei has meticulously completed the orders of Gromash, he himself is not a cruel person like Gromash. Therefore, after completing the things that Gromash explained, he also returned to the City of Seven Waters and wanted to persuade Gromash. Uncle, see if you can not use this weapon.

Of course, if you can't persuade him, there is no way, anyway, Jinbei has done his best. War is really not a place that can make people feel soft.

After hearing Jinbei's words, Robin was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "It might take a lot of effort to convince the stubborn captain, but the boss of Jinbei, the captain is not here. He was killed by Karen in the morning. Will called to the lab"

But before Jinbei could speak, a familiar sound of laughter had already spread into the courtyard.

"Jiehahahahahahaha, I seem to hear someone calling the real name of the deity??? Which devout believer wants huh??? Jinbei? You are back." Gromash laughed and walked into the courtyard with his mouth. Halfway through talking, after seeing Jinbei, he said hello first.

Gromash, this guy will twitch at any time, open his mouth and say gibberish, things that most people can't understand, so Robin, Monet, Jinbei and others have long been accustomed to Gromash's weird behavior. Although I was a little curious about the "self-deity, "real name" and so on, I didn't ask about it. After all, this matter is

If you have a'criminal conviction', once you ask, this guy Gromash can talk to you for a day, and it's so annoying.

Jinbei also smiled after seeing Gromash, and then said: "Boss Gromash, I am going to find you, there is something I want to persuade you."

Gromash also froze for a moment, and then said: "What is it? Let's hear it?? I'm not a careful person, Gromash, as long as it is reasonable and reasonable, you can listen to it.

"It's like this. Regarding the'gas bomb' we are going to use in this war, this thing is too harmful, I think" Jinbei also knows Gromash's carefree character, and he also understands that Gromash does. Not a person who doesn't listen to persuasion, so he didn't use any euphemisms, so he just started talking.

But before he could finish his words, Cromwell rushed in from the outside, and he complained as he walked: "Let you wait for me to change clothes in two steps. It's really blind to me. Researching day and night? The boss of Jinbei is here too, just come, come and open your eyes for you "mortals", so that you can see the truth of Dark Fruit

It's useful, mother, I didn't expect it, and it was researched for us, no wonder the boss of Gromash has to work so hard to capture Teach alive, I now understand it completely."

As soon as Cromwell came in, there was a lot of chattering. Robin, Monet and Jinbei were all said to be a shame. At this time, Gromash also smiled and said: "Who told you to have nothing to do? What kind of big-tailed wolf? Just wear your own clothes? What a white coat, you are really a scholar."After speaking, without waiting for Cromwell to reply, Gromash grabbed Jinbei with a bewildered face and said, "Well, about your gas bomb's persuasion, I roughly understand what you want to say. I'll continue to listen later, let's go see Cromwell's performance together, believe me, Jinbei, this is a cross-generation performance, it has been pushed

It's been a long time late, presumably that guy Teach wanted to show his hand in the war on top of Malinford, but was interrupted by me.

Jinbei this'honest person' was so pulled by Gromash, and for a while, he forgot what he should say. Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Let's take a look first. I am also looking forward to this inter-generational "performance". What about the real power of Dark Fruit???"

Robin and Monet already knew what Cromwell was studying, so after hearing what Gromash and 137 Cromwell said, they both showed an incredulous expression and asked, "Isn't it? ? You really developed that incredible ability???"

"Hmm, Robin sauce, Monet sauce, when have I disappointed everyone in Cromwell?? Ahahahahahaha, that's right, that's what you think!!" Cromwell said with a terrible ass Said.

Gromash ignored Cromwell's bragging behavior. Instead, he turned his head and said to Jinbei, "Devil Fruit's ability to seize, anyway, is a very powerful thing, you can see it by looking at it."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of attendants had entered the courtyard with a lot of fruits, and these were the things Gromash had ordered to go down just now on the way back.

Before long, a large number of attendants filled the courtyard with fruits. Jinbei looked a little strange, and he asked, "Is it going to turn this fruit into Devil Fruit??? That's too Is it whimsical??"

"I want to have that ability, I've already dominated the world, but that's almost what I meant," Gromash said with a smile.

Not long after, under the escort of several sturdy men, Owen, who was handcuffed by seastone, looked a little weak and walked a little vainly, was also taken into this courtyard.

The first time Owen saw Gromash, he said directly: "Damn Gromash, kill if you want. Don't expect me to tell you any useful news. Mom and Brother Kata Kuri will avenge me!! "

Gromash was stunned for a while after hearing Owen’s words, and then said: "Ah, you made a mistake about Owen. I never need to know about your bigmom pirates. I am not interested in intelligence. The reason why I caught you back is not for this, I just saw the ability."

Owen was stunned after hearing what Gromash had to say, and then he said, "Even if you see my abilities, I won't betray the bigmom Pirates. You think you can buy so many fruits. Me? ?? You look down on my Owen too"

"No, no, you still misunderstood. Ability is ability, and you are you. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't worry about that much, but you will be on the road soon, and don't say that I Gromash abused you. , This fruit or something, if you want to eat it, eat some, lest you get hungry again on Huangquan Road," Gromash said casually. .

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