I Am Hellscream

Chapter 810 Lu Qi, the grumpy boy!

Robin retracted his gaze to look at the corpse of Vice Admiral Dauberman, and then looked at Vice Admiral, who was lying down not far away, almost as if he had air intake and had no breath.

Of course, Dalmesia had witnessed the sacrifice of Vice Admiral Daubman. At this time, he also had a sad face, with blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth, lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky.

The thick smoke rising everywhere is gradually covering the sky above the new Naval Headquarters, gradually swallowing the originally blue sky, as if this justice is being eroded by dark evil.

``Even if there is a dense black smoke covering the sky, one day, all of this will disappear.The sky will always be the blue justice of this world, and it will never be defeated, Nicole. Robin, Monet, don't think this is your victory, the sea is not a paradise for you wicked parties!!!! "Dalmesia used

Exhausting all my strength, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

After hearing Dalmesia's words, Monet also walked up to him, reached out and pointed his exquisite revolver at Dalmesia's head, and said softly: "You are right. , Dalmesia Vice Admiral, the sea never belongs to anyone. It is neither our pirate’s paradise nor your Marine’s battlefield,

No matter who we win or lose, no matter who this future belongs to, the sea has been'neutral' since ancient times. Our Frostwolf Pirates have never expected to rule the entire ocean, but this sea is so wide. It's not too much to assign to us, right?"

Like Daubman Vice Admiral, Dalmesia looked at Monet with an undaunted look of "three, two, three," and then said: "Although the sea is large, none of them should belong to you evil pirates! "

"Then we can only steal it by ourselves, who calls us evil pirates," Monet said softly.

Then, Dalmecia Vice Admiral was not given a chance to continue speaking, and a cold light flashed in Monet's eyes, and then he gently squeezed the trigger in his hand.

After the ‘bang!’ shot, red blood flowed from Dalmesia’s Vice Admiral’s head and gradually soaked the surrounding ground.

Justice and evil, Marine and Pirates, have been fighting opponents in this endless sea since ancient times. Dauberman and Dalmesia are not the first messengers of justice to die in this fight, and they will definitely not be the last to die. Marine in this fight.

After solving the Vice Admiral of the two Naval Headquarters, Monet put away his small pistol, and then asked: "Sister Robin, how is the situation outside?"

"Thank you, the PX-pacifists are all on standby, and the situation has begun to shift towards us again," Robin said with a smile.

"Where is the captain?" Monet asked again.

"It's still fighting, but Marine Marshal Sakazuki has disappeared. I searched for a while, but I still didn't find it. I wanted to help the captain and them as planned. It's big, I'm very worried about you, so I came to see that the sugar is okay?" Robin said softly.

"It's okay, I let her go first. I didn't expect this kind of situation to happen here. I thought it would be ambush like the captain said. I didn't expect these damn Marines to be so cruel and buried here. After the bomb was dropped, if it wasn't for my ability to be more convenient, maybe I would really die here." Monet is also a little scared.

Opened his mouth and said.

"It's not a bomb. It's the secret weapon of Naval Headquarters-Power Rock. The cluster detonation is enough to destroy the entire island. It is called a new weapon comparable to "Ancient Weapon'" Robin said with a smile.

Monet smiled and said, "As a scholar, I know a lot, Sister Robin."

Then, without waiting for Robin to speak, Monet said directly again: "It's time to act according to the plan, otherwise, the captain doesn't know when we will fight. We are fighting a blitzkrieg, not a protracted battle. They have to end this war quickly, and they can't let them stay here for three or five days!"

Robin also nodded and said, "Everything that should be done has already taken action, just waiting for our two'supports' to be in place... let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, Robin and Monet did not continue to delay any time, and left the Marine equipment control area destroyed by the explosion very quickly.

At the same time, on the battlefield of another island, the kid Lu Qi was standing impatiently on the deck of a huge battleship, watching the stale battle in the sea ahead, frowning and saying: "According to Intelligence shows that Gromash has already penetrated into Naval Headquarters, and Brother Joz has also landed on the beach.

Remwell is also about to seize Marine's forward position, but we can't even get through this sea area. It's too embarrassing, right?"

Standing next to Lu Qi was his girlfriend Reiju, and Reiju also said helplessly: "Wait a little while, and the anti-gravity stance equipment of our Djerma Kingdom can be effective, although not completely. It can offset the Fujitora Admiral's ability, but it can also create a repulsive force in the sea before this, which can make our ship

The team passes through."

The Frostwolf Pirates wanted to fight a blitzkrieg, and Marine wanted to fight a protracted battle. Fujitora laughed. This guy relied on his own abilities to forcefully create a gravity field in the sea ahead with his ability, but any battleship entered. Among them, it will inevitably sink, so that Luchi and their fleet have not been able to get in until now, and even the artillery shells have been flying.

But go.

Of course, it was not that they were blocked unilaterally. The same was true on the Marine side. The warships could not sail in the waters, and the artillery on the ground could not be fired. It could be said that they could not fly at all.

However, the longer this situation is delayed, the better it is for Marine and the worse it is for Lu Qi and others. Therefore, Fujitora smiled that this guy can stay there, but Lu Qi is in a hurry.

"How long will it take???"" Lu Qi still asked impatiently, his expression a little impatient.

Reiju also turned his head and gave a warning to a scientist from the Kingdom of Djerma. The scientist also just walked over from the cabin. After seeing Reiju's line of sight, he left and said, "His Royal Highness, Lord Lucky, our equipment has already begun to be used. It is activated, but the capabilities of Marine Admiral are too strong, and our equipment has been overclocked, so

So we also have to put the equipment into an overloaded state. The people in the technical department are working hard. I think it will take at most half a day."

"Half a day???" Lu Qi repeated angrily, and then continued: "I will give you another half a day, maybe Gromash has smashed Sakazuki's head to pieces, what face will you let me use? See Gromash? How am I embarrassed to call myself his right arm???"

After speaking, Lu Qi didn't give the person a chance to speak, and looked at Reiju and said, "It should be done according to my idea. I will go in and kill the Fujitora with a smile. Aren't all this solved? Then you guys are rushing. Go in, sweep the power of Marine, destroy this Marine Base, we quickly go to Naval Headquarters to support Gromash!

"Lu Qi!!! There are tens of thousands of Marines there. Fujitora smiles but Admiral of Naval Headquarters. Even if you beat him once, you can't look down on him so much? What's more, there must be other Marine masters there, you Going alone is tantamount to dying!" Reiju said to Lu Qi anxiously.

However, Lu Qi had already carried an electric light on his body, looked at the Marine Base in the distance, and said, "It is useless to say more, I am Rob. Lu Qi is the sharpest sharp knife in Gromash's hands. How can it be casual? Die here?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Qi stopped paying attention to Reiju. The electric light on his body suddenly flashed, and then the whole person turned into a shining electric current, burst out from the deck, and the target was pointed directly at the Marine Base ahead.

Looking at this scene, Reiju is even more grumpy.

"Damn fighting freak, I don't listen to people's advice at all! I was really blind to see you bastard!" Reiju cursed, then looked at the scientist next to him very violently, and shouted: "The power of our Djerma Kingdom has lost the chain at this critical moment. How can we explain to His Highness Gromash after returning? I don't want to be sent by my father.

If you are in the human body laboratory, you can move me faster. I don't want you for so many reasons. Within two hours, within two hours, if the fleet cannot enter the sea ahead, I will personally send you to death! "

The scientist had never seen the princess Reiju so ferocious before. After hearing Reiju's scolding, he was shocked and hurriedly said, "Yes, my lord, I'm going to make those bastards move faster. a little!"

At this moment, Moria, who had been sitting in a big chair behind without speaking, smiled and said, "Ms. Reiju, there is no need to be so impatient. Trust Lu Qi, he is Captain Gromash's right-hand man."

"Mr. Moria, if you can, I hope you can not sit here and say these comforting nonsense, but think of a way to help Lu Qi." Reiju glanced helplessly and said 0.

Moria laughed and said, "Ahahahahaha, unfortunately, I can't fly my zombie army and can't touch too much water, but don't worry, when our fleet can enter this sea, I promise Help Lu Qi the first time.

At the same time, Fujitora, who was sitting in the Marine position, smiled and wrinkled between her closed eyes, and said, "Rob-Lucci, you really can't wait?"After speaking, Fujitora stood up with a smile, stepped on his wooden exhibition, and after walking two steps forward, he suddenly pulled out the Short Sword from his waist, and then there was a burst of energy on his Short Sword. He waved it toward the electric light on the sea.

Immediately afterwards, a huge ocean wave took shape in an instant, and swept towards Lu Qi's electric light with extremely strong pressure.

"Gravity Sword Tiger!" Fujitora smiled and murmured after putting away the Short Sword in her hand.

No matter how strong Lu Qi's fruit ability is, it is not a pervert like Gromash that is immune to the curse of the sea. When the huge waves are covered, if he is not prepared, he must be drowned in.

I saw Lu Qi's figure appearing in the fast-moving current, and then the entire current became stronger, and then a huge plasma exploded from the current, directly piercing the tsunami wave. .

The strong electric current directly decomposed the sea water and ignited the hydrogen gas. The violent explosion spread out from the middle of the tsunami instantly, and directly blew the tsunami that Fujitora set off with a smile.

Then the electric light that Lucky turned through quickly passed through the huge wave and went straight to the direction where Fujitora smiled.

At this moment, Vice Admiral-Ronse, who was a giant with a smile beside Fujitora, raised the huge battle axe in his hand and roared, covering the powerful Armament Haki on the axe blade of the battle axe. The axe slashed towards the direct light from 4.1.

At the same time, after feeling the wind pressure on the battle axe, the current quickly condensed in the air to form Lu Qi's figure, and Lu Qi also violently rotated in the air, with a dazzling electric light on his feet. Fearlessly kicked the tomahawk of the giant-Ronse Vice Admiral from the air.

"Thunder-Shining electric kick!" Lu Qi exclaimed.

In the next second, Dianguang jumped on Ronse Vice Admiral's axe with a spark. Then, Lu Qi showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "It doesn't work. One-tenth of the strength is heavy!! !"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Lu Qi once again burst into thunder, as if giving him a kinetic energy out of thin air, and then the battle axe in Ronse Vice Admiral's hand began to tremble, and then in the eyes of countless Marines, Lu Qi Yu kicked the giant axe to smash.

Then he didn't care about the Vice Admiral of the giant race. After a short pause in the air, he swooped down towards Fujitora with a smile, and slashed at Fujitora's smiling head with a tomahawk.

At the same moment, Fujitora smiled and pulled out the Short Sword from his waist, Armament Haki wrapped it around, and accurately blocked Lu Qi's feet, tense, and a powerful air current broke out from the place where the two met. Armament Haki's hedge is also starting to tear the surrounding space...

"It's still so fierce, Brother Lu Qi," Fujitora smiled, opened her blind eyes and looked at Lu Qi and said.

"Don't get in the way, smile!" Lu Qi also said in a deep voice. .

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