I Am Hellscream

Chapter 573 Stowaways of time.

In a certain sea area of ​​New World, a small sampan is constantly undulating with the waves on this sea. I don't know if the people on this small sampan are big-hearted, and dare to use this kind of ship in New World. Run around blindly.

At this time, there are three or four figures on the small sampan, but it seems that their costumes and dresses are incompatible with the sea, a bit like coming out of Wanokuni, if you are listening to what they are discussing at this time, even They all feel that they are not from this era.

That's right, this group of people who dared to run around in New World with no clue while relying on a small sampan were teleported to this time and space by Kozuki Zhuying, a time fruit capable person twenty years ago. "Stowaways" from Kozuki's house in China.

At this time, they didn't know where they got a newspaper. Several people were gathered around discussing the information they had obtained these days.

"Although he fled Wanokuni hurriedly, Zhuying-sama's abilities should be true. This is twenty years later," Huhuo Jinwei said, looking at the newspaper in his hand, and said in a low voice.

"The most important thing now is to find a helper, return to Wanokuni, defeat Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi, restore the reputation of the Kozuki family, and also find Hiwa-sama," Kanjuro said quickly.

After hearing these words, the expression of the little guy Momosuke also became sad, but he is not useless, at least he is very strong, I saw him wipe his tears, and then said: "No matter what. What about finding out my "One-Five-Three" sister Rihe, she won't die!!!"

"The premise of all this is that we need to find a strong enough helper to return to Wanokuni. Some preparations for coming to His Highness Oden should have already started, and there will also be many people lurking in Wanokuni," Lei Zang said in a deep voice.

"But it has been twenty years, and the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. I don't know if the people we lurked in Wanokuni are still alive???" Kinweimen said with some worry.

"Even if everyone is following His Highness Oden, we must avenge His Highness Oden and the Kozuki family!!" Raizou said quickly.

Several people were silent for a while, and Lei Zang spoke again: "The kingdom of Zouzou is on the back of the Lord Elephant. There are also the servants of His Royal Highness Oden. The relationship between the furry principality on the back of Lord Elephant and our Kozuki clan. Very close, maybe we will get help there!!"

"It is true, but it is not so simple to find the Lord. From the intelligence of these days, the current New World is turbulent. I did not expect that even men like Whitebeard are dead. What happened???" Kanjurou said with some emotion.

Because of Kozuki Oden, these Kozuki people are not like the rest of Wanokuni. They only know what is going on in their own country, and have no idea or interest in the news from the outside world.

These Kozuki clan retainers still know a lot about the news from the outside world, but that was all twenty years ago. Twenty years have passed, and they have long since become dysfunctional. The strongest man in the world-Edward -Newgate actually started a top-notch war at the Naval Headquarters in Malinford, not only was he buried there, but also

The legendary big pirate-Golden Lion- Shiki also died there, and the person who killed them two in one fell swoop turned out to be the one that caused a sensation in the entire world, and is known as the first in history to be down from Impel- because The man who escaped from Pelton. Proudmoore Gromash!!!

And in the past two decades, that Proudmoore, Gromash has swept over his period like a comet. Among the same batch of Gromash, the pirates of the same generation, he is the only one who is the most dazzling. It's covered up, what Doflamingo, the first swordsman, moonlight-Moria, sand crocodile Klockda

It sounds like it's great, but compared to Gromash, it's a lot inferior.

The name of the so-called'Four Emperors' that was faintly circulated on the sea at that time has now been completely confirmed. Shanks, Kaido, Charlotte- Linlin, and Newgate, these four people have ruled the entire New World for nearly 20 years. For a long time, and now Newgate has been replaced by this Proudmoore-Gromash.

Even if it hasn't been long since they just came to this time and space, since they left Wanokuni, they have been hearing the name of the Frostwolf Pirates, and even the Frostwolf Pirates are going to fight with the bigmom Pirates. They all know the news vaguely. After all, this matter is not cryptic news in New World. The two sides are stationed near Beehive Island.

It's not a day or two that it's going to take off, a fool will not be able to see it.

Except for the pirates, the changes in Marine are also great.None of them have experienced the era of Sengoku as a marshal. They directly jumped into the era of Sakazuki's marshal. And judging from the newspaper in hand, Marine has to enter New strongly. World is now. Twenty years ago, New World was also chaotic, but it was definitely not as chaotic as it is now.

It's just a group of heroes, competing in the world!!!

"The changes of the times are really fast. If we Wanokuni keeps shutting down and shutting down the country, sooner or later we will be abandoned by this era, so we must also fulfill His Highness Oden's last wish and open Wanokuni's national gate!!!" He spoke very firmly.

"Let's not talk about those first, consider what is in front of you. Judging from the current situation, the allies we can find are roughly certain that there is a furry principality. Inulan and Cat Viper are also our partners and are worthy of trust. , But relying on these strengths alone, there is absolutely no way to defeat Kaido. His Royal Highness Oden was already strong enough.

But he still died tragically with Kaido's hand. Now that twenty years have passed, Kaido's monster must have become stronger, so we need to find a helper who can counter Kaido," Kanjuro frowned and said.

"How easy is it to contend with Kaido??? You are all guys who have seen that monster. You should know how powerful he is. He is known to be the strongest in singles," Lei Zang said with a sigh.

"First of all, the power of the World government is ruled out. We Wanokuni is not a member of the World government, and it is impossible for the World government to go to the Beasts Pirates of Kaido because of us, so we have to look for it from the rest of the forces. I think we still have to rely on the pirates to accomplish this," Kinemon said in a deep voice.

"But pirates are not good people. There are very few pirates like Roger and Newgate." Raizou whispered softly, then turned his head to look at Kinemon and Kanjuro, and said, "Do you think Redhead-How about Shanks??? He used to be a member of Roger's ship and a partner of His Royal Highness Oden, maybe"

"His Royal Highness has said that since the disbandment of the Roger Pirates, you can no longer trouble any former partners. Everyone's fate will end at that time, and the future life will be his own life, so unless Shanks is willing to take the initiative They help us, but..." Jinweimen will not talk about it here, but the rest of the people are also aware that this is probably not expected


"A pirate who can compete with Kaido, but has credibility and can get along with our goal???" Kenjuro whispered softly.

In fact, the first condition has already killed 99% of the pirates. Now the only pirates who have the confidence to fight Kaido are the other three people of the same level as Kaido, Shanks and Charlotte- Linlin. , Proudmoore- Gromash.

Shanks have been eliminated just now, and from the information collected, Shanks have been pirates in the'neutral' camp for these years, so don't count on them at all. They are too embarrassed to pull Shanks into the water.

And Charlotte Linlin, it’s even more nonsense.Although it is known from intelligence that Charlotte: Linlin fought a war with Beasts Pirates a few years ago, but in the end the war was also confined to a pattern, and it did not make a big deal. And it seems that the two of them were once partners in the same boat, who knows if there is any necessary contact?? Not to mention Charlotte

Linlin's credibility is not good, and her style is too cruel. In case she turns her face at the end, Wanokuni will fall into her hands, and it will not be very different from Kaido's hands. It's all suffering. 0.

So they also put this sight on the last person, Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash..

To talk about credibility, the information they have been inquiring about these days shows that in the entire pirate industry, the most credible group is the Frostwolf Pirates, whether it is business, betting, or whatever, as long as it is The members of the Frostwolf Pirates group solemnly agreed to do something for you, so even if they fight for their lives, they will do it.

And in the entire pirate industry, the captain of the Frostwolf Pirates-Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash is the famous "honest and reliable Xiaolang-kun. Although his style is extremely cruel, but it has also improved a lot over the years. And no matter how you look at it, the Frostwolf Pirate Group’s territorial governance model is far superior to the rest of the Pirate Group.

The better the land is crossed. If it weren't for the huge bounty of 3.3 billion hanging there, it would be hard to tell that he was a pirate, he was obviously a king who was good at internal affairs...

The most important point is that there is no such a messy relationship between him and Kaido, and he has even fought twice before, but there is no victory or defeat on both times, but this is enough to prove that his strength and influence can compete with each other. Beasts Pirates and Kaido competed against each other!!!

After several people discussed it, they all felt that this Hellscream-Proudmoore-Gromash might be a suitable person to help them fight Kaido.

But there is another problem that is the real "difficulty"', that is, even if Gromash is very suitable, why should we help them deal with Kaido? Especially when they are still engaged with the bigmom pirate group at this time. What's the matter, how can there be so much idle time to provoke the enemy of Kaido again???

Obviously, if you want to ask Gromash to deal with Kaido, you have to pay enough benefits, but they are now poor and white, and they are almost unable to eat. They rely on Kanjuro's small tricks to cheat and drink. Where else can they be paid? Affordable enough to please Gromash’s interest??? And the Frostwolf Pirates seems to be notoriously good for money

Just when several people were thinking about this issue in 4.1, Jinweimen suddenly said: "The text of the history!!! To become the One Piece, you need to interpret the text of the history. Although Roger had some talents back then, he was in the end. With the help of His Highness Oden, Raftel was successfully found. Now this Proudmoore- Gromash can be seen

He is an ambitious person, and his target is definitely One Piece.According to intelligence, the outside world cannot interpret ancient texts, so we have this trump card.

"But we can't interpret ancient texts?? His Royal Highness Oden left suddenly. His Royal Highness Momanosuke is still young and has not learned this knowledge," Lei Zang said openly.

"But we have the Kozuki family. As long as we take back Wanokuni, Oden-sama is so smart. He must have made relevant preparations in this regard. There will be inheritance in Guri!!!" Jinweimen said firmly.

"If you can't find it in the end," Kanjuro whispered hesitantly.

"Then I will apologize with death and commit suicide by laparotomy to Lord Gromash, in order to ask for his forgiveness!!!" Jinweimen said without hesitation.

"Nishinaemon" Raizou just wanted to persuade Kinemon, but Kinemon just interrupted him.

Then Kinemon took a deep breath and said, "Raizou, Kanjuro, this is our last hope, isn't it??? Anyway, the ending is better than being occupied by Wanokuni by Kaido, isn't it??? ".

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