I Am Hellscream

Chapter 795 Dominate!

(Recently, I have been very busy during this period of time. I saw a big guy in the comment area asking me if I was a doctor. It is undeniable that I did study medicine. Because there are two relatives in the hospital, one is my father and the other is my aunt. Fortunately, it is not a major problem, but I don’t know if it is.

The doctors are like me, they are still scumbags, and they always have problems. Please bear with me. In the end, this book is almost over. It is pretty hard to think about more than three million words. , All because of your care, thank you for your continued support, I will continue to work hard!)

The two of Sakazuki and Sengoku instantly became the size of a giant. The two marshals of Marine had shoulders together, facing the tomahawk that Gromash hit with all their strength, and there was no fear at all, and the powerful shock wave and Sakazuki's Great Eruption It hit Gromash's battle axe fiercely.

In an instant, these three forces crossed and collided, and a violent air current was set off in front of the Naval Headquarters port, causing the sea to agitate.

After Sakazuki's Great Eruption came into contact with the Hell Destroyer that broke through the air, the huge magma fist exploded directly, and the golden shock wave of the Sengoku inspector was also instantly suppressed by brute force and could not spread out.

The two Marine Marshals felt tremendous pressure at the same time, and the two of them kept shaking their arms, and their faces became ugly, but after all, they were still a little bit worse.I saw Sakazuki's magma giant arm. Suddenly "Three One Zero" was completely blown up by the stalemate force, and then the entire magma giant collapsed.

The Marine's Grand Marshal, Sakazuki, flew upside down in the rain of magma falling from the air at the first moment after the magma giant was defeated, and he smashed into the front of the rear army fiercely.

At the same time that Sakazuki collapsed, Sengoku, the chief inspector, also blushed. He couldn't keep up with his strength. With a painful grunt, he shrank back from the Golden Light Buddha's posture, and also flew out. Falling to the side of the big hole Sakazuki smashed, made a lot of movement.

After the hell destroyer smashed Sakazuki and the Sengoku inspector with a powerful force, his power was also reduced a lot, and the feeling of incomparableness in an instant was less than seven or eight, but it was still the same. It was smashed toward the wall of the military port and the military formation behind it.

It was too late, it was fast, just after Sakazuki and Sengoku were smashed into flight, a trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the Marine hero, Garp, and Armament Haki's hands hanging on his legs became very dark. , The aura of the whole person instantly surged, and the great cloak of justice behind him was rushed by the aura of his body.

Than, the next second, just when the Hell Destroyer was about to hit the wall of the military port, Garp slammed on his feet, and the whole person appeared in front of the Hell Destroyer at an extremely fast speed. Haki's body was blocked in the orbit of the battle axe, and the hands entangled with Haki were very precise and stuck the hell firmly with the empty-handed attitude.The Destroyer's axe blade, then the force under his feet sank, and the strong walls of Jiangjungang collapsed slightly.

This is still because Garp locked most of his strength on his body.He looked at the old guy's face and instantly turned red, but he soon recovered, his arm muscles trembled, and again Roared: "Stop it for me!!!"

Accompanied by this roar, Garp also slammed into force, and the force in his arms was used from top to bottom, abruptly pressing it down before the hell destroyer entered the military port, and also heavy the weight. The last force of the battle axe was eaten hard and stopped the trajectory of the battle axe.

After stopping the battle axe, Garp did not continue to want to do anything to the Hell Destroyer. Originally, the weight of the battle axe itself was scary enough. Even if Garp wanted to take it, it might not be easy. Holding it, simply let go, let the battle axe straight down the wall of the military port and fall into the bay, stirring up large swaths of water.


After doing all of this, Garp reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the Elune where Gromash was with a firm gaze.At the same time, the two Marine bosses, Sakazuki and Sengoku, who were shot out just now, were also It got up from the ground.

Speaking of injuries, the two of them didn't have any injuries. It was just that they felt a little numb in their arms due to the strong force they had suffered. After that, they fell more embarrassed, but for top players like them, this kind of small problem, You can recover in minutes.

Gromash, standing on the Elune, watched Sakazuki and Sengoku return to the port, and stood with Garp and others again. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he whispered softly: "I haven't had a while. There was a conflict with the people in Marine. These guys have grown a lot. Did the three of them work together to give my axe to the next?"

According to Gromash's expectation, Marine would either not get in the way or pay a price for his full blow just now, but he didn't expect that Sengoku and Sakazuki would be so tacitly together, and Garp would also be able to succeed at the last moment. His axe stopped.

However, Gromash didn't call the Hell Destroyer back and throw it again. That would be too cheap. His attack smashed the two Marshals before and after Marine. It was already very powerful, even if Garp finally stabilized the situation, and the psychological impact it brought to the guys in the army behind Marine was not small.

That's it. If Gromash threw the Hell Destroyer one more time, it would be a bit embarrassing, but it would destroy the already formed psychological advantage.

At the same time, on the wall of the military port, Sakazuki's eyes looking at Gromash were full of anger. He said in a deep voice, "That bastard is stronger than before, and much stronger!"

Governor Sengoku checked and saw that although he was much better, there was still a little numbness in his arm, and then he said, "As Gion said just now, that bastard is only in his early forties, and he is in his prime. , It’s not beyond our expectation that his strength will improve. If a few years pass, he might be able to become even stronger.”

"Really an out-and-out monster. It's terrible. The strongest man..." Polusalino also said softly.

Unlike the tone he used to say such things, this time, there was no ridicule between Polusalino's words, but instead he was full of vigilance.

The Admiral candidate of Marine, Gion, also looked at Gromash, who had just made Kamui from a long distance away, with his charming eyes, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Over the years, although her feelings for Gromash have been constantly changing and entangled, making her feel messy, but her goal has never been shaken, that is, to give Gromash a severe lesson.

And in this kind of world where the strong is king, if you want to teach Gromash, you naturally have to speak with strength. Therefore, Gion has not relaxed the requirements of himself for more than 20 years. Now this strength, It can be said that she has won most of the people in the world, and made her have confidence in herself, but just now, she witnessed Ge

Romash threw an axe in the air, forcing them to cooperate with the three top Marines on their side, and then reluctantly took it. This made the confidence in Gion's heart dissipated a lot in an instant.

"That bastard" Gion murmured softly, and the white palms resting on Jin Kunluo tightened his strength again. determination.

Although the leaders of Gromash and Naval Headquarters have shown their skills, the artillery that is flying all over the sky is still unstoppable. On the way forward, naturally some battleships were hit, and black smoke appeared, and the ones that could keep up were still holding on

When the black smoke advances, some of them are directly destroyed. Those who should jump into the sea should jump into the sea, and those should sink. But none of these can shake Gromash's determination. There is no undead in the war, only the one who won this war Victory, these sacrifices will not become worthless...

On the deck of the Elune, Gromash was silent for a while, and then said: "Soldiers against soldiers and generals, everything is going according to plan, but please be smart, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, this battle Son, we must win, and I wish you all good luck, I’ll be one step ahead.”

As soon as the voice fell, Gromash's body surged again, and after moving his shoulders a little, he stepped to the bow of the ship, and the hearts of Sakazuki and others standing on the wall of the military port sank a little, as if they understood this. What happened next? 0.

I saw Gromash glanced at the Marine generals standing on the military port with a very Haki gaze, and a slightly rebellious smile hung on the corner of his mouth. The Elune, which was moving forward, stepped on its hull slightly.

And Gromash's figure has appeared in the sky, following the angle of the sun, burning the hot unicorn fire on his body, holding his strong right arm, pinching a fist wrapped around the dark Armament Haki He fell fiercely towards the military port wall where many of Marine's big bosses were.

Gromash looks like he wants to make a mighty landing of Haki, but it's naturally impossible for the Marines to watch him, the bastard pirate, show off here.

Polusalino and Sakazuki, the two top Logia masters, shot at the same time. I saw Polusalino turned into golden light, and the whole person disappeared from the place at a very fast speed, and Sakazuki's arm instantly turned into magma. , And stretched out toward the air where Gromash was.

"Dogbit Red Lotus!!!" Sakazuki yelled violently, his arm expanded again, and a huge magma dog's head broke through the air, and grinned towards Gromash with a grin.

Gromash wasn't used to Sakazuki at all, that huge fist slammed Sakazuki's "dog head" with one punch, and directly smashed Sakazuki's "dog biting red lotus" in the air.

But at this moment, Polusalino's figure appeared next to Gromash accompanied by golden light, and Polusalino's figure floated in the afterglow of Gromash. At the same time, he had already seen Polusalino's transformation. The kick of the light particles came down to him from top to bottom.

"Shining-Speed ​​Kick" Polusalino whispered softly.

However, Gromash's reaction speed is also extremely fast.At 4.1 when Porussalino's kick was about to kick him, the flames on his body suddenly exploded, turning a hundred and eighty degrees in the air, following this angle, Lifting the leg is just a kick, and kicked very accurately on the ankle that Polusalino kicked.

A wave of air.

At the same moment, the old guy Sengoku didn't care if they were fighting Gromash in a group. Anyway, his upright Marine didn't need to speak to the jerk pirates like Gromash. A silent shock wave came from his hands. He hit Gromash.

This time, Gromash, which defeated Sakazuki's "dog head" and blocked Polusalino's "Light Speed ​​Kick", didn't seem to be able to show off a magical operation again, and was directly hit by the shock wave of the old guy Sengoku. On the back, the strength on his body was also affected, and Polusalino also seized the opportunity.

It even jumped from the air into the bay under the military port wall, and the splash that Gromash hit when he was kicked into the sea almost didn't splash on Sakazuki's face.

Looking at Gromash, the bastard wanted to make a handsome appearance, but they were hammered like this, and fell into the sea embarrassingly. Sengoku and Sakazuki couldn't help but smile on their faces.

However, this smile hasn't spread out yet. Although he is old, but his wisdom has not diminished at all, the Sengoku Superintendent suddenly stiffened and seemed to think of something. Then he frowned and said: "Damn, We are fooled!",

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