I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 19 Five beast kings team up and reap rich rewards

Chen Hao said with a smile: "I don't need to be invisible, but your invisibility ability is pretty good."

When the Shadow Rabbit heard this, there was a touch of joy on its face: "It's all thanks to the master. Without the magic crystal that the master gave me, I wouldn't be able to grow into a Shadow Rabbit."

Chen Hao smiled: "Where did you learn the skills of flattering?"

Hearing this, Shadow Rabbit blinked: "This is not flattery, I am telling the truth."

When I heard it, it was true that if it weren't for me, it really wouldn't have been able to grow into a shadow rabbit.

Chen Hao smiled: "That's right. Okay, let's go have breakfast."

"Yeah." Shadow Rabbit was put down by Chen Hao.

It jumped up and down and ran back to eat.

Chen Hao looked at Shadow Rabbit's back and thought for a moment.

The Shadow Rabbit's combat power is very high at night. If the Big Wolf and the Shadow Rabbit can cooperate with each other to hunt at night, they will be absolutely powerful.

"Big Bear, is the beast king around here gone?" Chen Hao asked.

The big bear stopped eating. It raised its paw, wiped its mouth, and then looked at Chen Hao: "Yes, the Warcraft Forest is very big. There is a beast king's territory adjacent to the wind lizard king, and sometimes there is a beast king's territory." There are also other wandering beast kings waiting to find their own territory."

Chen Hao thought for a moment and looked at the big bear: "In this way, from now on, the big wolf, the second wolf, the third wolf, you, and the shadow rabbit will all act together. At night, you can cooperate with the shadow rabbit's invisibility and hunt together. This way The success rate will be much higher.”

The big bear was startled: "Are the five beast kings together?"

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Okay?"

Daxiong said: "Of course, the five beast kings can basically run around in the World of Warcraft Forest as long as they don't encounter the awakening stage of Warcraft."

"That's good." Chen Hao nodded slightly.

There are already five Beast Kings. With these five Beast Kings here, it is too easy to obtain the Beast King Magic Crystal.

Big Bear is like an experienced warrior. With three Wind Wolf Kings and a Beast King-level Shadow Rabbit, there is basically no possibility of anything going wrong.

Chen Hao had nothing to do, so he stayed in the wooden house and studied the porcupine.

The porcupine has been domesticated. However, this porcupine is similar to a combination of a hedgehog and a wild boar, and is slightly larger than the average wild boar.

It looks a bit fierce.

The porcupine is a mature monster, and it can also use its spines to attack from a distance...

"Long distance... This should be considered a medium distance. I guess this arrow can't shoot very far." Chen Hao sat in front of the wooden house and looked at the porcupine in front of him.

The porcupine raised its nose, sniffed Chen Hao's side, and then stared at Chen Hao, waiting for Chen Hao's instructions.

However, this porcupine has two huge tusks and looks fierce.

Jackalopes are cute, but this guy is not cute at all, it's more like a monster.

Chen Hao sat under the tree and looked at the porcupine: "Porcupine, if we want to talk about the difference between the Wind Wolf King and the Wind Wolf King, that is to say, it has dual attributes of earth and wood. In other words, do you know two lines of magic? ?”

When the porcupine heard this, it moved its nose: "Cuckoo..."

It makes a cooing sound, which is similar to the low sound of a pig.

"Hmm..." Chen Hao touched his chin and said, "I don't understand."

"Cuckoo..." The porcupine made a cooing sound again.

Of course Chen Hao still didn't understand.

"It's okay. When you become the porcupine queen, you can speak human language. Don't worry now." Chen Hao smiled, reached out and patted the porcupine on the head.

This guy is a bit ugly, but he has been successfully tamed now and is 100% loyal to himself.

It would also be a good thing to give it a boost of strength and add another beast king to yourself.

Because Chen Hao asked Big Bear and the others to hunt with the Shadow Rabbit at night, Big Bear and the others were also active outside at night.

It's early morning.

There are three moons hanging in the night sky.

The light produced by the moon shines in the World of Warcraft Forest, and the moonlight shines through the window of the wooden house into the bedroom.

Chen Hao was resting on the wooden bed.

"Master." Suddenly, a child's voice came.

Chen Hao slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw it, he saw a black rabbit flying in mid-air next to the bed, looking at him.

Eyes facing each other.

Chen Hao came back to his senses. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes: "Shadow Rabbit, are you back?"

Shadow Rabbit hummed: "Brothers Wolf and Uncle Bear are waiting outside."

Wolf brother?

Chen Hao was stunned for a moment, then thought about it.

In terms of age, Shadow Rabbit is indeed older than Wolf.

Although Shadow Rabbit's voice sounds milky.

Chen Hao got up and got out of bed.

When he came outside the wooden house, with the help of the moonlight, Chen Hao could see the big wolves waiting outside.

In front of the big wolves and the big bear, there are five beast king magic crystals of different colors.

The big wolf, the second wolf, and the third wolf were wagging their tails, sticking out their tongues, and looking forward to it.

Da Xiong was fine, just sitting quietly and looking at Chen Hao.

The three wolves spoke out: "Master, there is an Ice Snake King here, which I killed with my wind blade. How am I doing? Praise me! Praise me!" It waggled its tail as it spoke, looking very excited.

The voice of the three wolves is that of a young male.

Chen Hao was delighted: "You are great, Big Wolf and Erlang are doing well, and Big Bear is also great."

The three wolves were happy. They got up and jumped around Chen Hao, very excited.

Big Wolf and Second Wolf were full of joy.

Big Bear's expression remained unchanged, as usual.

Chen Hao was not in a hurry to put away the magic crystals. He took out the infinite food card and prepared food for them.

After they finished eating, Chen Hao turned them back into cards and put them in the book, letting them have a good rest.

Chen Hao turned those beast king magic crystals into cards.

He lit the fire in the wooden house and sat beside the fire.

He looked at the five beast king magic crystal cards in his hand.

[Beast King Magic Crystal] Magic crystal of Ice Snake King, water system.

[Beast King Magic Crystal] Magic crystal of Rock Monkey King, earth system.

[Beast King Magic Crystal] Magic crystal of Green Venomous Snake King, wood system.

[Beast King Magic Crystal] Magic crystal of White Jade Rabbit King, water and earth system.

[Beast King Magic Crystal] Magic crystal of Firefly King, light system.

"Five a day, that's a lot." Chen Hao muttered. He opened the book and put three of the cards into the book, leaving the magic crystal cards of the earth and wood.

Chen Hao looked at the two cards.

"The porcupine has both earth and wood attributes, which means that both cards can be used. Which one should I give it? Wood...? Well... the Earth Bear King is already an earth element, so let's give the porcupine the wood attribute." Thinking of this, Chen Hao put the magic crystal card of the Rock Monkey King into the book, leaving the Green Venomous Snake King card.

Chen Hao took out the porcupine card and threw it forward: "Transform."

The card transformed into the posture of a porcupine.

The porcupine appeared in front of Chen Hao, it raised its head and looked at Chen Hao: "Gugu..."

It made a gugu sound. Although it looked fierce on the outside, it looked very gentle when looking at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled: "Transform."

The magic crystal card of the Green Venomous Snake King transformed into emerald green magic crystal.

Chen Hao handed the magic crystal to the porcupine: "Eat it."

The porcupine looked at it, came over, sniffed it with its nose, then opened its mouth to hold the magic crystal, and slowly swallowed it.

Chen Hao smiled and said: "You can speak human language tomorrow. You can rest tonight and see you tomorrow morning."


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