I Am Hellscream

Chapter 585 All forces are ready!

Dressrosa, at this time Doflamingo also put on his pink flamingo feather coat, took up the red wine glass, drank the wine in the glass, and then reached out and wiped the wine stains on the corners of his mouth very unruly. Doflamingo opened the curtain that blocked the sun and pushed open the palace window.

The warm and soft sunlight came in instantly, dispelling a lot of the original dark atmosphere in this room. The eyes under the sunglasses of Master Young Master shrank a little, as if adapting to the sunlight.

Feeling the slightly moist sea breeze, Doflamingo's mouth wore an evil smile, and said softly: "It's really a good day for traveling far away."

As soon as the voice fell, the thin lines that were imperceptible to the naked eye had scattered from him, entangled the clouds in the sky, and in the next second, the people of Dressrosa saw a pink figure flying from the heights of the king. Go out, that is the King of Dressrosa: Seven Warlords of the Sea Heavenly Yaksha-Donji River De-Doflamingo!

That's right, after arranging the spread of the news over there, Doflamingo did not gather the cadres, prepare the ships, and then go to the Sea of ​​Restlessness or something together.

Just kidding, if Grandpa Gromash is far away from the restless sea, then his Doflamingo can be farther away. , Lion Fruit had already been eaten in his stomach, and the "admission ticket" in his hand was also scrapped.

At that time, his young master Doflamingo's behavior this time is really to do good deeds to the uncle Gromash, and go with brotherhood. Isn't this sick? Anyway, his young master doesn't want to be this idiot, eat Xiang Can't keep up with the heat.

What's more, Doflamingo has foreseen that this sea of ​​restlessness will inevitably break out in a chaotic battle. His Young Master's family is not as rich as the Frostwolf Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates, and it is not the Whitebeard Pirates who have no way. The retired defeated dog can't take such a big risk to participate in this war.

In Doflamingo's opinion, going there alone, with the help of the Donquixote Family there, determine the position of Lion Fruit, then take the chestnut from the fire, and run when you grab it. As for what will happen later??? I'm sorry, it has nothing to do with me, it's best for all of you to get angry and beat people's minds into dogs

The brain is good, and then my young master will also take the opportunity to find the benefits of the pen...~.

In the same way, the name of his young master'Heavenly Yaksha' is not for nothing. He is a thief who is playing thief, and the speed is also fast. Only in this way can he have the greatest possibility of catching up with that Lion. The battle for Fruit-.

Flying in the air at this time, Doflamingo kept using transparent silk threads to bind the clouds in the sky, and at the same time he couldn't help thinking: "Couldn't these also be in the calculations of your uncle Gromash??? Do you want to stop the power that I bring?

It's really scary..."

In the past, people who are more familiar with Gromash also know that Gromash is not just a reckless man who only knows how to grab a piece of world with an axe, and he also understands that Gromash is a cunning and patient guy, but how powerful it is. I really don't feel it. Bi Jing Gromash is sometimes very "mentally retarded".

But since the top war and the strong entry of the Frostwolf Pirates into the New World, as the so-called'experts and professors' began to repeat the actions of the major forces during that time, and Various deductions were carried out, and finally got a very incredible conclusion, that is, the whole war on the top, from the fire

Fist-Ace started to leave New World and counted, all the events seemed to be controlled secretly by the Frostwolf Pirates, or that all the trends were happening according to the plans and expectations of the Frostwolf Pirates. .

This is horrible. Gromash's terrifying foresight and strategic gaze is really amazing. It is also at that time that the people on the sea once again refreshed the impression of the guy Gromash. This is relying on one hand. The reckless man who hits the world with a tomahawk even has the ability to pit Marshal Sengoku, who has the name of'The Resourceful General'.

The top wisdom...

This is why once the Frostwolf Pirates entered the New World, Charlotte- Linlin, who had been patient with the Frostwolf Pirates before, couldn't stand his temper. Under the quick words of Kata Kuri, he couldn't wait to do it on Gromash. One reason for this.

Because Charlotte- Linlin is also scared, afraid that he is the same as the old guy Newgate, unknowingly, Gromash calculated it in, and then he got cold.

In fact, her fear is still correct. If Gromash is given some time, Charlotte-Linlin will be pitted to death by Gromash sooner or later.

Not to mention, Doflamingo is flying in the air with nothing to do, and he wants to make some "conspiracy theories" to maliciously speculate on his "good brother" Uncle Gromash.

On a certain sea in the sea of ​​restlessness, on a huge sailing battleship with the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates that no one dared to provoke, the Phoenix, Marco and the Firefist-Portcas-D -Ace and the rest of the Whitebeard Pirate Remnants, large and small, are discussing something.

"No matter what, the exact news of Lion Fruit has arrived. Although this is likely to be someone’s conspiracy, it should be said to be a conspiracy, but it is indeed a good opportunity. As long as we can get Lion Fruit, what It's all easy to say!" Marco said as he sat in the cabin.

"According to the intelligence, treat it as intelligence. According to the intelligence, we are the closest to the island tortoise. As long as we move faster, we can grab Lion Fruit before other forces intervene, and then quickly Leave here, start the second step of the strategy, recuperate..." Foil-Bista smiled and pointed to

The chart on the table said.

"It shouldn't be too late, since you are sure to grab, then don't hesitate to do anything. It will change when you are late, so act now!!" Skuyard, the "big filial son," also hugged his arms and said in a deep voice.

Marco waved his hand and said, "You have to have a plan first, come and see here."

With that said, Marco pointed on the chart, and then said again: "The people of the bigmom pirate group should be nearby at this time. It is not that we have found the island turtle, we can quickly get the Lion Fruit. , No one knows how big the island tortoise is, and how long it will take to find it on the back of the island tortoise, so we have to divide our troops into two ways.

The threats are also the people of the bigmom pirate group. They just arrived in this sea area not long ago. The head of them is the guy known as the "perfect man" in Kata Kuri."

"Kata Kuri is really not easy to deal with," Bista said with a frown.

"Yes, Bista, the two of us led some people to stop Kata Kuli from looking for the island tortoise, Ace, you and Skuyard take the people to find the island tortoise, and find Lion Fruit as quickly as possible. Then we split up," Marco said quickly.

At this point, the guy Ace finally said, "Okay, just listen to you, Marco!"

At the same time, in the mid-ocean current in a certain area of ​​the Sea of ​​Restlessness, a submarine is quietly advancing along with the ocean current.

This submarine is the submarine of the Red Heart Pirates. At this time, Trafalgar-Luo, who was secretly supported by Marine, was also looking at the information in his hand.

In fact, since Sakazuki started to take the post, Sakazuki already knew what Marshal Sengoku was doing in the last time, and Marshal Marine actually gave Trafalgar secretly. Luo this pirate provides some intelligence support

0-Seeking flowers...

However, Sakazuki did not care much about this matter. On the one hand, he did know what Luo was doing. On the other hand, he also wanted to abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea system through Luo's hands.

Regarding the Lion Fruit matter, they cannot directly participate in Marine, so it is not impossible to cultivate an "agent" to do things. Since the old marshal Sengoku has already acted, he Sakazuki pushed the boat along the water to give a face. Also good.

Therefore, Trafalgar Luo did not lose Marine's intelligence assistance after Sakazuki took office, but he also received a greater degree of help, which made him a little confused. Could it be that Sakazuki is very optimistic about himself???

"Captain, you should also understand the situation in this place now??? Lion Fruit is something that several major forces are fighting for. Are we little fish and shrimps really going to join in the fun???" Beibo sits Asked at Trafalgar-Ruo's side.

Luo Ze smiled, and then said: "It just so happens that we have a high chance of success because so far, thanks to the assistance of Marine, our own concealment and low-key, no one knows that we are also on the Guy ship. And looking for this Lion Fruit, don’t worry, Beibo, I won’t force it, but when they start fighting

After that, it will be our good opportunity."

It's not just these people who are in action. With the expectation of the Frostwolf Pirates, Webber, who has been entrusted with an important task, is also looking frantically in this sea area at this time.

At this time on the sea, the camouflage ship that Weber borrowed from Dressrosa is currently sticking to another ship, and it seems that a battle has broken out here not long ago.

On that enemy ship, Weber was biting a cigarette and carrying an iron rod in his hand. He seemed very irritable.

I only saw him spit out a puff of smoke, then looked at the unlucky third-rate pirate who didn't know how much the bounty was offered or what it was called, and said softly, "You said you found the island turtle??? If you lie to me, you should know the end, right???"

As soon as Weber's voice fell, the iron rod in his hand had gradually melted into molten iron due to the high temperature, dripping onto the deck, and making "pipy" noises.

The pirate was also scared enough, and quickly said: "It's true, don't kill me, it's here three hours to the west. We came from there."

Weber frowned when he heard these words, and then asked again: "Then why didn't you go up to look for Lion Fruit??? You only came to this muddy water to find Lion Fruit??"

"It's not that we don't want to look for it, it's that we can't get in there. At present, no one can go there. Chaos is erupting around the entire island tortoise. As long as anyone wants to secretly land on the island, they will be sunk by everyone. , And according to the information we got, the manpower of the Bigmom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are also rushing to us over there.

There is no chance at all..." the pirate said quickly.

After hearing the news, Webber showed a smile. He was not afraid of fighting or not, he was afraid that the island tortoise could not be found. As long as he knew where the island tortoise was, his task was more than half completed. If you can't go up by yourself, you can also stir the muddy water there. Delay the time and wait for the arrival of the Gromash boss.

Thinking of this, Webber's mood improved a lot, and he said: "Our Frostwolf Pirates are credible. If you say that you will be spared, you will be spared."

Webber also kept his promise. After saying this, he turned and left the ship with his younger brother, and hurried to the direction where the island turtle was.

The pirate looked at the sinking pirate ship with a bit of confusion, and desperately shouted towards Weber: "Take me, I'll show you the way!!"

This is New World's shipwreck here, and basically declared a reprieve. Mountain

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