I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 13 How to upgrade mature monsters

Chen Hao adjusted his mood and looked at the Earth Bear King: "You just said that the wind wolf needs the magic crystal of the wind beast king to grow into the beast king stage?"

The Earth Bear King responded to Chen Hao with its unique middle-aged uncle-like steady and rich voice; "Yes, if the mature Wind Wolf wants to continue to grow, it will need a large amount of magic energy, enough to provide the wind wolf with Only when the wolf grows into the beast king’s magic element can it grow into the beast king stage.”

"The thing that can provide a large amount of magic to an adult wind wolf is relatively easy to obtain, and it is the magic crystal of the wind beast king."

The Earth Bear King looked at Chen Hao: "I know there is a Wind Wolf King in the forest. It has fought with me before. Its magical beast is quite suitable for these three little guys. Unfortunately, the wind beast king is too fast. After the fight, it ran away too quickly and I couldn’t keep it.”

Hearing this, Chen Hao glanced at the three wind wolves subconsciously.

I found that the three wind wolves had run away, probably going out to hunt again.

Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief. If the three wind wolves heard it, with the wisdom of the three wind wolves, if they don't know now, they may not know it in the future.

The Wind Wolf King mentioned by the Earth Bear King is the mother of the three of them.

Chen Hao looked at the Earth Bear King; "I know that Wind Wolf King you mentioned. I collected its body. Did you say it had a magic crystal?"

The Earth Bear King looked at Chen Hao, with novelty in its eyes: "Really?"

It said; "The magic crystals of Warcraft are all located under the head of Warcraft."

Chen Hao thought for a moment: "Change."

Three wind wolf cards appeared in front of Chen Hao.

It was those three wind wolves.

"Book." The book appeared in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao put the Wind Wolf Card into the book and turned to another page. This page was used by Chen Hao to place animal carcasses.

He glanced at it and took out the Wind Wolf King's card.

To be precise, this is the body of the Wind Wolf King.

Chen Hao looked at the Earth Bear King: "I have the body of the Wind Wolf King. Can you help me take out the magic crystal?"

When the Earth Bear King heard this, he slowly stood up and said, "It's my honor to be able to do things for my master. If you need me to do something, just ask me."

Chen Hao nodded slightly, waved his hand, and the card flew out.


The card flew out, and the body of the Wind Wolf King appeared on the ground.

The Earth Bear King walked over, stepped on the Wind Wolf King's body, and bit the Wind Wolf King's head.

"Hiss!" Accompanied by the sound of flesh and blood being separated, scarlet blood gushes out.

Looking at this scene, Chen Hao crossed his arms and said: "It has been three or four days now, and the flesh and blood have not been corroded by bacteria. In other words, the corpse of the creature turned into a card, and then placed in a book, it has the effect of preservation. "

The Earth Bear King ripped open the head of the Wind Wolf King's corpse.

This bloody scene made Chen Hao frown: "Fortunately, I will turn those three little guys into cards and put them in the book, otherwise if they are seen..."

However, when the Wind Wolf King died, the three little guys had not yet opened their eyes, so they might not be able to recognize their mother.

After the Earth Bear King tore open the head of the Wind Wolf King's body, he took out a cyan irregular crystal stone from inside.

There was blood dripping outside, but this cyan crystal stone was not stained with any blood.

The Earth Bear King came over and handed over the cyan crystal stone.

Chen Hao stretched out his hand and took it.

He looked at the crystal and looked at it.

The size of the crystal can be held in one hand, irregular rhombus shape, and the whole body is cyan.

"Is this the magic crystal...?" Chen Hao looked at the Earth Bear King; "Do all monsters have magic crystals?"

The Earth Bear King sat on the ground and looked at Chen Hao: "Yes, magic crystal is the source of magical power of Warcraft. Warcraft absorbs magic from the outside and enters the body. The body condenses this magic into crystals. Then Warcraft obtains magic through the crystal. Unleash the magic."

"All monsters have magic crystals. The difference lies in the size and concentration."

Hearing this, Chen Hao understood: "The reason why the wind wolf cannot grow into the beast king is because there is not enough magic in the body. This is the opportunity. With this, one of the wind wolves can grow into the wind wolf king."

Chen Hao looked at the dilapidated body of the Wind Wolf King. He looked at the Earth Bear King: "I don't want those three wind wolves to discover this body. Can you deal with it?"

The Earth Bear King's pupils were glowing, and he seemed to understand something: "Master, please step back a little."

Chen Hao stepped back.

The Earth Bear King raised his bear paw and slapped it on the ground.

Chen Hao felt the ground beneath his feet trembling.

Immediately, the ground beneath the Wind Wolf King's body began to squirm like a living thing, and the Wind Wolf King's body was swallowed by the ground.

The ground became flat again, but the grass, corpses, and blood were all gone. The entire ground looked like plowed land.

"Earth magic is so magical." Chen Hao sighed with emotion.

Then..., Chen Hao looked at the Wind Wolf King Magic Crystal in his hand: "Next, it's time. Let's go in order, let the big wolf grow into the beast king first."

With that said, Chen Hao opened the book, took out Big Wolf's Wind Wolf card, and waved his hand.

Big Wolf appeared in front of Chen Hao.

When the big wolf saw Chen Hao, it immediately showed joy and sat down, its tail wagging, as if it was waiting for Chen Hao's instructions.

Chen Hao looked at the Earth Bear King: "What should we do next?"

The Earth Bear King said: "Let it swallow it. After swallowing it, when it absorbs the magic crystal's magic essence, the magic crystal in its head will grow into the beast king magic crystal, and that's it."

Hearing this, Chen Hao handed the Wind Wolf King Magic Crystal in his hand to the big wolf: "Eat it."

When the big wolf heard it, it immediately opened its mouth, held the magic crystal, and then tilted its head.

The magic crystal was swallowed directly by the big wolf.

After swallowing the magic crystal, the big wolf stared at Chen Hao, wagging its tail, staring at Chen Hao with eyes, as if waiting for Chen Hao's next instruction.

"...No change?" Chen Hao thought: "By the way, it needs time to absorb the magic essence."

"In that case, then you go back to the book to rest first, and come out to see tomorrow." Chen Hao smiled and said: "Change."

The wind wolf turned back into a card, and Chen Hao put the card into the book.

"Let's see tomorrow." Chen Hao looked at the Earth Bear King: "Are there any other beast kings in this forest?"

The Earth Bear King slowly lay down and looked at Chen Hao: "The Magic Beast Forest is very large. When the Magic Beasts reach the Beast King stage, they will occupy part of the territory as their own territory. The 100 square kilometers around here are all my territory. In my territory, there are usually no other beast kings except me. However, sometimes, some magic beasts absorb enough magic to become new beast kings."

"After becoming a new beast king, they can choose to go outside to obtain their own territory, or they can choose to invade the territory of other beast kings and kill the beast kings to obtain their territory. That wind wolf king obtained enough magic and became the new beast king, and is my challenger."

No wonder it fought with the wind wolf king, it turned out to be because of the territory issue.

Chen Hao thought.

"Beyond my territory, there are also other beast kings' territories. Generally speaking, we will not step into other beast kings' territories. But if you need the magic crystals of beast kings, I can hunt them for you." The deep and rich voice of the Earth Bear King was very gentle, but the voice was full of unparalleled domineering.

He is worthy of being the Earth Bear King in the Beast King period, so domineering.

Chen Hao thought about it for a while.

Generally speaking, there is only one beast king in the territory of the beast king. If there is an Earth Bear King and then the wind wolf becomes the wind wolf king.

Two against one.

It seems to be a good idea.

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