I Am Hellscream

Chapter 808 The witch's performance has begun!

After a while of smoke and dust, Dalmesia's figure stood up from the ground, and Daubman Vice Admiral also looked at him and the miserable condition on the ground.

At this time, Monet's waist was directly broken off, and a large amount of Bloodline appeared around her corpse.There were also blood holes pierced by ten claws on the back. Blood was flowing outward, and the whole person fell into the cracks in the ground. , Really how miserable, how miserable

"Does it feel real?" Douberman Vice Admiral asked softly.

Dalmesia shook the Bloodline on his finger, then glanced at Dauberman, and said, "Is it necessary to ask?"

The ground is smashed like this, blood is flowing all over the ground, is there any real feeling? Is this still necessary? Of course there is!

Douberman Vice Admiral also smiled himself, and then squatted beside Monet's body, stretched out his hand to sniff Monet, and then grinned at the corner of his mouth and said softly: "It's dead."

"I took the blow unsuspectingly. With her physical fitness, she will definitely die." Dalmesia said confidently.

Dauberman stood up, then looked at Dalmesia and said: "You are miserable, you killed the woman of Gromash, and he will not let you go as a ghost."

"Then let him be a ghost first, let's talk about it, if you are not there, I can't do it so cleanly, if I am targeted, do you think you can run?" Dalmesia smiled. Said.

Dauberman, as a hawkish "fighting dog", is someone who dared to go up and take a bite. He took Gromash out to talk, and he was just teasing Dalmesia. Although Dalmesia is not a hawkish Marine, But he will never be merciful to the'evil' subordinates because he is afraid of Gromash's revenge. If he is so timid and fearful, he will not sit in Marine.

The position of Vice Admiral in the headquarters is now.

"The matter here is resolved, we should also carry out the second phase of the mission, to support 01-Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, and Smoker. Without PX-pacifists, the Frostwolf Pirates The offensive, with only the three of them, is afraid that it will not be able to stop" Daubman Vice Admiral said in a deep voice after putting the saber in his hand back into his waist.

"Yes, I didn't expect the Frostwolf Pirates' combat troops to be so elite. The officers we recruited from all over the world were very strenuous," Dalmesia said softly with some emotion.

"The most important thing is that we have hidden the two of us here, and they may not have hidden power on the Frostwolf Pirates. These guys such as Hokkubak and Guyza have not appeared yet, I don't believe it. Are they really logistics personnel? Once the war is lost, they will have to die with them too!" Dauberman said with a cruel expression flashing in his eyes.

Dalmesia also nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I have to guard against it."Just as Daubman and Dalmecia were talking about these things, suddenly Monet's voice, who should have been dead, reached their ears again.

"There are a lot of things you didn't expect. Don't worry about the situation there. If you want to say why, it is because you two will be here as the glorious Marine Vice Admiral, sacrifice for justice!" Mo I don't know when, Nai's figure has appeared not far in front of the two of them.

This kind of horrifying to the horrifying scene also shocked Dauberman and Dalmesia, Vice Admiral.

"How is it possible?" Dalmesia gave a light startled in surprise. Just now, he clearly beat Monet to death and can't die anymore. The real feeling is also ten percent, it will definitely not be a phantom, but

Douberman Vice Admiral's face was also very weak, and he quickly turned his head and glanced at the corpse of'Monet' that was still lying on the ground with blood flowing in it.

Just when the two Vice Admiral of Dalmesia and Dauberman were very incredible, the whole world seemed to tremble, and then the sky, ground, flames, and the body of Monet were all shaken by the tremor at the same time. A crack was exposed, and then, the world was completely shattered like a glass lens.

When he recovered, Dalmecia suddenly found that he and Doberman were still standing at the place where they first saw Monet.Apart from taking a step forward, there was no change at all. That vain witch Monet was still standing where the two of them first saw her at this time, without even moving all these changes, also

Dalmesia felt terrified

Daubman also found this problem, his face was also very shocked, and he said inconceivably: "Everything just now is a false illusion??? Even the two of us are also false???"

"Didn't I say everything? The witch's performance is about to begin" Monet said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Dalmesia's eyes were very gloomy, and he looked at Monet and asked: "From the very beginning, we entered the illusion. When did we get the trick?"

An evil smile hung on Monet's beautiful and delicate face, and then he looked at Dalmesia and said, "You need to explore this by yourself. It is also a pleasure to dig out the secrets of the witch."

"It's not good, Dalmesia. It seems that even if we have maintained sufficient vigilance, we still underestimated Gromash's little secretary. How can a guy like him like a vase?" Daubman Vice As Admiral spoke, he put his hand on the saber on his waist again.

And Dalmesia also sank a little, assumed a fighting stance, and said in a deep voice: "What's worse, in the illusion just now, our information has already leaked a bit and I want to do it again this time. I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

That's right, from the very beginning, when the two saw Monet and stared at Monet's eyes vigilantly, they had already hit Monet's ability.At the moment when Dalmecia wanted to make the first move, As soon as he took a step, he and Daubman Vice Admiral had entered the world of illusion. Neither he nor Daubman were aware of this, and the last two

People were in the illusion, cooperated tacitly, and killed Monet in seconds with two killer moves.

But this is an illusion after all. Their cooperation not only did not hurt Monet, but also sounded the alarm for Monet, which made Monet understand very well, but whenever he reveals a little flaw or mistake, the two hounds of Naval Headquarters If you type a set of cooperation, it is estimated that she will be cold.

This is the leakage of information!

As soon as the voice fell, Douberman Vice Admiral took the lead this time. Pounced, and at the same time, the sabre in his hand also came out of its sheath with a cold light.

When Monet saw this scene, there was no extra action at all.Standing on the spot and gently twitching her fingers, a strange energy wave radiated from her body, and at the same time, a strange wave flashed through her eyes. The light...

"Kyōka Suigetsu, five senses manipulation-chaos!" Monet said softly with a soft voice.

With the fall of her words, Dauberman Vice Admiral, who was still rushing towards Monet with an extremely ferocious aura, suddenly looked like a fool. His left and right feet tripped against each other, and then his body lost his balance. Very surprised and unbelievable to fall out, because his speed just now is too fast, this fall is also abnormally embarrassed

, The whole person rolled on the ground four or five times, and the sabre in his hand almost didn't stick into his body, and he stopped short of Monet's footsteps.

Dalmesia, who was originally prepared to cooperate with Doberman, also had a stunned expression at this time. Your extraordinary Marine Vice Admiral, at this critical moment, actually fell a dog to eat shit? Your dog fighting Does the name come like this? Can it be more reliable? I can't cooperate with your operation!

At this time, Daubman and Dalmesia hadn't realized what was going on, but Monet showed a cruel smile, his cuffs slipped, and he held a dagger in his hand. Turned into a flying knife, he slammed directly at the embarrassed Dauberman Vice Admiral lying on the ground.

At the moment Monet started his hand, Daubman had already prepared in advance. As soon as he shot the seven songs, he wanted to block the saber that hadn't been thrown out in his hand.

The result was good, the action was made, but the direction was completely wrong!!!

It seemed that the sabre was not raised by himself, and he missed the dagger perfectly, and then the blood flashed, and his shoulder was hit by the dagger.

"Uh," Doberman snorted, and at the same time he noticed something was wrong. Before he could even check the injury, he said, "Dalmesia, be careful, something is wrong, something seems to be happening in my body. Confused"

As soon as the voice fell, Daubman wanted to reach out and stand on the ground, but his brain gave this instruction, but his arm lifted up and touched the sky.

This time, Dauberman finally understood what was going on, and his sense of direction seemed to be reversed!!!

At the same time, Monet slipped down a dagger again, and relentlessly threw it at the hapless guy Doberman.

And Dauberman is the Naval Headquarters real power Vice Admiral who has experienced many battles. After realizing his situation, Monet first flew out this time, Dauberman quickly made the correct response. , What he thought of in his mind was the action of pedaling with his feet in the sky, but in fact he slammed on the ground, bounced, and avoided Monet's head.

At the same time, it also pulled a distance back.But when he landed, he still couldn't adjust his sense of direction in such a short period of time. The feet were soft, and the whole person fell backwards.

As soon as Dalmesia understood, Dauberman didn't fall out because of his negligence just now, but was hit by the witch Monet.

Thinking of this, he also flashed a trace of fierceness in his eyes, and the dog's paw slammed on the ground like a hunting dog, breaking the air and rushing towards Monet.

When Monet saw Dalmesia, the power fluctuations of the Illusion 323 Illusion Fruit on his body were also activated again, and he said softly: "Deprivation of the five senses. Look!"

Dalmesia Vice Admiral, who was running, realized that his vision had become pitch-black in an instant and he was completely blind.

However, his reaction speed is also extremely fast.At the same time as "blind", the powerful Observation Haki on his body tracked it out, accurately positioned Monet's position, accelerated under his feet, and the whole person jumped up into the air. With a spin, a Tempest Kick slashed out with a violent kick.

At the same time, at the moment of landing, the hands were like to play some turtle wave qigong. They joined together, and there was no pause. They pushed out the direction of Observation Haki's perception of Monet, and said: "Six Styles The dog barks!"

At the same time, Monet did not expect Dalmesia's speed and reaction to be so fast.The moment Tempest Kick and the shock wave hit her, the whole person entered Hollow, avoiding this kind of entity. harm.

As soon as Monet entered the Hollow state, she was tantamount to depriving her of her'real' attributes. To this world, she just didn't exist.

Although she is immune to all attacks, at the same time, the abilities she exerts will also be cancelled because she has no "real" attributes.

Therefore, Vice Admiral, who originally felt very uncoordinated, suddenly returned to a normal state, and Dalmecia's vision also recovered.

"That's it..." Dalmesia and Daubman understood the key issues at the same time.

Then Daubman stood up and cooperated with Dalmesia to attack Monet again.

However, after seeing through this weakness, Monet didn't seem to be surprised or cared at all.After quickly regaining the entity, he stepped on his feet, and the whole person rose into the air. : "Shen Luo Wanxiang, all are vain. Fog!"

As Monet's words fell, a large area of ​​fog instantly covered the place where the three people were. What is even more surprising is that the Observation Haki of Dalmesia seems to be blocked. From this fog, it is possible to I feel a lot of'Monet' breath, but there is no way to tell the authenticity.

But in just a moment, Dalmesia seemed to be very sure about a goal, and ignoring the obstacles of the mist in front of him, plunged in, and with the same hand, the claws also waved out.

"Hound Hunting-Plane!" Dalmesia roared, and he flew out with five wind pressure slashes in his hand. It was an extension technique of Tempest Kick!.

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