I Am Hellscream

Chapter 657 The size of North Blue, let you choose!

After getting acquainted with the city of Seven Waters for three or two days, Gromash and Vinsmoke-Judge finally started to formally talk about cooperation.

In the conference room of the Frostwolf Pirates' resident, Gromash bit a cigar and put a cup of tea on his hand.It is different from the casualness when he talked to Judge last time. A majesty.

Vinsmoke and Judge are also sitting in this conference room. His expression is also a lot more serious. Whether he can hold the thigh of the Frostwolf Pirates, it looks like it depends on whether he can convince Gromash today.

Picking up the tea and taking a sip, Gromash smiled and said, "His Royal Highness Judge, you must have been familiar with our capital of the seven waters in the past two days??? How do you feel??~?"

Judge smiled and said softly: "It feels very good. Although the City of Seven Waters has long been heard, it is indeed completely different from what I imagined. Your Royal Highness here is simply unheard of. What surprises me is that your reputation here is also extraordinary."

"Jiehahahahahaha, after all, this is one of my base camps. It should be so." Gromash said proudly.

"Sometimes I think, if your Highness is not a pirate, but a king, you might become a great man celebrated by the world." Judge said softly with some emotion.

"Well, maybe, but this kind of life is what I want. To be a qualified king, maybe there are too many constraints on your body." Gromash nodded after thinking about it.

The two talked about these topics for a while before Gromash got into the main topic. He touched his chin, looked to Judge's side, and then quietly asked, "Your Majesty Judge, before the real conversation begins. , I have a question I want to ask"

"His Royal Highness, please," Judge also sat upright, looked at Gromash and said.

"If I remember correctly, the Kingdom of Djerma is one of the more than 170 countries that the World government has joined, and our Frostwolf Pirates is an evil criminal group that the World government has named and offered a reward. If you really carry out some in-depth exchanges and cooperation, it may cause some dissatisfaction from the World government. To be honest, this should be inevitable

As a result, as a pirate, I don't care about this, but your Highness Judge, can you really give up the rights of the World government? ??" Gromash asked softly.

After Judge heard Gromash's words, his face also became a little gloomy. After a little silence, he smiled helplessly, and then said: "If you don't pay attention to this, your lord, maybe you don't. I am too aware of the twists and turns. Although our Kingdom of Djerma is one of the franchise countries under the World government, from beginning to end,

The relationship with the World government is very discordant. In the stories circulated on North Blue, our Kingdom of Djerma has been acting as an evil force. That is to say, from the very beginning, the World government has "defined us" 'For a dangerous man'Having said that, Judge picked up the tea in front of him, drank it gently, then smiled and continued: "And this is also a fact. Our original intention of joining the World government in the Djerma Kingdom was to obtain In the legal territory of North Blue, the North Blue countries fear us like tigers and leopards, so this intention has never been satisfied by the World government.

, For a long time, our Vinsmoke family have been committed to seeking reasonable help from the World government, but... the result is regrettable. "

As soon as the words fell, Judge seemed to become annoyed. He said angrily: "Not once!!! Never before!!! The damn bastards of the World government have never faced our Djerma Kingdom squarely. One appeal, so that our Kingdom of Djerma has become a kingdom without territory wandering in the vast sea of ​​North Blue.

Spirit, War House??? It sounds very imposing, but in the final analysis it is nothing more than a group of homeless ghosts!!!"

After venting the grievances, Judge slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Gromash and continued: "The Kingdom of Djerma has to pay huge amounts of heavenly gold to the world government every year, but we hope that the reasonable request But it has never been realized. As for the rest of the rights and interests of the World government, we have never enjoyed it in the Kingdom of Djerma. Marine’s

Protection??? I'm sorry, our Djerma Kingdom is wandering around, and it is difficult to be found by the pirates. What's more, our military strength as a'war house' is also extremely powerful, as long as we don't provoke it. For a pirate of your level, there is really no big threat to say something complacent. "

Gromash gently took off the cigar he was biting in his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke. Then he reached out and knocked in the ashtray, and then whispered, "Really??? That's a shame..."

"Therefore, the name of the franchise country under the World government is completely meaningless to us. So instead of continuing to wag their tails to the damn bureaucrats like a humble stray dog, it's better to just turn into reality.

Right evil, use evil to punish the shackles that suppress our Vinsmoke clan, and use evil to fulfill the phoenix wish of the Vinsmoke clan!!!" Judge's eyes flashed with anger, and he unceremoniously told Gromash the anger in his heart.

Finally, Judge looked at Gromash’s eyes and spoke very seriously: “Therefore, the issues concerning the World government that your Royal Highness are thinking about are not issues that hinder us at all. Your Royal Highness will not put the World government in In my eyes, and now I also regard it as an open shoe. If your Highness can really accept us, even

Let the Kingdom of Djerma change the banner to the head of the Frostwolf, I am willing too!!!"

Gromash didn't answer Judge directly, but reached out and picked up the tea at the table, took a sip, and let the warm tea enter his stomach. It was warm and comfortable.

Then he put down the tea cup in his hand, then looked at Judge and said, "Then what makes you think that World government can't give you, I can give it to Gromash???"

Judge smiled when he heard the words, and then shook his head and said, "Say something that goes beyond. In fact, at the beginning, this was just my helpless move. Because the World government has already given me despair, so I only I can find hope from other places. There are not many people in this world who really have the confidence to fight against the World government. Your Highness, you are one of them.

, As did the former Charlotte-Linlin, and now there are Kaido, Shanks and even the Revolutionary Army."

Having said that, Judge seemed a little embarrassed, but he continued: "Originally, I was going to unite with the bigmom pirates, but then, in any case, your Highness broke my thoughts, and among the rest, I too You can only see the hope in your Highness. Kaido is strong, but he is too confused.

I am not interested in planning. Mr. Shanks had no intention of being involved in these disputes. Naturally, he is not a person who can unite with us. As for the revolutionary army, to be honest, the guy Dorag may wish to eradicate our Djerma Kingdom soon. In the end, the only thing I can choose from is your Highness, and you are the only one who owns the rest.

What everyone lacks!"

Speaking of this, before Gromash could say anything, Judge smiled and continued: "But after coming to the City of Seven Waters, after really contacting Your Highness, my original thoughts were also changed. , This is no longer a helpless move, but the best choice, your majesty, your heart, your pattern, and your credibility

, These are all reasons that make me feel'you must', I can see from these, once the Kingdom of Djerma becomes a member of the Frostwolf Pirates, then one day in the future, you will not treat you badly Ours, that future, I seem to have seen it. "

"Jiehahahahahaha, I am more confident than I am, Judge, are you really afraid that I will turn my face ruthlessly??? You know I am a pirate, what you see is the "future"? ?? This future will be How long will it take to achieve it, you can’t be sure about it???

???" Gromash said with a big laugh.

0-Seeking flowers...

"That might be fate," Judge suddenly said softly with emotion.

And Gromash also fell silent and looked at Judge with a deep gaze. For a moment, Gromash saw fatigue from him. Sure enough, although Judge was crazy, he did not become a lunatic who lost his mind, Jie. The whimsical phoenix wishes of the Erma Kingdom and the Vinsmoke clan seem to be overwhelming him.


This is a good thing for Gromash. I'm not afraid that you will be out of breath, but that you will hold on to the bottom line and not take a step back.

Thinking of this, a slight smile hung on Gromash's mouth, and he looked at Judge and asked softly: "Then Judge, as a reward for your dedication to me, what do you want from me???"

After Judge heard Gromash's words, his eyes flashed, and his lips moved. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Gromash's slightly raised corners of the mouth. The words reached his lips and he stopped again.

Gromash smiled deeper when he saw this, and he said softly again: "Yes, you have to think carefully about this question before answering. There are some opportunities only once. After you miss it, you may not meet it in your life."


Following Gromash's words, Judge felt an extremely heavy pressure, which made him seem a little breathless.

There was no threat, no intimidation, just a few words, and Gromash made Judge feel unparalleled pressure. Before he knew it, Gromash had already forced Judge into a dead end.

Fingers trembled slightly, Judge slowly picked up the teacup, took a couple of sips, and then seemed to get angry.

Then he sighed deeply, and Judge seemed to have made some decisions.

He knew very well that Gromash was a very sensible person, otherwise, he would not be able to fight with the heroes of the world until now, and then become the strongest one.

He also knew very well that the Vinsmoke clan wanted to conquer the entire North Blue Phoenix Wish. For anyone, it was a ridiculous Phoenix Wish, a very irrational Feng Wish.

Once I made this request here, the inevitability waiting for him would be negative, and perhaps the future would be like Gromash said, without opportunities and hope.

"Some things, in fact, you don't need to rush for success. When there is a beginning, there will be a process. When there is a process, there will be a result. Many seemingly unsolvable problems will actually be answered in the face of time." Gromash suddenly He said such an inexplicable word softly.

After hearing this, Judge seemed to have made up his mind completely.

As Gromash said, there are some seemingly impossible things. There is no need to pursue the answer from the beginning. It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is a great thing to have a beginning.

Conquer the entire North Blue by force??? This is a seemingly unsolvable thing, but if you can get a start from Gromash here, it may already be the best choice for the Kingdom of Djerma. .

"His Royal Highness, what I want to get from you in return is for the Kingdom of Djerma to have a piece of land in North Blue, or close to North Blue!!!" Judge said in a deep voice.

After Gromash heard this answer, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing an evil smile, and then Haki spoke very much, "Your request, my Highness has agreed, North Blue is so big, let you Go choose!"

After Judge heard Gromash's response, the whole person became very excited.Sure enough, he knew that the answer Gromash wanted from him was his answer just now. This time, he bet on the right! !!Mountain.

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