I Am Hellscream

Chapter 751 East Blue's first thief!?

Gromash is in a fierce battle with Kaido. Cromwell and Luchi are the same. After all, Ghost Island is the base camp of Kaido, and there are still many masters in it, such as Peggy Wan and the others and those'real fights, 'Taizhu' and so on are also added to this melee, although the strength is not enough to see, but the victory is enough.

, Is also able to hit the side ball, help Quinn and Jack and Jhin they contain their opponents a little bit.

Nami also came to the station where Kaido and the others lived at this time. At this time, there was chaos outside. There were no people in this station. Those who should go to support all went to support.

When this happened, Nami didn't feel that there was anything wrong. It would be a problem with his brain if he stayed here. What do people still keep here? Do you wait to die? It's true that you should go out and help out quickly.

The ground is shaking outside. The quality of the Kaido base camp is still very good. Apart from occasionally shaking with the vibration of the ground and dropping some gravel and dust, it is still very strong, so that Nami can still feel inside. To a touch of'security.

Kaido's station is not very large, or the structure is not very complicated. Nami has been around the station two or three times now.

A lot of gold and silver treasures have been discovered. At this time, Nami's pocket still has a lot of valuable gems in her chest of different dimensions.

But so far, she still hasn't found anything in the historical text of the red road sign that Gromash said, which makes Nami very puzzled.

"Uncle Hashirama, isn't he the wrong information? Does Kaido really have any signpost history text? Or is this thing really hidden on the ghost island?" Nami scratched his head with some doubts, and whispered softly. Said to himself.

While Nami was still thinking about these doubtful questions, I don't know which "fairy" outside became angry again, and the whole ghost island trembled again, and this station was also the same, so that Nami almost didn't have it. Stand firm.

And it was this opportunity that made Nami discover something wrong. In the wine cabinet that was leaning against the wall just now, there was a bottle of wine that hadn't been shaken at all, but the other bottles had been skewed.

"Sure enough, it's an institution? There should be something like a dark room hidden here. Maybe it's not just a signpost history text or something. If there is any other gain, then it would be great to treat it as you. Uncle Hashirama, give me the errands for this little thief cat." Nami secretly stunned, and then waited for the tremor to pass, ten

Fen quickly came to the side of the wine cabinet, opened the wine cabinet, reached out and grabbed the wine bottle that was "stable as a mountain" just now. The wine bottle was twisted lightly, and then, the wine cabinet actually made the sound of the mechanism turning, and it quickly moved to the left, and then a huge

The door of his dark room appeared behind the wine cabinet.After looking at the door of the dark room, he pushed it again, and found that it couldn't be opened at all, Nami carefully observed the keyhole on the door, and then the corner of his mouth curled slightly, revealing a confident smile. Said: "It's time to show the real technology.. The title of the first thief of East Blue is not a nameless one."

Don't know where she got this name? If Gromash were here, she would definitely mock her for boasting.

But although she is the self-styled "East Blue First Thief", Nami's skills are indeed very good. Soon, she took out some messy tools from her chest, such as small wires, screwdrivers and the like. I have all the things I have, and then I used these tools to stick on the door lock of the dark room and after a lot of messing around, I heard a soft sound of'crack'

, Then the door of this dark room also slowly opened automatically.

A gloomy staircase leading to the underground appeared in front of Nami, and Nami took out a box of matches from his chest.After lighting it, he lit the oil lamp beside the staircase. What is the connected organ? Although Nami only ignited an oil lamp, all the related oil lamps on the entire ladder were lit at the same time

He got up, almost startled Nami.

"If it's no accident, the next time is the harvest time.~" Nami had a playful and smug smile on the corner of Nami's mouth, and then reached out his hand and took out his weather stick from his chest. The three connected long sticks, holding the long stick, cautiously walked into this gloomy staircase, and as the staircase continued to deepen here

Outside the secret room underground.

After opening the door of the dark room through some skillful unlocking techniques again, Nami turned on the light in the room, and the whole person was stunned here.

Without the Jinshan and Yinshan she imagined, a huge crimson stone stele is standing there. It is the main target she came to look for this time. Gromash entrusted her with the "road sign history text", and here is the road sign history text. Most of the things placed around are books and drawings. They are not like treasures that a pirate should have.

It's like Kaido's study.

However, as soon as I think of the scene where Kaido is wearing gold glasses and reading a book, Nami's face is shuddering. That scene is too unconventional, and it is impossible to appear in this world. .

"Things that can be placed with the historical text of the road signs are certainly important, right? Intelligence?" Nami whispered softly, and then reached out from a table and picked up a notebook that looked a bit like a notebook. Afterwards, I flipped through the books.

"Ancient Weapon?" Nami mumbled a little curiously, and then read it softly: "Uranus- Uranus, the Master has been in the hands of the world government for eight hundred years, and the holy place Mariejois is hidden by the world. The secret of the dictator is hanging on the Void Throne, and I... is a lamp that is about to be extinguished"

After reading this sentence, Nami scratched his head with some doubts, and couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence. The Uranus or something, she also knew that it was the legend of Ancient Weapon, as for the ``Void Throne'' and dictatorship. She couldn't understand words like "zhe" at all, and at the end of what was the "light about to go out" Nami was completely at a loss.

I flipped it back, and it was mostly inexplicable words. In the end, Nami seemed to find the signature of the owner of this notebook.

"Rocks" Nami whispered softly, and then touched his straight small chin with some confusion, and muttered to himself softly: "I always feel like I have heard this name from somewhere, so familiar.

Before Nami could continue to read the rest of the books, there were some irregular footsteps outside the door of the secret room, which shocked Nami, and his heart began to beat violently.

I saw Nami holding the weather stick and swallowing a little bit. A little nervously, he walked to the side of the historical text of the signpost, and then carefully observed the door of the secret room, wanting to see what kind of monster would come in.

It didn't take long for an arm stained with a large amount of Bloodline to reach out from the door of the secret room, and to support the door of the room, it can be seen that the owner of this arm should be injured very badly, because his fingers have been dealt with. A few of them were broken, and they were being placed on his hand in an irregular and weird state, and a long thin wound spread from his arm.

Without waiting for Nami to guess what, the owner of this arm walked in with the door and revealed his true face. It was Peggy Wan, one of the five volleys who had chased down Nami before.

At this time Peggy Wan's other arm had been broken at the elbow level, and a large amount of bloodline was dripping down his broken elbow, his chest also had some collapse, and his tail was also broken. Jie'er, the whole person looks very weak.

"Where is this? I never knew that I was exposed by the previous shock? Just let me hide it, and recover a little bit. That damn bastard was able to seal our ability. I don’t know Quinn. How is your lord" Peggy Wan did not find Nami hidden behind the text of the history, softly

'S opening murmured.

Then he walked slowly towards the soft chair in front of the desk, as if he wanted to sit down and rest for a while.

At the same time, Nami also breathed a sigh of relief, but she did not dare to probe to see how Peggy Wan was doing. Soon the secret room became quiet, and Nami was also careful not to make any noise. Come.

However, just as Nami was thinking about countermeasures for this situation, she suddenly felt a cold in her chest, as if some place was leaking water on her chest. I quickly looked up and saw Peggy Wan's figure squatting above the historical text of the road sign, staring at it with a cold gaze.

To her.

"Hehehehe, there really is a little mouse hidden, those unlocking tools at the door, you should keep them away, otherwise, maybe I won't be discovered by me," Peggy Wan looked at Nami and said softly.

And Nami also quickly backed up two steps, leaned against the wall, holding a weather stick and said, ". In your current state, can you really eat me? Beasts Pirates is about to die, I advise you to go out and surrender. Or it’s better to sneak away.”Peggy Wan was silent for a while, and then said: "You are right, Beasts Pirates is indeed likely to be finished this time, but the port that left this ghost island is also destroyed. There is not even a ship. I am a Zoan capable person again, and I am also seriously injured at this time.

I can surrender, because no one will accept my surrender, and at the same time, I was also watched. That damn Cromwell saw the Devil Fruit ability in my body. So although what you said is correct, it is not me. A path that can be chosen"

Nami swallowed nervously, and said, "Then what do you want to do? Die with me?"

Peggy Wan had a wicked smile on his mouth and said, "You are important to that damn Gromash, right???"

"It doesn't matter, I am a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. I have nothing to do with him. At best, it is a toy he used to dissipate." Nami's mind was exquisite, and the thief turned his head quickly. After hearing Peggy Wan's words , Did not hesitate to devalue the relationship between her and Gromash. There is no way, if Peggy Wan knows about her and Gromash

If the relationship is very good, you will inevitably become a hostage

"Hehehe, what are you talking about, it doesn’t matter, whether it’s true or false, I’m left with this path.. So you just give up resistance and wait for me to escape." If I go, I will let you go, because I don't dare to offend that Gromash anymore," Peggy Wan said with a fierce flash in his eyes.

And Na (Zhao Zhao) Mei also turned around and ran without hesitation, and ran out of this secret room in a few steps, and came to the dark and narrow stepped tunnel compared to the secret room.

Although Peggy Wan was seriously injured, he is also a Zoan capable person.After Cromwell's ability to restrain him, he is slowly recovering from his injury. After seeing Nami running out of the secret room, he chased him out very quickly.

However, as soon as he entered the relatively narrow tunnel, he heard the sound of gunshots.Along with the firelight imprinted in his sight, Nami was holding a delicate musket and fired several times at him. Lower Han.

Peggy wanted to avoid it instinctively, but after moving a bit, he found that the width and height of the secret tunnel was indeed enough for him to dodge, but no matter how he avoided it, he would be hit by the bullet of Nami. , It's not like being in a secret room at all, and you can hide from obstacles such as historical texts.

However, Peggy Wan is also heartbroken. Although he is seriously injured, he is also a Zoan capable person. It is nothing to get a shot.

Blood spattered, and the smile on Peggy Van's mouth froze, and a sense of powerlessness erupted from him. At this time, he also heard Nami's voice.

"Gromash told me that you Zoan capable people always like to rely on your own strength and daring to accept everything. It's true, but this time you are careless. This exquisite pistol is Kurozumi. The big snake gave to Gromash, and Gromash gave me a gift, equipped with the "seastone bullet" made by Wanokuni.

.." Nami shook the delicate small pistol in his hand, looked at Peggy Wan proudly and said.

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