I Am Hellscream

Chapter 799 You, Sakazuki, dare to talk to me?

Gromash pulled out the battle axe that had hit the ground again, looked at Gion and said, "For the sake of keeping your hand to me just now, I will teach you a truth. In the battlefield, the sword has no eyes. The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself, and it just so happens that I am the most selfish evil pirate, don't think I will take you

Be merciful"

After Gion heard Gromash's words, his expression was a little gloomy, and he said, "Shut up, Gromash, as an Admiral candidate for Naval Headquarters, I have experienced more wars than you bastard. I don't know. How many times, I don’t need you to teach this truth!"

Gromash grinned at the corner of his mouth, looked at Gion's gloomy gaze, and said softly, "Yes, but many people in this world understand the'truth', but there are very few people who can really do the'truth'. what"

As soon as Gromash's voice fell, Gion was obviously taken aback. It seemed that these words also touched her. He is a "signature character who represents justice, but he unknowingly fell in love with a bastard pirate, this is

There was something wrong, but she only understood the truth, but she didn't "do it"...

Humans are such complex creatures. If everyone could live according to the'truth', the world would have been peaceful for a long time. As the saying goes,'I understand the truth, I just can't do it'. Although "Three Zero" sounds very funny and ridiculous, it happens to be the most realistic portrayal of mankind!

At the moment Gion was stunned, Gromash wanted to go up and give her an axe, but after all, he didn't do anything. Instead, he looked at her silently. Next, he really can't use the emotional and psychological loopholes in this garden to kill her...

"Even if the blood shed on my body is not a pure human being, it will still be constrained by the "defects" of this "human". This is a common problem of intelligent creatures, but by the way, we happen to be all creatures, not' God "Ah..." Gromash whispered softly in his heart.

There is enough time for Gion for a moment. After Gromash calmed down her thoughts, he stopped giving Gion more time to think, as if to remind her that she was going to do it herself, Gromash screamed angrily. , The Hell Destroyer in his hand waved again, and he slammed on the ground.

The garden rushed again.

After being regained by Gromash's roar, Gion also noticed Gromash's actions.Although she always felt that something was wrong in her heart, she couldn't allow her to think about it at this time. Step on, and she leaned slightly, avoiding Gromash's battle axe, and at the same time, she was very quickly close to Gromash's chest.

At the mouth, Kimbiro, who was stained with Bloodline, this time, after all, he pierced Gromash's chest without mercy.

The heavy weapon like the battle axe does have unavoidable drawbacks in close combat.First of all, it is not as dexterous as a sword. Gion comes close and wants to stab him. Gromash is a cool, top-of-the-line sword. Howo, naturally possesses dexterity and agility. This happens to be something that Gromash with a battle axe can't do.

, The shortness of attacking the other!

Gion once suffered a loss under Gromash. For more than 20 years, I have always wanted to teach Gromash a lesson. Naturally, I have to figure out a set of good "routines" for dealing with Gromash, but Gionichi is not very capable. The second is not a natural monster. What she relies on is the knife in her hand, and she is the top swordsman.


Therefore, Gion has already figured out a set of sword tricks specifically designed to deal with Gromash, which is to take a clever, personal route, move straight to the key, and save it.

Speaking of it, it may be because his Gromash is too boring, and it doesn't conform to the aesthetics of the group of "big eyebrows and big eyes" justice men like Marine.

Anyway, his Gromash is very hateful. The masters of this Marine, if you have suffered a loss under Gromash, or have a'bad attitude' towards Gromash, you basically have to figure out a set specifically for him, Grandpa Gromash. The routine, which makes Gromash very uncomfortable.

This was true for Kuzan back then, Polusalino after that, Sakazuki just now, and the same for Gion now.

And Gromash has reason to believe that his "Brother Jinlan" Sengoku old marshal must be the same, and Garp, an old man, may have thought about it in private. After all, this old guy has a criminal record. The "cone dragon conical nail", also deliberately practiced it.

In other words, among the five Marine bosses present, one counted as one, and all secretly "calculated" him. Uncle Gromash, this made Gromash very "indignant."

Think of him Gromash well, sitting well, when did he study how to do other people? I always think while playing, so that I have that kind of intense excitement and pleasure!!!

In Gromash's view, these Marines who want to do his tricks are all "lost dogs" who have lost the ability to pursue pleasure in battle, and are simply out of the dignity of the strong!

There are many thoughts, but in fact it is only a moment.When I look at Gion, he is about to stick his very eye-catching chest to his uncle Gromash's body, and the blood-dropping Jinpilu in his hand is about to slash him. Now, Gromash's response is also extremely fast.

Anyway, he couldn't fight without the battle axe in Gromash's hand, and it was not the first time he fought unarmed. Gromash released the handle of the axe without hesitation, then leaned back and pulled it away A little distance, I bought myself such a short moment of time.

And in this moment, Gromash also retracted the arm that he had just waved out, Armament Haki wrapped around his arm, and bluntly moved towards Gion's turbulent chest for a while. , Did not care about whether that Jin Kunluo could stab himself in the chest.

I think that Grandpa Gromash has been with Mihawk for many years, he has never eaten pork, and has seen pigs run away. What is the so-called great swordsman? What is the so-called top swordsman? In the final analysis, it is a ruthless character with high offense and low defense. There may be strong enough, but Gion is definitely not one of them.

He had already figured out Gromash, he wouldn't die even if he was hit by such a knife. It was a great injury, and if his elbow was green on Gion's chest, he would have to kill Gion here.

Attack it and save it? Why can't I Gromash?

Gion, as a great swordsman who has given full agility attributes, at the same time that Gromash moved, he already understood what the bastard Gromash was thinking, not to mention life and death, just Gromash was aimed at The fact that her chest made a move made Gion very indignant. It has been more than 20 years, and it turns out that a bastard is a bastard.

It hasn't changed, it's still so despicable.

Gromash can figure out that he can't die with this knife. Gion is naturally aware of the slasher. At the same time, just as Gromash expected, Gion also understands that if he uses his chest to take the timing of Gromash like this, It is absolutely impossible to retreat from the whole body, and may not even be able to live!

There is no need to think about how to choose this, so at the moment Gromash shot, Gion had already stepped on his foot, and the ankle seemed to be not his own. He twisted at a weird angle. After pulling a distance.

With this action, Gion's Jin Kunluo naturally couldn't pierce Gromash's chest, and the corners of Gromash's mouth also grinned upward, revealing an evil smile, and looked at Gion.

Just when Gromash was about to ridicule, he suddenly looked back. I don't know when, Sakazuki, a guy who has not shown up, has already got out of the ground and raised his hand and fisted towards Gromash. The head hit.

At this moment, Gromash wanted to raise his hand and fight Sakazuki head-on, but at this moment of action, Gromash frowned and cursed: "Mother, it is calculated as 0."

The timing of Sakazuki's appearance was too good, just when his Gromash arm was injured and he couldn't lift it up, just after Gion forced Gromash to release the battle axe in his hand, just before his Gromash, he forced back. At the moment when Gion, the body and the other arm have not been fully retracted.

Sakazuki, the bastard, got the perfect timing and appeared behind him, ready to punch him.

In the end, it is a one-on-three. No matter how strong Gromash is, it is suppressed. After all, there are three Naval Headquarters who can be called the highest combat power to fight him. If he can still have the upper hand, it will be too powerful. .

However, Gromash had already anticipated that he was going to hit three, so he didn't even think about this situation.

This is a person who doesn't want to be sassy.At this critical moment, Gromash is also not at the top of the shelf. Seeing the situation is not good, he didn't hesitate, his feet slipped, and the whole body was short, very skilled. The lazy donkey rolled and rolled out of the ground, avoiding Sakazuki's punch perfectly.

Don't tell me, even though this lazy donkey roamer looks embarrassing and has no dignity, but throughout the ages, I don't know how many heroes and heroes have survived by this hand, and there are how many straightforward guys because they can't let go of this. The shelf, the head was taken off.

Anyway, it is very useful. Gromash used this to avoid Sakazuki's "justice sanctions". After this punch, Sakazuki's eyes were extremely angry. In order to wait for this opportunity to appear, he was like a groundhog. After hiding in the ground for so long, I finally seized this opportunity that could almost be said to be'lost again', and prepared to give it a punch.

Gromash suffered a heavy blow, but it turned out to be good. Gromash used this kind of dirt to drop the scum, and there is no way to avoid the strong demeanor and tolerance. Can he not be angry?

"Sure enough, he is a pirate. Even if he has the best strength in the world, he still doesn't want to be shy. There is no dignity of a strong man!" Sakazuki cursed at Gromash who had risen from the ground angrily.

When Gromash heard Sakazuki's words, he couldn't help but smile. This damn brain is more flexible than you, and the mouth is more bloody than the old Marshal Sengoku you can say. You stupid guy dare Gromash mouth gun with me?

Without even thinking about it, Gromash said indifferently: "Your Marine 4.1 Grand Marshal, who represents the pinnacle of justice on the sea, can dig into the ground like a groundhog. I am a pirate on the ground. What's the matter with you? If you are not convinced, you can also go away, it is best to go away! Anyway, this entire Naval Headquarters is your Sakazuki site,

Isn't it how you want to roll, just roll?"

Sakazuki was angry at Gromash's remarks that the cerebral hemorrhage was about to come up, and he slammed on his feet. It became like a volcano about to erupt...

Gromash didn’t mean anything. He didn’t believe it. What if you Sakazuki could have the explosive power of a volcano? You can still fight Kaido like me, step on Charlotte- Linlin, and use brute force all the way. Has crushed countless heroes' burial husbands?

This time, Gromash not only didn't evade, but also raised his fist, didn't hit anywhere else, and specifically bombarded Sakazuki's volcanic fist.

"Iwamine-ash kill!!!" Sakazuki yelled violently.

And Gromash didn't call out the name of mad and cool moves like Sakazuki, but a tyrannical and cruel shadow flashed in his eyes, and he roared: "Get out of Laozi!"

"Bang!' The sound exploded, where Gromash and Sakazuki's fists intersected, a powerful wave of air was instantly exploded. This wave of air also directly blew away all the smoke and dust surrounding the area, revealing the original. The shadows of the three people.

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