I Am Hellscream

Chapter 575 Lu Qi's important information discovery!

On a certain sea area in New World, a ship with the flag of the Bigmom Pirate Group is mooring on the sea, but judging from their torn demeanor and broken flag, what happened to them Attacked, this is rarely seen in New World, except for some brave fanatics, basically no one dared to attack hanging bi

The ships under the banner of the gmom Pirates, of course, the flags of the other three tycoons are also a shock, and even the flag of the Frostwolf Pirates with the most unstable foundation is waiting for no one to dare to attack.

However, the situation is different now. The conflict and friction between the Frostwolf Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates are constantly escalating. Some regrets, if you get close, it will not be easy to explain if you don't take out the knife and give the opponent two knives to go home, not just the bigmom pirate group

The ship of the Frostwolf Pirates is often killed, and the captain of the Frostwolf Pirates sailing on this sea is often killed, but no one can tell this kind of thing, and there is no need to say so clearly, just take a knife and do it.

At this time on the bigmom pirate ship, a man in a black suit, a small top hat, a milk bottle in his hand, and two very attractive moustaches is sitting on the deck of the ship On the fence.

Not far from him, a few charred bodies lay, and a group of people were holding swords and guns, watching him very vigilantly.

That's right, this man who loves to drink milk is the killing machine of the fighting cadre of the Frostwolf Pirates-Rob Luchi. After he broke up with Urouge two days ago, he began to act alone, Luchi's style. It's really simple and rude, just wandering around in the bigmom pirate group's territory, as long as you see the bigm om pirate group's boat, let it sit on it.

Who is it, even if it is Charlotte- Linlin, he wants to "excuse", he has destroyed three bigmom pirates battleships in this sea area in the past two days.

Because Lu Qi built a iron boat and ran around, and the people of the bigmom pirate group couldn't catch him, this slippery guy, so he had a happy life in this small life. After bumping into these people, Don't talk nonsense at all, go up and give a thunderous dismount, and then start to forcibly torture the intelligence, if you don't satisfy him, then

Kill them all.

At this time, Lu Qi is repeating what he has been doing the previous two days, but this time it looks like there is an unexpected gain???

After taking a sip of milk, Lu Qi sighed, then showed a gentleman's smile, and said to the other members of his bigmom pirates who were vigilant: "Charlotte-Castad, you You should understand the power gap between us, so please don't do useless resistance, hand in your information, I will

The banner of the Wolf Pirates swears that it will never embarrass you. You have to know that credibility is very important in our Frostwolf Pirates, so don’t worry if I'm lying to you, am I???"

Charlotte Castad, the sixth daughter of Charlotte-Linlin, is pretty good, but that's all, but Charlotte-Linlin has enough children, with thirty-nine daughters and forty-six sons , The top players are not mediocre, some of them can be called top masters, so overall, Charlotte- Linlin's bigmom sea

The band of thieves is still very powerful, not to mention that she has a group of cadres like Bokmus and Baron Dandan~.

But those are just qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes after being put together. There is just one Castade in front of him, and it is very easy for Lu Qi to deal with her.

But after hearing Lu Qi's words, Castad had no intention of betraying the bigmom pirates. He tightened his sword and looked at Lu Qi and said, "Rob Luchi, the credibility of your Frostwolf Pirates. To our bigmom pirate group, it is worthless. Don’t think we don’t know that you are never stuck with these enemies, and now I

We are enemies."

Kastad is right. Although the Frostwolf Pirates are very credible, they don't care about their enemies. After all, they are pirates. How can there be so many rules??? NS???

And Lu Qi, the guy who grew up next to Gromash and inherited the brutal side of Gromash, really didn't intend to really keep his promise at this time. What I said just now is just to fool Castad.

But now it seems that Kastad is not a woman with big breasts and no brains, and she doesn't eat Lu Qi at all.

Thinking of this, Lu Qi also sighed helplessly, and then said: "It seems that I want to learn Gromash's ability in negotiation. It is really difficult for a strong man. I still use my favorite means to get what I want. Things are better. Who calls us the pirates? Castad, don't think you are a woman, I will show mercy.

Kastad swallowed a little nervously, and then said in a deep voice: "I still know the name of your killing machine, and of course I won't be lucky in this aspect..."

To talk about what Joz, Cromwell, and even Gromash have been met here, Castad may still hope to be merciful to the opponent, but in the face of Luchi, the gold medalist under Gromash, Castad is completely I haven't thought about these things. After all, Lu Qi's cruel and tyrannical style is also famous.

As soon as her voice fell, Lu Qi had already started, and a flash of light disappeared in place. In the next second, Lu Qi had appeared in front of Kastad. Since the information had not yet been obtained, Lu Qi did not kill at once. Zhao'er pointed at Kastad's shoulder with an electric fingertip, trying to scrap one of her hands first.

Although Kastad is not as powerful as Lu Qi, he is not a rookie.At the moment when he noticed Lu Qi's disappearance, the Armament Haki in her hand had already wrapped the long sword. Stupid, but this trick can indeed effectively stop Lu Qi's close assault.

Just when Kastad's "Whirlwind" whirled to Lu Qi's side, Lu Qi also had to withdraw his actions, wrapped his hands around the powerful Armament Haki, and grabbed Kastad's long sword.

The collision of the two Haki immediately set off a wave of air, but Lu Qi's strength is not comparable to Kastad. Don't think he is a Thunder Fruit ability, but Lu Qi is really good at powerful physical skills. Ability, Armament Haki is his strong point.

I saw Lu Qi squeeze sharply, his powerful Haki directly smashed Kastad's Haki, and then the dark hand hall was shining again.

"Lei Metallurgical" Lu Qi whispered softly. As his voice fell, the powerful thunder force was instantly burned into molten iron by the long sword in Kastad's hand, and the hot breath also made Cass. Tad involuntarily released the hilt of his sword.

Then, under Lu Qi's control, the long sword quickly turned into three or five iron balls floating beside Lu Qi, and Lu Qi showed a tyrannical smile and snapped his fingers softly. The iron ball directly hit the head of a pirate kid next to Castad at a very fast speed under the action of electromagnetic force.

In an instant, the red and white paste exploded in the air. That's right, Lu Qi's methods were extremely violent. Without a word, the heads of others were blown up directly.

The deterrence of this trick is indeed very good. Lu Qi smiled and continued to speak: "Since the first two days, I have been cooperating with my ability to use a wide range of Observation Haki to monitor this sea area. , As long as I find the signal wave of the phone worm, I will crack it and track it to catch your people"

It seems that he was very surprised by the expression of that Castad, Lu Qi also smiled and said: "Don't doubt my ability, Thunder Fruit is called invincible, isn't it a joke? Although I don't have any. I have developed too many combat moves in terms of ability, but some weird little skills are still very good."

0-Seeking flowers...

Then Lu Qi ignored Castad’s "Are you kidding??" expression, and continued to speak slowly: "We did intercept some of your phone worm signals in the past two days, but most of them have no eggs. Yes, when I arrived, some people had already left with good luck, but not long ago, there was a signal wave that I finished.

It can't be cracked at all, it means that the communication security level is very high this time, and now in this sea area, there is a signal wave of this level, and it happens that when both of us are looking for the same object, we will think about your bigmom sea. What is the meaning of the communication representative of the industry's number one intelligence capability in the thief group? I don't think I need to explain it clearly, right?

?? Castad, hand over Lion Fruit's information, I will spare your life."

The pupils in Castad’s eyes shrank sharply, and her heartbeat accelerated a little, but she quickly said, “Don’t lie to me, Rob-Lucci, high-secret communications don’t represent Everything, I'm just passing on some high-level combat plans. I haven't found any information about Lion Fruit at all. It seems that you are here for nothing.

It's been once."

But at this time, Lu Qi laughed, and he said softly: "Indeed, before seeing you, all this is just my guess, but I have reminded you, don't underestimate it. The Thunder Fruit, which is called "invincible", is matched with this ability, although there is no way to "foresee the future like your powerful brother."

, But there are also some special abilities, such as judging whether you are lying. The moment I mentioned Lion Fruit just now, your heartbeat is speeding up rapidly. When you are answering my questions, your The heartbeat is also beating in a panic, which shows that you are lying. It seems that your bigm om pirate group really found Lion Fruit.

News, this is a big event. "

At the moment after saying this, the few iron balls floating around Lu Qi have quickly differentiated into a bunch of small iron balls again, and then there is no time for the trash fish to react, and Lu Qi is precisely controlled. Down, those iron marbles have penetrated their foreheads.

In just a moment, Lu Qi, who was extremely ruthless, had killed all the people on this ship except Castad.

Kastad was also distracted for this reason, that is, because of this distraction, Lu Qi's palm has strangled Kastad's neck in an instant, and directly touched it. Reached on the wall behind him.

A feeling of room breath came from Castad’s chest. Before she could speak, Lu Qi whispered: "Last chance, tell me where is Lion Fruit."

"Dream it, Rob Luchi, it is indeed just as you said. I have obtained information from Lion Fruit and reported it to my mother. Our bigmom Pirates will soon be able to obtain Lion Fruit. The sea superiority and air superiority of the Wolf Pirates will be wiped out," Kastad said with some difficulty.

Then there was a smile on her handsome face, and she continued: "Victory belongs to our bigmom pirate group. This New World is not as simple as you think. Go back wherever you come from, hillbilly."

As soon as Kastad's voice fell, Lu Qi's hand burst into a powerful thunder, and the guy was electrocuted to death in an instant, and then Lu Qi took the Kastad, who was already powerless to resist. Neck, stretched out his hand and rummaged on her body.

At this moment, a water gun was suddenly shot out of the originally calm sea, and Lu Qi's reaction speed was also extremely fast.

At the same time, Lu Qi was very confused and muttered to himself: "Murman Karate??? "Shan,

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