I Am Hellscream

Chapter 698 Trafalgar-Luo's nightmare!!!

Not to mention that Lu Qi is laughing and fighting with Naval Headquarters' new Admiral-Fujitora.

The moment they both started their hands, all the masters on Dressrosa Island noticed something.

Doflamingo, who was in the depths of the King's Highland Palace, also slightly opened his sleepy eyes, then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he whispered: "Are you here???"

Seeing that they really said to their young master, someone came to save themselves and others, and the cadres of the Donquixote Family were also agitated, as if life was full of hope again.

"Master Young Master, who are the reinforcements???" Baby-5 asked very curiously.

"Fufurfurfurfur, Frostwolf Pirates, listening to this movement, it should be one of those three, but before that, according to the intelligence, Joz and Cromwell were in New World. The vicinity of the portal waters shocks Marine, so I must be Rob Luchi here at this time..." Doflamingo smiled and said.

At the same time, in a certain block of Dressrosa, Trafalgar-Luo, who was walking on the road, also felt that two powerful auras were colliding with each other. The source was the direction of King's Highland. In an instant, his expression was fierce. The ground changed, turned around to look at Wang Zhigao, and whispered: "Is there really a rescuer???"

After speaking, Trafalgar-Luo turned around and wanted to rush towards King's Heights to see if he could help.

However, his condition is not very good at this time. At most, he will use his ability to fight on the side. After all, in the previous battle with Doflamingo, he was taken care of by Doflamingo, and his left arm was cruelly treated by Doflamingo. Removed, if it wasn't for the princess Man Shirley of the villain to help him heal him, he guessed 01 touched it.

Close to Shanks.

However, although he was healed, his injury was not fully recovered at this time, and his left arm was still wrapped in a triangle bandage and hung on his chest.

And the moment Trafalgar-Luo turned around, he noticed something was wrong...

The street was too quiet, which also made Trafalgar-Ruo involuntarily wary. There was no one around, but for some reason, Trafalgar-Ruo felt a fatal crisis.

Following instinct, he took a step backwards suddenly, and while withdrawing this step, he also felt the sharp pain from his abdomen. Time.

It seemed that it was this severe pain that made him feel the real world again. With a dagger stained with blood on the blade, there is also a bright smile on his face, and his emerald green hair is scorching in the sun.

People are full of weird beauty.

It turns out that at the moment Trafalgar-Luo turned around, he was plunged into an illusion. There was no Monet in his sight and perception, but that instinctive vigilance made him take a step back, and fortunately, from Monet's Saved his "kidney" under the blade.

Thanks to Monet, because he wanted to take back Lion Fruit, he wiped his throat with a knife before he came up, otherwise Trafalgar-Luo might be dead.

This is the horror of the fantasy fruit, in many cases, it is impossible to prevent it at all.

Trafalgar-Luo covered the wound on his waist, and then said: "Monet, False Witch."

The last time Trafalgar-Luo met Monet, it happened to be the time when Monet could no longer continue to use the fruit power, so Trafalgar-Luo did not realize the horror of Monet's power, and this time, it was only a meeting. In other words, he didn't even take pictures of his face, so he was almost seriously injured, which shocked Trafalgar-Luo's heart.


Monet said with a brilliant smile on the corner of his mouth: "Trafalgar-Luo, it really made me look for it. The ability that you little mouse stole from me a year ago should almost come back? And As the price you paid for using this ability, use your life to pay it back."

"Damn it" Trafalgar-Luo first cursed in a low voice, and then said: "Lion Fruit is an unowned thing. Whoever snatches it, even if it belongs to him, how can I steal it??? You Frostwolf Pirates Isn't it too domineering???"

The seven songs in Monet's hand were circling a few times on the slender palm, and then Monet was very relaxed and said: "Really? Then you think it belongs to our Frostwolf Pirates. Domineering better"

After hearing Monet's very arrogant words, Trafalgar-Luo looked at King's Heights, and then said: "The person who is working there is also from the Frostwolf Pirates group, right??? You still have to get involved..."

"I don't need to tell you this kind of thing. Remember what I said when I was on the island tortoise???" Monet whispered softly, and then he didn't give Trafalgar-Luo a chance to speak. I answered it myself.

"I said that sooner or later, I will find you, then interrupt your limbs, and bring you back to the Frostwolf Pirates to apologize," Monet murmured with a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Trafalgar-Luo's feet spread out a burst of energy.The next second, the ground under Monet's feet changed suddenly, like a swamp, swallowing Monet's feet in, and At the same time, Trafalgar-Luo also released the palm of his hand covering the wound on his waist, a demon knife that would hang behind him. The ghost cried out, not at all

Mercilessly stabbed Monet's chest.

The blood flashed, the sharp demon knife that Rosinante gave Trafalgar-Luo on his birthday, the ghost cry penetrated Monet's chest without any hindrance, causing Monet to spit out a bit of blood in pain, with an unbelievable expression on his face. Look at Trafalgar-Luo.

And Trafalgar-Luo also said softly: "You are too careless, I am no longer who I was then, False Witch."

I have to say that since consuming Lion Fruit, Trafalgar-Ro has at least become more confident, and his strength has indeed grown a lot, otherwise he would not dare to trouble Doflamingo.

And just when he thought he had seized this opportunity and succeeded in attacking Monet, a knife killed Monet, Monet's crisp voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Since when did I give you the illusion of "I am careless"??? Trafallo?"

Hearing the voice behind him, Trafalgar-Luo's expression also changed abruptly, but the corner of Monet's mouth, who had been killed by him, hung a weird smile, and then it was like a broken lens, directly in the air. It broke apart and disappeared.

It's too late to say, it's fast, Trafalgar-Luo sees this and doesn't know where he has been hit again??? Before he could turn, a sharp pain came from his already injured left arm and shoulder.

"Uh," Trafalgar-Luo cried out in pain, and when he turned around, he also stepped back two steps and distanced himself from Monet.

At this time, Monet was empty with both hands, and Trafalgar-Roy's shoulder had an extra sharp dagger that pierced into his body.

"Pain, wailing, regret, no one in this world can still live in this world after offending our Frostwolf Pirates. This painful sanction may come late, but Trafalgar will never be absent. -Luo." With a cruel smile on Monet's mouth, he looked at Trafalgar. Luo spoke softly.

At the same time, her cuffs moved slightly, and another sharp dagger slipped from his cuffs, and then Monet was firmly grasped in his hand.

"Where will this dagger penetrate???" Monet looked into Trafalgar-Luo's eyes and asked softly.

Trafalgar-Luo, who is holding a demon knife, is really a little panicked this time, this phantom fruit is too pervert, right??? When did he get the trick??? Is he still in the illusion now? ?? Is the Monet in front of him true or not???

Something seems to be false, but the pain in his body is real.

However, although he can't figure out the way, Trafalgar-Luo doesn't plan to be dead, he has Lion Fruit in his hand, he can run if he can't beat it!!!

Thinking of this, Trafalgar-Luo once again activated his abilities.In an instant, the ground of the street began to change, as if he had come alive, he rushed towards Monet, and he also activated his abilities and flew directly into the air. Go up.

Monet, who was entangled in the twisted street ground, was not too anxious. The weird ability fluctuations were radiated.

"Everything is empty-the real me!" Monet whispered softly.

With the fall of her words, she, who was about to be swallowed by the street, has completely disappeared.The next second, Trafalgar-Luo, who was flying in the air, felt a deadly threat, and then his body Quickly in the air, he avoided the stabbing of a dagger that appeared abruptly from the air.

"All appearances are vain!

Monet's voice came into Trafalgar Law's ears again, this time, Trafalgar. What shackles in Luo's mind seemed to be broken, the pain in his head made him involuntarily close his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again in the next second, he found that he was not flying in the air, but still standing. On that street.

And this time, the noisy sound coming from a distance made Trafalgar-Luo finally understand.247 It turned out that everything just now was an illusion. When he turned his head, he didn't insert anything on his shoulder, but The pain just now seems to be sensible, too real.

"How about?? This mental pain is not bad?? After I catch you, I won't kill you, but you can experience this pain countless times, rest assured, it won't really hurt It's a bit of your body." Monet's figure slowly walked out of a corner on the side of the street.

With a small but sharp dagger still in his hand, with a smile in his eyes, he looked at Trafalgar-Luo softly and said.

For some reason, after seeing Monet's bright smile this time, Trafalgar. Luo felt a very cold breath, as if Huang Quan had already waved to him.

This time, Trafalgar-Ro didn't even want to entangle Monet here at all, and he didn't hesitate to fly away from here, but it seems that Monet had already expected this, and prepared in Trafalgar-Ro The moment before she left, a weird light flashed in her eyes, and this light was also taken back before she had time.

Trafalgar-Luo Ge, who was already in sight, saw it.

"Oops!!!" Trafalgar-Luo blurted out, and in just an instant, he reacted, and the glance he met just now made himself hit again.

In the next moment, a Sakura flower tree quickly grew out of the ground under his feet, and when the tree was growing, it also swallowed Trafalgar-Luo, and he was wrapped in the trunk.

Obviously knowing these are hallucinations, but Trafalgar-Luo wants to break free, but he can't break free.

"What the hell is this ability??? Too unreasonable???" Trafalgar, Luo said angrily.

And Monet also walked slowly in front of him at this time, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "Don't underestimate me because I am a little secretary, Trafalgar-Luo."

After speaking, the dagger in Monet's hand slammed into Trafalgar-Luo's left shoulder, and the red blood was instantly squeezed out of the wound, and it was stained on Monet's pretty face, and Monet was He didn't care about the blood stains at all, but the smile on his face became more intense.

Sure enough, the members of the Frostwolf Pirates group look serious on the surface, but in fact, they are more or less abnormal.

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