I Am Hellscream

Chapter 801 The man who is best at breaking the cognition of others!

Gromash and the others are playing fiercely at the Naval Headquarters, and here in the Golden City, Tezolo is also receiving a large group of guys who are very concerned about the war situation.

Rayleigh, the old man, was sitting on the sofa in the reception room of the Frostwolf Pirates Building in the Golden City at this time, with his small wine bottle dangling in his hand, touching the beard on his chin, and thinking for a while, said: "The last intelligence news said that before the war, although there was something wrong with the World government, Sakazuki seemed determined to kill Gro first.

That guy Marsh, that is to say, the situation that Gromash predicted that Marine will "reduce staff" did not appear. He still has to face the five people of Sengoku, Garp, Sakazuki, Polusalino, and Gion? Just think about it. It’s a bit hard.."

After hearing Rayleigh's words, Tezolo nodded and said: "Yes, the latest information is like this, but this situation can not be said to be a mistake in his prediction, even if he faces five Naval Headquarters masters, Your Highness They have been prepared for this a long time ago.. The war is not based on the data on paper to show victory or defeat, right?"

Shanks still didn't leave the Golden City at this time. In the recent period, New World has been messed up everywhere. Gromash is going to make such a big noise here. Together in the golden city around, the little life is also a happy life.

"Calculating the strength of Gromash on his side is not too disadvantageous. Although he hasn't played against Gromash for a long time, but that guy must have become stronger, otherwise Kaido and Charlotte- Linlin can't be both. Planted in his hands, thinking about a better place, with Gromash's current strength, Sakazuki is not a big threat to him, so

Counting Sakazuki, he picks three and a bunch of them.” Shanks said here, he paused for a while, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and then he continued, “I am willing to believe that such an achievement can be achieved.”

Hearing what Shanks said, Tezolo was very happy, and said 323: "Yes, His Royal Highness is the strongest man in the world today. Since entering New World, our Frostwolf Pirates can I’ve never lost, and I’m not going to lose this time!"

"Ahahahahaha, Tezolo, do you trust your crazy captain too much?" Rayleigh said with a laugh.

After Tezolo heard what Rayleigh said, he smiled and said, "That's because our captain is trustworthy, isn't he?,

Rayleigh froze for a while, and then shook his head helplessly.

While Rayleigh, Shanks, and Tezolo were talking about these things, Nami, who was sitting on the other side, also had a bit of ambition in his heart and asked Stussy next to him: "Stussy, Uncle Hashirama will definitely not lose, right? ?He is so strong, in Wanokuni, even the Beasts Pirates that we can't resist and the strongest creature-Beasts-Kaido are defeated

He has it. This time, the victory will definitely belong to him, right?"

Stussy looked at Nami amusedly, and then joked, "What do you do so nervously? If your Royal Highness really loses, it won't be completely useless for us, isn't it? At least our Captain Luffy is here." On the road of One Piece, the biggest and most difficult enemy to defeat is missing."

Nami was also taken aback after hearing what Stussy said. It was clear that Stussy said something reasonable, but for some reason, she just didn't want things to turn into this, even if it was about the future of their Straw Hat Pirates.

"No, Uncle Hashirama, he will definitely win this war. It's just Naval Headquarters. After so many years, what kind of opponents he has defeated, how can he lose in this last step?" Nami shakes He shook his head and spoke quickly.

And after Stussy heard Nami’s words of "self Hypnosis", there was a smirk on the corner of his mouth, thinking: "When I asked you before, you still didn't admit it. Now that this critical moment is reached, I am not showing my stuff anymore. Didn’t you fall into the hands of His Royal Highness Gromash? Don’t deceive yourself, Nami. "

The wicked Stussy thought of this, and smiled again and said: "Nami, Naval Headquarters is once recognized as a maritime overlord. Whitebeard and Edward Newgate, who also had the name of the'strongest man' back then, once worked with His Royal Highness Gromash. The same thing, that is, with your own power, you want to break the name of Marine, the "overlord", but in the end, you also

I know, the Whitebeard Pirate Group has not slowed down now, but Marine is getting stronger and stronger. This time, His Highness Gromash will face five top masters who are famous in the sea, Marine Marshal-Sakazuki, Former Marine Marshal, current Marine Grand Inspector-Sengoku, Luffy's grandfather, Marine hero Garp Vice Admiral, known as the highest combat power, Gro

His Royal Highness Marsh considers the strongest Admiral Borsalino, and the base commander of G-5 Marine Base, the Admiral candidate-Momousagi-Gion, who has the name of Marine's first swordsman. None of the five of them is easy to deal with. , And your Highness him"

Before Stussy had finished speaking, Nami was no longer confused, and his eyes were very firm. He said, "No matter how strong Marine is, it is not the reason he will lose. Gromash Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash can be compared to ordinary people. "The strongest is not the same, he is truly the strongest! In this world, no one can beat him, don’t

It is said that there are five top masters of Marine, even if there are five more, they will win in the end, it must be Gromash!!!"

Looking at Nami's determined appearance, Stussy also smiled, and then said: "Well, I am just teasing you. Although I don't know the current situation of the war very well, after all, the information is limited, but Nami, just like you As said, His Royal Highness is Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash, the man who is best at breaking other people's cognition

People, the copper wall and iron wall for eight hundred years-Impel down-Imperton, he escaped from prison, and it was Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate, who was called the "strongest man" when he was the weakest, He was killed, -kun came to New World's'Four Emperors pattern', he personally broke it, and also smashed the name of the'Four Emperors' over the years to smash, and was called two invincible

"Monster" of Charlotte- Linlin and Kaido, one was killed by his own hand, and the other was killed by him without knowing where they went. What does this mean? As if everything in this world is impossible, hell roar in him- Proudmoore- In front of Gromash, nothing is impossible anymore, everyone in the world says justice must win, and Naval Headquarters has never really lost to

Pirates Naval Headquarters can't lose to Pirates. However, can these "impossible" really work on Your Highness?"

After Nami heard these words of Stussy, he also fell silent a little (abeb), but the confidence in his eyes increased.

Then Stussy continued to say softly: "I don't know anything else, but I may understand a little bit about the working style of His Royal Highness Gromash. That is, he never does things that are uncertain. He dares to start a war against Naval Headquarters. It means that he is sure to win this war.

It's something he is sure of that he hasn't done anything before, so Nami, don't be so impatient, maybe the outcome and victory of this war have been "conclusive" from the beginning? You? Look, Morgans put his wealth and life on His Royal Highness, isn't it also very calm at this time?"

Nami also followed Stussy’s sight and looked at the birdman Morgans sitting aside, and Morgans of course also heard the conversation between the two women just now, and then said: "The reason why I am sitting here so calm is not Because of the things you said, but because I am different from you, I have already placed a bet. This win or lose is for me,

It's life and death, so I will only trust His Highness Gromash unconditionally, otherwise, isn't it just begging for death by myself?"

"You really can't speak. At this time, you should comfort our little thief cat girl's heart." Stussy whitened and Morgans said with a glance.

And Morgans still said stupidly: "I don't have as much idle time as you, really, Stussy, if I successfully survive this life and death this time, you might as well stop being a pirate and come to us. Isn’t it good to be a reporter or editor for News of the World? No need to take that risk anymore.”

After hearing what Morgans said, Stussy smiled and said: "No need, I have found my destination, but Morgans, I advise you not to be so stinky. Our Nana beautiful little thief cat is very good. Beloved by His Royal Highness Gromash, when you are in Wanokuni, you have to take it with you wherever you go, even when you are fighting with Kaido.

this "

Morgans didn't know this before, and thought that Nami was the little girl of Gromash. At this time, when I heard that Nami turned out to be the person that Gromash loved, and then I thought of Gromash's sloppy character, I immediately understood what Stussy said. Meaning, the expression that was so stinky just now was put away at once, and there was a touch of birdman on his face

With a smile, he said to Nami very flatteringly: "Ahahahaha, I just pretended to be just now. This Miss Nami said that, His Royal Highness is the most powerful in the world. Isn't it enough to fight a small Naval Headquarters? Don't worry? Well, I believe victory will come in two days."

Nami looked at the guy Morgans's expression and attitude changing so quickly, and he was a bit speechless. It really was like what Uncle Hashirama said.

After flattering Nami a bit, Morgans also looked at Stussy again and said: "I firmly believe that your Royal Highness can defeat Marine, but for the Mariejois Rebellion that broke out at the same time, the struggle between the Revolutionary Army and the World government, I can’t say who wins and who loses, Stussy, what do you say is that you have worked for the World government for so many years,

What do you think will happen to the situation?"

After hearing what Morgans said, Stussy was silent for a while, and said, "I'm just a CP-0 spy. Don't think too much of me. Morgans, the World government is in deep water, and so is the Revolutionary Army. Don't underestimate it. In my opinion, this is just the starting point of the war between the World government and the revolutionary army.

The end of the table Maybe the duration of the war between them will be much longer than we imagined. Even three to five years is not impossible.

Having said that, Stussy paused, looked at Morgans's thoughtful expression, then smiled and continued: "But what does this have to do with us? I'm a pirate, and you sell newspapers. Yes, even if the World government has been fighting the Revolutionary Army for 30 to 50 years, it doesn't seem to have much to do with us, right?"

"It has nothing to do with you. I am standing on the ship of His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness has an alliance with the Revolutionary Army. Of course it has something to do with me," Morgans said with some distress.

The corner of Stussy's mouth curled slightly, revealing a charming smile, and said softly: "Morgans, is your Majesty Gromash the kind of person who will sign a long-term agreement with the Revolutionary Army? What's more, do you think your Highness Character, will he participate in these things?"

As soon as Stussy said this, Morgans also thought about it, thinking about it, it seems that it is the same thing.

At the same time, Nami also smiled and said: "Uncle Hashirama did tell me that he is not very interested in the war with the World government. At most, he will give some support to the revolutionary army behind his back, such as materials and munitions."

Just as these people were talking and laughing, discussing what, Bacara, the goddess of luck in the golden city, walked in and whispered to Tezolo, "I have brought people."

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