I Am Hellscream

Chapter 721 Tezolo: A unique gift!

After chatting about these things for a while, Gromash asked, "Then what are you going to do after you and Buggy leave Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

Mihawk heard Gromash's inquiry over there, and then smiled and said: "Buggy drove his own Pirate Express company and was linked to your industry in the dark world. It doesn't make much sense to be Seven Warlords of the Sea. Now, as for me, even if I don’t become Seven Warlords of the Sea, am I still the world’s number one swordsman? I’m waiting for Roronoa-Suo

Long came to challenge me..."

"Then you are really boring. Are you interested in coming to me to do things? Seriously, I have an unofficial "Seven Warlords of the Sea" that seems to be enough, so let you be the boss in it. ?Jiehahahahaha." Gromash asked with a laugh.

"Will you go to farm? Don't think too much, I'm used to going by myself." Mihawk smiled and declined Gromash's invitation.

"That's really a pity." Gromash just smiled, and didn't really feel sorry. After all, it's not the first time that he invited Mihawk, and it's not the first time that Mihawk has rejected him. It's just casual. Just ask.

"By the way, I heard that you guy is going to have a wedding with Princess Shirahoshi of Dragon Palace in The fish men island?" Mihawk suddenly asked with some curiosity.

And Gromash also smiled, did not hide anything, and said: "It is in the preparation stage, but it will take a while before the wedding is actually held, and I am really busy this year. The schedule is almost full."

"Hey, listening to you, it's like the world's No. 1 beauty is rushing to marry you. You still have to look at the schedule. Is it so shameless? What does it mean to be busy this year? Could you also participate? World Summit?" Mihawk asked with a smile.

Gromash grinned and said with a terrible fart: "Oh, what a coincidence, it's really like you said, this guy is handsome, with so many troubles, the world's first beauty is also rushing to marry as for World Summit. What kind of reason, I am also eligible to participate, okay? Don’t forget, my grandpa Gromash is a serious nobleman

, The fish men island is also one of the member countries of the World government. It’s just that I was busy during that period, so I can only go again next time, but I hope there will be another time.”

Hearing Gromash's words, Mihawk frowned, and asked softly, "What are you going to do during the World Summit? And listen to what you mean. It seems that the World government is about to encounter any crisis?"

"Jiehahahahahaha, don't you say everything, Princess Shirahoshi is the world's number one beauty, and I am going to marry her as a wife. How can I keep up with the level of this number one beauty? So before we get married , How can I dominate New World? They say that men should pay attention to their own family after they get married. I think so too.

I have to take care of my family, so I naturally have to deal with all the tossing things before we get married. As for the crisis of the world government, it depends on the revolutionary army. "Gromash laughed and said.

After hearing Gromash's words, Mihawk's pupils shrank slightly, and then he said, "During the World Summit, are you going to act on Kaido?"

"Is there such a plan, why? Your first swordsman also wants to join in the fun?" Gromash grinned and asked softly.

"I didn't have that plan, but I was just a little emotional. You guys are not moving, and moving is thunderous. This time you will be in Kaido, which means that you will not have a long time in Kaido. This is the end of your pirate road. A stumbling block is about to be smashed by you. I can't help but remind me of the first time we met in East Blue's Logue town more than 20 years ago.

At that time..." Mihawk whispered softly.

When he saw Gromash for the first time that year, Gromash blasted a Sea Kings' head with an axe near the waters of Logue town, and then rode a mighty Haki Frostwolf to board Logue Town. The way he played was simply too much. It's so coquettish, and amazed the rookies of Pirates who gathered on the coast at that time, including Mihawk.

"Jiehahahahahaha, yeah, the time flies back so fast, you guys challenged me at the time, but I remember very clearly, you were defeated by me in three or two!" Gromash laughed too! He opened his mouth and said, with a touch of nostalgia in his tone.

Listening to Gromash talking about the embarrassment of his Mihawk, Mihawk was also a little unhappy and said: "I just didn't know your routine at the time, and I forced you to take an axe to the effect, otherwise you thought you would win so easily. ???"

After arguing again about this matter, the two laughed unanimously. If you want to talk about Mihawk and Gromash, it is really not knowing each other. If you meet, you will start drinking first, then go drinking, and finally become friends. In the past two decades, the relationship has never faded...

"I'm afraid that even Roger would not have thought that the man who asked him where the great secret treasure was on Logue town back then still overpowered the crowd and walked to the position closest to the throne," Mihawk said softly.

Gromash was also silent for a while, and then smiled and said, "When I asked those words more than 20 years ago, this ending was already doomed, hahahahaha."

"It's really confident enough, and it's really your style. I won't tell you more nonsense. Please ask Hancock to write the "resignation letter" and send it to Buggy's company. I will prepare a And hand it in," Mihawk said with a smile.

"At the end, you guy has become more and more wicked," Gromash shook his head helplessly.

After speaking, the two greeted each other and hung up the phone worm.

Robin, who was standing next to Gromash, said at this time: "The Seven Warlords of the Sea organization is completely gone this time."

"In the words of your historians, this is the so-called'historical inevitability."' Gromash smiled and said.

"You know a lot." Robin smiled, put his hands on Gromash's shoulders, kneaded it lightly, and then said, "The kid from Kozuki's family should have arrived on Zau Island by this time."

"Oh? Really? The speed has stopped fast, but I seem to have foreseen what they will get when they revenge on Kaido like this." Gromash said with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Who told the Captain, you never let go of agreeing to help them??? There is no extra hope, and I can only go desperately," Robin said softly.

"That's good, I guess the Straw Hat Pirates will also participate in this incident, just for these troublemakers to attract Kaido's attention, so we can prepare for the next raid. "* Gromash smiled and said.

At the same time, Tezolo in the Golden City was looking at a piece of information in his hand at this time, and then he scratched his head and said, "There is such a powerful thing??? Isn't it fake news? The latest liar. It seems to be quite a lot."

Baccarat stood beside Tezolo, smiled and said: "Don't worry, boss, I have confirmed the news many times, and I also specifically inquired about relevant information from Mr. Tocloro. It is reported that in more than two hundred years Earlier, the World government had done a great deal about this, and this time, it is likely to be the first opportunity in two hundred years."

After hearing what Baccarat said, Tezolo touched his chin and asked, "What is the name of the guy who revealed this to us?"

"Call" Barcara suddenly felt a little puzzled here, and then smiled awkwardly and said: "Sorry, boss, I accidentally forgot that guy's name, but everyone calls him a treasure madman, he seems to be very famous. Treasure Hunter"

"Hmm, treasure hunter?" Tezolo whispered softly, then looked at the intelligence file in his hand.

According to some information given by this treasure hunter, there is a magical treasure named'pure gold' that has reappeared on the sea after nearly two hundred years. Tezolo is very ignorant of this thing. Yes, but the treasure hunter said that this thing is likely to make people'immortal', and Baccarat confirmed a corroboration from Crowe

That is, more than two hundred years ago, the World government indeed spent a lot of effort to find this so-called "pure gold", but in the end nothing was found.

". In other words, the accurate news of this so-called "pure gold" is actually the Master in the hands of a little girl named "Oro Plus", right?" Tezolo asked softly.

And Baccarat nodded quickly and said: "That's right, but that's not a little girl. If nothing happens, she is likely to be a human who has lived for more than two hundred years..."

"That can be called an old monster." Tezolo smiled and teased, then he straightened his expression and said: "Since this is a treasure madman" he feels that he has the ability to find this little girl. If you do, then give him some support. Although this so-called'pure gold' does not know whether it is true or not, but it is very meaningful, Bacara, you are negative

I’m responsible for following up on this matter. Be sure to find this little cough, old monster named'Oro plus' within the shortest time possible, and then determine whether this'pure gold' story is true or false, if it is true."

At this point, Tezolo's expression also changed, and then a gleam of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he continued: ``If it is true, then the wedding gift I prepared for His Royal Highness Gromash is probably unique! !! No one can beat me!!!""

Tezolo really has an obsession with Gromash that is comparable to that of Lu Qi, "Pure gold," he didn't think about other things after he got it. What kind of "immortality", on the contrary, he thought of it directly. This thing can be at the wedding of Gromash, let yourself be the first among the cadres of the Frostwolf Pirates.

Baccarat seems to have long been accustomed to the extraordinary dedication of his immediate boss to His Royal Highness Gromash. He just smiled and said, "That's right, but boss, do you need to report this kind of thing to your Highness? ?"

Tezolo thought for a while and said, "No, I don't know if this matter is true or false. It's just a matter of whether it is false. It will waste your time in vain. If it is true, this is the surprise I prepared for your Highness. How can it leak out ahead of time??"

‘Pure gold actually exists. The alchemist invented this gadget more than two hundred years ago with the intention of saving his terminally ill daughter at the time.

In terms of immortality, pure gold can't achieve such an extreme point, but it is not much worse.The special energy emitted by this thing after contact with the human body can greatly delay the growth and development of the wearer's body. The speed of aging, Oro and this little Loli put on pure gold more than 200 years ago, and after more than 200 years, he still looks like he hasn't grown up.

This shows how terrifying this thing is.

If you really wear it all the time, you can live for a thousand years without saying it??? No wonder the World government at that time wanted to look for pure gold crazy, but it is a pity that pure gold finally ends up It was still eaten by a huge lantern fish from the deep sea. In a flash, more than two hundred years have passed. This time, this thing has also been renewed.

Appeared in this world, I was given to the town by the golden emperor Tezolo, and I was ready to find this thing and gave it to Gromash as a wedding gift

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