I Am Hellscream

Chapter 704 Furious Sakazuki!

Two days later, in Dressrosa, Admiral was sitting on a small table by the port and eating noodles with a smile.His injury has been treated by Princess Man Shirley of the villain. There is not much hindrance.

Doflamingo was rescued by the Frostwolf Pirates, and the people in Dressrosa also knew about it at this time, but they didn't complain about Fujitora with a smile, as Lu Qi said, Marine has his Admiral and doesn't know it is a blessing. It is still a curse, but at least the general public will appreciate him.

While this guy was eating noodles and basking in the sun, two huge headquarters-style warships were moored in the port of Dressrosa. Then they were gray-haired, dressed in beach casual clothes, and the Sengoku Chief Inspector, who was dressed in justice, moved forward. Stepped down from the warship, he still had a bag of unfinished senbei in his hand.

And behind him is the same gray-haired Naval Headquarters Chief Staff Officer-Tsuru Vice Admiral.

Sengoku, the old man, laughed at the first sight of a smile.

"Puff ha ha ha ha, smile, look at your appearance, really embarrassed, is Admiral of Headquarters covered in bandages???" Sengoku this guy almost didn't spray out all the senbei in his mouth.

Chief Staff Officer Tsuru looked at the horror of the ruins of Dressrosa, then looked at Fujitora with a smile, sighed and said, "Rob-Lucci's threat has risen a lot."

Fujitora put down the rice bowl in his hand, then twisted his head to Sengoku and the others, and then said, "Rob Luchi, that guy has awakened Conqueror's Haki, and he is also very powerful."

"After all, it is a troublesome figure who was able to compete with Kuzan and others a long time ago, but you, it's not a big problem, right???" The Sengoku inspector was also a little more serious at this time, and looked at it with a smile and asked. .

He smiled and shook his head and said, "I was injured badly before, but now it's much better."

Chief Staff Officer Tsuru looked at this guy, and then asked, "Are you sure you can beat him???"

After all, Fujitora smiled because she and Sengoku, the old marshal, had been optimistic about Admiral candidates before Sakazuki became marshals, so they still know Fujitora 260 very well. Don’t look at the laugh this time, it seems that they lost to Lu Qi embarrassingly, but next time If you change the venue, the outcome will not be known yet.

He smiled and shook his head, and said: "Even if it is a fair contest, the winner with him is between five and five at most. There is no extra assurance."

The Chief Inspector Sengoku sighed unchecked when he heard the words, the degree of difficulty of the Frostwolf Pirates has increased again, but he did not continue to struggle with Lu Qi's problem, but looked at it and smiled. Said: "Doflamingo was rescued. Although it did not have a big impact on the plan of the "Abolition of Seven Warlords of the Sea" plan, but in the rest

In terms of... This time your approach is biased and has a great impact. "

Although Doflamingo was rescued, this incident had little impact on Naval Headquarters' action to eradicate Seven Warlords of the Sea. All the necessary "criminal evidence" has been collected, and the wind direction of the upper level of the World government also means this, so is there any Bringing Doflamingo back is not very meaningful for this action, as long as there is nothing that should be obtained.

Just lose it.

But in other respects, the fact that Doflamingo was rescued by the Frostwolf Pirates group had a huge impact.

As soon as Sengoku Grand Inspector finished speaking, Fujitora smiled before he could speak, and the phone worm beside him rang. It was the guy Sakazuki who called from Naval Headquarters.

"Ah, that guy Sakazuki is going to be mad," Chief Staff Officer Tsuru murmured softly while looking at the phone bug.

And Fujitora smiled and shook her head helplessly, and picked up the phone bug.

The next moment, Sakazuki's angry voice came from the other side of the phone worm.

"Laugh!!!! Do you really know what you did??? Have you considered the situation after this??? Is this the decision you made as Marine Admiral??? Marine You lose my face!!!" Sakazuki came up with a curse!!

Just two days ago, Lu Qi was given a misfortune (abeb) again. After making that choice, Fujitora was in a very bad mood when he smiled. Besides, he is also a top-notch master, and he is also shameless. Okay??? You Sakazuki came up and shit on Laozi's face. Isn't that too much?? Can't you speak properly??

Thinking of this, Fujitora smiled and the anger in his stomach rose instantly, and also shouted at the phone bug: "Then what kind of decision do you want me to make??? Sacrificing the lives of tens of thousands of ordinary people in Dressrosa?? ? Is this the decision Marine Admiral should make??? Is this the face of Marine??? If it is such a face, then no

No matter what!!!"

Sakazuki also fell silent. I guess he didn't expect that he would be stunned by a smile. After all, he is the marshal??? I think he has been in Marine for so many years, and I haven't seen any Admiral who dares to be so angry. Marshal Ming, when he was Admiral, his temper was much stronger than now, but even that was the case, it was never righteous.

I was embarrassed by the Marshal Sengoku.

This is the bad side brought about by the world conscription. How long has his uncle Fujitora been a Marine??? Before, he was a ronin, and he was used to it. Suddenly there is still a lot of recklessness. If you start a fire, you will not care about you. Sakazuki is a marshal or not a marshal.

Not only was Sakazuki misfired, but Sengoku Chief Inspector and Tsuru Chief Staff Officer also looked at Fujitora with a surprised expression, but soon, Sakazuki spoke.

"You bastard pay me attention to my tone of voice, and I want to understand what I am mad!!!??? Tens of thousands of people??? You guy is using the future of countless people in New World to bet on this Tens of thousands of people!!! Do you understand what I mean??? Nowadays Dressrosa is not just an island, you idiot

!!! For the so-called tens of thousands of people, you guy made such a stupid judgment!!! What a disappointment!!!" Sakazuki roared and scolded Fujitora again and laughed.

And this time, Fujitora smiled but didn't refute anything, because Sakazuki was right, which is why the Sengoku Supervisor just said that his judgment this time was biased.

From the real overall situation, the weight of Doflamingo is heavier than the lives of tens of thousands of people in Dressrosa. It would be fine if he ran away, but he was rescued by the Frostwolf Pirates. NS.

What does this mean??? As Sakazuki said when he scolded him, today's Dressrosa is not just such an island, but one of the top forces in the entire New World. Dressrosa is already the Donquixote Family. As long as Doflamingo is not caught or killed, then this so-called"

Dressrosa' will not disperse. Similarly, what is the meaning of the Frostwolf Pirates' rescue of Doflamingo this time? As long as Sakazuki and others are not stupid, they should have seen it at this time.

This means that once Doflamingo joins the Frostwolf Pirates, the power of the Frostwolf Pirates in New World will skyrocket again. Originally, Naval Headquarters now finds it difficult to deal with the Frostwolf Pirates. , Looking at it now, it's even more difficult to deal with.

And once Naval Headquarters fails in the war with the Frostwolf Pirates in the future, it is tantamount to ruining the "future" of the entire New World, at least in the eyes of Marine and World government. Compared to Dressrosa's tens of thousands of lives, it's really not a big deal, isn't it???

Sakazuki was angry and questioning Fujitora's laugh. Not to mention sacrificing Dressrosa at the time. Even if Fujitora laughed and made a decisive decision, killing Doflamingo together would be much better than the current situation???

After being silent for a long time, Fujitora smiled and said, "Change to the situation when you came to me, what choice would you make???"

Sakazuki suddenly fell silent, and then smiled and heard Sakazuki say in a very cold tone: "Sacrifice a hundred thousand people, defend New World!!!"

"Sakazuki, are you betting too? Even without Doflamingo, will we win when facing the Frostwolf Pirates? If we fail, will these 100,000 people die in vain? ??? At least I won "100,000" lives when I made the decision!!!" Fujitora smiled and said in a deep voice.

Just as Fujitora said with a smile, once Sakazuki's'gambling' fails, it won't make any money, and his Fujitora smiles at least saved his life of '100,000', but this kind of thing can never be distinguished. Wrong, did Fujitora smile and did it wrong??? Not necessarily!! Is Sakazuki's idea wrong??? Also not necessarily!!!

This world is like this. There are many things without answers, just like justice and evil.

At this moment, Chief Staff Officer Tsuru took the phone worm in Fujitora's hand with a smile, and said, "Okay, Sakazuki, I will teach you a good smile for the next thing. You are probably also busy. Go ahead??? Take care of the mess over there."

"Huh!" Sakazuki gave Tsuru's chief adviser a lot of face. In this case, he just snorted and hung up the phone worm.

At this point, Sakazuki can't go back to the past and turn the situation around, so he can only take one step and look at it one step at a time. Let's not talk about it. Let's take care of all the shit things in the kitchen.

After putting the hung-up phone worm on the table again, Chief Staff Officer Tsuru looked at it with a smile and said, "Now you understand? I said at the beginning that Marine's justice is not as simple as personal justice. Things, do you regret it??? If you come again, what choice would you make???"

Fujitora smiled and brought up the slightly cold noodles again. After eating two bites, he said softly, "If you do it again, I will still choose to save the life of the "hundred thousand"!"

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha, you guys are really stubborn, but that's okay!" Sengoku Chief Inspector laughed and said after hearing a smile.

After laughing, the chief inspector Sengoku straightened his expression, and then asked: "Laugh, I have something to ask, what about Trafalgar- Luo???"

I laughed and heard that the action of eating noodles in his hand paused, and then shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it underneath. When the Dressrosa incident is over, not only is he missing, but the Straw Hat Pirates are also gone. Maybe they have left. ???"

After hearing these words with a smile, Chief Inspector Sengoku's expression dimmed slightly, and then he said, "Really? Just treat it like this."

Although there is no accurate news, the Sengoku inspector has a bad premonition in his heart that Trafalgar-Luo Frostwolf Pirates is missing.

These news are linked together, it is hard not to make people think too much.

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru also didn't want Sengoku to get a bit of a horn in this place.

So she quickly said: "Let's think about the situation afterwards, that damn Gromash, this time he succeeded again..."

Naval Headquarters did not expect such a thing, but here is an Admiral of Naval Headquarters, and the information that Marine obtained at the time was that Cromwell and Joz led the fleet near the New World sea portal. Put pressure on them, and Rob Luck attacked G-5 Marine Base, and Gromash appeared in the gold

In the city.

These people who are qualified to laugh and grab people have all appeared, and even so, the Naval Headquarters sent the old marshal Sengoku and the chief staff Tsuru to respond.

But that happened to be the case. Lu Qi still appeared here very suddenly, defeated Fujitora with a smile, and took away Doflaming. It was impossible to defend.

"The world is difficult," Governor Sengoku murmured softly as he looked at the calm sea in the distance.

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