I Am Hellscream

Chapter 803 A fierce battlefield!

After making Kings's words, the expressions of the others were all stunned. Then Tezolo took the lead with a bright smile and said, "As Marine Marshal, if he died, Marine's momentum and military spirit It will definitely decline to the lowest point, and the situation of the war will become clear. In this battle, victory is just as I thought.

In that way, it belongs to our Frostwolf Pirate Group!"

Not to mention the Golden City side, Tezolo and the others are really broken for Gromash this guy. In the new Naval Headquarters, the war is still going on fiercely.

As more and more Frostwolf Pirates battleships broke through the naval port’s line of fire and arrived near the gap, the gap of more than 20 meters wide that was originally destroyed by Gromash was also continuously chipped by powerful artillery fire. However, the disadvantage of Marine's front is getting bigger and bigger.

This time, Gromash brought 10% of the elite troops to invade Sakazuki's Naval Headquarters. Basically all the fighters were cloned perfect soldiers. At the same time, on this basis, they were transformed into powerful ones by Hokkubak.' Transform people', two by one, after entering the Marine position, they are as fierce as tigers and leopards, and they have the rate of scales.

Assault first, followed by those with fangs and sharp teeth to follow up and kill.

After these elite troops broke through the Marine's line, the murloc warriors would rush inward again, and a large number of combat troops equipped with the technological power of the Djerma Kingdom also glowed in this battlefield.

From the perspective of the elite level, the elite Marine generals recruited from all over the Naval Headquarters this time are not the opponents of Gromash and their fighters at all.

The murdered crying father and mother, the port can be said to have fallen quickly. Only the Marine soldiers led by Vice Admiral such as Smoker, Flying Squirrel, and Fire Mountain can withstand this wave.

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral cut off the head of a transformed warrior covered with heavy scales with a single knife. Then he frowned and looked at this increasingly unfavorable situation and said, "I have been hearing about the Frostwolf Sea. The thieves have monster troops, 01 but this damn number and strength are too much, right?"

As soon as his voice fell, a white smoke also appeared next to him with two slain transformed warriors.The figure of Smoker bit the cigar and condensed out of the white smoke, his face was also very gloomy. Said: "The port is about to fall. We have to take all our men out, and then start the reserve plan with blood.

It’s simply unsatisfactory to fill this battlefield with fleshy bodies. We must have a stronger team to cooperate with us.”

After hearing the words of Smoker Vice Admiral, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral's expression hesitated a little, and he said, "But isn't that thing suspected of being a hidden danger? If we make a mistake at this time, we will steal the chicken. There is no eclipse, Smoker, know that the Frostwolf Pirates are in the same group as the Revolutionary Army."

At this moment, a slash passed by the two of them, bringing up a bloody flower, and then the flying squirrel Vice Admiral also appeared beside the two with a gloomy expression, and said: "That's just a possibility. That's it, the current situation does not allow us to worry so much, otherwise, the fall of the port is just the beginning and I don't want to lose all the positions.

If we do, we have to take a gamble!"

Both Smoker and Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral want to implement this so-called'backup plan. Even if Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral vaguely feels something wrong, but there is no other good way. I want to find someone above to confirm this proposal. That is even more impossible.

The pressure here is relatively light. Looking at the fierce battle zone, Polusalino, Marine Admiral, is dealing with the Pirate Empress-Boya: Hancock and the Predator-Drake.

Gromash, the fierce and violent bastard, is also entangled with Garp Vice Admiral and Gion Vice Admiral alone, and even faintly gains the upper hand, and Marine's marshal Sakazuki is still missing at this time. Climbing out of the bottomless abyss that Nuo played, Sengoku, the chief inspector, is also facing Doflamingo.

In the siege with Weber, although the situation has the upper hand, Doflamingo and Weber have actually performed supernormally. With their youth and strength, it is a bit capable to bully Sengoku, an old guy who is about to be eighty years old. , Can maintain the situation.

In other words, on the current battlefield, the command power has fallen into the hands of the three of them, because the above five have no time to take care of the others, and now the three of them are the'biggest'.

Unable to get orders from the people above, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, as the old and powerful Vice Admiral who has been on the battlefield for decades, also knows that the most taboo thing on the battlefield is hesitation, although he is a little uneasy about the backup plan. , But the situation is like this, you can only fight desperately!!!

Thinking of this, Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan snapped off the cigar in his mouth, spit out the cigarette handle and said: "Okay! Just follow this plan. You two will take people back, I will come to the queen!"

As soon as the voice fell, Smoker said: "No, you two will lead people back, my ability is more suitable for the queen!"

After speaking, Smoker didn't care whether Vice Admiral and Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral agreed. With his ten-handed weapon made by Seastone in his hand, he turned into white smoke and rushed into the chaotic battlefield.

Seeing that Smoker had already acted, the rat Vice Admiral and Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral looked at each other, and then they didn't hesitate anymore.The two at the same time issued the order to withdraw to the second line of defense, and they also began to fight and retreat. NS.

The Marine soldiers who had few remaining in the port also quickly began to evacuate from the meat grinder on the battlefield, centering on the two of them.

From the very beginning, I have been playing with "Edge 0B", with soy sauce-sweetened sugar, from time to time, I found some severely wounded eyes and I couldn't live anymore, but due to the strong vitality, the Frostwolf Sea was still supporting it in pain. The soldiers of the thief group went up and gave a knife to end their pain. At the same time, they also used this as a cover for themselves.

As a more powerful Lieutenant Colonel Marine, of course Grana also saw the actions of Smoker and the others, and as expected, Marine began to withdraw gradually, which did not surprise her.

"Sure enough, we still can't stop our Frostwolf Pirates' offensive? We are going to start the'backup plan', right? This is a bit troublesome... I have to inform my sister." Sugar frowned and said softly Talk to himself.

At the same time, she also evacuated towards the Huoshao Mountain Vice Admiral and Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral, while looking for her sister Monet or Robin in this chaotic battlefield.

However, from the time the Frostwolf Pirates began to gain absolute advantage from the military port, the two guys who had been commanding the war before disappeared.

"Really, where did you go? Don't you really think that Marine is so bullying, right?" Sugar couldn't find her sister, and she was very helpless, but at this moment, she stayed here again, it was a bit too conspicuous Because of this, I can only reluctantly follow Marine's retreat and quickly leave the war zone of this port.

As Marine withdrew from the first line of defense, the combat troops of the Frostwolf Pirates began to rush out of the naval port along with them, gradually expanding the area of ​​war.

Just when the situation was very good, there was a sudden change in the military school building not far from the military port.The cadets should have been evacuated, and the military academy became an empty area, but suddenly there was a lot of movement. .

Before the Frostwolf Pirates fighters here could react, a large number of missed laser shots burst out from the direction of the military academy. In just an instant, a large number of casualties were caused and the Frostwolf was stopped. The Pirate Group's vigorous vigor.

When Gromash, who was fighting Garp, noticed the movement there, he also pushed back Garp, the older and more capable one, and turned his head to look at the battlefield where the wind began to reverse, frowning and whispering. :"PX-Pacifism"

That's right, the backup plan that Smoker and the others decided to use is the war machine'PX-Pacifist' that used to make Kamui in the war on the top!!!

The moment these steel monsters appeared, they stopped the offensive of the Frostwolf Pirates, and as more and more pacifists began to be activated and joined the war, the Frostwolf Pirates who had the upper hand just now The regiment was abruptly suppressed by Smoker and they took these pacifists as the vanguard, and returned to the military port.

Before there was time for Gromash to think more, Kim Pira in Gion's hand had broken through the air, and with a cold light, he slashed towards Gromash's head from one side.

Gromash was short, and used the special horns on top of his head to hold Jinpira in Gion with great precision. Then he heard Gion say, "Don't think why it can be as you wish, Gromash, Marine is not that way. What a bully!! !"

Gromash's head parted, and with just the strength of his neck, he followed the horn and pinned Gion's Jin Kunluo, then the corner of his mouth grinned, showing a full smile and said, "Don't take us Frostwolf Pirates. Don’t think it’s a nice soft persimmon.”

As soon as the voice fell, Gromash raised his hand to the left and slammed into it for a while.The next second, a strong iron fist hit Gromash's elbow, and in an instant, a powerful wave of air passed from the two people. The place of contact broke out, and the pulse of Armament Haki's confrontation began to show.

However, it seems that Gromash and the owner of the iron fist didn't want to compete with Haki in this place, so both sides have changed their tricks very tacitly. Before the Armament Haki hedge broke out, Gromash has once again He kicked his feet towards the figure and said, "Garp, more than forty years ago, you defeated Rocks.

Years later, will 323 still want to stop me?"

That's right, it was Garp, Marine's old scoundrel who fought against Gromash. After a sideways avoiding Gromash's kick, Garp also looked at Gromash's figure and said, "Why not?"

"I'm getting older and doing vigorous exercise, but it's easy to twist my waist," Gromash said with a grin and a smile.

"Thanks for your consideration, my waist is pretty good," Garp said without showing any weakness.

In the next second, there was a flash of light in the eyes of both of them, and they started to work at the same time again.

However, when I started this time, Gromash was still a little puzzled, Sakazuki, the bastard would really be killed by Polusalino, right? It stands to reason that with his Admiral of Headquarters level strength, even Polusalino Drive this island out of a 10,000-meter abyss, Sakazuki should have crawled out, why hasn't there been any movement until now?

Forget it, Garp, Gion, and Polusalino didn't seem to worry about Sakazuki, or even show such doubts, that the three people who fought against Gromash before and after. This makes Gromash always feel that something is wrong.

His sharp shark nose seems to have smelled a breath of conspiracy, but at this time there is no time for him to think about these problems, and there is no time for him to find out, so he can only wait for Sakazuki to make a move. Now, by then, he's seeing tricks

On the other side, seeing that the PX-pacifists on his side began to take the lead in suppressing the forces of the Frostwolf Pirates, and regaining the appearance of returning to the port to regain the previously lost position, Sugar was also very anxious in his heart, and was constantly looking for it. With his sister Monet.

And just as Sugar was looking around, a crisp voice appeared in Sugar's ears.

"Lieutenant Colonel Monica, in the battlefield, looking around is easy to get hurt," a female colonel wearing the Marine Justice Cloak said to Sugar.

After taking a look at the female colonel, Sugar was about to start to fool around, and found that something was wrong. Why was the voice so familiar just now?

In the next second, there was a smile on Gran Sugar's face, and she asked in surprise: "Sister???"

The female Colonel Marine also showed a smile and said, "It's been a long time, my stupid sister~~~".

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