I Am Hellscream

Chapter 772 Seeds of contradiction!

In the past, when Sakazuki was not Marine Marshal and was only Marine Admiral, he did not have much dissatisfaction with the World government. He just felt that Celestial Dragons was rubbish. Some of the above decisions were very unreasonable, but in general, Still acceptable.

But when Sakazuki became Marine's marshal, his dissatisfaction with the World government became more and more, and some of these contradictions became more and more conflicting.

One of the main reasons is that because of the changes of the times, we are now at the most turbulent moment of the times. In the past, when the sea was still in balance, World government was able to appear calmer, and many problems would not be exposed, nor did Marine. There were too many constraints, so Sakazuki couldn't feel the kind of weakness and decay at the time.

But nowadays, the more turbulent the times, the more this huge World government needs a fast-paced adaptation, but their internals have been rotten and unpredictable. The problems that could not be exposed when they walked slowly before, the current rhythm As soon as it speeded up, everything came out. This weapon was stuck in the throat is the simplest and most powerful proof that they didn't do anything.

Fa "get up quickly", and Sakazuki is a pragmatic Marine marshal. Whenever Laozi has a big move and can seize the opportunity, your World government will not be able to keep up, and there is no way to drag our Naval Headquarters for nothing. Responding calmly, you who should have become the strong backers behind us now drag us Marine all day long, if Sakazuki is your heart

It's weird that there is no anger in it~ yet.

This is not the first time Sakazuki has been constrained by the World government. It can be said that Sakazuki has always given the correct direction in the position of Marine Marshal, but the correct direction is always due to the reasons of the World government. There is no way to implement it, which puts Marine at a disadvantage in the confrontation between Marine and the Frostwolf Pirates in New World.

Sakazuki was extremely annoyed, because he did not lose to the Frostwolf Pirates on a wrong move, but on the issue of "teammates"-lost to the Frostwolf Pirates.

This makes Sakazuki sometimes feel that the Frostwolf Pirates are the real sons of the World government, and their Naval Headquarters are stepmothers, right?

Otherwise, why do you collectively drop the chain at the critical moment?

This time too, I should have united and acted quickly, and I was caught off guard by the Frostwolf Pirates and the Revolutionary Army. It turned out to be good. You told me that I have no arms reserves. Isn't this a joke? There should be a degree of decay, right?

After calming down the anger in his heart, Sakazuki took a sip from his teacup and said to himself: "Revolutionary Army, huh, maybe it really needs a revolution..."

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru, who was also drinking tea, heard Sakazuki's words, his face changed abruptly, and he said, "Sakazuki, be cautious!"

At this time, Sakazuki was angry, and it was not a day or two for him to be aggrieved, so after hearing the words of Chief Tsuru this time, he did not hold himself in control, but said, "Great staff, don't you think so. Isn't it? You dove Marine has always been dissatisfied with it, right?"

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru was questioned by Sakazuki, and the whole person was silent, because Sakazuki was right. The dove Marine did have a lot of dissatisfaction with the World government. The reason is simple, that is no matter which one. People from factions become marshals, as long as they are pragmatic, they will definitely be dissatisfied with the world government

Yes, the old Marshal Sengoku is pragmatic enough? Of course it is enough, so in some things, he is also quite dissatisfied with the World government, such as the previous'Seven Warlords of the Sea' plan. At that time, he was Marine Marshal opposed to it for so long. The World government still couldn't listen to it, and it made this thing, so that it completely let Gromash go to the sky, which indirectly caused the phenomenon.

The bad situation today.

Let’s look at Garp, a dovish tycoon. His disdain and disgust for Celestial Dragons has not been concealed at all. He even said that Celestial Dragons is rubbish in front of many people, and this kind of remark is not the same time. Twice.

In the past, Sakazuki and their hawks still felt that these dovish Marines were hypocritical, but now Sakazuki completely understands their feelings, mother, there are such pig teammates, and everyone feels dissatisfied.

It's not just that Sakazuki, a hawkish bigwig, has some dissatisfaction and contradictions with the World government. The upside and downside are that their hawks Marine are determined and ruthless actionists. Vice Admiral, including the powerful hawks such as ghost spiders and Dauberman, are also a little dissatisfied with the World government.

"Sakazuki, after all, it will get better. Just like this CP-0 internal cleanup operation, when the problem is really found on the above and the problem is stung, it will change the problem. This is eight. One of the reasons why we are still standing for a hundred years, so we need to give them some time to find and solve problems. We are the military.

People, you can complain, but don't think about these political things too much!" Tsuru Chief Staff Officer said in a deep voice.

Sakazuki sighed softly after hearing what Tsuru Chief Staff Officer said. Chief Tsuru Chief Staff Officer said it was right, they just need to do their own thing. They take care of this kind of political affairs. Nope, what do you think?

Marine seems to be extremely powerful, but the World government is not a fool. Why does Marine have to give in to the World government even if they have big opinions about the World government? It's in hand!

Naval Headquarters has great autonomy in the military, but in terms of economy and logistics, it can be said that it is completely grasped by the world government. Otherwise, Sakazuki, a marshal, knows very little about such a big matter. It's also incredible.

And it is precisely because Marine is firmly stuck in the throat by the World government in these aspects, so they have to listen to the orders of the World government to do things obediently, as Five Elders said to Sakazuki before, Marine, in the final analysis, it is. The power to serve their World government, justice? Really not necessarily.

An army cannot do without military expenses and logistics. Marine is not obedient, and the world government can kill their lives at any time, the wages are not paid, the food is not enough, and they are just ass? Once this happens, Marine at the bottom will not think too much about what is going on. It must express dissatisfaction with Marine's leadership.

With a big wave, the government can replace all the disobedient Marine leadership, and at the same time, it can show its majesty and make the Marines at the bottom even more in awe of them.

This is why Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer told Sakazuki not to think too much about these political things, because she knew that if Sakazuki really had any bad thoughts, he could not play the World government, then Marine will inevitably have a mess. , But the interests of the entire Marine are affected. In this case, she naturally has to warn Sakazuki well.

"General Staff, I'm a little tired, so I'll go to rest first." After Sakazuki was silent for a long time, he spoke softly to Chief Staff Tsuru.

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru looked at Sakazuki and nodded and said, "There won't be much movement in the recent period. Take a good rest, Sakazuki."

Sakazuki nodded, and then stood up, regardless of whether Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer had to stay in the marshal's office or not, anyway, he patted his butt and got off work early.

The seeds of this contradiction have been planted. Sakazuki is also a hawkish Marine. He has never liked compromises. Maybe in the future, what changes will happen is not necessarily?

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru sighed slightly as he watched Sakazuki's departure, but she didn't think much after all. Hot, the thinking that everything can be done is still somewhat lacking in understanding.

0-Seeking flowers...

In fact, this kind of thing is very likely to happen in any world.Most coups start because the army is in power by radical hawks. The people who send will not change their thinking mode casually, they will choose to try another person.

Maybe even Dorag and Gromash didn't expect that they were still thinking about these messy things. There were already some cracks in the world government.

In the Capital of Seven Waters, Gromash hung up the phone worm that was communicating with Dorag, and then a smile hung on the corner of his mouth. Rag will be ready over there, and then their Frostwolf Pirates can take action on Naval Headquarters.

"These two months shouldn't be wasted in vain. We must start to weaken the power of Marine and World government from all aspects." Gromash murmured softly, touching his chin.

Just like getting stuck, Gromash's side just started thinking about this problem, the door was gently opened, and then I saw Robin, the queen of the dark world, walking away wearing a pair of glasses at this time. After entering, the original dark temperament has also disappeared a lot, but it has become more scholarly.

As soon as he saw Gromash, Robin smiled and said: "Captain, the historical text of the road sign has been deciphered. It is indeed a record of a new message, which is linked to the other two pieces, but the most critical one is missing. Information, once we get the fourth piece of the historical text of the road sign, then Raftel will surface."

Gromash smiled after hearing the news, and said, "Jiehahahaha, Raftel? It's really exciting."

And Robin was very curious and said, "Then Captain, where are you going to look for the fourth piece of road sign history? Do you have any clues?,

Gromash was silent for a while, and then he smiled and said, "Don't worry, there are clues, but we have to do this after we have solved Marine. Give me a little time and give him a little more. Time."

Robin looked at Gromash's expression, and then didn't ask anything more. Instead, he smiled and said, "How was the conversation with Mr. Dorag? Seeing how happy you were just now, it seems that there is progress?

"Isn't that of course?? This is a matter of mutual benefit. Dorag is not a fool, why would he refuse us? Two months later, we will start a war against Naval Headquarters and kill them bastards. , Drove them out of New World, and these two months can't be wasted. From now on, we will start to weaken Marine and the world.

The rest of the government’s soft power, Robin, don’t sell the arms in your hands to the World government from now on. Make a reserve for the war, and at the same time provide more support to the revolutionary army.” Gromash smiled and said.

Robin reached out and pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and said softly, "No problem, Captain."

Then Gromash didn't bother to think about these issues. He stood up and hugged Robin's waist and said, "It's getting late at this time. I think it's time for us to have some in-depth exchanges and explore the meaning of life together. , The story of the origin..."

Robin also smiled after hearing Gromash's shameless remarks, and then he turned and separated from Gromash's arms, then stretched out his hand to pinch Gromash's waist, and said, "Captain, go wash first. Let's take a shower, but there will be surprises in a while~"

Gromash froze for a while, then smiled with satisfaction and said, "Then I'm looking forward to it." Shan.

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