I Am Hellscream

Chapter 670 Polusalino and Roronoa. Zoro!

While Gromash and Rayleigh were chatting, a man wearing a green suit with a green algae head on his head and four knives around his waist also boarded the Sabaody Archipelago.

"This guest, Master Mihawk said let us take you to Mrs. Xia Qi's tavern. Could you please wait a moment, we will unload the cargo on this ship and take you there." A sailor on the ship pointed at the green algae head. Opened his mouth and said.

There is no doubt that this green algae head is Roronoa-Zoro. After he heard these words, he turned his head and said: "Ah, thank you for bringing me to Sabaody Archipelago, the tavern, I can find it myself... "

"Ah?? But Master Mihawk, he confessed." The sailor was taken aback for a moment and said quickly.

But before he finished speaking this time, Zoro waved his hand and said, "This kind of thing, I will find someone on the island to inquire about it. I am very grateful to you for sending me here. I'm causing you trouble."

Seeing that Zoro has said so, the sailor has arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago, is it easy to find a tavern? Besides, the tavern of Mrs. Xia Qi is still very well-known on the island, after all, it is famous. The black shop, if you ask someone to inquire, you can find it no matter what???

Thinking of this, the sailor stopped entangled in anything, but said to Zoro: "Then I wish you a good journey.."

Zoro also smiled and said, "Ah, thank you very much."

After speaking, Zoro stepped forward, carrying a bottle of wine in his hand, swaying "Two Three Zero" and walking towards the island leisurely. It was obvious that this kid had no self-knowledge at all, and the sailor did not at all. Understand the terrible nature of Lu Chi.

While drinking wine while walking on the island, Zoro looked at the various scenes on the island, and said with some emotion: "Compared to two years ago, it seems to be more lively..."

As he walked, Zoro saw a poster sticking to the tree. The sign painted on it was the logo of their Straw Hat Pirates. After going forward and observing it carefully, Zoro touched his chin softly. He whispered: "It's really weird, is Luffy going to expand his team??? But is it too hasty??? The location is illegal

The big square??? So that’s the case, in other words, I don’t need to go to the tavern, I can see them directly in the square, right???”

There is nothing wrong with his thinking, the key is that there is a problem with the truth and falsehood of the intelligence, but at this time Zoro didn't think much about it, after all, no one could think that such a coincidence would occur here...

After confirming that he should go to the square and not the tavern, Zoro took his own steps and grabbed a bad-looking guy from the side of the road, and let him start to lead the way.

What he didn't notice was that in a dark alley on the side of the road, a guy in a cloak and a phone worm in his hand also watched him leave the neighborhood.

"Absolutely not wrong, that person is one of the supernovas of the Straw Hat Pirates two years ago, Pirate Hunter. Roronoa- ​​Zoro, the culprit that triggered the Sabaody Archipelago Celestial Dragons incident, please report to Polusalino Admiral , The Straw Hat Pirates Group has indeed begun to assemble on Sabaody Archipelago after two years!!!" The man confronted his hands

The phone worm said.

When the breeze blew through his hem, Marine's military uniform also appeared under the cloak.

Zoro started running around as soon as he got on the island, and then exposed his identity.

I am afraid that the reason why he didn't hide anything is because he saw the information about the assembly and recruitment expansion of their Straw Hat Pirates group???

It's not just Zoro's side. At the same time, Sanji, Chopper, Brook and other people have also begun to move towards Xia Qi's tavern. Only Stussy, who has come with Hancock's pirate ship, has not yet Board the Sabaody Archipelago.

On the other side, in the rest area of ​​the regular port, Polusalino was sitting on a chair while touching the tea cup on the table, plus his casual clothes that wrapped himself tightly. The same mysterious person is standing by his side, no matter who looks at it, you will feel that this somewhat wretched uncle is here at Sabaody Archipelago

Human trafficking.

How does the temperament on this body look like Marine Admiral, saying that he is doing some shameful land ruffians and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Oh??? Roronoa- ​​Zoro? ?? It's really scary, has it really started to appear on the island??? Where is the gathering place???" Polusalino asked in a weird voice softly.

And a Marine wearing casual clothes standing next to him said: "Report Polusalino Admiral. According to the information on the island, their assembly place is in the illegal square. The people from the Straw Hat Pirates Group also gathered a large number of Pirates on the Sabaody Archipelago, which seems to be preparing for the event.

What admission ceremony..."

Hearing this, Porusalino took a sip from his teacup, and then asked, "Then their captain, Monkey-D-Luffy, did he show up???"

"There is indeed relevant sighting information. The straw hat boy is in the square, but..." the Marine said hesitantly.

Polusalino listened to his hesitant tone, looked up at him, and said, "But what???"

"But it seems that some changes have taken place in appearance, or that the appearance of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates has changed more or less," Marine said after thinking about it.

Porusalino smiled when he heard the words, and then he said: "It has been two years since it disappeared. There will be some changes. It shouldn't be a fuss. Since those guys have indeed appeared in the square in the illegal zone. , Let’s catch it, by the way, catch the pirates who are also gathered there, otherwise, put them in the sea,

What about another scourge? Where’s Zhan Tao Maru???"

Hearing Polusalino’s question, the Marine spoke quickly and said, “The Commander Zhan Tao Maru is leading the fleet towards this place, but it will take a while.”

"Really???" Polusalino whispered softly, as if thinking about it, and then said: "Forget it, then don't wait for him, I will do it myself..."

After speaking, Polusalino stood up and opened his arms slowly, and then the two tall Marines standing behind him quickly helped Polusalino take the coat behind him. Coming down, Polusalino also slowly took off his casual robe, revealing the yellow striped suit inside.

Then the two tall Marines immediately draped the Admiral cloak belonging to Polusalino to Polusalino.

In just a few rounds, Naval Headquarters- Admiral- Kizaru- Polusalino officially debuted.

At the same time, the surrounding Marines also regained their Marine costumes.

Polusalino's actions also stunned the rest of the people eating melons in the port. Two years ago, Polusalino landed on the Sabaody Archipelago. The mangrove tree was kicked off. It's strange that these people didn't recognize him.

"Great Admiral???"


"Why does Naval Headquarters' Kizaru Admiral appear here???"

"It's over, it must be the gang of Straw Hat Pirates who was so ostentatious that they recruited Admiral again."

Porusalino moved his body a little, and then said: "From now on, anyone who has a reward can not be let go. All of them will be arrested and brought to justice. After Zhan Tao Maru is here, a second search will be carried out. , You start to act, I will go to the square to see the situation first."

After speaking, Polusalino shot a beam of light at a faraway Argyle mangrove tree, and then his whole person seemed to be sucked into the light, and quickly moved towards that tree. Flew away in the direction of the mangrove.

"Porussalino Admiral, please pay attention to the strength of your shot," the general Marine said quickly after seeing this scene.

He was afraid that Polusalino would break some tree when he went up, and that would be really troublesome.

The golden light flew out quickly, and in a short moment, it had already reached the very far Alqiman mangrove tree, and then after hitting the mangrove tree, there was no sound. And the impact was directly refracted again. The next moment, on the square in the illegal zone, on the roof of a ruined house, Polusa

Lino's figure has appeared there.

Sure enough, when it comes to the speed of long-distance displacement, Porussalino can be called the world's first, and I am afraid that only Lu Qi's Thunder Fruit ability can compare with him?? But if it is a little further, I guess Lu Qi couldn't catch up.

At the same time, Zoro, who had just arrived in the square, seemed to feel something, frowning slightly, and instantly recalled in his mind more than two years ago, on the Sabaody Archipelago, he was Roronoa-Zoro by Marine Admiral-Porussalino The scene of hanging and beating.

At that time, he was really helpless, and there was no means to hurt Polusalino. If Rayleigh hadn't played in the end, I'm afraid he would have died there.

And at that moment, he suddenly felt the breath of the year, not from Observation Haki, but from his beastly intuition.

"This feeling, this sense of crisis? Polusalino???" Zoro whispered softly, then put his hand on the word Hedao on his waist, calmed his heart, and began to feel something.

At the same time, Polusalino was the first among the huge crowd in this square to pay attention to the Roronoa-Zoro, who was obviously not very conspicuous in the crowd, but was always seen at the first glance.

"Ah, what seems to have been noticed??? It's so terrible, is it a beast-like intuition???" Polusalino whispered softly.

Then he turned his gaze on the group of people on the high platform. There is no doubt that those guys are fakes who claim to be the Straw Hat Pirates. Polusalino just glanced at it and was quite sure that the scum was not. It may be from the Straw Hat Pirates group. If you have cultivated for two years and still cultivated like this, then you don’t have to worry about it. Give them another two years.

, They should almost play themselves to death.

"Counterfeit goods??? But the counterfeit goods have attracted the real righteousness. It seems that this time it is not in vain." After the breath of the rest of the people, Polusalino found out, except for Roronoa. Apart from Zoro, what other pirates, super new

Stars and the like are all trivial rubbish.

For those guys, he didn't have much interest, so he saw a slight smile on the corner of Polu 4.1 Salino's mouth, and then stretched out a finger and pointed it in the direction where Zoro was.

Then the finger began to shine with golden light, and then Polusalino whispered softly: "Shining-Laser"

As his voice fell, a golden light burst out from his hands in an instant, hitting Zoro at an extremely fast speed, and the golden light seemed to swallow Zoro in the next second.

At the same time, at the same moment Porusalino took the shot, Zoro felt a great sense of crisis.Under the instinctive reaction, the word Hedao in his hand was already out of the sheath, and the rich Armament Haki covered it. On the blade, as expected, the blade had just been unsheathed, and a gleam of golden light was about to stick to his face.

"But it's really him!!!" Zoro cursed, and the word Hedao in his hand slashed out, and the swift slash instantly exploded the laser beam in the air.

And that powerful wave of air also broke out, forcibly forcing Zoro back several steps.

"Oh, oh, this strength, compared with two years ago, has indeed improved a lot... Pirate Hunter-Roronoa- ​​Zoro Said softly.

"Naval Headquarters- Admiral Borsalino really didn't expect that after boarding this island two years later, the first familiar face I saw would be you," Zoro also responded softly with a very serious expression.

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