I Am Hellscream

Chapter 806 Two hounds of Naval Headquarters!

I have to say that Marine's play is very beautiful. A logically very simple trap, Monet and sugar were pitted into it.

PX-Pacifists, in the prediction of the Frostwolf Pirates, it is indeed a big killer that Marine will release after falling into a disadvantage. This is regardless of whether this Marine suspects that PX-Pacifists have certain problems. Stability factors will all be used, because it is a necessary means for them to turn the tide of the war.

And when this PX-pacifist came out, the Gromash side was able to effectively and quickly wipe out these war machines and the combat power was entangled, then once the PX-pacifist really had a risk problem, the Frostwolf Pirates would definitely Is to take advantage of this.

Marines have done tricks on this'point'.

Logically speaking, Gromash should also guess whether there will be any traps or the like, but even if they guessed it, they have to try it. After all, this is another one of the Frostwolf Pirates to reverse the battle. Chance.

Therefore, regardless of whether there are traps in there, the Frostwolf Pirates will step in. This is a very simple trap that is very scheming, but this time, Monet and the others did not think much, and Gromash's speculation is very likely. There was an ambush, but I never expected to blew myself up.

He smashed Garp into the air, and Gromash quickly got up from the ground. The so-called caring was chaotic. The panic before this was only his instinctive reaction. The explosion was indeed too intense, but after the thoughts calmed down a bit. , Gromash stabilized his emotions. This time it was Monet who performed this task. With Monet's means and ability

Force, under this kind of explosion, can survive, even survive without injury.

Thinking of this, Gromash was also relieved, and once again concentrated his energy to deal with the two masters of Garp and Gion.

On the other side, Garp also clutched his swollen head, shook his head, stood up, looked at Gromash, and said, "Px-Pacifists are at risk of uncertainty. This proves that Dr. Vegapunk is indeed. Is there any connection with the Revolutionary Army, right? The Holy Land-Mariejois Bartholemew. The bear incident was not

An accident, Gromash, are you careless, was it taken advantage of by the guy Dorag? He used you to test the preparations of the World government and our Naval Headquarters, the explosion just now, if you were to go in, you had to be seriously injured. Presumably your cadres have already lost their manpower, right?"

Gromash looked at Garp, then he grinned, and said, "You old fellow can't beat me, so are you starting to play psychological warfare with me? Want to use this to tear apart our Frostwolf Pirates and the Revolutionary Army. Is the relationship between? Indeed, it is undeniable that when your bastard son Dorag gave me information about PX-pacifists, I was already

I understand, he does have the idea of ​​letting us explore the road first, but what about this? My Gromash was not the same as his Dorag's revolutionary army, and now we will get together, which is also a trend of interests. It’s just that, it’s very normal to use each other, what should you mind? As for whether you will break the manpower in it? Garp, you want to use

To disturb my state of mind in this way, is it too underestimate my Gromash? Even if I get my hands down, I won't give you a chance. By then, you will all die, and you will be buried with my "hands". You not only underestimated me, but also underestimated the members of our Frostwolf Pirates. It was just an explosion, and no one would die in this simple

In the trap!"

Thankfully, this time it was Monet's mission. If it were Robin, Gromash would have to go crazy now. Not only would they have to sink their Naval Headquarters, they had to come back, and they had to go to the World government and Dorag. Just hammer it once!

At the same time, in the equipment control area of ​​the Naval Headquarters, the flames of the explosion gradually dissipated. As Gromash had guessed, Monet did not suffer any injuries.

She and Sugar were in Hollow at this time. Although she felt and observed the flame and impact on her body at close range, she was not affected at all.

After the dangerous situation passed, Monet also quickly released her Hollow state with sugar, and stepped on the hot ground.Monet was also suddenly relieved and wiped the sweat from his forehead. , Some fearful said: "At the beginning, the captain said that there might be fraud, but everything on this road is so normal that I don’t even know it.

I feel like stepping on a trap. Fortunately, there is no problem, but it is a pity that I failed to use the PX-pacifists to counter Marine..."

The same sugar that escaped from the dead also looked scared at this time, and said: "Sister, are you usually so exciting outside???"

Monet laughed when he heard the voice of sugar, and said, "Didn't you talk about it earlier? We are pirates. From the beginning, we hung our heads on our waist to ask for life, but we had the captain's protection before. , I really haven't experienced this kind of first-line crisis of life and death."

At the same time, near the gate of this equipment area, although the explosion just now also had a shock wave spreading around this area, it still did not cause much damage.The Colonel Marine who just put the ghost spider Vice Admiral in at this time I was also standing in front of the somewhat broken door, looking at the scene where the fire was still spreading along the hole, a little sluggish.

He said, "What the hell is going on???"

Before he knew what was going on, the two Marine Vice Admiral figures had come here from nowhere. One was a fighting dog with terrible scars on his face-Douberman Vice Admiral. , Is the backbone of the hawk Marine, and the other is the obvious Zoan fruit ability awakener, Dalmatian, who always maintains a semi-beastized state.

Dalmesia Vice Admiral.

I saw Dalmesia Vice Admiral stepping forward and kicking the crumbling door that was impacted by the air wave and collapsed inward. Then, looking at the scene inside, he bit his cigar and said, "Single The power of these are so huge, if they are gathered together, can they really be called a power rock with the power of "Ancient Weapon'?"

The fighting dog-Doberman Vice Admiral who was following him also stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "This is indeed powerful enough. This is the first time I have seen the explosion of Power Rock. The little mouse that just sneaked in. Has been blown to death, right? Let's go to the front line to support."

Dauberman consciously felt that even if he had been swept into this kind of explosion just now, he would definitely die, so he had reason to believe that the guys who sneaked in and made trouble were locked in that room, and the possibility of being directly killed by the explosion is It's huge, even if they go in, they may not even find any ashes

Dalmatian-Dalmesia Vice Admiral touched the dog's hair on his chin with his paw, then turned to look at the Colonel Marine who was still in a confused state, and asked, "Before the explosion. , Has anyone entered?"

Colonel Marine was asked by Vice Admiral of Dalmesia. He also recovered a bit of his sanity. As if remembering something, he hurriedly said: "Dalmesia Vice Admiral, Dauberman Vice Admiral, it’s not good, just now The ghost spider Vice Admiral entered, this explosion we should go to rescue the ghost spider Vice Admiral!'

Dalmesia was obviously taken aback when he heard the name of the ghost spider Vice Admiral, and then said: "It's impossible, the ghost spider guy didn't go to another island with Teacher Zephyr and the general staff."

Having said that, Dalmesia looked at Dauberman and then paused and said, "Your hawk's secret mission?"

A gloomy look flashed in Dauberman's eyes, and he said, "No, I can tell you responsibly, our hawkish generals do not have any secret missions, and the ghost spider guy has not returned to Naval Headquarters. fake!"

After hearing Dauberman's answer, Dalmecia's eyes also turned dark, and he looked inside and said: "Then maybe the explosion just now didn't really have any effect. Frostwolf Pirates In the middle, the only cadre who is good at disguising and changing seems to be the secretary next to Gromash, the false witch-Monet."

Daubman Vice Admiral also nodded and said: "Yes, that witch's ability is too weird. You saw it in the building just now. She even Polusalino Admiral's laser can be turned into a vain, and I have also heard that she can freely transform herself between virtual and real, so as to be immune to attacks against her, which is simply more troublesome than Logia

Ah, get ready to do it, be careful, that witch is not even injured. "

As soon as Doberman's voice fell, Dalmecia took the cigar from his mouth and threw it away. Then the dog's paw stepped up and stepped on the hot cigarette butt, moved his body, and entered the factory first. , And at the same time his body also spread out-Observation Haki's power, and began to search for the Qi in the destroyed equipment control area.

The rest is coming.

On the other side, Monet was also prepared to speak to the sugar: ""

"But sister, it's too dangerous to be alone, right? The matter is now, it doesn't matter whether my identity is exposed or not, the big deal is that I'm not a Marine..." Sugar said without hesitation.

Sugar and Gromash had indeed rejected their proposal to return to the Frostwolf Pirates, and wanted to continue to hang out in G-5 Marine, but she was fine at that time, and now Monet, the sister of Monet, has fallen into this situation. But it's different. What if her sugar is not a Marine?

After feeling the concern in Sugar's words, Monet also smiled, and then reached out and rubbed Sugar's little head, and said, "No, after this Naval Headquarters, I still don't know what will happen, your identity can be No exposure is the best. Even if you want to be a Marine, you have to wait for the end of this war. Do your best.

Don’t forget how convenient my ability is. I’m just giving you a delay. If the situation is not good, I will leave quickly.

Sugar was just about to continue arguing, but looking at Monet's gentle gaze, Sugar finally chose to listen to her sister's words, nodded and said, "Sister, you must be careful!"

The corner of Monet's mouth curled slightly, revealing a very confident smile, and said, "Don't worry, I'm a handsome witch!"

Sugar also smiled when she saw it, and then (it's okay) didn't delay for any time, so her feet were smeared with oil, and she quickly left here from the other direction.

Monet also quickly prepared to return from the same way. Not long after the two sisters separated, Monet felt an almost unnoticeable Observation Haki swept past her.

Since this is a trap of Marine, there must be hidden powers that have not appeared here to "clean up the tragedy" and confirm the results of the battle. Sugar, you leave here first, otherwise, your identity will be exposed. I am here with They entangled a bit"

"Fortunately, the captain often uses Observation Haki to spy on me, making me extremely sensitive to this power, otherwise I really missed it." After Monet felt the power of Observation Haki, he stopped and said softly. He whispered, as if he was also waiting for something.

Observation Haki, for masters, is a must-have method. Otherwise, you must suffer a loss. Some people who are very good at Observation Haki can detect that someone is using Observation Haki, such as Gromash. If anyone uses Haki Investigate him, he must be able to feel it.

Monet didn't feel the enemy's detection because of seeing how strong Haki was, but because Gromash, the bastard, was always brazen when she was shy in the shower. Monet was right. Observation Haki is extremely sensitive, so Observation Haki of Vice Admiral in Dalmesia was directly discovered by her.

Not long after Monet stood there, two figures walked out of the flames directly in front, it was Douberman and Dalmatian.

Looking at these two guys, the corner of Monet's mouth raised slightly, and he whispered: "Two veritable "hounds" came here."

On the other side, Dauberman and Dalmesia also looked at Monet, frowned and said, "Sure enough, you, did the guy posing as a ghost spider sneak in? The vain witch, Monet!".

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