At night.

Chen Hao stood in front of the wooden table, looking at the three new monster cards he had placed on the wooden table.

These three new monster cards were the spoils of the wind wolves today.

Two horned rabbit cards and one porcupine card.

Chen Hao already had the horned rabbit card, but the porcupine card made Chen Hao a little interested.

When the wind wolf brought it back, the three wind wolves had one or two long thorns stuck on their bodies.

Of course, Chen Hao found that any injured creature, after turning it into a card and putting it into a book, would automatically heal the creature. If the creature turned into a card is placed outside, not only will its health not be repaired, but it will even continue to decrease due to the worsening of the wound.

Books have the function of automatically healing creatures.

The three wind wolves were stabbed by the porcupine's thorns, but they were actually just minor injuries. They would return to normal the next day if they were placed in the book.

"In the past two days, the mature wind wolves have taken the initiative to go out hunting, and their IQ has also increased a lot. They rarely get hurt when they go out hunting. It seems that the wind wolves can be regarded as high-level magic beasts in this forest. The porcupines that can hurt high-level magic beasts... are probably not bad..."

"Wait a minute..." Chen Hao frowned: "The reason why the wind wolves were injured is that I ordered them to catch living creatures, so..."

That's why they don't use magic, which leads to injuries.

Chen Hao's mouth twitched: "It seems that it has something to do with my order..."

But there is no way, Chen Hao does not need magic beast meat, he wants living magic beasts, so that he can raise them.

Anyway, there are books for automatic treatment, so it doesn't matter.

"But if they encounter too powerful opponents, they have to let them save their lives first." Chen Hao muttered.

His eyes fell on the porcupine card in his hand and looked at it slightly.

[Mature stage] Porcupine

It has both earth and wood attributes, and has sharp thorns all over its body. Its body muscles can push out the thorns, making them shoot out like arrows to attack, hence the name porcupine.

Porcupine growth route: Porcupine → Porcupine King.

"Use muscles to push out the thorns and use them as arrows..." Chen Hao touched his chin: "Interesting."

"This is an adult porcupine. The taming degree can only be improved by starving it." Chen Hao thought, and he put the porcupine card into the book card slot.

"Sure enough, it's more comfortable to raise a cub."

"The wind wolf has stopped growing now. I don't know how to make the wind wolf continue to grow into the beast king stage."

If they reach the beast king stage, they can use three-wheeled giant wind blades to attack like their mother.

If the three wind wolf kings use the three-wheeled giant wind blades with extremely destructive power to attack together.

Tsk tsk... Chen Hao drools just thinking about it.

There is also the earth bear king. Its taming degree will be updated tomorrow. I don't know how much it can increase.

Chen Hao lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about tomorrow's situation with expectation, and he slowly closed his eyes.

The next day, the biological clock woke Chen Hao up.

Chen Hao suddenly opened his eyes, he looked out the window, and the sun was pouring in from the window.

Chen Hao sat up: "Book."

The book appeared in front of Chen Hao, he opened the book and turned directly to the place where the Earth Bear King card was, he took out the Earth Bear King card and looked at it carefully.

Chen Hao's eyes lit up immediately.

"Hehe." Chen Hao smiled: "It's true."

[Beast King Period] Earth Bear King.

Hunger: 47%.

Thirst: 39%.

Taming: 32%.

"Haha!" Chen Hao smiled happily: "32% taming, at this speed, it only takes about three days to get it done!"

Thinking of the Earth Bear King wearing a solid armor made of earth magic, and then riding on the back of the huge Earth Bear King.

Chen Hao smiled.

"Let's see the others." Chen Hao looked at the Wind Wolf Card.

[Mature] Wind Wolf.

Health: 100%.

Hunger: 21%.

Thirst: 19%.

Tamed: 100%.

Seeing this, Chen Hao's smile faded: "The health has recovered, but they still haven't grown? In other words, from the mature stage to the beast king stage, it is not the length of time, but a certain opportunity."

Chen Hao touched his nose: "The things God gave me did not provide a method for the mature stage of magic beasts to grow into the beast king stage. What should I do with this opportunity?"

Chen Hao was a little confused, but there was nothing he could do.

He released the tamed Horned Rabbit, Wind Wolf and the half-tamed Earth Bear King and fed them.

After the Earth Bear King had a tamed degree, it no longer attacked Chen Hao.

When food was placed in front of it, it would take the initiative to eat.

The Wind Wolf continued to hunt outside.

There seemed to be a lot of horned rabbits and porcupines around here. Today, the wind wolf brought back another porcupine for Chen Hao.

However, Chen Hao noticed that the wind wolf did not suffer any damage after hunting the porcupine this time.

"That is to say, they have grown. Although they have not grown from the mature stage to the beast king stage, their hunting skills are growing. After fighting with the porcupine yesterday, will they not be injured again in fighting with the porcupine again today?"

Chen Hao touched his chin: "It's amazing."

The three wind wolves, which were taller than Chen Hao, were sticking out their tongues and staring at him with their eyes. Their faces were full of expectation. Their tails were shaking behind them, just like sweeping the floor, sweeping up the dust on the ground.

Seeing their expectant attitude, Chen Hao smiled, and he reached out and stroked the three big heads.

The three wind wolves stroked by Chen Hao immediately showed a happy look, and their tails shook even more happily.

Chen Hao laughed dumbly: "You are so big, but you still love to act like a spoiled child. Really."

"Ah..." The big wolf let out a happy wolf howl, and then rubbed Chen Hao's shoulder with his head, acting like a spoiled child.

Chen Hao was happy.

He raised his face and looked at the sky, which was already evening.

He said subconsciously; "Time flies so fast, another day has passed in the blink of an eye."

Soon, a day passed.

It was the next morning.

"Fuck!" Chen Hao, who had just woken up, opened the book and planned to see how much the taming degree of the Earth Bear King card increased. Unexpectedly, he couldn't help but make a shocking sound when he saw it.

Chen Hao was sitting on the bed, with the book floating beside him, and he was holding the card of the Earth Bear King in his hand.

It was displayed on the card.

Taming degree: 100%.

I thought it would take three days, but Chen Hao never expected that he would succeed in taming!

Chen Hao smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into lines: "What's going on? Isn't it increasing by more than 30% a day? How come it has grown all of a sudden."

Chen Hao thought for a while: "Could it be... the daily taming degree increase is not fixed..."

"Hehe..." Chen Hao smiled and licked his lips: "Next, you can experience the pleasure of riding on the back of the Earth Bear King!"

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