I Am Hellscream

Chapter 678 Dressrosa's chess game begins!

Although the recent world situation is a bit tense, his Uncle Gromash is really nothing important. Thanks to the complete and excellent system of the Frostwolf Pirates, as long as nothing major happens, his Uncle Gromash doesn't need to be all day. Tethered in the City of Seven Waters, Gromash also followed Rayleigh and Hancock on the Sabaody Archipelago.

It's been a little half a month.

In the past half month, because of the dirty py trade, the old and unscrupulous Rayleigh was also "buyed" by Gromash, so he did not act as a demon between Gromash and Hancock, under the deliberate manipulation of Hancock. , Gromash and Hancock's relationship progressed very smoothly, and the two almost found a chance to get on the sheets together.

In Xia Qi's tavern, Gromash was drinking with his'good brother' Rayleigh, and Rayleigh seemed to be a little impatient with his uncle Gromash, and said, "You guy has been out for such a long time. Don’t you worry about the situation on the New World side??? When will you get out???"

Gromash took a sip of wine, first took a look at Rayleigh, and then said with a deep meaning: "Why?? I want to drive me away??? Could it be that I delayed your coater. What is Lao Lei's itinerary? ??? For example, the Golden City???"

Rayleigh was ridiculed by Gromash, his whole old face turned a little red, and then he quickly said, "What are you asshole talking about??? It's just that I have a few big orders in my hand, unlike your uncle Gromash. I have nothing to do all day, but I am very busy. If it weren't for drinking with you, I would have already gone to make money."

Gromash looked at Rayleigh with a weird gaze. Just as he was about to mock him, the phone bug he was carrying rang.

Gromash spared Rayleigh for a while, then took out the phone worm and looked at it, and whispered in confusion: 01" Nami??? Fuck me??? Women are really duplicity"

After a very narcissistic murmur, Gromash smiled and picked up the phone bug and asked, "What??? ?"

After hearing Gromash's very shameless remark, Nami's face on the phone worm turned a little red, but fortunately, she is a very relaxed woman, and she didn't care about Gromash. Instead, she said: " I feel too good about myself??? Grandpa Gromash???"

"Jiehahahahahaha, there is no way, it's just so confident." Gromash laughed and said, still so unscrupulous.

After talking about these unnutritious topics, Nami cleared his throat and asked in a somewhat curious tone: "Ahem, I heard that you have a very close relationship with the Seven Warlords of the Sea-Don Quixote-Doflamingo. Is it good???"

Gromash heard this, and seemed to have thought of something. There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Knowingly ask, you are not unclear about my relationship with him??? What's wrong??? Entering the New World has provoke him, the young master??? Do you want me to be a middleman and talk about the relationship???"

Nami smiled, and then continued: "That's not true, I just have a question I want to ask you."

"Hmm??? What's the problem???" Gromash asked after taking a sip from his glass.

"If I mean, what if? Anyway, if there is a conflict between us and Donquixote Family, your Frostwolf Pirates will not help him Doflamingo, right???" Nami hesitated for a while and asked intermittently.

Gromash heard that an evil light flashed in his eyes, and then smiled and said, "I smell a conspiracy. It seems that your first goal in the New World is the Young Master? Is it true? Confident..."

Nami was not covering up at this time, but openly said: "Doflamingo, he caught Luffy's childhood sweetheart??? Girlfriend??? After receiving the news anyway, that guy Luffy I'm ready to go to Dressrosa to find Doflamingo to be a VIP

Enough foreseeable, alas."

There is no doubt that his young master must have a face, and your Straw Hat Pirates is not a terrific gang, extremely evil generation??? Supernova??? Just kidding, his young master is a big figure in New World , There are not many people who can press on his head now, what kind of thing is your Straw Hat Pirate Group??? Just dare to come to Dressrosa with me


Gromash has every reason to believe that even if the young master is in a good mood that day, it is absolutely impossible for Luffy to say that he will let him go. Don't mess up, you lose all your face.

And with Luffy's problematic thinking, after being rejected by the young master, it is bound to have a fierce conflict with Doflamingo, which is just as Nami is now worried, their Straw Hat Pirates, how can they have to fight the Don Jihe De family? Get up and in this case, the outcome is hard to say, but if the Frostwolf Pirates stand at Don Quixote's house

On the side of the clan, there is really no chance of winning, so Nami will come around to ask him what Gromash's intentions are.

"Jiehahahahahaha, you still like to be nosy," Gromash said with a big laugh.

At this time, Nami suddenly asked, "If your relationship with Doflamingo is really good, can't you help us ask for someone??? In that case, there will be no conflicts???"

Gromash was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled and shook his head and said, "You think many things are too simple. I and Doflamingo are friends and partners. I am not the senior leader of their Donquixote Family. You let me go. Looking for someone from Doflamingo??? This is very inappropriate"

Just kidding, he Gromash went to Master Young Master to speak, it is indeed possible to get someone from him, but he Gromash doesn't want to owe Doflamingo this favor, and he will definitely compensate Doflamingo from other interests.

So what's the result of this? His uncle Gromash contributed money to help the Straw Hat Pirates to do good deeds? Are you sick? With no interest involved, Uncle Gromash is very happy to amused them. Yes, but if there is interest involved, his uncle Gromash is a stingy person, and he will only go if his brain is sick.

Do this kind of thing.

What's more, he is still waiting for the Young Master's Dressrosa incident to happen, how can he ruin his good things at this time???

"I knew it wouldn't work." Nami also said helplessly, and then she no longer entangled in this aspect, but asked again: "So let's return to the topic just now??? What if we There was a conflict with the Donquixote Family, will your Frostwolf Pirates step in???"

Hearing that Nami didn't bother him with these things. Gromash, Gromash smiled very happily. Sure enough, the little beauty of Nami is still very sensible.

"Jiehahahahahaha, Nami, we are pirates. Pirates don't need to take so much into account when doing things. You see, your captain never thought about whether I would join in this matter." Gromash laughed. Said.

"He is a single-celled organism, so I have to think more about it." Nami said helplessly.

"Jiehahahaha, then I will give you a clear answer. Doflamingo and I are friends and business partners. They are not a "strategic alliance", and on the road of pirates, not only you are counted as It's my little opponent. Doflamingo is also one of my opponents. Sooner or later, we will fall.

One now has you to harm him, I am too happy to have time, how can I help him??? Therefore, the current situation for me is to watch my enemy find the trouble of my other enemy, What do you think I would choose???" Gromash smiled and said to Nami on the phone bug.

On the other side, Nami also brought a relaxed smile on his face, and said: "With your cunning Uncle Gromash, you must be watching the fire across the bank and even fanning the flames?? ?"

"Well, after all, I'm a good friend to put it in a nutshell. It's okay to fan the flames, but watch the fire from the other side, Jie ha ha ha ha, it's true, if you are really going to stage this great show, I am going to buy a ticket to see it." Gromash Said with a smile.

Nami was silent for a while, and then said, "Since I am sure what you mean, then I feel relieved a lot."

Hearing this, Gromash also fell silent for a while, then with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he asked, "I said, your little cat is hiding something from me, the owner??"

As if being touched by Gromash, Nami hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Grandpa Gromash, grandpa, please forgive me once. I will apologize afterwards. Meow meow???"

Seeing that Nami was reluctant to say, and he was maliciously selling cute, Gromash also shook his head helplessly.He probably knew what was going on, but this kind of thing was trivial, and he didn't care at all, so he didn't go. To force Nami to say something.

"Well, then I'll wait for your apology," Gromash said with a smile.

Then the two chatted for a while before they hung up the phone worm. After Gromash put the phone worm into his pocket, he touched his chin and whispered softly: "Trafalgar- Luo???"

That's right, what Nami is hiding from Gromash is that the Straw Hat Pirates are preparing to join forces with Trafalgar-Luo. The cadres of the Wolf Pirates also have a good relationship, and of course they know some things about the Frostwolf Pirates.

This Trafalgar-Luo, in the original Lion Fruit battle,'stole' Lion Fruit from Monet's 230, and made all the cadres hate him. Moreover, Robin said, Frostwolf Pirates Tuan offered a reward for Trafalgar in the dark world-Luo a lot of Bailey, all he wanted was his dog's life

So from various perspectives, the current Seven Warlords of the Sea is in a hostile relationship with his uncle Gromash, and their Straw Hat Pirates, especially her Nami, has inherited so much love from the Frostwolf Pirates. , As soon as I entered New World, I became entangled with the enemies of the Frostwolf Pirates, and I had to join hands with the partners of Uncle Gromash, carefully

Think about this, I'm sorry, Grandpa Gromash, she's totally unwilling. If she is Gromash, I'm probably going to vomit blood out of anger.

So Nami is indeed full of guilt for Gromash at this time.

However, this is not the case, everything is in the plan of his uncle Gromash. If one day Nami suddenly finds out, this is just a long-planned operation by Gromash, and their Straw Hat Pirates are also used to mix the situation. If you are the chess piece, I don’t know if I will spit out a mouthful of blood???

Anyway, Grandpa Gromash wouldn't confess all this. If Nami this little pet feels guilty to him, it would be a good thing. Grandpa Gromash still enjoys it.

In the tavern, Rayleigh looked at Gromash, and he heard the entire conversation just now. After all, Gromash never concealed him and Xia Qi, and trusted them both.

So Rayleigh knew what was going on. Seeing what Gromash was thinking about there, he laughed and said, "Why? You just said that you have nothing to do, so come to live???"

Gromash grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a jealous smile, and said, "Ah, yes, I'm here to live. It's still a good job I've been waiting for for a long time. It seems that I don't have time to continue drinking with you here. I have to go back and prepare."

Rayleigh is very familiar with Gromash. Looking at Gromash's pie, he knows that these upcoming events are probably things that Gromash has already calculated. It seems that his Uncle Gromash is going back to collect the Internet. ???

"Really? I wish you success. It seems that this time, there will be another big news," Rayleigh said with a smile.

(This is a holiday, I still have to go out to do some work at noon, the remaining updates will be postponed, and it will be updated at night, everyone, forgive me!).

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