I Am Hellscream

Chapter 60 A thousand birds in the forest with a bird in hand.

Gaya Island, in fact, does not just refer to the "land of Gods" on Sky Island. In the first half of the Grand Line, Gaya Island also exists, and the land on Sky Island-Angel Island is actually covered by a huge ocean current. It abruptly tore the original terrain of Gaya Island and gave it to the place where it was lifted.

At this time, it was left on Gaya Island in the first half of the Grand Line, and a small town called "Magic Valley Town" was established by later generations.

Judging from the name, you can feel that this town is not a good place. It feels like a "magic cave". In fact, it is true. Since a long time ago, the town of Magic Valley has become the first half of the Grand Line for pirates. One of the "paradise" and "pin gold cave".

Of course, it is not to say that all the people here are pirates, there are other villains here, and there are indeed some ordinary people living here.

Why do ordinary people survive in this "magic cave"? The reason is also very simple. What are the pirates looting and plundering wealth? After all, is it not for better enjoyment?

And this kind of enjoyment must be served by someone. The pirates come quickly. After all, they can accumulate a lot of wealth in a short period of time. Therefore, they spend money quickly. Spending money is lavish, and it is their style that makes many people focus on this piece of "fat" and risk their lives to "serve".

Pirates, and most of the residents of "Nine Forty Zero" in Demon Valley Town are like this.

Therefore, after several generations of accumulation, the entire Demon Valley Town has become a "paradise", "stronghold", and "Golden Cave" for the pirates. There are some unwritten unwritten rules of "inheritance" between the pirates through generations, such as not harming the residents of places like Demon Valley Town...

The vast majority of pirates are willing to abide by this rule, but there are indeed a small branch house who likes to break this rule, but they will soon offend a large number of pirates, who are strong. Naturally it's not a big deal, but those who are weak will soon disappear in the sea, but then again, they often like to insult this

People who are civilians are mostly rubbish with little strength. The strong are naturally arrogant, and they don't bother to do such unstyled things. Therefore, most of the pirates who have done these rules-breaking are rubbish. Only, the rubbish will naturally be cleaned up, so over time, it seems that few people are willing to try the law.

At this time in the town of Magic Valley, a very strong man was followed by a slightly thin boy, and beside them there was a more powerful and powerful white wolf. They are Gromash and Lu Qi and White Fang.

As a Demon Valley town that serves pirates for a living, if you want to live a happy life here, the first thing is to have a human eye, otherwise one day you hit an iron plate, then you really don’t know how to die. of.

And it happened that Gromash’s fame was at its peak. After all, he made a big fuss in Logue town. The incident of "Stormhammer" Marine Admiral was widely spread. Since then, I have printed the image of Gromash in my heart, and those who have not watched the live broadcast will also see Gromash in the newspaper.

Isn't Marsh's photo and wanted?

So as soon as Gromash landed in the town of Magic Valley, the people here recognized him.

Although Demon Valley Town is a paradise for pirates and a golden cave, in the final analysis, this is only a small town in the first half of the Grand Line. There are many pirates here, but if you insist, there are still all It’s just a little bit. Maybe one day in the future, they will make their fortunes and become big shots, but now, they are indeed already in the ranks like Gromash.

The "big pirate" with a 500 million bounty is completely incomparable.

Therefore, Gromash was also directly marked by the owner of Magic Valley Town with a note, the guy who must not be offended-NO.1.

Lu Qi also found that the eyes of those around them were very nervous, as if they were afraid of Gromash.This was the first time that he intuitively looked at Gromash's deterrence from the perspective of ordinary people, and it was in line with his attitude towards Gromash. The cognition is powerful.

"Aren't you lying to the kids?? Can you go to Sky Island from here? How come I didn't see any sea roads connecting the sky here, not to mention the so-called Sky Island, maybe it's big at all There are rumors on the sea?? Where can there be islands that can float in the sky?? Are you trying to say that there is still an ocean in the sky??" Lu Qiyi

As he walked, he said to Gromash.

"Jiehahahaha, of course the little kid knows less, don't tell me, there is really an ocean in this sky, indeed, most people in this ocean think that the rumors of the so-called Sky Island are just made by those who pursue romance. That’s all, it’s not the case. There really is a Sky Island in this world, and there are not only one or two in this world.

Many Sky Island, they are suspended in the sea of ​​sky-White Sea and White Sea, but it is very troublesome and dangerous to go to Sky Island. It is said that there are two roads to Sky Island, one of which has a high mortality rate. Only a few of a hundred people can live up there, but I don't know what way it is, so we can only choose another way. "Gromash laughed

Opened his mouth and said.

"One road has a high mortality rate. If you say this, it seems that the road you chose is safer??" Lu Qi's small eyes rolled, and he thought about it and asked.

"Jiehahahaha, of course it is much safer. As long as they are on the Sky Island via this road, they are all intact and there are many, not even injured." Gromash's mouth curled slightly, meaning Opened his mouth and said.

And Lu Qi, who has been living with Gromash for a few months, has already figured out Gromash's routine, so he frowned slightly, and said with some suspicion: "You seem to have something in your words. I always feel that Things don’t seem to be as simple as you said??"

Gromash rubbed Luki's hair and then smiled and said, "The little guy has a keen sense of smell, yes, I just talked about the people who went to Sky Island. This road only has all survival and all death. Two possibilities, Jiehahahahaha."

"I knew it was not that simple." Lu Qi said with a curled mouth.

But he didn't fear anything, perhaps because he found this kind of thing very challenging, or perhaps because he trusted Gromash so much.

The reason why Gromash wants to take Lu Qi to Sky Island is very simple. He wants to find the hometown of the guy Enel, Sky Island- Birka, and then take his chance Logia- Thunder Fruit.

I don’t know if I should say that Thunder Fruit made Enel or Enel made Thunder Fruit. In any case, in Gromash's eyes, Thunder Fruit is indeed a powerful fruit ability that deserves to be called "invincible ability". If you don’t have this Zoan-phantom If you plant a unicorn fruit, his first choice is this Thunder Fruit. After all, this fruit needs to be fast.

Speed, destructive power, destructive power, wide range, wide range, capable of flying and teleporting, it can be called all-round, no dead ends.

The guy Enel developed it very well, and it has been developed to the point where it can destroy the island in one blow, but unfortunately, he finally got this invincible ability in the fish pond of Sky Island, which is not only a limitation. His vision has swelled to an unprecedented level, and he has begun to learn Celestial Dragons to play some "god" tricks. Celestial Dragons also

Well, at least people have been using it for more than 800 years, but what about Enel? It hasn't been for a few years, but Luffy, who has the protagonist's aura, used the reason of "rubber insulation" to "dead".

If you put the Enel, who got Thunder Fruit, in the "lower realm" for some experience, as long as you don't have a chance, an Admiral-class combat power is just around the corner.

Originally, Gromash also thought about whether to take Enel as a younger brother, but in the end he still thinks that it's not worthwhile. It's not that he can't wait, Golden Lion. For a long time, it can be called a majestic posture on the table. If it is cost-effective, let Gromash wait for more than ten years for something, and Gromash is also

Isn't it just a mere ten years to wait patiently?? What a big deal?

But it's not cost-effective. Thunder Fruit can't run on Sky Island. After all, there is no Thunder Fruit ability in the sea, and there is no theory that the fruit is reborn on Sky Island after he died. In other words, from the above After the death of a generation of Thunder Fruit ability, this invincible ability has appeared on Sky Island- Birka, but it has not been eaten by anyone or

The author discovered that until the emergence of Enel.

If it is troublesome and dangerous to go to Sky Island in Qinghai, it is very convenient to go from Sky Island to other Sky Island. There are indeed connections between Sky Island and there are routes, so as long as Gromash boarded the angel Island, then Birka is not far away, Birka is not far away, will Thunder Fruit be far away?? Anyway, as long as you go up, Gromash will be

Birka is ruined, turn the bottom up, and find Thunder Fruit!

The so-called chidori in the forest is not as good as a bird in hand, and finding Thunder Fruit is equivalent to a bird in hand. Isn't it more cost-effective than Enel who waited more than ten years? In the past ten years, the fruit has not been known How far can it be developed.

What? You said that Enel is very talented and can rely on Thunder Fruit to comprehend the Sky Island experience of the heart? It is indeed undeniable. Enel should have a strong talent in this respect, but it depends on him. Compared with whom, if you change to Luchi Gromash, which is known as the strongest aptitude, you really don't think Enel's talent can be compared to Luchi 0.


Similarly, as his first partner, Gromash also feels that he has an obligation, and there is a need to train Lu Qi to be more perfect and stronger!

Only if you are strong enough can you become your right-hand man, right?

In the future, Lu Qi, who has powerful physical skills, has the invincible Thunder Fruit ability. How terrible is the combination of the two? Gromash is very confident that Lu Qi can grow to the highest combat power of the World government at least-Admiral of Headquarters Degree!

"Well, just when Sky Island really exists, then where is the life or death sea road that you said to Sky Island?" Lu Qi brought the topic back to the original point again and asked.

"What's the hurry, have you heard the story of the big talker-Venbulan-Rolando??" Gromash asked after a glance at Lu Qi.

"I haven't heard of it," Lu Qi said very honestly.

And Gromash also froze and almost didn't answer the word. Then he rubbed Luke's head and said, "Then your childhood is really sad. You haven't even heard the story.

"I said, did you make a mistake? If you haven't heard the story of the big talker-Vembran Rolando, does it mean you haven't heard other stories?? Your brain circuit is really strange." Gang Jinglu Qi spoke again. .

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